"Sir, judging from the attack this time, it should not be the regular army of a few countries. Their offensive method has no formation at all." A Chu army lieutenant reported to Zhong Limei. Regarding this sneak attack, Zhong Limei asked Chu Jun to study it carefully to prevent greater panic. For example, Wei Jun scared these Wei Jun soldiers to run around at the beginning of the chaos. As a result, their team has not gathered now, and their chief has a headache about this.

"Merchants and armed forces are like this. If it is a regular army, what should we do?" Zhong Limei said to the lieutenant officer.

"This. Sir, we can't do anything. Our weapons are still relatively lacking, and the materials are still insufficient." The lieutenant knew Zhong Limei's thoughts. He is a proactive person and will never be passive like this. In that case, It is extremely unfavorable to the Chu army. He doesn't want to see this unfavorable situation continue, so he hopes to be able to do something.

"I know this. For soldiers to increase their vigilance, we must take some measures to prevent the crazy actions of a few people." Zhong Limei felt that they should take some measures actively when they come here, and they should not passively defend themselves. If this is the case, it is bound to be A situation that puts the coalition forces in a negative state.

Zhong Limei did not want to see such a situation happen, so he decided to launch an attack, or a sneak attack, but many situations were immature, such as intelligence and ships, which were immature. He knew how many people he loved in Suez. , But how far Suez City is from here, and how long they have to go forward, there is no intelligence support, which makes him very annoyed. Aggrieved, he was just a major officer.

Bangla. The parliament finally agreed to expand arms and prepare for war and regain lost territories. In response, the new Bangla government established a new department, the Ministry of War, which is mainly responsible for all related war affairs. Although it is very general, it is very effective.

"Purchasing war bonds is to ensure the maximization of returns." In order to show support for the war, the bank called on more people to buy war bonds. They declared that this was a huge patriotic act. They used their actions to actually repay their love. The motherland of Korea, in short, the Bank of Korea did everything possible to make the people of Mengla become passionate. But it is the interest that really attracts the people of Bangla, because they found that the benefits of buying bonds are more than they are depositing in the bank. This is a major discovery. They believe that bonds and saving money are the same, but they save money. It’s only on a regular basis. The longer they buy, the more they can make money. Thinking of this, some people in Bangladesh boldly buy war bonds. Although banks and newspapers repeatedly emphasized their patriotic behavior, they were actually For their own benefit, this is enough to attract more people to buy war bonds.

Just as lively as the war bond is the expansion of the army. A large number of Bangladeshi young people squeezed into the conscription station. They stripped off their shirts and showed their healthy muscles, indicating that they had no problem and could serve as soldiers in war. Many of the people in Bangladesh were poor. Most of them are engaged in manual labor. And the earning is not much. The salary of an ordinary soldier is twice as much as their hard labor. If they are promoted to a soldier's sergeant, they will be more. Even after retiring, they can enter the police system. , This is what they are most concerned about. After all, without such benefits, they will not be allowed to participate in the battle. Many people actively join the army for this benefit.

"Line up, line up." A sergeant chief swayed with his army stick, and from time to time some disobedient guys came up for a while. But many Mengla people are unwilling to abide by the rules, because if you follow the rules, you will lose an opportunity, jump in the queue, and the chaotic situation cannot be further controlled. This is for them. that's terrible.

The Bangladeshi government has decided to expand six infantry divisions, a special infantry regiment with a total of more than 80,000 people. If necessary, they will expand a supplementary force of 20,000. After all, there will be losses in war. This situation is completely possible. occur. They must deal with such a situation.

In the northern part of Bangla, in a warehouse at the train terminal, it is filled with grain, and more food is constantly being transported here. The 32nd Division of South Korea is stationed here. They are the worst Category C division. They can only perform some defensive tasks at most. This means that their troops are lacking, weapons and ammunition are not sufficient, and morale is not good. Some of them are recruits. Among them, there are soldiers from the Bangla New Army, which means that their defense is not very strong. It is a big mistake of the South Korean War Department to station such a force on the front line. They should at least add it. A Division A division is stationed here.

South Korea’s divisions are divided into three classes. Class A, Class B, and Class C are the worst. They usually perform defensive tasks. At the same time, they will select and transfer some outstanding soldiers to supplement the two types of combat troops, Class A. There are two troops. One is fighting outside and the other is stationed in the country. They are all elite troops. Class B divisions can also perform combat tasks. Most of them are conscripts. They have three divisions. All three divisions are fighting outside. They will be attached to some subsidiary units, such as the army of Bangla, etc. They are mainly engaged in some offensive tasks, and the equipment is fairly good. Of course, there are some disadvantages. For example, they have the worst military discipline after victory, and they often cause trouble. In the Kingdom of Seth, they abducted a lot of women from Seth people. The Seth people protested extremely. They were very dissatisfied with the attitude of the Koreans and were unfriendly. However, you control these troops. No, because South Korea still needs them to fight. Only in this way can the soldiers maintain sufficient combat effectiveness. Otherwise, they will be suffocated.

Their numbers are also very characteristic. For example, from one to ten, these are the elite unit numbers. Ten to 20 are Type B units. Units beginning with three are basically Type C soldiers. Usually these soldiers will only The colonies are domineering, they are just like troops, because many of them are not suitable for war.

Inside the headquarters of the Thirty-Two Infantry Division.

"Sir, our three regiments have been transferred back. They are responsible for protecting all our warehouse areas, but in this case, our surrounding defense capabilities will be greatly reduced. If the rioting soldiers attack from the two wings, our Circumstances. Will be surrounded." Major General Zhang Qian reported to the Chief of Staff worriedly to his chief. He himself dislikes this infantry division very much, because the military discipline is extremely lax, there is no way, they are some gangsters, arrogant guys, some of them are the children of merchants who have paid to buy military officers. South Korea The military is not a place that is not corrupt. For example, the Class C division is such a hard-hit area. Because they are a defensive force, they are unlikely to encounter a war. Therefore, the vacancies of these officers are sold to the children of wealthy businessmen, because they hope that their children can seek an opportunity to serve the country by serving as soldiers, and then through the army. Fang's way of entering the place of congressman is precisely because of this, the officers of the War Department threw some uneasy rogue soldiers, conscripts, and problem soldiers here. In their opinion, this is the most reasonable. Arrange a place. Their preparations were not very complete, and they even had no designations and no equipment. The existence of troops, for example, originally had some heavy machine gun company formations, but it hasn't been there yet.

"Our task is to defend the warehouse, according to the report of the Ministry of War. The **** native soldiers want to make our minds. We must strengthen our defenses, be careful, be careful." Division Commander Zhang Qian said. He felt very embarrassed when he received such a task, or he wanted to quit his post immediately, because it was an impossible thing. He knew too well whether their troops could fight. Because they are a group of guys who eat and wait to die, it is impossible for them to fight. This is the reason for his opposition, but his officers didn't care about it at all, especially the War Department. They believed that a Class C division should be able to withstand the opposing force's strong attack. In this regard, they are very satisfied. As everyone knows, this is hurting them.

"Sir, is this the rhythm of the battle?" Colonel Song Ken asked. He is a responsible soldier, and his 331th Regiment is the core of the entire 32nd Infantry Division. Without this infantry group, the 32nd Infantry Division might really not exist. Because they have only three regiments, the entire division’s strength is only a little over 5,000. The three infantry regiments are not full of 2,000 soldiers. It can be seen how serious their situation is. They have a division. It is not as good as a brigade of a division A division. In Korea, only division A has a brigade division, and division B also has a brigade division. However, it is only a separate brigade, and they obey each other when necessary. In most cases, they still exist alone, for example, riding brigades in mixed formations. They only obey the existence of Class B troops under special circumstances, otherwise, most of them exist alone in combat.

"Yes. That's it." The teacher glanced at the other person, then nodded. He knows that the burden of the other party is particularly important, because the situation of each regiment is too clear.

"Sir, how many people are there?" Song Ken was here to participate in the defense meeting, and it took them more than seven days to complete the change of defense. Normally, the second-class troops are ready in three days. And they are more than seven days old, some of their troops have not even fully constructed defensive positions. Fortunately, there are defensive positions nearby. Otherwise, the situation is really not good for them.

"About 20,000 people, maybe more. Their weapons are flintlocks, or more advanced fixed-load bullet rifles, with limited range. The threat to us is not very high." Division commander Zhang Qian said more easily. . He didn't think there was any need to be so nervous.

"Sir, I don't think this situation is very good." Song Ken said.

"You know, our people’s situation, their will to fight is not very high. And I have investigated, the local soldiers in the riots have been starving crazy. They are a group of real thugs, and our people, they just A group of sheep has never been on the battlefield. If they launch a wave of crowded tactics, we will not be able to withstand it. This kind of tactics have appeared before, and as long as they are launched frantically, no one will withstand it. "Song Ken said.

"Yeah." Zhang Qian nodded, he knew this too, but the task above was to make him defend. Instead of letting him launch an offense. Keeping here, his mission is pretty good.

"What can you do?" Zhang Qian asked his subordinates. He also knew what kind of situation he was facing. It was impossible for an infantry division like him to defend himself. He still waited honestly. The suggestions of others are better.

"Stop delivering more materials and dispersing materials. If necessary, we must abandon this place. Those materials and dump a lot of fuel. We can't hold it here." Song Ken said pessimistically.

"Some are too pessimistic." Zhang Qian said reluctantly. He felt that no matter how bad their army was, they could repel an enemy attack. But Song Ken's idea was to retreat, and he had to ignite a large amount of supplies before leaving. This situation was too unacceptable for him as an officer. He will never allow this to happen. He felt that this was an insult to himself.

"Sir. We can't hold here at all. You can see how bad our situation is by looking at our combat troops. We have our own reasons for our difficulty holding here, and my opinion is that we should do a good job. The preparations for retreat, otherwise, we might not have time by the time. In that case, it would be bad for us. What we can do is not to throw away a large amount of food to them, otherwise, the full-fed soldiers are like full-fed wolves. , They will kill us alive. Moreover, they are now a group of hungry wolves, and we have no defense against this." Song Ken said sincerely. Category C units are not capable of combat, because they have not endured a single battle, and he didn't know that the War Department was crazy. Still getting nervous. They even arranged such troops near the warehouse. Perhaps, in their opinion, such troops are capable of fighting, but this only exists in theory, but the actual situation is not the case. Song Ken felt that he should retreat these troops and retreat to a safe distance, and he would definitely fight the opponent.

Just as the two officers were discussing related issues, a large number of rioting soldiers began to appear on the position of the 33rd Infantry Regiment. They were already starving. They simply cannot withstand the temptation of a large amount of food, and the Koreans have arranged the front-line warehouses very close. They can get the food they want as long as they go south and advance less than 30 highways. The temptation is too great. The native soldiers could not wait to launch an offensive. But before they waited patiently for the assembly of the troops, the intelligence of the Koreans is still good, because they did expect to gather more than 20,000 people at first, but in fact, many people got the news, they don’t need to be hungry. Up. Some hungry Mengla people followed, and the number suddenly exceeded 50,000. They swarmed out and rushed to the South Korean position.

"Damn it, can you see the people over there?" A corporal watched nervously as the crowd rushed towards their position. They are the defensive position of the 2nd Battalion of the 333 Infantry Regiment. They are an outpost. The officer was a businessman's son. Seeing such a situation, he was scared and speechless because he didn't know what to do.

"This, this. This is." The officer said in astonishment as he looked at what had happened.

"We don't know what happened, but the situation has happened, sir, what should we do?" A sergeant ran over and asked. He was a non-commissioned officer who was promoted to a conscript. Under this circumstance, he felt that they should hold their ground, but the officer must have firm confidence.

"This." The officer's legs trembled, already scared. He seems to have lost the possibility of escape.

"Damn it. How do you attack with so many people?" Some rogue soldiers had decided to give up resistance, and they decided to run away.

"Bang. Bang. Bang." Some soldiers still assumed their responsibilities. After all, they were soldiers. They shot decisively. Unfortunately, the distance was too far. In fact, this is not important anymore. Because the opponent has a lot of people, the accuracy of their shooting is not very important. As long as you hit the opponent crowd that is approaching, too many crowds are likely to be hit by a few unlucky people, and more people will be shot, but These are not very important. More than 50,000 people, those who were killed, were trampled to death by the people behind, even if they were seriously injured, the people behind could not take care of them. The most important thing is that there are quite a few people who lack weapons. They will **** each other's weapons, they will move on, food, this is their craziest place, what they need is food, not a **** battle, but only by fighting can they get food.

"Run." The hooligans showed their characteristics and ran away without firing a shot. Some soldiers dragged their rifles to run at first, but they saw people throwing weapons and belts in their hands. They threw away everything that was heavy. This was a burden on them. They can't wait to throw away their military uniforms now. In that case, they can reduce a lot of weight.

"Retreat, retreat." The officer finally gave his order. The order was to retreat, not to hold on to his position. The sergeant shook his head, reluctantly accepting such an order. This is not an order to retreat. It is a signal of defeat. Fortunately, they fired a few shots in the position, but just gave up their defensive positions, which is really unreasonable. But things have already happened.

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