The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 3319: Stabbed in the back

In the Bangladeshi government, the new chief executive, Zhang Dian, sat in his office chair and watched the ministers and their assistants busy here. The war came too fast, and Bangla did not make adequate preparations. Fortunately, before them, the banks underwritten a large number of war bonds, and there was no problem with funding. The Minister of War also coordinated all aspects of affairs in the first time to sort out. , In order to respond to normal emergencies in a timely manner, and there is a war that should have occurred.

When the battle came from the front line, he was personally shocked, because it happened so suddenly. They didn’t know it beforehand. They had to know that their army had just begun to assemble. Some combat regiments began to accept some recruits. A large number of recruits now don’t even have uniforms. They are undergoing medical examinations. Major Bangla merchants are trying to get approval from him. . Because this is a government procurement, which can make them a lot of money, many people are staring at this order. They are as annoying as hungry wolves. No, it should be a fly.

"Oh. God." An assistant came in and handed a telegram to the Secretary of War, which made him feel very bad. He shook his head and walked to Zhang Dian helplessly. This was the only thing he could do.

"Sir. There is a bad thing." The Secretary of War said helplessly. He turned out to be a business assistant to a businessman, but in fact, he is more of a project planner and a great hand in handling affairs.

"Let's talk, I can accept even the worst things." Zhang Dian's face was gloomy, and it would be difficult for him to have a good face when such things happen. After all, the war is coming.

"The 32nd Infantry Division in the North is igniting the large amount of military supplies, food, clothing, and some ammunition that are stockpiled there." The Minister of War reluctantly told the other side the news. But Li Dian just took the telegram and read it. Then take a deep breath. Obviously, the news is still a big blow to him. The Minister of War looked at Zhang Dian. He didn't know what to say.

"These **** guys, they can't even look at the warehouse, they knew I wouldn't be like that. These **** guys." Zhang Dian was still very angry. Those hoarded materials could at least be used by them for five infantry divisions. In order to effectively solve the problem in the north, they had to hoard a large amount of materials. What they did not expect was that these materials caused them a lot of trouble. This is the situation. The situation of the war has made them very passive.

"Sir, I think we should pay attention to such things. We should solve more current problems. In this way, we can solve the current problems. Besides, the local side hopes that we can deploy more troops to support. This is war. Order." The Secretary of War said.

"Well. It can be done, but you still need to solve it yourself how to organize it. The help I can provide is still very limited. After all, this war is more costly to us." Zhang Dian said.

The function of the Minister of War is equivalent to that of the local Minister of Defense, but his duties have become more detailed because he needs to be specifically responsible for war affairs in a colonial area. This is a big test for the Minister of War. So far, their headquarters has not been established, and many troops don’t know whose command they follow. This is the worst thing for the Secretary of War.

A small town in the north, a small town built next to the newly constructed northern railway, Tula, originally this was an abandoned town, but because the railway reached here, the town suddenly became active because a large amount of materials were also hoarded Here, this is an important transfer station. The 3rd Infantry Regiment of the Bangla New Army is stationed here. They are here, mainly for some temporary rest. The previous battles cost them a lot. The whole regiment has four thousand and five. Hundreds of people, this is a large infantry regiment, but now, they only have more than two thousand one hundred people, and they have lost half of their troops. The above also provided them with a large number of recruits in a timely manner. These recruits let those who have experienced the war. The veteran was very dissatisfied. Because the recruits don't know anything, they still need to train them to become veterans, which is one of their most annoying things.

"Our situation is very bad. Half of the soldiers in the whole regiment are recruits. The morale of the battle is relatively good, but the weapons are relatively lacking. One third of the recruits have no weapons, and the heavy weapons in the reservation have not appeared. The order has been issued. Now," Wei Xin said to the Mengla staff Curry, watching the busy situation of the whole group. This is his Mengla name. Although he has his own Korean name, Wei Xin still likes to call him by this name.

"Sir, how should we fight this war? None of them have ever been on the battlefield. Fighting like this will kill more than half of them." Curry said worriedly. It is added that some young guys come in. They look clumsy. Those veterans often tease them, but these are some things they have to go through. Only in this way can they grow up.

"These are some things they have to go through." Wei Xin said.

"Let our people get ready. We will take the train to the north at a later time. After arriving in the north, we will immediately go into battle. This is our battle. Although I don't want you to fight further, this is an order for us It's a soldier." Wei Xin said. He is not a Korean, he is from Wei. His name can express his situation, because it was turned by Wei soldiers. He was rejected here by the traditional Korean officers. Compared with the bureaucracy of those Korean officers, he If you like these Mengla people more, at least they will not fake it emotionally. This is what he likes.

"Sir, where shall we go? Are we going to war. I saw that everyone else has fired bullets. There are guns, sir, where is my gun?" A private soldier nervously found Sergeant Yan Ra asked.

"Yes, we are indeed going to fight. I don't know where to go. It may be the north. Only there are riots. We have to act on the rioting soldiers. That's for sure. The purpose of our rest is to wait for this day. The coming." Sergeant Yanla said. He is a Mengla, the first-generation sergeant who grew up after the baptism of war. The war is cruel. He is responsible for commanding one of his platoons. There are forty-five people and only fifteen veterans. The rest are all recruits like private soldiers. Originally, there were no weapons to supplement them. For example, heavy weapons and machine guns, which can effectively resist the crazy charges of the native soldiers, but now he doesn’t even see the bullets. The worst part is that some recruits still don’t have any. The gun, the logistics supply officer really didn't know what he was eating, he knew that the war was about to start. Therefore, he needs to find a supply officer to solve such problems.

"Sir, my gun." The soldier asked anxiously after listening. On the battlefield, he didn't even have a gun. Such a thing sounds ridiculous, but the fact is that it did happen. This is the situation he least wants to see.

"On the battlefield, you can solve this problem yourself. Don't worry, boy, find the sir. We are going to the battlefield. Hurry up." Sergeant Yanla said. Then he left here immediately. He must solve their firepower problem, which is related to their safety. He definitely can't make jokes about things like this.

Around Menggla, the military police are patrolling around.

"Stop." A South Korean military police sternly stopped a carriage.

"Sir, I don't know, what's going on." A Mengla coachman looked at the military police nervously. If it is a policeman, he can leave with some money. Everyone knows this kind of corruption, but dealing with the military police is not that easy. They came in strict accordance with the rules and regulations. Such a thing is simply the most unacceptable thing for them.

"Your carriage has been requisitioned. Come with us," the military police said to the carriage driver.

"This, sir, why? This, this is not my carriage." The coachman said nervously. After all, he has to compensate for the loss of the carriage.

"We will give you subsidies and certificates. Isn't that enough? You are making contributions to your country." The military police said rudely. The coachman was very helpless, and he really couldn't say anything when faced with such a thing as government expropriation. But the carriage is not his. It's someone else's, he is just a coachman, it is an employment relationship. He felt a little unlucky.

In Bangla, only Korean merchants have special carriages, and they are mainly engaged in short-distance transportation. In the event of a war, the government will not be able to transport materials and personnel on a large scale. Although there are railways, horse-drawn carriages are still needed to complete the transportation in the last sections. The government can only solve the problem through solicitation, but the Bangladeshi government is trying to solve these problems through other methods, such as using commercial power to solve this problem.

"Think about it. What was fought in the war? It was logistics. What I know is that many lawmakers have begun to cooperate with Korean businessmen. They have received a lot of loans from banks. They have already purchased a lot of equipment. The army has to expand. An infantry division, each division has at least 15,000 people, or more. Anyway, it is about that number. They need clothes, some other materials, and military boots. They have already done such things." An obese person Members of Parliament sat in a restaurant, eating unpleasant sweets. Eating too many sweets is bad for health. However, only rich people can eat sweets. On the other side, a thin-looking man looked at the sweets. He couldn't eat such food. He was just a relative who was related to each other.

"But this requires a lot of money, and it costs a lot of money. I don't have the money, even if I sell me, I don't have that much money," the other party said nervously.

"You can do the carriage business, of course. What I need is more ox carts. They can do this kind of business, as long as they have a carriage. You can do this kind of business. You can do this kind of business. You can do it with mules. Those stupid donkeys," the councillor said.

"Yeah. But, but I don't have money." The other party emphasized this question again.

"You idiot, you have a project, I can get such a project in my hands, a large number of military material transportation projects, many people, rich people go to production. How to sell the produced things, even though there are railways, But the railway cannot be repaired to the front line. This is a very good government plan. I hope you can think about it, hold on to such a project, and do your business well, understand?" The councillor said impatiently .

"Yes, I know." The other party said. The various needs of the military can be greatly met through commercial means. For example, their situation can now be changed. The military needs military uniforms, and the parliamentarians have organized manual production. In order to achieve this goal, the Ministry of War had to organize them. On the other hand, the war also requires the task of transportation, which is handed over to the merchants. With profits, they can naturally do this. In this way, the needs of the army have been met. This is a very good war stimulus plan. Everyone is satisfied. No one thinks this plan is wrong, no. They just think that it is better to have more such things. After all, such things are still very profitable.

The three-three-one group defensive position, in front of them, they lost two grain warehouses, but now those warehouses are braving rumbling fireworks, a large amount of grain was doused with gasoline and ignited. The thick smoke enveloped the entire battlefield, and in the position of the Trinity Regiment, there were a large number of corpses that had not been cleaned up. Those were the rioting Menggla soldiers and the mengla people who were entrained. There were more than 1,600 people in the whole regiment, and only less than 500 people were left to defend their positions.

"Fortunately, we burned the grains in time." Teacher Zhang Qian said with emotion. Although they were very reluctant, they still burned the grains, but the burning was not very complete because the smog was so heavy that the Mengla people were at that time. Has rushed into the warehouse area. In many places, the fire was lit after the mengla rushed in. Some desperate mengla soldiers were desperately snatching food, but the fire was getting bigger and bigger, and some people launched an offensive. Because of the fire, more and more Mengla people ran to grab food and gave up further attacks on them. Otherwise, they would simply not be able to defend such a place.

"Sir, we can't hold on here either. Our regiment can't withstand such an attack at all. You can see. Our machine guns are all broken. The casualties of the soldiers are also relatively large. If this continues, we will stick to it. Don't live here." Song Ken said.

"What should we do?" Zhang Qian asked.

"Sir, I think we should burn the warehouse behind and give it up. We can no longer hold on to it." Song Ken said helplessly. The other two regiments have no defensive ability at all. That's it. The Trinity Regiment also paid a heavy price. They could no longer withstand an enemy attack. The other two regiments simply couldn't withstand such an offensive. The only way was to retreat and merge with the troops gathered in the rear. Only in this way could they solve all the problems.

"Damn it, absolutely not. We have burned part of the warehouse and are very satisfied with it. Would you let them hang me?" Zhang Qian asked impatiently.

"No, sir, I don't want it, but we can't hold those warehouses at all. Two-thirds of the people in my regiment have been injured or killed. They simply hold on to such a position, unless there are reinforcements. Otherwise." Song Ken said.

"Perhaps, if you hold on again, there may be reinforcements." Zhang Qian said without giving up. He really didn't want to face such a situation.

"Sir, I think it’s unlikely that there will be reinforcements. Really, sir, I just don’t think there will be reinforcements at all. Therefore, I hope we will take the initiative to retreat, otherwise, we will become very passive and passive. It's terrible. In that case, everyone will face unprecedented passivity," Song Ken asked.

Zhang Qian was caught in a dilemma. He wanted to keep the food and all kinds of supplies, but he didn't have this ability because their army didn't have this kind of combat ability. They must give up. But if he does this, his career as an officer will come to an end. In fact, he has reached the end, losing a lot of warehouses and burning a lot of supplies. This in itself is an unacceptable and tolerated thing. Such things are for them. To say. Is the most unacceptable thing.

"Okay." Finally Zhang Qian decided to retreat. This is the most helpless result.

Qin State, Xianyang.

"The Koreans are boosting the economy of Menggla through war. This is a very good approach. It is said that their logistical tasks and a series of adverse effects of military expansion have all been digested." Meng Yi said.

"In this way, their demand for currency will become greater, bonds, and financial innovation will further increase." Shang Wen said.

"Yes, the risks will increase, but doing so will be of great significance, because they have solved all economic problems, and they have reduced the unfavorable factors to the minimum, and at the same time have had a great beneficial impact on the economy. These, We should learn and learn from." Meng Yi said. Shang Wen nodded, having to say that this is the best way that South Korea has come up with.

"I don't know if this is good news or bad news." At this moment, Wei Liao came in quickly and said to the two of them.

"What news?" Meng Yi asked. Wei Liao handed the telegram to Meng Yi, and Meng Yi handed it to Shang Wen after reading it.

"This news is not bad for us, but it may be good news for the Koreans." Shang Wen thought for a while and said. The news they received was that Indy and Yueshi jointly sent troops to attack the Occupy Prussian nation. This is a knife stabbed in the back.

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