"Yueshi and India jointly dispatched troops, for us Qin, it has little impact, and the impact is not very big, but it affects trade." Qin's ambassador to Yueshi said to his secretary.

"Trade?" The secretary on the side asked worriedly, after all, this had a lot to do with Qin State.

"Yes, it is trade. A large amount of arms trade will appear, but it is unlikely that it will unilaterally concentrate in other areas in the future. And, you can see. Yueshi is building a large number of factories, and their military factory is producing a lot of The munitions meet the needs of the Indians and Yueshi people, so these have not a great impact on us, and they mainly focus on munitions." The ambassador said.

"It's just that, I think the people of the Yue family are very worried. They have been coming to us to ask questions about Qin Guo's attitude before." The secretary said.

"This is why they are worried. They are very worried about our attitude. Our attitude towards the joint attack on Occupy Prussia by the Indy and Yue government. We have an agreement with South Korea, and the practices of the Indy and Yue people are contrary to this. Regarding the relevant agreements, we don’t care about it, but the Koreans should have overreacted. The Koreans are very dissatisfied with this. Their attitude is the most important.” The ambassador said.

"It's a pity that the Yue people don't know this. They think that as long as they occupy the Champa country, they can solve the financial problems of the Indian country. At the same time, they can also get a piece of the sea through the principle of land exchange to solve their problems. They think very well about the trade issue, but unfortunately. This matter depends on the situation of the Koreans. They will not let this happen. The Koreans will definitely send troops." The ambassador said. The Qin government neither agreed nor opposed to the joint dispatch of troops by Indy and Yuezhi. It was an ambiguous attitude. Such an attitude made the two governments hesitate at first, but through the last oil shipment. Judging from the situation, it seems that Qin's taxation of them and the ability of the relevant plans to have no objection to it has encouraged Yue and the Indian government to let go and do it boldly.

Because in their eyes, they saw the weakness of the people of Qin. They don’t have the ability to control them, so they let them go and do it boldly. In their view, the people of Qin are reducing their own army. What the people of Qin care about is their arms trade, and they can bring a lot of arms to Qin. The Qin people will not object to trade profits. They have no reason to oppose it. On the contrary, they will encourage it, because in this way, they will increase their arms orders. This is a situation that everyone wants to see. Therefore, In this matter, the people of Indy and Yues estimated that the attitude of the people of Qin was wrong, or that they did not think that this matter would involve another country. Korea.

South Korea, Xinzheng.

"The good news from the people of Qin, Wang Shang." Zhang Liang handed the telegram to Han Shu, and Han Shu looked over it quickly.

"It is indeed good news, but this news is also bad news." Han Shu shook his head and said. She immediately saw a series of the worst results behind the news.

"These two countries are not so kind to solve the problem of Zhanpu for us. They must have their own reasons. They think they will put these territories into their pockets." Han Shu said dissatisfied.

"But my lord, our situation is not enough to solve this problem. According to the report of the Bangla War Department. Most of their recruits have only completed the recruitment. If they are not trained, it is impossible to put them into the war. Yes, and many people will run away, and the battle will become extremely cruel." Zhang Liang reported.

"But they won't help us, they are just a group of bandits who took advantage of the fire." Han Shu said angrily. In this way, after resolving the rioting native soldiers, South Korea may have to face another opponent, two absolutely difficult opponents, the coalition forces of the Indy and Yue government, which may further increase South Korea’s war costs. , This greatly exceeded the Koreans' own expectations, this is the situation that Han Shu is most unwilling to see. Therefore, Han Shu said that this is bad news for South Korea. This is the source.

"My lord, I think we should be prepared to deal with this situation. After all, this kind of thing is the last thing we want to see. As long as we are prepared for this, we can still solve this problem. "Zhang Liang said. In the final analysis, this is the situation in which South Korea has prepared itself for war.

"Yeah. There is no other way. There is also the navy. The navy’s situation is not good. The armed businessmen of Aiji attacked our Red Sea Fleet. They lost three warships. The loss is not small. If this continues, This is not good news for us. We must send some additional naval forces to the Red Sea Fleet." Han Shu said.

"My lord, the Chu country seems to be willing to cooperate with us. After all, they still have a certain advantage in the army. If we can solve these issues jointly with them, I think it will still be great for us. Good, at least use their army superiority to solve some of our assault operations capabilities." Zhang Liang suggested. Zhang Liang is aware of the seriousness of the problem. The weakening of the navy will inevitably bring great troubles. South Korea must take some necessary joint measures to suppress the other side, so that the military actions of Aijiren will be restricted. If restricted, the result will be catastrophic, and they will take further actions until they consume the combat capability of the coalition forces.

Han Shu agreed to do this, and she decided to continue to transfer some warships from the Western Fleet to join the Red Sea Squadron to strengthen their combat capabilities. After receiving the report that the Red Sea Fleet encountered an armed attack by the Aiji merchants, the South Korean Admiralty was also very shocked. They really did not expect that the bold Aiji merchants would reach such a point. According to the understanding of the Admiralty, Aiji Businessmen shouldn’t take part in such military operations. Patriotism doesn’t have much to do with them. This is the most difficult to explain, but the fact is that it has already happened and they can’t justify what will happen next. . The only way is to economically transfer some naval forces to strengthen their Red Sea Squadron, in order to further strengthen their combat capabilities there.

Taking into account some other circumstances, the South Korean Admiralty decided to establish a naval base on the west coast of the western continent, or set up a naval supplementary base based on Port Seth. They decided to withdraw the old warships and let them accept it again. New modifications to meet the requirements of their new combat capabilities, the South Korean Navy Department has decided to do so. Aijiren's counterattack caught them by surprise. If this were not the case, the South Korean Navy might have retreated further. However, because of this attack, the South Korean navy and the Chu army united.

In the port of Aiji, patrolling warships entered the port. They strengthened the construction of the port, such as strengthening light stands and lookout posts. In addition, they also built some port closures to prevent the enemy's sneak attack equipment. This sneak attack gave them a lot. Lessons. They had to strengthen their defense capabilities in order to deal with possible sneak attacks in the future, and the Chu Navy had to be careful.

"Chen Biao, South Korean Navy Lieutenant." Chen Biao introduced himself. Unfortunately, his battleship was successfully attacked. A few people used a boat to carry a large amount of black powder. They directly rammed his battleship Black Beauty, and his battleship sank suddenly. Fortunately, the sea area where the warships are anchored is relatively shallow. They were stranded on the beach, but it is obviously impossible to salvage and repair them. The only way is to fish up all the available equipment and arrange them on land. Chen Biao became such an officer. He was sent to cooperate with the Chu State Marine Corps and the Army to see what they needed, because Zhong Limei's request made the South Korean Navy feel that they should be given some information.

"Zhong Limei, Major." Zhong Limei briefly introduced.

"Yeah. Okay. Let's go straight to the topic." Chen Biao has no free time to talk about topics like afternoon tea. He is not interested in tea. He is very interested in alcohol. He doesn't know how Chu people feel about these topics. No interest. Rather than talking about some non-nutritious topics, it is better to get to the topic and blow up his warship. Chen Biao felt very annoyed, and he needed revenge, to retaliate severely.

"Well, I think our defense here is wrong, or it is of no use. I think we should take some military actions, reconnaissance, sneak attacks, and treat them like Aiji treats us. We. I'll give them a big shot too." Zhong Limei said.

"This is in line with what I mean, and I agree to do this, but what shall we do?" Chen Biao said helplessly. He has no ships and has become the most idle person. They are willing to accept this kind of life, but this is the worst news for the old navy, which means that they will lose more opportunities for revenge. This is definitely not what he thinks. He wants to solve this problem.

"This is still not clear. I know very little, for example, the situation in Suez City, and the situation of their troops stationed. I need some of my people to go ashore, conduct reconnaissance, and recover them at the same time. We only know some special information. In order to take military action, my plan is to use the army and the navy to jointly launch an offensive." Zhong Limei put forward a bold idea. He believed that the navy has the advantage of the navy and the army has the advantage of the army. Their target of attack is Suez City, such an important transportation city on land and sea, is really suitable for such a goal. Offense is the best defense.

"Very well, but, I don’t have a warship in my hand. You know, my warship was destroyed. I know where that place is, but there are no ships. Currently, the Korean navy keeps patrolling and accepts them. We still need some time, right time." Chen Biao said. He thinks this is still difficult. The Army may not understand the Navy’s military operations. This is normal because the Navy also has its own problems. For example, they can’t get too close to the coast, and I love a few people using mines. It further restricts their military operations. In this way, they must have a certain boat to conduct patrols and perform such tasks. The Navy considers more technology, while the Army considers tactics. Although the two issues overlap. , But, after all, there are certain differences. Zhong Limei felt a little disappointed. Without the support of the navy, his reconnaissance activities would be difficult to carry out. At the same time, this would greatly affect the subsequent series of military operations.

"If necessary, I can use other methods to complete, but we must first complete our first cooperation." Chen Biao changed his mouth. After all, for the first time the two armies cooperated, things could not be done too much. Chen Biao felt that it was better to meet the other party's requirements as much as possible.

In Port Seth, two Korean naval warships are stepping up their conversion. Some merchant ships have brought in a large amount of coal. They are reloading with coal. At the same time, they will make some modifications to the warships.

"Our task is to dismantle eight or ten of the twelve 50mm rapid-fire guns, and then install four eleven-inch front-mounted guns. They are placed on the open-air turrets at the bow and stern. Among them." An engineer explained to a naval officer.

"Eleven-inch caliber?" The naval officer is a major. He is an expert in guns and is mainly responsible for shooting at sea.

"Yes, it has a large caliber. This is a front-mounted artillery. It was already behind when it was produced. The Admiralty was transported all the way from Zhangxiong Island to here. There are at least twelve such artillery here. We have to rebuild Only some warships can complete such a task. These artillery is mainly used for bombardment of Suez. Their range and power are far greater than Zhao’s 75mm artillery. The accuracy is also very good. The destructive power is great." Introduced.

"Oh. God, why didn't such a gun equip us earlier?" the Lieutenant Commander asked.

"Because he is behind. His rate of fire is too slow. In comparison, despite his great power, the rate of fire is too slow, you see. The artillery must be installed in the open, and there are still big problems. Defensive power is insufficient. What I know is that Zhao’s 75mm artillery has the same accuracy, and the range is not much worse than the 11-inch artillery. The most important thing is that our defense power is not enough. He is open air. Turrets, their defenses are seriously insufficient, we can only rely on our mobility to maintain our combat effectiveness, and his rate of fire is a fatal flaw, it can be said that Zhao Guoren can fire six shells at us, And we can only fire one shot. Under such circumstances, it is difficult to guarantee that they will not hit us and sink us. The future is the era of breech-loaded artillery, and it has been eliminated when it is produced." The engineer said To.

"But, why do we need to modify such artillery for us?" The lieutenant commander asked inexplicably. He thought this was the most incomprehensible thing for him, because why did such a backward product treat them? .

"Because the target we are dealing with is very backward. They are Aiji Navy and Aiji City. What we need is this kind of large-caliber artillery, powerful artillery, as long as the war needs, we can still sell them. This is the Ministry of the Navy. This kind of artillery is very useful for us.” The other party said.

"Well, I see." The Lieutenant Commander nodded.

"When can the modification be completed?" the other party asked.

"I think it will take a while. It will take some time to dismantle some rapid-fire guns, and it will take some time to modify the turret and so on. These will all take some time, but I don’t think it will take long for your warships to be powerful. There will be a great improvement." The engineer said. Although the Admiralty is still not very satisfied with the modification, it is a different modification of the South Korean Navy to deal with the target. Their opponent is the Zhao State Navy. The Zhao State Navy is planning to equip a larger caliber artillery. This artillery poses a great threat to the South Korean Navy. South Korea has no choice but to use such artillery. Although they are dealing with Aiji navy, who knows if they will use such artillery to frighten the Zhao State Navy. After all, the power of the eleven-inch artillery is very powerful, and the caliber of the artillery directly exceeds two hundred and one. Ten millimeters, the destructive power has increased a lot, if this kind of artillery is hit, even the iron armor will be penetrated.

State of Zhao, Handan. Li Mu's staff.

"Look, this is the situation we have to face. The South Koreans may not support too much force in the army. The battle in Menggla came too suddenly." Li Mu said.

"But, sir, I think that the war may not drag down South Korea’s military operations, because it is said that they are trying to recruit new troops there. New Bangladeshi Army and other combat troops are required, and they may use local operations. The troops are here to solve some things in the north." Li Zuoche put forward a different view. Li Mu nodded, he expressed acceptance of this view, after all, this view can more effectively solve such specific problems.

"If this is the case, do you think South Korea will have a bigger battle in the areas of love? Although they have a great advantage in naval technology, the final result is still solved by land." Li Mu said.

"I don't think this is a problem, because the composition of the Korean army is different from ours. They have a large foreign corps. They will recruit more people to fight in the colony. In this case, they have an advantage. So, I think On the issue of military strength, their problem is not very big. The biggest problem is how they coordinate these forces." Li Zuoche said.

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