The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 3310: Too much rice is not a good thing

In downtown Bangla, some Korean banks opened their doors early. Normally they would open the door at nine o’clock local time, but now they are one hour ahead of schedule, but within this hour, no Menglais came in. After nine o’clock, a Menglais who came in was only tentative. Asked some exchange questions, but did not exchange banknotes. This makes the lobby manager very anxious and dissatisfied. They are ready. They thought that after seeing those notices, a large number of Menglais would exchange the banknotes in their hands for new banknotes, so that the problem would be solved. But the problem is that no one comes at all now, which annoys the manager a lot.

In a cargo logistics yard, a large number of workers are anxiously waiting in line to receive their salary, and their salary is rice.

"This is the case today? Why do you have to pay in advance? I think the boss is not that kind of person." A Mengla person said worriedly.

"Is it okay to give it in advance? That time it was not what we really lacked. They would give us some food. I can't eat enough of that food. What should my family do? My children can only drink. Congee, porridge, they can't do anything." Another Mengla is really unfair.

"Brothers, this is not right. Paying wages in advance is a trap." At this moment, a Mengla person suddenly stood up and said loudly. I just inquired about the price of rice. They have fallen by 30%, and there is a possibility that they will continue to fall, but we need to do the same amount of work, and the drop in the price of rice means that we have done nothing. The boss who has earned a lot should give us more rice. "The Mengla yelled. Everyone was surprised to hear this. They had never thought about such a problem. But it did happen now.

The fall in the price of rice means that their labor has shrunk. The boss can make a lot of money. This is why the boss pays them in advance. This is a huge fact. Koreans import a lot of rice from Myanmar, and their rice is going to be moldy. Now that someone needs it. , Just sell it to them. The Chu country also needs to supplement such a large amount of food.

In this way, the impact on the Mengla people is quite large, because they are in the most core area, and their interests have suffered a great loss.

"No, we absolutely don't need this kind of rice. This is depriving us of the fruits of our labor. We can't do this." Hearing this, many people began to gather quickly. They oppose this dishonest behavior of the boss, because they hold only the previously calibrated rice, and there will be losses in the rice. For them, it is simply the most incomprehensible behavior.

When everyone was arguing, the grain shop in Bangla City was crowded with more people. They had too much rice in their hands. They needed to change something. Otherwise, the rice would go bad and I don’t know how. It's true that all places of work are paid in advance. In this way, everyone has extra rice in their hands. Many people in Mengla are calmed down from the excitement. They feel that this is a sadness. They think there is too much food. They took these grains to exchange for some other daily necessities, experiments, sugar, tea, and some other daily necessities, etc. However, now the price of food in Bangla City has fallen very sharply, because all the people in Bangla All the food has been sent out. There is as much food in the market as sand. At this time, all the Menglais panicked.

"I beg you. Exchange for some other things, cloth, or something else, it's fine, and a toothbrush will do." A Mengla woman pleaded. Things like toothbrushes are of no use to them, because Mengla people never brush their teeth. Only big businessmen and office workers use such things. They never use this thing. But now, it suddenly made them panic. They can only redeem this kind of things that don't seem to be of much use.

"It's useless. Now many people are redeeming. We only have food here, nothing else. Really." A Mengla guy in charge of the transaction shook his head helplessly and explained. His explanation was so pale.

"Then what to do? You must accept food." The person behind said anxiously. This was a good thing for them, but now it seems that more food is not a good thing. It is a disaster. Before, there was little food and people would starve to death. This was a disaster, but now there is more food. People will be sad, this is also a disaster, and the people in Mengla don't know how to describe the current situation.

"Perhaps there is only one way, and that is to save money. Only saving money can solve this problem." said the Mengla guy.

"I have already done this. Our boss asked us to exchange for paper money, new paper money, he can buy the same amount of food, and there is interest." Guy Mengla said with a smile.

"I'm kidding, can I still believe the paper money stuff? Yes. I use that kind of thing every day. When I shit, I use the largest denomination to wipe my butt." A vulgar man shouted with his yellow teeth To.

"Hahahaha." Hearing such words, all the people around laughed. They all regarded this kind of words as a joke, because when they ridiculed they would involve banknotes. In their opinion, banknotes are waste paper. It's not as easy to use as toilet paper. Before using it, they will rub the paper of the largest denomination for a long time. Only in this way can they be worthy of their ass. For banknotes, the Mengla people directly regard them as waste paper.

"This is not a joke. This is a new banknote. Look, this is the surrender of the Queen of South Korea. This is the Queen's banknote. It must pass everywhere. Here is Menggla, the mainland of South Korea, Zhang Xiongdao, and the distant ones. Sori, these banknotes must be used there. This is the Queen’s credit. This is definitely not something that several banks can do together.” The guy seemed to be greatly wronged, and he immediately removed it from his pocket. I took out the brand new large-denomination banknote. It was a light red banknote. It was eye-catching. There was also a woman's head with a crown. It was the head of the Queen of Korea. It looked very majestic. There are some numbers, these are face value, these banknotes will play a huge role in the circulation.

"Oh my God," some people said in astonishment. They suddenly realized at this moment. These banknotes may be the most valuable thing. With banknotes, they only need to save money. And there is interest in the bank, which is much more useful than storing large amounts of rice. But they have stored a lot of **** rice. These rice will be eroded and will be lost. Especially now, the rice will continue to fall. Before, three catties of rice can be exchanged for one catty of salt and half a catty of sugar, but now Five catties of rice can’t be exchanged for one catty of salt, and it’s useless if you sell more rice, because there are no goods to exchange in many places, which makes their plan much frustrated, and many people don’t know what to do. Up.

This is the drawback of bartering, but when a certain special commodity reduces the price, it triggers a series of chain reactions. This chain reaction will make everyone feel that this is a disaster, a huge disaster, and this is waiting. At this time, they need an equivalent currency too much. Gold and silver have been ruled out. Because only banks, parliamentarians, and businessmen have such things in their hands. Others have no such things in their hands. The only thing they accept now is banknotes.

On the street, a luxury carriage was wandering around the street, with a banker and his general manager sitting on it.

"See, this is chaos. More food is not necessarily a good thing, although they will not be hungry. However, people will think a lot if they eat too much." The banker said to his general manager. The general manager felt a little embarrassed by such vulgar words. It sounded like a slander or complaint.

"Sounds pretty bad, doesn't it?" said the banker, who looked at the same general manager.

"This, I feel this is a kind of wise saying." The general manager replied like this.

"Bullshit. In my opinion, those Menggla people are lowly Mengla people. We have proposed a reform plan to let them accept it smoothly. But now, they are unwilling to accept it smoothly. They are really a group of lowly people. When they are hungry, they go mad and go crazy, and there is more food. They are full. They do the same when they are supporting, a group of humble people.” The banker said with a disdain.

"How to resolve the current chaotic situation, chairman," the manager said while looking at the banker.

"It's very simple. Let them change into paper money, and they will change it." The banker said, looking at the chaotic Mengla people.

In fact, they have already done so. Although they are unwilling to accept a new paper currency because they were very disappointed with paper currency, it now seems that they feel that they should accept this new paper currency because paper currency is of great benefit to them.

"We want to change the money, can we change the food?" Many Mengla people rushed into the Korean bank. When the bank opened before, everyone didn't take it seriously. They would spit at the gate of the bank. In their opinion, it was the most evil place at that time, but now they have to come to the most evil place. The tall lobby of the bank has produced a great sense of coercion, which makes them have to be cautious, and they have to deal with it carefully. The bank makes things difficult for them. This is something they must accept, because the Koreans are telling them that you can't do without the bank, and you can't leave the bank forever. You have to do this.

The exchange of paper money became very smooth. This is the plan of the bankers to use a large amount of cheap grain to impact the entire grain-based monetary system. The monetary system established by the intuition of the Menglais collapsed, although this collapse did not occur. Hunger, but it is more terrifying than the panic caused by hunger, because it will make everyone lose hope in life. They are unwilling to lose such an opportunity. Therefore, there will be such a systemic collapse. They are now What needs to be done is such a state.

The behavior of Korean bankers seems so despicable, but it is very effective. A few days later, the paper currency exchange work had already begun on a large scale.

South Korea, Xinzheng.

"Very good. They did a very good job, so we should do this. We need these Mengla people to use our banknotes, not just Mengla, but more places, such as Karachi, if they can be used in that place. With paper money, the situation will be very good for us." Han Shu said happily. But she can't worry, because the implementation of banknotes requires a process, which may be slow, but it is very effective. This is Han Shu's method.

"Your Majesty, the intelligence collected from the Occupy Prussian State, the northern Indy, and the Yue State is very bad." The Defense Minister reported to Han Shu.

"Do the Indians and Yueshi people still want to attack Occupy Putrajaya?" Han Shu asked.

"Yes, they definitely don't want to give up. The Yue people help the Indians solve the Champa country. They will get a port area and build a port city there. In this way, they can have their own outlets instead of serious. Depends on Karachi, and they are very dissatisfied with Karachi." The Defense Minister said.

"This is normal. They also have their own interests and needs, they also have such requirements, and both sides have such requirements, so they will naturally ask for it, but they should not target the Occupy Putrajaya. But I want to tell you. Yes, we have a bottom line. Just stick to the bottom line." Han Shu said.

"This, what we worry about is whether it was granted by the Qin State to do so. In this case, we." The Defense Minister said worriedly. They are worried that Qin will do this. In that case, it means that they can't fight each other well. In that case, they will have to pay a high price, which is unbearable for them.

"It's unlikely. What I know is that the people of Qin tried to transport some oil from Yuezhi to Qin through Karachi before, but the problem was that they did not succeed, because Karachi and Yuezhi would continue to increase their tariffs. In other words, it is a burden and a dissatisfaction. The people of Qin have done nothing to Yueshi’s move, but I think they are already very angry. I can feel the anger. If it is me, I They will do the same too. These Yue people are too disobedient. They are nothing." Han Shu said.

"We insist on our bottom line, that is, Champa and Prussia are ours. If the Indians send troops, we welcome them, but if they occupy Champa and do not leave, we will send troops. We only hit their border issues. It's okay. It's our bottom line. They definitely let them cross this bottom line, understand?" Han Shu said to his defense minister.

"Yes, Lord, I understand." The Minister of Defense nodded and said he understood. Qin and South Korea have long had an agreement on the issue of occupying the population. The occupying nation is owned by South Korea, and Indy is owned by Qin. The current border between Zamp and Indy is divided by the powers of the two countries. The dividing line is a line that the two sides cannot cross. In this regard, the two sides cannot even conduct trade, but this does not hinder the smuggling trade. However, the power of the two countries cannot enter the two countries. The influence is relatively weak, and the Indians are very dependent on the Yueshi people, and it can only be said to have an influence on the Qin State. The South Korean side also encountered this problem. They had a great influence on Bangla, but they had their own independence for the Champa country. Their influence on South Korea was dispensable. Prussia has now become a vacuum zone between the two big powers. If it weren't for such a vacuum zone, the two countries might have great frictions.

However, the restless Yue people plan to take some measures. They encourage the Indians to make some abnormal actions, and these actions cannot be interfered by the Qin people. However, the Koreans have nothing to do with the Champus. However, there has long been a division of spheres of influence between the two powers. But these Indy, Yueshi, and Zhanpu countries didn't know that their own actions would cause them a lot of trouble, but they didn't realize it.

Qin State, Xianyang.

"The Koreans insist on their bottom line, but the Yue people don't know this. They are still actively preparing for the war. It is said that they have established a lot of military factories in the Indian border area, and they want to produce quarterly." Meng Yi reported to Shang Wen.

"It seems that they don't plan to stop the offensive plan." Shang Wen said after listening.

"Yes, they are actively preparing. They have produced a lot of rifles. It is said that they have also temporarily recruited three infantry regiments, and a cavalry regiment is also actively planning. They have also established an artillery factory to produce artillery. In India On the ground, more troops may be formed, and they seem to be planning a big fight." Meng Yi said.

"What is the attitude of the Koreans and do they have any plans?" Shang Wen asked.

"They said they are willing to stick to our previous agreement. They take the agreement as the bottom line and never cross that bottom line. Once they cross it, they will become very troublesome. They said they understand this." Meng Yi said.

"Do we take some measures? Maybe we can limit the material sanctions on the Yueshi people to achieve this." Meng Yi said to Shangwen.

"No, I don't think this is a good way. Moreover, this method has a certain awfulness. Let them do it. We will find a way to solve this problem later. They will understand that they have encountered a problem." Shang Wen thought for a while and said. To. Shangwen felt that after the war, he decided to take measures after seeing the attitude of the Yueshi and the Indians after cooperating. That would be the most beneficial to Qin.

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