Qin State War Department.

"Sir, good news." A lieutenant officer placed a telegram in front of the army undersecretary.

"Our second wave of expeditions has reached the edge of Persia." The Army Deputy Chief said excitedly. That's it. The results of their Qin Jun's expedition are okay.

"We have to tell the minister this news, maybe he will be happy." The deputy commander of the army came to the minister's office with such a telegram.

The Secretary of the Army looked at the telegram calmly. He was also very excited about the content of the telegram, but now he is not excited.

"The prime minister's office just called. The situation has changed. The Shabbats and Shabbats know our purpose, and they propose a new plan. They hope that with this plan they can change their current situation." The Secretary of the Army telegraphed Said this after putting it aside.

"What's the plan?" Seeing that the Secretary of the Army was not as excited as expected, on the contrary, he was very calm or somewhat disappointed.

"They plan to send troops to occupy the northern area and the Caspian Sea area. They will concentrate their superior forces on the north and keep driving the Persians out of the north. This is the situation. If this is the case, they can get a lot of oil, and there are many oil resources. It’s terrible, and then through cooperation with the Dawan people, sell us the oil.” The Secretary of the Army said.

"The Prime Minister's Mansion, what does the Prime Minister's Mansion think?" asked the Army Deputy Chief.

"They think it can be done. The first thing they consider is the situation of the bank. This may be the only plan accepted by the bank. After all, this is a risk-free plan. With these oil resources, for example, we can spend a certain amount of capital. , To obtain the oil exploitation rights, and after the oil is extracted, we can get a lot of satisfaction. These are the first things that the Prime Minister's Office must consider." The Secretary of the Army said.

"The problem is, sir, our expedition in the north is meaningless. In this case, we will not be able to achieve our strategic goals." The Army Undersecretary said worriedly. In this case, the series of actions they held in the north will lose any meaning, and they will have no meaning. Under such circumstances, the loss will be too great for them.

"Therefore, we must reach our expectations as soon as possible, and we'd better be able to reach our goals before the Shabbat takes measures. This is the only thing we can do at the moment. This can greatly guarantee our resources. Superiority.” The Secretary of the Army said.

Qin's prime minister's mansion also felt a little caught off guard, because the Shah people adjusted their plan in time, and their offensive direction was re-adjusted to the north. In this case, Qin's original plan will continue. Qin State Bank only needs to maintain investment in this area. Although they would prefer to obtain the right to issue paper money from the newly established government of Shah, they would take a big risk because they did not know whether they would attack the north, and Shah was a barren country. In this case, their investment will become very passive. Under such circumstances, if there is a project such as oil, the project can make money on a large scale, and the bank can still make money. This way. Banks still invest more in this, because only after investment can all problems be solved.

The Secretary of the Army didn't know what the Prime Minister's Office continued to think about, but what he knew was that if this continued, the situation in their War Department would still be bad. There is a lot of uncertainty in their railway line itself. This is what the War Department is worried about. After all, they only consider the problem from the perspective of military security. They are different from the bankers in the Prime Minister’s Office from an economic point of view. Banks are from the perspective of individual economic interests, and they are only from the perspective of national security. This means that there is a big difference between the interests of the two parties. If you follow the idea of ​​the Department of War If they do, they will lose money and stay in an unfavorable situation for a long time. This is for the bankers' investment. It is the worst result. Therefore, the War Department's plan will not be activated for the time being. The efforts of the War Department were in vain.

Love a few ports. Armies from various countries began to gather here. A company of Zhao Jun arrived here. They deployed according to their tactical camp standards, and Wei's army also arrived here. They originally had two companies. Their officers encountered irresistible factors in the midway and died of unknown diseases. This is normal. They often encounter such and such things during the voyage. Their soldiers are not soldiers in the first place, and their sailing treatment is far inferior. Countries, therefore, the situation is still unfavorable to them. The original strength of the two companies ended up with more than 250 soldiers. This forced them to reduce their organization to the size of an infantry company.

They live in the core camp of the entire coalition. They lack tents, the soldiers are weak, and many people are still in a state of illness. This is simply the biggest evil result. Fighters from various countries look down on the Wei people, because in their opinion, the Wei people are here on vacation.

In the Chu army barracks, they have organized two infantry battalions. But their commander was unable to arrive for a long time. In this case, Zhong Limei became the supreme commander of the two infantry battalions.

"Sir, our two battalions are responsible for beach defense. Near the beach, we have built a series of barbed wire fences. According to your requirements, however, there are not many barbed wire fences. We only arrange them in some important areas." The lieutenant reported.

"Then you should strengthen your patrols in the rest. Don't let the Aiji people sneak attacks. Although we have Korean warships, their number is too small. The most important thing is especially at night, if they launch night attacks. , They are very familiar with this place, our situation is in trouble." Zhong Limei said after listening.

"But sir, our people feel that they are very tired. We have been building fortifications recently. The weather here is also very dry. Our food is not very good. Should we let those Yan people or Zhao Jun come to patrol us? In this case, we might be better." The lieutenant suggested.

"This is a security issue, not a national military issue. Can we leave our security to Zhao Jun to be responsible? If Zhao Jun thinks like us, what will they do? I have investigated, and the rest are equipped with flat bottoms. Boats, they can move along the coast, but our boats can’t. If this is the case, they can attack us. You'd better be careful. Otherwise, let me catch you and relax and you will be finished." Zhong Limei Speaking very bluntly. In his opinion, Chu Jun was still too loose. This is still the case of some elite troops. This made him feel very disappointed. He felt that the Chu Army should carry out a large-scale military adjustment. Or a military reform, because the quality of the army needs to be greatly improved. There is no alternative. The Chu Kingdom is still relatively large. They have a large number of overseas colonies, but the state of Chu does not pay enough attention to education. To receive education, only some businessmen, children of nobles, ordinary people need to spend three people a year's living expenses to provide the education expenses of an ordinary student. Educational expenses are a heavy burden for ordinary people, but they are enough to change their own destiny. As a result, the education level of Chu nationals is far lower than that of other countries. Under such circumstances, the educational quality of soldiers recruited by the army is still not tall. In the Chu army, a considerable proportion of soldiers still don’t understand characters. Only officers will receive a certain level of education. There are still some ignorance among the sergeants, or they don’t know many characters. Most of them don’t understand characters. Relying on one's own military experience to accomplish some tasks. Soldiers are very poorly motivated. In this way, the exemplary role of officers becomes extremely important.

This is also the most unhelpful way. Zhong Limei decided to go on patrol to check the situation in person, because the soldiers would desert themselves very unconsciously. This happened many times. These are all related to the education received by officers and soldiers. The control of the military's core values ​​is achieved through education. At this point, Zhao Jun and Han Jun are doing better. The Qin Jun’s level of education is very high. Even foreign soldiers must pass some written examinations before they can be promoted. Otherwise, they will have no chance of being promoted. Not only will they not be promoted, they will also be withdrawn from the Qin Army by the Qing. Yan Guo is also doing much better than Chu Jun in this respect. Their non-commissioned officers have to master at least 3000 characters of basic examination. If they can get some professional qualification certification, they will be given priority to be offered to study in military academy. They come out as military officers. Even if they have not graduated from a military academy, their professional qualifications can give them the advantage of taking great positions in the locality. All countries are professionalizing or semi-professional military personnel. In this case, military operations The quality is generally higher. They can complete some more complicated tactical actions, but for the situation now, these tactical actions are too complicated. Because they simply cannot understand the significance of such military tactics.

"Sir." In a Chu Army security post by the sea, a dozing soldier suddenly saw Zhong Limei and immediately stood up and saluted. The other soldier next to him was already asleep wrapped in a blanket. The snoring sounded loudly.

"Get up. Get up." The soldier kicked the opponent with his own foot. The opponent just turned over and continued to sleep with his own feet. In his opinion, it was time for a shift. But he was already asleep. If you change shifts, it’s okay to wait until the other person wakes up. After all, in their opinion, it’s just a different place to sleep.

"Pop." Zhong Limei lashed the opponent's body with a whip.

"Ah. What's the situation, gun, my gun." The soldier was awakened all of a sudden, and then hurriedly searched for his weapon. He thought he had been attacked.

"Zhang, sir." Under the shining of the steam lamp, he finally knew that his sir was here.

"Sir, sir." The soldier stood at attention.

"If I were the enemy, your head would have been gone. Next time I see something like this happen to you, I will give you a shot. Give him twenty whips." Zhong Limei said to the officer behind him . An officer recorded. Then looking at the other side poorly, the soldier also felt very helpless. Many people did this. How could he be so unlucky and encountered such a situation. He felt that he was really wronged.

"Go see the patrol team and see how they are doing?" Zhong Limei said and left the post. Two soldiers had to strengthen their guard, and one soldier had to face bitterly. Because he still has twenty whips and has not been punished.

"Sir." A lieutenant led a twelve-man patrol when he saw their chief come over to salute. They have a lot of torches, and they have laid out some mines in some important areas.

"How's the situation?" Zhong Limei asked the lieutenant officer, his men consciously alert. These are all arranged by the veterans, and their significance is to assist the officers in doing things that they cannot do. For example, when fighting, they will consider more practical situations.

"The situation is okay, sir, there is no surrounding situation. The storm is relatively heavy today. I think if I were a rest person, I would not launch an attack here. In that case, the guns in their hands would get wet." The lieutenant replied.

"You can't be careless. Such things happen often. If we are careless, we will suffer great losses. Do you understand? You need to be more vigilant. If you have any problems, you should shoot. It is to trigger greater alertness." Zhong Limei arranged To. And in the previous two outposts. The two soldiers discussed today's affairs pessimistically.

"It's really unlucky today, his mother, how come Zhong Limei saw it." The punished soldier said angrily.

"This officer is very powerful, and also very ruthless." Another soldier said carefully.

"I know. This guy is not a good person. I heard that this guy was sent here because he couldn't integrate with his superiors. Damn it, it’s really unlucky for us to meet him. It's better not to let me run into such things in the future, otherwise, I really have a hard time understanding what the other party thinks." The soldier said.

"Possibly, the sir has put our anger on us, right." Another soldier said.

"Damn it. Damn it. This guy. Damn it," the soldier said angrily.

"Speak down, maybe that guy is near us. In that case, we will have to suffer. This is definitely not the result we hoped for." Another soldier said.

"Shhh. Be quiet, I feel a little movement." At this time, the soldier who had been fined became alert.

"Turn out the lights." The soldier pricked his ears and ordered. Another soldier did not dare to neglect. They knew very well that in the dark night, the lights were simply the best targets. After turning off the lights, they immediately felt a sense of danger rushing toward their faces.

"I think it's dangerous, I need a shot." One of the soldiers had already started.

"Bang." A clear gunfire sounded from the shore. Zhong Limei was immediately aware of the danger.

"Bang. Bang." Then came the intense gunfire. The sound was loud and dull, it was the sound of flintlock.

"Damn it. There is a situation, hurry up, watch out, and fight back." Zhong Limei ordered immediately. They moved towards the outpost that had just come out to reinforce them. At the same time, inspect the surrounding situation, if there is an accident, it is nearby.

"Damn it. Damn it, I'm so unlucky today. Blood mold." The bullet was able to hit the sandbag. This shows that they are not very far from themselves, because the flintlock can't be shot far.

"Do this, we, do we fight back?" another soldier said. He loaded the bullet nervously, only when the bullet bumped. This already shows that the other party is very nervous.

"Go to hell." The opponent stood up and took aim with the rifle in his hand.

"Puff." A bullet hit the opponent's chest, and the bullet was ejected under the blood pressure.

"Damn it." The soldier looked at each other nervously.

"Bang Bang." At this moment, bullets were shot from a distance, and some riots occurred on the military camp, and there were also some explosions on the Korean military camp. For a while, the camp became a little flustered.

"Hurry up, retreat to the second line of defense and figure out the situation." Zhong Limei commanded the soldiers to retreat quickly. What they should do at this time should be to stabilize their front line, and absolutely can't give the opponent a second chance. The South Korean naval port also continued to explode. The explosion came from the sea. The fire from the explosion illuminates the situation there. It seems that some warships have been destroyed. This is for them. Very bad. It was terrible, but Zhong Limei couldn't manage such things at all, so Chu Jun himself couldn't manage them. Such a chaos continued until dawn, explosions, shootings, the roaring of soldiers, and the roaring of more officers. It seemed that the entire barracks was very chaotic, but most of the chaos came from themselves.

the next day.

"Sir, if we hadn't discovered it early, the loss might be relatively large. The Koreans suffered a relatively large loss. Several of their warships were attacked from the sea. A few people organized this attack. This time The offense went very smoothly. I love a few people." A lieutenant reported.

"Well, how much did we lose?" Zhong Li was looking at the results at dawn. On the beach, they killed more than 20 corpses of a few people who were too late to take away. They were not regular soldiers, but merchants. They are also well equipped, because the rifle has a bayonet. Usually the military does not do this.

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