The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 3311: Love a few people's mine

The Red Sea, fifty nautical miles south of Suez City. The Korean patrol ship Passion is floating here. It's just floating for them, no sails are used. In that case, they will become uncertain, because if the speed is too fast, they will encounter **** mines. South Korean naval personnel, they are sure that there is such a thing. In order to reduce the risk, they specially arranged a few small boats to advance in front of their ships. In this way, as much as possible to ensure the safety of their ships.

"Damn it, it’s better to be careful. Just like yesterday, when it was getting dark, a small boat was blown up suddenly. The ghost knows what we will encounter, **** it, if I didn’t see it with my own eyes, I It's really hard to believe that there are such weapons." Zheng Long looked at the calm sea with his binoculars. One of their small boats encountered such a situation before, and the sailors on the **** small boats did not report it. Then they were all killed. The boat nearby did not see what happened at all because of the darkness, which made them feel very annoyed and uneasy. Anyway, after such a thing happened, many people became extremely nervous. They finally realized that Aijiguo had invented something similar to their mines, even though they didn't know what it looked like? But he does exist, which has to make them slow down and deal with it more carefully, because they are facing a weapon that is difficult to determine.

"Hi, here. There is a situation here." Just then. There was a signal from the boat in the direction of twelve o'clock, and the sailors shouted loudly.

"There is a situation, sir." The first officer took a binoculars and quickly looked over, and the captain Zheng Long also quickly looked over. He felt that this **** weapon should be exposed this time. Thinking of this, he was very excited. He felt that he should be able to catch the opponent this time.

What the captain saw in the telescope was three large floating wooden barrels with a few long wooden poles inserted in the barrels. This kind of thing was strange, but the shape was indeed the same as the mine they described. At least they all have tentacles, which is the same as the principle of sea mines.

"Sir, what should we do?" the first officer asked.

"Damn it, let the old sergeant go down. They should handle these things and remove the fuze. It's better for us to get a sample. Hurry up." The captain ordered.

"Yes, sir, I will do it." The first officer immediately ordered, and some sailors shook their heads. Obviously, they were very tired of such a dangerous task. At least no one wanted to provoke bombs.

Soon, the ship that found the mine went to other places. They wanted to make sure whether there was such a thing in other places, and a small boat was slowly approaching. They are all made up of experienced sergeants.

"Damn it, sir, I, I'm a little scared." Private Agui said worriedly. He was very worried that the boat he was driving was blown up by the detonated mine. He saw the person who was blown up yesterday, half of his body was directly killed and wounded, and then the sea was full of pieces of meat. He was also responsible for salvaging them. The officer asked them to look for them piece by piece, which was a very disgusting matter. Because he found half of the exploded liver, he didn't know who owned it. In short, he felt that he might encounter such a scene today, and there were such images everywhere in his mind, which made him feel very nervous.

"Don't be afraid, you won't feel pain when you die. If a bucket of explosives is all black powder, you might keep a part of the body. Although it doesn't look like a human being, you still have it. "Sergeant Chen Erdao said with a smile. Others call him the second sergeant.

"Sir, please don't say anything. I feel. I'm going to be blown to death." Private Agui said worriedly. He is a hapless guy, because he is very simple and honest, so many veterans bullied him. This time he was pushed out to drive the boat. Because the sergeants wanted to keep their physical strength to dismantle the mines, he was responsible for responding, which made him want to die Heart, because this is too scared.

"Okay. We won't tease you, you don't have to come close, just don't touch those **** mines. We will swim to solve the problem, and the shaking of the ship will be more troublesome." The sergeant said.

"Have you heard? Boy, we don't need you to go. Although this thing is loaded with black powder, it is powerful enough. It is enough to tear people within ten steps of him into pieces, so this kind of thing, you are the most It’s good to do less. Just look at it, don’t be too far away, we can’t bring more tools to the past.” Sergeant Erdao said. Then they signaled the privates to stop the boat, and then they began to slowly water, carrying some small rucksacks and passed.

Second-class soldier Agui was afraid of death. After hearing that they were performing such a complicated and dangerous task, he felt that half of his life had been thrown here. Fortunately, there are old soldiers who will do it. They are experienced and they will do better. Agui sincerely prayed that God would bless them to come back safely.

"It seems that the problem is very big. The three mines are involved in each other. We must separate them and not let them lean too close to us. Otherwise, they will trigger each other." The Second Sergeant said. The sergeant approached carefully, he and a corporal cut off the ropes of the other two mines, and then they could spread these things apart. The sergeant went to deal with a mine. He wants to take down the other party's fuze. Only in this way can their safety be guaranteed. This is what he has to do. These things cannot be left to others, only he can do it himself.

When he came to the big mine, he felt very strange. The mine was made of a large wooden barrel made by Koreans and Chu people. Obviously, this was made by Koreans and Chu merchants. Masterpiece, they smuggled black powder, maybe even sold the formula of gunpowder to each other. These **** merchants sell everything to each other, as long as they have enough profit, it is estimated that even their parents will sell them. They are such people.

Fortunately, the other party did not export more powerful explosives to them. Otherwise, they would have no chance of surviving at all. They might not even be able to find the corpse in the end. That would be the most powerful explosion. But this can no longer make the sergeant be careful. He leaned forward carefully.

The whole body of the mine is black. If it is too far away, it may become the same as sea water. Then the impact result will be black paint and sticky stuff. The sergeant touched it. It is asphalt. Asphalt is waterproof. Obviously this is because I love a few people to seal the barrel with asphalt. Those little tentacles are made very delicately and look like flutes. Unfortunately, they are life-killing things.

The sergeant checked around, and he decided to start from below to see if he could disassemble these things. He was soaked. Not only the sea water but also sweat. He felt very thirsty. This was because of tension. What he wanted to dismantle was the mine that could blow him into the sky.

"Damn it, I'm crazy." The sergeant scolded himself, and he felt crazy about it.

After clearing a piece of asphalt, the sergeant used a bayonet to break open a small piece of debris. He looked inside, there was a large amount of gunpowder, and there were some flintlock firing devices inside, just like flintlocks, like a lighter, just touch those The tentacles, and then collide with the spring, can detonate a bigger explosion. This is the most terrifying kind of explosion. The result of the explosion will make everyone feel very crazy.

"Damn it. They are so smart." Seeing these mines that could be triggered by a slight collision, the sergeant swallowed his saliva, his throat became dry, and he felt that he was about to collapse. I really don't know what I should do.

"How is it?" the captain asked the first mate with the telescope.

"I don't know, sir, the sergeant just removed some dark things. I don't know what it is, but I think it must be part of the mine, which must be very important." The chief officer explained. The captain felt that he was nervous, and he felt that he was able to do this very well.

"Let's wait." The captain looked at it and said.

"I need someone, come here. Come here." The sergeant shouted loudly. The sergeant motioned to Agui to come to his side, then he let go of the mine over there, and then went to the sergeant. He didn't know what trouble the sergeant was in, but it was definitely dangerous. Otherwise he won't let himself pass.

"Look, what shall we do? In such a situation, it is impossible for me to touch those organs at all." The sergeant signaled that they were soaking in the sea, and the shaking environment would not stabilize them at all. It greatly makes them unstable, which will trigger mines, and their situation will be very bad.

"What about this?" the sergeant asked.

"I don't know, I can't think of a good way, but I have a very stupid way, but it needs two of us to complete it, I hope it will be very effective." The sergeant said.

"What way? Let's talk about it, maybe we can only solve it this way." The sergeant said.

"Pour the sea water in. He is made of wood. You can see it. This is all asphalt. We carefully cleaned the asphalt. Then we opened the opening and poured the sea water in. In this case, the gunpowder was poured in by the sea water. , He naturally went out of effect, our situation can only be like this." The sergeant said.

"Well, I can't think of a good solution above, only that. I hope this method is useful. He can greatly help us solve this problem." The sergeant said.

"Well, let's just do this. This is the best way we have come up with." The sergeant said. Immediately they began to dry like this. The sergeant cleared a large piece of asphalt below, and then broke a large hole. A large amount of seawater entered the mine, and the gunpowder was eroded by the seawater. In this case, they would not be able to function. But in this case, the mines would also sink to the bottom of the sea. They fixed them to the rope, and Agui was called over and asked him to pull the rope. Agui was scared to death. He felt that he was so nervous that he couldn't do anything. He didn't know why the veteran would let him do such a thing. The sergeant looked at this situation happily.

"Damn, they were able to laugh. I simply doubted what they were doing." The captain looked at the pleasant sergeant and felt a little annoyed, but fortunately the soldier solved his problem.

Soon after, a mine soaked in seawater was sent aboard. Some sailors were still nervous, but after some explanation, they were not nervous anymore. They began to dismantle the mine with peace of mind. The rest of the mines were directly bombarded with artillery, or detonated with rifles. In this way, the secret weapon of Aijiren can not play their role.

Although Aijiren’s mines seem very simple, the principle is very simple, the principle of flintlock firing, as long as you touch some mechanism, it can cause the explosion of the mine, and this thing is very hidden, if not carefully discovered, it may be They won their trick, but it's all right now. They solved this problem, and they felt very relaxed about it. However, the invention and creation of Aijiren still surprised the Koreans. They thought that mines were just their invention patents. As a result, something like this appeared.

Mengla, the northern defense zone, the defense zone of the 17th South Korean Infantry Regiment.

"Go in." Two new soldiers from South Korea came to their chief's office with a prisoner full of scars.

"We don't keep prisoners. This is the order of the officers." A captain looked at the prisoners and said.

"Sir, he said that he has an important report." A soldier said.

"What's the situation?" the captain asked grimly. Obviously, the clues that the captive can provide make him unable to refresh himself.

"Sir, if I can provide so much information, can you guarantee the safety of my life?" the captive said. The opponent can speak the Central Plains dialect and is fluent, which may come from among the native soldiers. Because only the native soldiers will come into contact with Koreans every day.

"You are not qualified to negotiate terms. If you don't want to say, I don't need it. I can shoot you." said the captain.

"Yes, sir." In this way, the opponent revealed that he was a native soldier.

"Our people are starving crazy. Lack of a lot of food. We decided to attack your warehouse three days later. We learned from the smugglers that you built a large warehouse near the railway station. We rob your food and provide For our own use," the captive said.

"Anything else? This news is enough for you to eat and fight." The captain said while looking at the other party.

"Yes, there are. There are many more. They will launch attacks in other places first, causing feints and making you confused. Their main target of attack is your warehouse, because many people and our people lack food. They refused to carry out long-distance raids. The only way was to get close to the railway and attack from the shortest distance of the railway. There were a lot of people, more than 10,000 people, no, or more than 20,000 people, they are still gathering. I am Because we can't provide food, because we need to sell a lot of things to get food, but those officers simply don't care where we get the food from." The captive said.

"Can you be sure what you are saying is true?" the captain asked this question seriously.

"Yes, I'm pretty sure I can be sure that what I said is true, it's a very serious issue," the captive said.

"Okay. Tell everything you know. The more you say, I will not only guarantee your life. If you tell a lie, I will make you die in pain and fail. I will break it. Your bones, **** your bones." The captain warned.

"Gudong." The captive nodded in agreement, knowing that the Koreans would definitely do such a thing. He believes it will definitely do so. Therefore, he told the Koreans what he knew.

Most of the soldiers in the riots were deported to the north, and the north was lack of supplies, and they killed too many people, and there were too many refugees. They were not engaged in agricultural production at all. They lacked food and lacked too much. Food too. This will make them extremely unbearable. Under such circumstances, they simply can't bear such pressure. There are too many people. They don't have so much food to guarantee that they can all survive. Under the pressure of food, they decided to attack the Korean warehouse, which was their only important source of food. This may be very bold, but it can only be done like this. Because the relationship between the Zhanpu people and them is not very good, in the opinion of the Zhanpu people, the rioting soldiers are unorganized, they are not an army at all, they are chaotic, and the Zhanpu people try to establish a Zhanpu people. My own country, therefore, is extremely repulsive to the Mengla people. For these rioting Mengla people, they regard them as a bunch of rubbish, allowing them to fend for themselves. The riots become extremely unreliable and hopeless. This This is their worst place.

The South Korean War Department, regarding such information, the South Korean garrison in Bangla quickly reported to their chief. Their chief quickly reported to their commander all the way to the War Department.

"Our military deployment has not yet begun. On the front line, we only have three infantry regiments, and some other non-corps regiments are resting. In this case, are we a bit hasty." The Secretary of the Army's idea was simply to encircle the warehouse. . In this case, they will lose nothing.

"But sir, I think this is an opportunity. Although we need to transport a lot of soldiers, but this can encroach on the other side's many, many land and vitality at once, which is very beneficial to us." An officer suggested. To.

"You mean, ambush?" The Secretary of the Army quickly understood what the other party meant.

"Yes, sir, I think, only in this way can we effectively guarantee that our current situation is the most beneficial point for us." The other party said.

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