An unknown town on the border between Zhanpu and India. The name of this town is very long and long. With the pronunciation of the local language, Qin war reporter Fan Wen did not record the name of this town anyway, but he What I know is that there are many wounded soldiers in this small town, and the battle situation seems to be very bad for the Indy and Yue Clan forces. But this is not the case. These casualties are only part of them.

"The upgrading of weapons has made tactics completely unrecognizable. The previous large-scale formations of cold weapons no longer exist. In other words, they will appear in another way, such as artillery and various The emergence of a large-caliber artillery made this situation a huge change." Fan Wen sat outside a tent. The weather was good, and it seemed that they would be able to fight for a long time.

"The Yueshi imported a large number of large-caliber artillery from the State of Qin. It is said that with the help of the technicians of the State of Qin, mainly metallurgical technicians, they solved the problem of the eleven-inch front-mounted artillery. This artillery is very powerful and can It caused a lot of destructive power and needed to be transported by railroad tracks, but it was difficult for the Indians. The Indians recruited more than 500,000 laborers to urgently build a railway from the Yuezhi border to the front line here. It took less than four months. Although the railway is simple, it is still enough to be called a miracle.” Fan Wen wrote in his record.

"The Zhanpu people seem to be indifferent to the offensives of the Indy and Yue people. Their defensive force at the border is relatively weak. Although relatively weak, they still deploy more than three infantry divisions, and about 30,000 troops are on the border. Most of them are equipped with flintlock rifles, and some elite troops are equipped with fixed-load bullet rifles, but the number is only a small part. Within a few months, they occupied the northern area of ​​Bangla, even though they controlled it there. The Mengla people, but they already belong to the Champu country. For the Indi and Yueshi people, the Champu people think they will not attack because they warned that they are the land of the Koreans, and they and the Menglais The war is just a contradiction with the Koreans themselves. It sounds a bit wrong, but no one knows what kind of relationship they belong to with the Koreans. They just know what they should do and what they shouldn’t do, they still Just do this. For others, they don’t care. In short, the Zhanpu people think that out of tension or depression, Indy should not launch an offensive because it is extremely unwise. It’s an option for people. But this happened. Indi and Champu have concentrated on large-caliber guns. There are more than fifty guns over eight inches, and more than twelve guns over eleven inches. They have concentrated a large number of guns. The artillery, more than three hundred various artillery guns were directed towards the Zhanpu outposts that had been scouted clearly on the border, and Indy launched a large-scale artillery attack. The positions on both sides were very tight. They had been digging along the border before the war began. The trenches were opposed to each other. The Zhanpu people used a lot of barbed wire to maintain, and built various obstacles. These obstacles would pose a great threat to the Indy and Yue's coalition forces." Fan Wen looked at the wounded soldiers outside. Then continue to write.

"The Indians and the Yueshi people also took some measures. They invented something like a blasting tube, which is filled with a large amount of bamboo, or a hollow wooden barrel, or other long wooden objects. Explosives. Then the engineers advance and use these explosives to blast the wire fences to clear the way for the infantry to charge." Fan Wen said. This may be the officially recorded information about the appearance of the blasting cylinder. With the appearance of the barbed wire, especially the positions arranged by the Qin army, the infantry is willing to arrange a large number of such barbed wire, which has caused a great obstacle to the prospective soldiers, but this kind of barbed wire The obstacle constituted is not an obstacle for the army of a country with heavy artillery. They will use heavy artillery or some homemade explosives to destroy it. But for some countries, the meaning of barbed wire lies in the cavalry and infantry. Great obstacle. Many soldiers stopped the attack because of such obstacles. So something like a blaster appeared, for them. is very important. This is the first infantry that can deal with such troublesome obstacles. Of course, it can also be used in other places, such as destroying the opponent’s artillery position, but this requires the infantry to advance far and far to achieve this. purpose.

"After the artillery was cleared, the Indian army and the Yue's army launched a skirmish attack, because the firing efficiency of the weapons was greatly improved, and the soldiers' training proficiency was also higher. Zhanpu has its own standing army, and their standing army can At the same time, the new conscription system has changed the situation other than that. The country has its own militia and reserve personnel. They have received some training. When the war breaks out, the country can recruit in an instant, The U.S. can have an army of more than 250,000 people. In the border area, there is a standing army of 5,000 people. The rest are temporarily conscripted soldiers. Their shooting is good. So in order to avoid bigger For large-scale casualties, the Indy and Yue’s armies need to launch a detachment charge in units of companies. The company in front has been lighted up and there is one company to supplement, and the two companies are all up. The opportunity is to change to another battalion to take part in the battle. The charge of soldiers was well controlled, because it required non-commissioned officers and the officers to have a good deterrent effect. However, it took a long time for Indy to adapt to this kind of offensive method. If placed before, this kind of offensive method is Disastrous.” Fan Wen recorded what he saw, and he believed that only this way can make things like this happen well.

"Their offensive was effective. Although the first wave of shooting caused them a lot of casualties, under the influence of the officers and noncommissioned officers, they still launched a stronger offensive, especially the Indian army, although they only had The five infantry divisions may have just over 60,000 in number. There are as many as 30,000 who participated in the battle this time, but they are all elite. After experiencing this war, they can become veterans. There are still casualties, but also Well, the Zhanpu people did not import a large number of rapid-fire weapons. If a large number of machine guns are deployed, the situation will become even worse." Fan Wen wrote in the notes.

"But the result of this offensive is that the Indians paid more than 3,000 casualties, and the Yueshi also exceeded 1,000. The positive Zhanpu people encountered a big defeat and lost their elite troops. The deterrent effect and the low quality of their officers made the Zhanpu people defeated. They lost more than 10,000 people, and nearly 4,000 people were taken prisoners. They were militias with no fighting spirit. They participated in the battle, but It's just to fulfill their obligations, but it may be unrealistic to let them fight." Fan Wen said.

Although all countries are imitating Qin's reserve service system, this system is based on the majority of militias. Without such a foundation, it is difficult to have a greater effect. Yuezhi, Tochara, and even Dawan have actively changed their reserve service system. The Zhanpu people have not been able to learn from it. They just used the original militia system. Combined and softened, this system can certainly obtain a large number of troops in a relatively short period of time, but these troops are just fur, because their backbone and blood have not been established at all, they just established it. An army with a lot of meat, the existence of these troops will only make them more bloated, this bloat is terrible to the Zhanpu people.

The Zhanpu people did not establish their own military academies and noncommissioned officers’ schools. They ignored the existence of this kind of education. At the same time, the maximum upgrade limit of the lower-level soldiers, so that the role of noncommissioned officers was also greatly reduced. This is a very bad thing. But Zhanpu people don't know this at all, they think they are doing very well. But this is the worst result.

They just built a bloated army without the support of officers and noncommissioned officers. Therefore, after a large-scale offensive, defeat is inevitable. This is also the reason why the Indy and Yue people can pay such a small price to achieve such great results, but in general, the situation is not good for the Zhanpu people, because they did not expect the Indy and Yue people to be real. The troops that were able to launch an offensive, but they should have been able to play some role, were defeated too fast. It quickly made it difficult for them to gather more troops to solve this sudden situation.

Mengla North Station Military Camp, because it is close to Mengla North Railway Station, it is called Mengla North Station Military Camp.

Lieutenant Yan La was assigned to the 5th Infantry Division of Bangla and the 12th Infantry Regiment. Originally, his appointment had been adjusted. He has no complaints about this, because he has seen many old sergeants from other units also here. , They all got a certain promotion. These promotions are not only promotion in military rank, but also improvement in salary, which makes them highly motivated.

"Go ahead, stab," a sergeant chief shouted loudly. Those recruits were carrying rifles allotted to them. The bayonet blades were all processed by local workshops. They looked a bit rough. Some bayonet blades could not be installed in their rifles. They had to process them by themselves, or polish them, or carry them out. Some reprocessing, many soldiers are very dissatisfied with this, but fortunately their food, military uniforms, and military boots are all new, and they have nothing to complain about, because they can get 1.5 won a day if they pass the training. , They can quickly rise to three won a day, the military subsidy during the war is still relatively high, and they work on the dock site and earn one yuan a day is a very remarkable thing. It can be said that being a soldier can still solve their big problems. Therefore, despite these and other problems, they still persevere. If they don't do this, they will get nothing.

"First row, go forward, stab." The Sergeant Chief shouted loudly. Their training is very simple. They queue in the morning and military training in the afternoon. They hold their bayonets, line up neatly, and follow the command of the sergeant. Then they assassinate the target. Sometimes, the sergeant wants to let them experience The feeling of killing will be replaced with some pieces of meat to simulate the resistance of the flesh and bayonet stabbing in. The recruits think this is funny, or it is interesting, they can't experience the feeling of killing at all, after all , Their training is not bloody.

"The above has repeatedly compressed our training. We have to train and complete these soldiers in half a month, sir. I think this is a difficult matter for opinions." A sergeant reported. The army is expanding very quickly. The advantage of this is that the promotion of officers and non-commissioned officers is very fast, but there are also many problems, that is, their combat effectiveness has been reduced a lot. Although many non-commissioned officers were promoted. However, their demand for noncommissioned officers is still not met. Yanra is still dissatisfied with this point, because he lacks a lot of manpower to fully train the soldiers, because their training time is compressed, they do it as soon as possible and go to the battlefield at any time. The preparations for this situation are too bad for them. Because many of them simply can't do this.

"I know that after the assassination training is over, we will conduct shooting training on them, and after telling them some simple shooting, we will strengthen military discipline training." Yan La said. Training time has been compressed, and he can only pin his hopes on military discipline. Strict military discipline can force out the cruel combat side of soldiers, so that they can realize their potential, and that's what he can do.

Yan La knows very well that it won't take long, or the time reserved for them may not be enough, and they will join the army. These are still recruits, but who can manage these, that's the way it is. This is the situation of the war.

"Sir, is this too fast?" the sergeant asked worriedly.

"Unhappy, the above thinks it should be faster. I can't help it. The battalion commander and the company commander kept giving orders to shorten the training time. What else can we do?" Yan La said helplessly.

"That's how it happened. We can't change anything, right. During the assassination training, give them some blood. Perhaps this is the only thing I can do. On the way forward, give them some blood. Some pieces of rotten flesh, internal organs, etc., have been stepped on by them. I want to see the **** ones, and the clean ones will definitely not be used." Yan La said.

"Well, sir, why do you want to do this?" The sergeant actually participated in battles, but after all he had participated in few battles, otherwise he would not be promoted to sergeant when he was promoted quickly.

"War, realistic war. Those **** will make the children mature, let them know that it is war, you and I have experienced war, they don't know war." Yan La said helplessly.

"The only thing we can do is to create some stimulus needs for them, so that they can adapt to the war, understand?" Yan La said, he may have anticipated some of the war situation. The above will allow these recruits to participate in the battle. He thinks this is a very bad decision, because many recruits should not appear on the battlefield at all. They should receive more training, but it takes time and it takes a lot of time to get They solve these problems. But the above simply won't give him so much time, and will spend these soldiers on the battlefield, and everyone can know what they will encounter.

People who are truly capable of war will not do this. What they need to consider is the ability of the soldiers to bear, rather than the blood and excitement in the face of war. They will show aversion to war, but they have to participate in the war, and veterans do.

On the training field, the new combat troops have completed the assembly of the queue. Some of them have the improvement of young people on their faces, but when they saw the **** internal organs on the training field, many of them shook their heads. , Expressing disgust.

"Damn it, what happened today?" A private soldier looked at the internal organs on the field and asked with disgust.

"I don't know, but I know, we must do this today." Another private said.

"No words are allowed in the queue, whoever speaks." The sergeant picked out the two people.

"I know what you want to say, and you want to know, why did you do this, why there is such a situation, I tell you, the battlefield is like this, during the war, there will be shells shooting at you, he will not be because of you Young, because you are beautiful, as beautiful as a woman. It will avoid you." The Sergeant Major said.

"Haha." The soldiers laughed.

"What I want to tell you is that no matter who you are, as long as you are soldiers, you have to encounter this level. Cannonballs will beat you into the same things as those laid on the road ahead. You will become like this when you die. Don’t say much when you’re done, mount the bayonet and move forward.” The Sergeant Chief ordered loudly.

"Wow." The soldiers marched forward with their bayonet rifles. They didn't know why the war became like this, but they had to move forward.

"Puff, puff, puff." A soldier’s boot struck a piece of internal organs, and the internal organs splashed with dark blood. For the dark ones, because of the long time, there was still some blood that was about to dry up. They They want to avoid those things, but they are everywhere, and they can’t get off their feet at all. There are also some feces in their intestines, which will be squeezed out as soon as they are stepped on.

"Oh." The soldiers couldn't stand it. Had to spit it out. Their faces were ugly, but soon they had to move forward again because their master sergeant had kicked them out. But this time, instead of stepping forward, they crawled over.

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