The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 3317: All responsibility lies with me

"It's terrible. The rioting Mengla people are coming over like a flood. We can't withstand so many people. I saw the machine gunners of our battalion keep shooting. However, the people in front fell and the people behind People are still advancing. The impacted Mengla people are like a flood hitting a stone. They can submerge us in a blink of an eye. After knocking out two 100-round bullet belts, the machine gunner also gave up. No other rifles. The cover of the hand, his shooting is completely ineffective. There is no way, our only way is to retreat, no, escape. Many weapons are discarded. The artillery troops ran away before they could react. They also bombed themselves before. The artillery. I think if these artillery fire a few shots, we will not be run away like a hound chasing a rabbit.” A second lieutenant of the 33rd regiment wrote in his diary. In short, the entire regiment of the three-thirds regiment escaped. They did not have time to organize a decent resistance. A large number of weapons were left to the native soldiers in the Menggla riot. They were greatly encouraged by the sight of them assaulting a Korean position.

"Damn it. What's going on, a regiment unexpectedly caused the Mengla people to rush over." The teacher Zhang Qian was very annoyed. When he received the emergency telegram, he was very frightened. He really didn't expect it to happen. Such a thing. Song Ken, the head of the Trinity Regiment, had already brought a military police company to the front line of stability. The situation in the warehouse is really bad.

"Sir, we should pay attention to our words and deeds. Those Menggla people are also what we should pay attention to. After all, a considerable part of them will become our allies in the future." His chief of staff kindly reminded. Such remarks will hurt the people of Bangladesh.

"Okay. I see. I will handle this matter properly, but we must guard the warehouse. This matter is no longer a situation that our division can defend. Amplify the situation and report it to it. Let them send reinforcements, reinforcements, we must reinforce them." Zhang Qian said excitedly at this time. He really didn't know whether such a big situation could be produced only by relying on whether a 321 Regiment with less than two thousand people could withstand the enemy's attack.

South Korea, Ministry of the Navy. They welcomed a group of special guests, technicians from the Navy Department of Chu State. They are here to discuss some technology introduction, such as steam turbines. They know that steam turbines can provide good power and produce faster speeds. They need such a steam turbine too much. Although this project is not very stable in South Korea, the main reason is that the steam turbine is not stable enough and can provide very strong power in a short period of time. However, once a long-term voyage is carried out, their situation is not very good. This is very different from a reciprocating steam engine. Nowadays, all countries use reciprocating steam engines. This kind of steam engine is not very difficult and can be manufactured by all countries. However, the problem is that the parts are seriously worn out and problems are prone to occur. In contrast, the situation of steam turbines is much better. His power ratio is much larger, and the power provided is also very large. The Chu country is here to propose technical cooperation in this area.

"Steam turbine is one of our core technologies. This is an important stage of development for the Navy." A technical director of the South Korean Navy Ministry shook his head and said. He was opposed to the other party's introduction of steam turbines from the very beginning, because the Koreans of steam turbines have not yet fully grasped it, and they have encountered some problems. For example, for long-distance voyages, how larger and heavier warships can withstand such a large power output requires a process of decompression, which they do not handle well. Although this technology has been used, it is still a long way from maturity.

The Chu State saw the introduction of internal combustion engines. They needed to arrange more internal combustion engine technologies. Although they could directly provide some of these engines, the problem is that the current internal combustion engines, especially gasoline engines, generally do not have much power. In order to solve the torpedo speedboat project, in fact, they are more of an attempt to use internal combustion engines on warships. This is a very bold idea, but soon they were disappointed. The power of the internal combustion engine is not very large. In order to increase the power, they must continue to add more internal combustion engines, especially gasoline engines. This number may be very large. In this way, the entire tonnage of the warship will rise again. Otherwise, the increased power can no longer compensate for the increased weight of the internal combustion engine. This is a very immature idea.

I don’t know who proposed the idea of ​​using steam turbines. They think this is a relatively mature and reliable solution. In this way, they can use steam turbines to provide sufficient rated power to meet the power requirements of their warships and torpedo boats. .

"In exchange, we will provide a new type of weapon, a torpedo. Not a mine." Chu's technical representative said.

"Torpedo?" The South Korean technical representative asked curiously. He knew of such a weapon, but what kind of situation it was. They didn't know what it was. They just knew that this kind of weapon would be the best way to deal with Zhao's heavy armored battleship, because The heavy armored warships of the State of Zhao defend against weapons above and above the water, but below, they are not very high. In this way, they can completely solve such a problem, attack from underwater, and can easily destroy the opponent's heavy armored warship.

"Yes, we know that your South Korean side has been looking for a solution to the problem of attacking Zhao's heavy armored warships. We are also doing this. In fact, we are using new power to prepare against the opponent's heavy armored warships. We will use a The small speedboats that specialize in launching torpedoes approach each other at high speed and quickly, and then release the torpedoes. After the attack is successful, they will retreat, so that their artillery aiming speed will be reduced a lot. This is a huge revolution for us. Therefore, in this respect, we need new motivation to solve such problems." Chu State technical representative said.

"Can we look at the relevant technical information?" The South Korean technical representative seemed to be interested in asking. This problem has always plagued them. After all, South Korea is also looking for related solutions. Their problem is to use larger-caliber artillery to solve the problem, but this method is obviously a bit cumbersome. After all, they need to spend a longer time to solve this problem, but the Chu people took out a torpedo to solve this problem, which allowed them to concentrate more power to solve this problem.

The subsequent talks proceeded very well. Although the Chu State did not fully grasp the technology of torpedoes, the range is short, the manufacturing price is expensive, and the power is not great, but these are not the problems of South Korea. They feel that the introduction of such torpedoes The technology is quite okay.

Simultaneously. Another technology is also obtained through other technology exchanges. This kind of technology is submarine. Submarine technology was first used in Chu State, but it was not used in military operations. They just regarded it as a kind of exploration or play tool. After all, the submarine at that time was just a submarine. , There is no power to sail underwater. Although a steam engine was added later, the steam engine needs to burn a lot of coal. Under the sealed water, this oxygen consumption is very huge. Once the combustion is not sufficient, it is easy to cause serious problems. Carbon monoxide poisoning incident. In this way, the situation becomes very serious. But this kind of submarine has a lot of room for improvement. It's just that the Chu people don't have such technology for further improvement, but the Koreans have this ability. In exchange, the Koreans provided formulas, smokeless gunpowder and formulas for related production equipment. In this case, Chu’s artillery capabilities have been improved again, and they have further long-range combat capabilities. Their artillery and rifle The ability has been greatly improved.

The talks proceeded very harmoniously, and the two parties seemed to have the intention of further cooperation. After all, the Chu people got the technology they had never gotten before, which was perfect for them. The South Korean government is very distressed about this.

"They came too quickly. And the number is estimated to be around 50,000, which is more than we expected. Their tactics are extremely crazy, they are crazy attacks. Our defense there lacks enough ammunition supplies. And , Personnel, training, and war experience are all inadequate." The Secretary of the Army said nervously. When such a thing happens, he knows that explanations are unnecessary. Excessive explanations will only make things worse, but there is no way. He must do this. Only in this way can he solve the problems encountered in the future.

"There are still many problems we need to solve." Han Shu glanced at the Secretary of the Army with an angry look. She originally thought that arranging a Category C division there would be enough for a great defensive role, but now she finally understands What kind of combat power is a Class C division? They are simply a bunch of trash that can't be done. This is Han Shu's first feeling. And this kind of result is their own War Department. They are negligent in management and have not solved this kind of thing very well. This has led to this kind of thing happening. Han Shu felt very dissatisfied with this.

"This." The Secretary of the Army didn't know how to explain it. He knows that he must be over this time.

"My lord, the most important thing at the moment is how we should solve the current situation. We must know that we are still facing an extremely complicated situation." Zhang Liang said at this time. He knew he couldn't do without the Secretary of the Army.

"Yeah. That's right, we still need to solve the current problem." Han Shu said.

"The frontline commander sent an opinion that they should give up a large amount of stockpiled materials because they simply can't hold it there." The Secretary of the Army said helplessly. This is the actual situation on the front line, and he can only think about it like this.

"Giving up? How is it possible? We finally built a line of defense there and let us give up. This is absolutely impossible. What should I do with the large amount of materials hoarding there?" Han Shu heard the decisive objection here, because of those It took a long time for the materials to reach such a state. Asking Han Shu to give up now is simply an unbearable result.

"We are unlikely to discard so many supplies, absolutely not, let the front line keep it there for me." Han Shu said very hotly. For such a result, she is really unacceptable. But it must be accepted.

"My lord, this is unlikely. There is only one infantry division on the front line, and that infantry division has only 5,000 personnel. I am afraid that there are less than 3,000 personnel who can participate in the battle." Zhang Liang said from the side.

"The attacking enemy is 50,000 people, and once they know that they have broken through our line of defense, we can't resist it at all. Our only solution is to retreat to a place where it is difficult for the enemy to attack us. That place is like this. Situation." Zhang Liang said calmly. Han Shu calmed down a little. At this time she needed a situation to solve their current situation.

"Are there no reinforcements nearby?" Han Shu seemed to want to try such an effort. He knew that doing so would mean giving up, giving up a large amount of hoarded materials, which was too difficult for them. This is a result that they absolutely cannot believe.

"No, my lord, there is not a small amount of troops nearby. There are only a few new Bangladeshi regiments that have been reorganized, but they are being expanded and their combat effectiveness is seriously declining. Under such circumstances, investing them in will cause big problems. We may eventually lose such a position. This is the worst result." said the Secretary of War. Han Shu's intention is obvious, that is, to involve the Bangladesh New Army Infantry Regiment, which is being expanded. Although their defense can play a great role, they still can't solve this problem.

"Burn. Burn those materials, save our military strength, let them retreat, order the nearby Bangladesh New Army infantry regiment to go north quickly, establish a stable defense line, and at the same time, let some of the expanded New Bangladesh Army immediately Intensify training, shorten the training period, and let them go into battle immediately." Han Shu thought for a while and said. Han Shu, who calmed down a bit, immediately realized the seriousness of the problem. If an infantry division were really eaten, their situation would only get worse. First of all, it will cause serious consequences in the colony. Secondly, this time they have to use the new Bangladeshi army to make them play a role. Finally, they have to solve some problems, that is, the problem of their army forces, and let them play some new things. The problem is the solution to the problem.

Han Shu had to make adjustments in this regard. For the affairs of Mengla, using Mengla people to solve them is the best way. Koreans do not need to shed too much blood for Mengla people.

Qin State, Xianyang, Prime Minister's Mansion.

Meng Yi seriously put a telegram in front of Shang Wen's desk.

"The people of Yueshi are crazy. They imported more than 120 new rapid-fire guns, and more than a thousand grenadiers. This kind of weapon is light and easy to be equipped with on a large scale. In addition, there are For some water-cooled machine guns, the order has been given to us, and we have delivered part of it. In addition, they need to build a lot of new ammunition factories and other factories. They are doing this." Meng Yi said.

"What do you mean?" Shang Wen asked after reading it.

"I think this means a large-scale military mobilization. The Yueshi and the Indians may adopt a new military plan. They will definitely launch a crazy attack on the Zhanpu people and the rioting native soldiers. As for the time, how to start, these are some actions that we cannot control." Meng Yi said.

"Look at this, this is the situation that we have just received from the new South Korean side. The situation is very bad. If a Korean infantry division does not retreat in time, it may be too late." Shang Wen said The telegram was handed to Meng Yi. Meng Yi quickly read it. He felt that this kind of thing happened too suddenly, but it was unexpected at all. After all, such things can easily happen.

"What I am worried about is that at this time, the Yue people and the Indians stepped up to buy a large amount of arms, which means that they are going to enter the Champa country." Shang Wen said.

"Our attitude is directly related to the development of their fighting situation, which is very important to us." Shangwen said.

"This may be good news for Koreans. Good news." Meng Yi said.

On the front line of Mengla, the fighting was extremely tragic, and the 32nd Infantry Division used all their weapons. Song Ken shot several officers himself to stop the situation.

They re-entered their positions, but by this time they had already lost too many defensive opportunities. And the offensive days of the Mengla were too crazy.

"The situation is terrible. We can't kill only the Mengla people no matter what. They rushed over like sea water and couldn't stop their attack. Many of them have no weapons, and our machine guns can't kill them. Many machine guns. The barrels of the guns were all red, and the water evaporates and the problem cannot be solved." Song Ken found his officer to describe the situation on the front line.

The South Korean army is equipped with advanced rifles. Their rate of fire is very fast. They can shoot 20 to 30 rounds per minute. The rate of fire is very fast. The theoretical rate of fire for machine guns per minute is 600 rounds, but that's it The killing speed still couldn't stop the crazy attack of the Mengla people, and they couldn't withstand the crazy attack of the opponent at all.

The person in front was killed, and the person behind continued to charge, stepping on his own body. He didn't know what kind of will made the opponent launch such a crazy suicide attack. He really didn't understand the meaning of this suicide attack. What is it. The changes in the situation did surprise many people, and it is difficult for them to solve such problems.

"Burn it, even though we haven't received the order yet. Burn it, all responsibility lies with me." Zhang Qian said helplessly.

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