The advantage of the Koreans is that they can effectively build the troops they need from the colonies. For example, in Bangla, Sazhou, Sori, and the colonies they need, these colonial troops are provided by the local supply and financial support. For South Korea, it has reduced a lot of burden, but under normal circumstances, the South Korean government is unlikely to do so in an all-round way, because doing so usually means that they will lose the financial support provided by the colonies, which is very important As far as economic development is concerned, it is extremely bad. The South Korean government is doing everything possible to avoid this situation.

On the front line of Mengla, the air was filled with billowing smoke, and the stockpiled materials were completely ignited. When people take a breath, they can feel the stimulating smell of food in the air. In addition, there are some floating objects. These floating objects are military uniforms in the warehouse. These objects were originally used to arm some new military units. Now, there has to be a big fire here.

"It's a pity." Zhang Qian looked at the fire and billowing smoke in the warehouse with a binoculars. It was a pity for him, but he would not regret it at all. If he regretted doing such a thing, he would not give it like this. The order is up.

"Their offensive stopped. It may be because of the fire, it may be because of food. In short, it is good for us to stop their offensive." Song Ken said. The 32nd Infantry Division retreated collectively. They retreated quickly because they discarded a lot of discarded equipment. Although the officers were annoyed, they still kept the military strength they should have. Zhang Qian was very upset.

"Report. Sir. The third regiment of the Bangladeshi new army has arrived at the railway station. They are completing their assembly. The number is about 4,000. The first batch of them arrived at a battalion with a strength of about 600." At this time, a lieutenant came to report.

"It's a pity." Zhang Qian said, shaking his head at this time. Obviously, he felt that if the infantry regiment could arrive a few hours earlier, maybe they could still keep some warehouses, but now, these warehouses could not be kept at all, which made him very annoyed, but there was no way.

"Sir, we." Song Ken wanted to say whether he launched an attack while the Mengla native soldiers focused their attention on looting the food. After all, they have a relatively sufficient force.

"Forget it. They have just arrived. We don't know how they are. Let's strengthen the defense." Zhang Qian ordered helplessly. Such an order makes Song Ken feel meaningless, because they seem to have nothing worth defending other than defending a railway line. South Korea has ignited a large number of warehouses. There is a fire there, and the Mengla who attacked them are trying their best to rescue what they might be able to find. What are these things? He didn't know it himself. It may be a mass of dark things.

Dawan, Xinshidu. Old Yang Lin sat at the cabinet meeting with his eyes closed. People who didn't know thought he had fallen asleep. He has a good spirit and knows how to maintain it. But his ministers were arguing about something.

"How can we cooperate with the Parthians? They are our enemies. We cannot cooperate with them." The Minister of Defense shook his head and refused. In their view, cooperating with the enemy is treason. Their soldiers will never accept such a thing. The entire Dawan country will not accept such a thing. In fact, the people of Dawan don’t care about it. What they care about is how is their work? What is the economy, how much money they can have to solve their own problems. Rather than **** national security, security is meaningless to them.

"Cooperating with the Shabbats, we can save a lot of money, and it is of great significance to us. You should know that if you cooperate with them, we can get a lot of help and we can save a lot of money. Now the country is building There are places where money is needed everywhere, and wars are very costly." The Minister of Finance said dissatisfiedly. He believes that soldiers are a group of simple-headed people. They don't even calculate how much money and money they will spend in war. They never care about these. To them, these are simply insignificant. This is an important reason why he hates soldiers, because soldiers never consider the country.

"You are treason. If the soldiers hear such news, they will shoot your head with a rifle. Don't blame me for not warning you. Otherwise, I wouldn't want to say anything." Said the minister extremely annoyed.

"You are threatening me." The Minister of Finance also said annoyedly. On the issue of cooperation with the Anxi government, there are two completely different attitudes within the Dawan government. One is cooperation. After all, if this is the case, they don't need to invest in ground forces in combat. This can save a lot of costs. On the other hand, they oppose this. In their view, this is cooperating with the enemy, but from the perspective of the specific enemy situation, they think they should be more cautious, and the opposing party thinks it.

"What is the enemy and who is the enemy?" Yang Lin asked at this time. Although he still closed his eyes, it was enough for the ministers to calm down and discuss the issue.

"We fought a war before, regardless of the Persians, and we beat everyone. As a result, the two ethnic groups who had fought against us all at once. How is our situation? Very bad." Old Yang Lin was helpless. Speaking of. He opened his eyes and looked at his ministers. On this issue, they argued endlessly. Although they all hold a certain degree of truth, they all lack an overall view.

"We should distinguish such a problem clearly. If we cannot clearly understand such a problem, it will cause a great disaster to us." Old Yang Lin said at this time.

"Cooperating with the Parthians can solve our financial problems. However, our reputation and reputation in this place will have very bad consequences. The people will oppose us. We cannot explain why this is the reason. Our government is extremely disappointed." Old Yang Lin said.

"Therefore, we should get all of our tangible benefits. For example, we built railways and occupied some areas. I don't know if you have noticed. Why did the people of Qin suddenly turn to support them, or why did they suddenly turn to them? What are the reasons for supporting the Sabbath country? Why was the interim government of Sabbath established?" After all, Lao Yanglin is a scholar, and he teaches this issue as if he were teaching his own students.

Many people shook their heads to express that they didn't understand. They really don't know why this situation is.

"It's very simple, oil, they need a lot of oil, and we also need a lot of oil, because this oil is needed by the people of Qin. The purpose of building the railway is to transport materials. If we can transport materials like oil to Qin. , We can solve the transportation purpose of our railway construction. Not only ore, but also resources, all kinds of new resources, which will increase our fiscal revenue and various economic growth points." Old Yanglin said To. He knew that the reason for the entanglement was that everyone did not understand some of the situations. In this way, the problem would become entangled. This is a very unfavorable factor for them, but if they can figure it out If these were the case, they would not do it. At the very least they know what is right and what is wrong.

"I understand. We can cooperate with the Shah government, but we must have our own interests. In this way, the purpose of our cooperation and the results will enable our people to accept all of what our government has done." The defense minister responded. I've come to the end.

"That’s right. What we did for what we did is naturally for our Dawan. If our Dawan people don’t know what benefits will be gained from this matter, how could they support us? If they don’t oppose it, it will be Not bad." Old Yang Lin said.

"We understand." The Minister of Finance nodded. Transporting oil is also a good thing, at least in this matter, it can bring great economic profits. Old Yang Lin had long felt that this matter was not normal. People of Qin people usually don't give up something. This is their character, they are very pragmatic, and if they are able to give up something, they will inevitably find a way to get something. For example, they will find a way to get something they can’t get. It’s like saying that they will get some comparisons. What they give up is also precious. This is logic. Old Yang Lin was a scholar. He didn't care what he did wrong, but what he did right.

In this way, with the help of Lao Yanglin, the Dawan government initially reached a unified opinion and cooperated with the other party. In this way, their problems could be solved to a large extent. Such as financial issues.

Meng La, in Zhang Dian's office. Zhang Dian is signing a series of destinies, mainly related to war. They need to mobilize more forces to solve the problem. He already knows what happened on the front line, which is really too bad. The terrible news made him feel very disappointed, because many things meant a complete loss.

"All the hoarded materials are lost. This is too bad for us." Zhang Dian still has not recovered from the loss of materials, but his war minister does not think so. He believes that such and such things will inevitably happen in war.

"Sir, I think this is an opportunity. We can take advantage of the mobile manpower to make up for our shortcomings. As long as the railway is still in our hands, we can solve many problems that we have never solved before, and we can surround them. Moreover, the northern Occupy-Prussian state has also been attacked by the Yuezhi and the Indian government. They may collapse quickly. We should seize this opportunity to quickly surround the rioting native soldiers and completely resolve the war. "The Minister of War put forward a bold view, which is also a problem that the Bangladeshi government must solve at present. The Minister of War had to make adjustments to future operations. The Yueshi and the Indian governments in the north sent troops, which meant that they might have armed threats on the issue of Occupation of Prussia. Under such circumstances, the South Korean government must quickly resolve the native soldiers. The problem of riots, but how to solve this problem, there is only one way, that is, to quickly invest in the combat troops formed quickly in the local area. Only in this way can such a problem be solved.

"But we lack strength, that is, the newly formed units. They cannot complete such combat missions without training. It will take at least three months to complete." Zhang Dian shook his head and said. He supports the idea of ​​the Minister of War, but in doing so, they will inevitably take great risks. You must know that the consequence of doing so is that they will inevitably increase their forces quickly. This may have been unavoidable.

"Sir, I think we can reduce the training time for recruits. We only need to let them master the tactics of assassination and shooting. We will launch attacks when fighting. As long as there are enough military police, there are more non-commissioned officers and officers to play. The command role can achieve this kind of combat effect. We can give it a try. If this is the case, we will be able to achieve our combat objectives." The Secretary of War said.

"Is this all right?" Zhang Dian asked.

"It should be possible. They are all effective combatants. In fact, warfare is not very difficult. At present, we can still get a lot of support, which is very beneficial to us." The other party said.

"Well, in that case, we will do this, maybe we should be able to meet such a little requirement." Zhang Dian felt that we should give it a try, after all, this is for them. Still a good method. If the native soldiers in the northern riots can be resolved, in this way, they can quickly attack and reach the border areas of Occupy Prussia. This is a local requirement of the Korean government.

Qingcheng, South Korea. A new technology is being applied, heavy oil, they will be used in new oil-fired boilers. South Korea is a relatively lack of coal resources in Egypt, compared to Zhao, they lack too much coal, although they can get from Goguryeo And the country of Yan imports a large amount of coal resources, but this will consume too much ship transportation. This is one of the factors, and another important factor is.

They need to solve another problem. The continuous endurance of coal is very limited. They have mastered new boiler equipment and steam turbines. They decided to use this new technology. With such an engine, they can solve their warship power.

The reason why the South Korean navy was able to do this was that they discovered that they have advantages in this area, especially in the West, where a large amount of coal resources are lacking. The coal resources are in the hands of the Chu people, while the Koreans have a large amount of coal resources. They have a large amount of oil resources near the newly occupied Port of Seth. In this way, they can avoid transporting large amounts of coal from remote areas, because coal has a relatively low thermal efficiency ratio. If this is done, it can be effective Use better situations to solve such problems.

"How is the effect of the experiment?" a naval officer asked.

"The boiler burns well, but the problem is that we have to rebuild all the boilers of the warships. In this case, more money will be needed. This is a big deal for us. But it is a big deal." An engineer explained. To. The combustion effect of oil-fired boilers is good. The most important thing is that liquid fuels can provide more endurance than solid fuels. However, their steam turbines still have some problems. This is not something they can consider. They need to calculate heavy oil and Weighing between coal. In this way, all naval warships can fully replace a large number of heavy oil boilers, which is an important measure of the Korean Navy. If such a thing is done, the South Korean Navy will surpass the Zhao State Navy in terms of power, but the South Korean Navy will still lag behind in terms of firepower. This is a helpless thing.

All the soldiers of the Mengla Third Infantry Regiment are defending. They have to protect their railways. The 32nd Infantry Division of South Korea has just lost a battle, and they have to be more careful.

"Sir, this is the transfer order from above." A messenger handed a transfer order to Sergeant Yanla and received a new transfer order. He will be transferred to the third lieutenant platoon commander of the Mengla Third Infantry Division. It was a promotion and transfer order. This should be a good thing. Before this platoon, he had always been in charge, but there was also a lieutenant above, who was only responsible for specific things in the platoon.

"What's going on?" Yan La looked at the transfer in his hand and couldn't figure out such a thing. He didn't know why such a thing happened, it happened suddenly. He decided to see his chief to figure out such things.

"A large number of new combat units have been formed above. These combat units exist on paper. They need a large number of officers, non-commissioned officers, and the situation in the regiment. You know, your combat experience is rich. I think you should be transferred. Going out is a good choice." The captain said to him.

"But, sir. I, I don't think it's suitable for such a thing." The other party said.

"No, you are suitable. You are promoted from a non-commissioned officer. Each regiment will deploy troops to fight. The above requires us to train these troops in a very short time. The war needs to be resolved in a short time." The captain said to him.

"But, sir, most of them are recruits. They need at least half a year of training before they can go into combat. Why, why should they be so anxious to go into combat," the other party said.

"This is an order. We just obey this order. We don't do the rest. Do your business and don't care about too many things, Lieutenant." The captain said to the other party. Yan Ra felt that something bad had happened, and he felt that the newly recruited lads might become cannon fodder.

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