The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 3324: I have an electric light at home

Although all countries have their own policies to encourage population, it is still impossible to solve the total population of each country in a short time. At the same time, the national government has to face another situation, that is, the related support brought by the sudden increase in population. All these need to be done by the government. In other words, countries are still unable to enjoy the benefits of population expansion. What they can do is to encourage and maintain the current situation. It will take 20 years before they can enjoy the benefits of such population expansion.

However, with the rapid economic development, all countries need some of their own populations to expand their own labor supplements. Qin is the case, and so is South Korea. Qin’s approach is to transfer its own industries, such as the earliest leather manufacturing industry and leather processing. , These industries immediately moved out of the Guanzhong core area of ​​Qin State. After all, the value of these industries was not very great. Then Qin State moved out of its own coal, power generation, and iron and steel industries, because these industries are very polluting and more and more profitable. Bo, Qin State only produces some key special steels, and countries have to accept new industries for development. For example, Handan, Zhao State, focuses on the development of steel, coke, and glass, of course. A new power industry is being established. The coal transported from the north of Zhao State will produce new power in Handan and send it to other countries through power plants. This is an extension of their new industry.

However, these are not the issues that King Qin wants to consider. He is considering this possibility. Koreans also lack a large population, which can bring them a huge labor force. However, like Qin, they are also in a fast-paced environment. During the period of population growth, a large number of mixed races appeared. These mixed races themselves have some privileges. For example, in Bangla, mixed races enjoy certain tax exemption rights and have the right to vote, while the Bangla people themselves do not have the right to vote, or only have a small number of them. Part of them have the right to vote. Although the mixed race may be seen as a second-class citizen, they still enjoy the encouragement policies of the South Korean government. These are things allowed by the South Korean government.

But the labor problem must be solved. Without a large amount of labor, South Korea’s economic development speed is greatly restricted. In this regard, South Korea’s solution is to accept a large number of immigrants from other places. For example, Jiaozhou, Jiaozhou has become Qi and As a buffer zone between the Chu state, the development of Qingcheng has brought great economic development attraction. Although the Laizhou and Dengzhou areas of the Qin state are also developing, as the process of industrialization and urbanization intensifies, as long as it is close to In urban areas, the situation of land mergers will become more and more serious. This is an inevitable situation. Land mergers will bring about a large concentration of labor. In addition to some of these people concentrated in Laizhou and Dengzhou, there are still some. The population enters Jiaozhou and enters Qingcheng, so there is a large concentration of textile factories in Korea, because there are more jobs, their wages and salaries far exceed those of Qi, which is part of the source of population concentration. , And part of the source comes from Chu State.

The economy of Chu State basically has two development directions. One is coastal areas, such as some port areas close to the coast. The population is developing towards areas with convenient transportation, because there are extremely sufficient materials, employment, and labor conditions. The other direction is east, but the two directions overlap, which exacerbated the population imbalance in Chu, and the population of the inland areas began to drain to the coastal areas on a large scale, such as Wuyue in the south. The region far exceeds some northern ports, and some northern ports far exceed the inland.

Pengcheng exists as the new political center of Chu State, but the population of Pengcheng has been unable to break through the million mark. On the contrary, his population is still declining, from the earliest population of 300,000. Gradually it was lost to more than 100,000, and a large number of people migrated to the east and the south. This is why Chu has not yet seen a city with a population of one million people, because as a political center, it is impossible for him to be a political center. To attract more people, and Pengcheng lacks the necessary transportation hubs, the people of Chu decided to build two railways, one to Qingcheng and one to the beam. The construction of these two railways is not very difficult, but Chu However, the country cannot provide enough financial funds to solve this problem. The people of Chu hope to improve the situation in their capital, Pengcheng, by building a railway.

This is the impact of population on a country’s economy, but this is only the population migration status of the Central Plains countries. Except for the economic influence of Qin Guoguan, the populations of all countries seem to have the possibility of moving eastward, or moving toward the south. The momentum of development, because there is more suitable for economic development. However, in the period of external development, the foreign population must also be used. This is something they must do.

Koreans do better in this regard. For example, Zhang Xiongdao. The geographical position of Zhang Xiong Island is very advantageous. It is located at the confluence of the South and Western Oceans. A large number of materials are transferred here. This is a very important port. Who can control this, this can control the West. For Koreans, this is a very remarkable control.

On Zhang Xiong Island, there are a large number of female resources. Most of these women come from Bangla, various parts of the Western mainland, or from Karachi, Yueshi, Seth and other places. These are important colonial areas in Korea. These female resources are not only provided In addition to providing fertility for Korean men, they also have an important role in the labor force. Women are more competent than men for such jobs.

There is South Korea's largest arsenal in the nearby area on Zhangxiong Island. They are responsible for the production of a large number of ammunition, which can meet the huge ammunition production, and these women are the labor workers produced here.

In addition, there are some other factories here, such as textile factories, printing and dyeing factories, or other leather factories. These are their important production bases. The sufficient labor force allows the rapid development of Zhang Xiongdao’s economy. Shipping, this undoubtedly does not promote the rapid development of Zhang Xiongdao.

Zhang Xiong Island has enjoyed the development brought about by such a demographic dividend. The economy of Zhang Xiong Island is actually only a part of South Korea's economy. In Bangla, the stimulus of war is turning Bangla into a brand new city.

In Bangla City, a new carriage and mule carriage company was established. More coachmen came here to apply. As long as they paid a sufficient deposit and more letters of introduction, they could rent a carriage here, or It's a mule cart, they can go to the dock area to transport goods, or they can go to the north, where it is a war zone, where more transportation is needed, and there will be carriages transported there to solve their more problems.

The Bangladesh War Department has broken down a large number of logistical tasks and contracted them to some parliamentarians. These parliamentarians have become the largest contractors. They transport all kinds of carriage parts from South Korea. There are also a large number of horses, mules, etc., more carriage assembly plants, and more carriage rental companies appearing. The emergence of these companies will bring them great convenience. Because they can get more military orders from the war, these military orders can bring greater profits.

Carriage rental and transportation and assembly factories can bring more jobs, which greatly meets the work needs of the people in Bangladesh. In this way, in addition to the railway job, they also go to major factories for production. This is a great sense of satisfaction, which makes many Mengla people feel very happy.

In addition to these factories, there are more factories appearing, a large number of garment factories, all kinds of fabrics shipped from South Korea, Zhang Xiongdao, they need to be fully processed into a variety of finished clothes, such as military uniforms, The Bangla government has formed an army of more than 80,000 people, and this number is still increasing. An army of 100,000 people is very likely to appear. They need a lot of clothing, boots, and these materials are readily available, Zhang Xiongdao The processed cloth is transported here.

And women workers in Mengla can apply for processing and do some things here. As long as they are given a certain size, they will have to process more clothes. Of course, the clothes can be made at home, but in that case, they rely on handwork. You can’t do much. If you use the sewing machine provided by the factory, you must give the factory a certain lease fee. At the same time, it takes some time to learn, but you can make more clothes. For example, by hand making, a skilled Menggla worker can make five finished clothes a day with her own hands, or even more. There are many, but no more than ten pieces at most. However, they still have sewing machines, they can make more finished clothes, they can easily reach the level of twenty pieces, and their remuneration is also very considerable.

The war orders greatly stimulated the development of the local economy in Bangla. More factories and industries appeared here. Men and women in Bangla joined the factory production, and these will greatly boost the economy of Bangla. .

On the front line, the training of new recruits for assembly line operations was basically completed. They were urgently called up, gathered in the railway station, and then boarded the train northward, and they would be driven to the combat area.

The Fifth Infantry Division of the Bangla New Army, they received the order to go to the battlefield. Many soldiers are very excited about receiving such orders, which means that their pay has risen to three yuan per mention. This is a very good pay. They can serve delicious meals if they accumulate for a few days. , You can find a pretty girl.

In the carriage, the soldiers talked about some of the topics before the war. Most of the topics were related to women. They were young boys. Many people had not tried the taste of women. They were instigated by the veterans. The money they had accumulated was spent on the woman's belly. They seemed not to be addicted, and they talked about topics that made everyone blush.

"Do you know alcohol? That thing is good for use with women. I think this is the best thing the Koreans have given us." A sergeant said to several recruits. Although the influence of traditional Hindi in Bangla has been reduced a lot. However, there are still some Indians who don’t like to drink, or that the influence of religion still exists. Even in terms of food, South Korea’s logistics supplies have to consider some of their feelings, and most of what South Korea provides them. They are all canned chicken, canned fish, and canned beef, but only a small number of soldiers who have completely joined the Central Plains religion will choose. In order to be more cautious, South Korea only provides them with such special foods so that they can thoroughly serve them. South Korea worked hard.

But in terms of alcohol, more and more Mengla people are depraved by alcohol. There are a lot of sugar and wine here. In fact, there are enough sugar cane in Bangla and enough sugar mills. They will have some sugar squeezing waste, and these wastes still have a lot of sugar. They will It is used to make some rough sugar wines, which are relatively high in alcohol and very strong, and it seems that they are not lost to the strong alcohols from Korea. Bangla soldiers were generally required to drink such alcoholic beverages before fighting. Because this can greatly ease the tension of the soldiers.

"Sir, are we going to fight against our own people in the north?" Although the topics are light topics, it is inevitable that some people will feel scared. For example, they will feel the difference in war. They are only children after all.

"Boy, who is yours with you, wait until those people stabbed your body with the bayonet, and the bayonet stirs up your heart, liver, and lungs. Say something like this again. You Just wait to die." The sergeant cursed impatiently. The soldier looked at each other embarrassedly, because it seemed to him. He just asked about such things. After all, they are people of the same race, shooting and shooting at their own people. Killing the opponent makes the opponent feel very passive.

"Okay. They are still children, don't talk too much." Lieutenant Yanla said, sitting on a chair. The sergeant looked at the ensign.

"War, that's it. If you don't kill them, they will kill you. On the battlefield, don't think too much. If you think too much, you will have nothing. Women, alcohol, and other things. Things, these things all need your lives to take over. Without life, you are nothing. So, on the battlefield, lads, please cheer me up. Don’t think too much on the battlefield.” Lieutenant Yanla knew. This is definitely a fierce battle. He doesn't know the extent of the war, but there will definitely be more casualties. He has made such preparations.

"Sir, is war really that cruel?" the soldier asked.

"When you are on the battlefield, you will know. You will feel these problems yourself, so now you can relax and think about more questions, and you will think about more questions, but here, don't worry. Don't think too much. Otherwise, you will die hard to see. This is not a warning. This is the last piece of advice." Lieutenant Yan La said. He got some definite news from other populations, or that they are about to launch a larger offensive. This kind of offense will be even more frenzied, or even more cruel. Three newly formed infantry divisions will be rushed to fight there. They will launch an offense, and the offense will inevitably cause large-scale casualties. This is okay. Yan La was still very worried about what was expected. Many of them could count the bullets shot with one hand. The most shots were five rounds, and at least one shot was missing. They just practiced installing bullets, aiming, and then there was no more. The commander gave them some cartridge cases. Just kidding, when they pull the trigger, they will find that shooting is a dangerous game.

More of them will use bayonets. The **** stocks were not used smoothly, and many tactical movements were not drilled. Yan Ra had done his best to adapt these rookies to the war. But the war came too soon. Time doesn't give them too much time at all. He feels very sad that he can't do anything. It really makes him feel unbearable.

This is the case for war. The more fully prepared it is, the less likely it is to go to war, and the less prepared it is, the war will come all at once. This caught many people off guard.

Zhao Guo, Handan, in an ordinary house, everyone is patiently waiting for the night to come, because they just bid farewell to the kerosene lamp, they will use a new lighting tool.

"The light is on. The light is on. It's beautiful." The children couldn't wait to pull the light on, and they finally got rid of an old way of lighting.

"Hehe, this electric light is brighter than a steam light." The host of this house said excitedly. The hostess smiled, did not speak, and turned on the light. He had seen rich people have it before, but now he didn't expect them to have it. You know, electric lights were still very expensive before. But I didn't expect them to have their own lights soon.

"Great. My house is a bit lighted. My house is a bit lighted." The children ran around excitedly, installing electric lights, what an exciting thing. After experimentation and small-scale promotion of electric lights, Zhao Guo Electric's rapid development finally allowed ordinary people in Zhao Guo to install lights. This makes everyone feel very excited. All of this is due to the development of Zhaoguo Power. Without these, it seems very difficult for them to do such things all at once.

In some wealthy families, in addition to electric lights, they also have other electrical appliances, telephones, and radios, which have become their most standard enjoyment of life. Electricity is changing the living conditions of some people, lighting, entertainment, and communication, but if there is no electricity, letting them lose these will make them embarrassed.

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