Zhao Guo has built the largest power generation center. There are twelve large power plants near Handan. The electricity they can generate can not only meet Qin’s demand for aluminum smelting in Luoyang, but also meet the aluminum smelting needs of Hexi. Demand, and most importantly, excess electricity began to be sent to South Korea. As the biggest benefit, Zhao Guoren used his own electricity, lights, radios, telephones, and other household appliances, which spread to more people. In some high-end families, they have already enjoyed the fun of electricity, such as refrigerators, electric ovens, and more electrical appliances have been invented, which they have never had before. More factories have begun to use electrical equipment. As for the old steam engine boilers, they have begun to sell them to other countries. In their opinion, there is nothing cleaner and more effective than electricity. If there is no electricity, they may go crazy. Electricity is really great for them. They have never enjoyed such a good treatment.

Zhao Guo not only built more power plants, they also laid a further power line, Qin Guo people met their power needs, and the excess power was sent to South Korea, because South Korea has more power needs. Lighting, electricity for factories.

Zhao Guo Coal and Electricity Association, they updated their new name to make this new name more eye-catching. They decided to expand the transmission power demand along the railway line, for example, Wei Guo, Qi Guo, Qingcheng in South Korea, Chu Countries and other places, because of this, the more places they use electricity, the greater the benefits they get. The power industry is rapidly being promoted, and these are inseparable from the promotion of the Zhao Guo Coal and Electricity Association. They are good for society.

"I hope that more places use electricity. For example, when traveling on a tram, his speed is slow, but he reaches many places and meets people's needs. I prefer something like a subway to appear, I listen to It is said that the people of Qin are building such things. If this is the case, I think they will invent a better life. In addition, I also read a science fiction novel. The novel says that they will invent a huge flying machine, which burns. A large amount of coal, fuel oil drives the generator, and then generates electricity to drive the electric motor. In this way, a larger aircraft can be made. I think this is a great invention and idea. What do you think?" Members said in an interview.

The Coal and Electricity Association of Zhao State has become the earliest monopoly organization in Zhao State. Although this organization looks a little loose, it does bring a lot of benefits to members. For example, more and more areas use electricity, they The profit will expand a lot, and the cost of electricity is not much. The main reason is the large investment in the equipment for transmitting electricity in the early stage. If they are allowed to do it alone, they will definitely not be able to do such a thing, because none of them can take it out. Such a large amount of funds comes, but if they are united, everyone will not contribute a lot of funds. On the contrary, their investment this time is long-term, because they know that once people get used to the use of electricity, they will never You can't escape the control of electricity. Being here is like eating. You can sleep, but you can't get rid of the dark night. As long as there is dark night, you will definitely use electricity for lighting. Although logically speaking, it is not very smooth, but this has shown that the promotion of electricity is very large. Because the more people are used to such things, the more they cannot do without him.

South Korean War Department.

"Our defense was really bad at first, sir." A lieutenant colonel reported to Lu. They belong to the tactical research department. This department usually does not seem to be very important, but it is an important department for improving tactics. After encountering a series of problems, the Secretary of the Army had to make this department make some tactical adjustments. This adjustment It has brought a lot of benefits, and it is very fast, and their adjustment in Bangla is like this.

"We got some large machine guns from the Navy. The calibers of these machine guns range from 20 to 47 mm, but they greatly compensate for the current coverage of infantry artillery. The most important thing is that they They can form a favorable firepower net. The existence of this firepower net prevents the impact of the Bangla stragglers. Because according to our expectations, the defensive positions we built at the beginning are more difficult to withstand such attacks. Yes." said the lieutenant colonel. The Secretary of the Army looked at the report in his hand. Listening to the lieutenant colonel's report to him.

This report points out the new situation that the new South Korean Army faces after improving tactics. In the previous wars, the South Korean Army needed to rely solely on their rifles and machine guns to build effective combat defenses. However, the Mengla people themselves changed. Their tactics, this is the skirmish tactics. Soldiers are no longer arranged in dense formations to launch attacks. They are more skirmishers. This combat formation has become looser. Although the shooting density has increased a lot, Soldiers have the ability to avoid and defend themselves, and once they are inspired, if the front is not tightly constructed, they will be easily defeated. This is a tactical innovation. Soldiers’ consciousness is aroused. They are controlled by more patriotism and various agitating sentiments. For example, the rioting Mongolian soldiers will inspire more people to solve the battle for their stomachs. In order to get food and get rid of the plight of hunger, the Mengla people had to take up weapons to launch an assault. Although such assaults are more often regarded as suicides, this is how the suicide attacked the army. Traditional combat mode.

Machine guns and rifles are difficult to defend against such a charge, because they are facing a skirmish charge coming from the tide, which is sufficiently more deadly. At this time, you will be horrified to find that the rate of fire of the rifle in your hand is not enough to deal with you. The dilemma in front of you, although your rate of fire is very fast, and the rate of fire of the machine gun is very fast, you may not be able to hit the opponent at once, but the enemy is constantly charging, and they will also shoot at you. If you hit or be killed, the machine gun tilts the bullet as much as possible, but it will still be knocked off. At this time, only artillery can completely save such a dilemma. Without such artillery, it would be difficult for you to resist such a large-scale attack. This offensive method causes more casualties and greater costs, but it makes the defensive side a little passive.

Because they found that relying solely on rifles and machine guns is still difficult to resist such crazy assaults. It seems that there are two ways to solve this problem. First, increase the number of rifles and machine guns, which requires reform of the rifle. They hope to be able to design To develop a continuous-fire rifle. In fact, the Koreans already have a clear need in this regard. However, to the actual officials of the War Department, this is an extremely unrealistic problem. The unrealistic lies in the bullet. The number of bullets and the high rate of fire will increase the demand for bullets. The situation of ammunition supply will become more and more popular. They will rely heavily on the supply of bullets. Without supply, they will have no such effect. This is a very sad thing. In this case, the entire ammunition supply and logistical supply will be greatly changed, and the production of bullets will increase considerably. This is extremely uneconomical for the war. Therefore, this method was blocked and was directly rejected. Because they don't want more bullets to be wasted.

The other way is to rely on more powerful weapons, this weapon is artillery. In terms of artillery use, the navy’s artillery is much more and more mature. Compared with the army, it is only equipped with a batch of rapid-fire cannons, but they have not been popularized on a large scale. If it weren’t for this time the Navy had just provided such a batch of equipment. In their words, they would not have such equipment to use on this. It can be said that everything is such a coincidence, and it is such a coincidence that makes them notice. The Army’s tactical change lies in the artillery.

"The data in the comprehensive report shows that our defensive operations require more defensive artillery. If there is no artillery to provide more adequate combat, it will be difficult for us to defend against the opponent's offensive." The lieutenant colonel said. What the lieutenant colonel said has been implemented in Bangla.

In a recent March 31 defensive operation, a large number of artillery were used. Although some officers believed that this was the result of their use of new bullets, in the Department of War's view, the role of artillery should be amplified, because bullets caused them after all. The casualties are very limited. Under such circumstances, artillery will be the focus of future development. For small species such as flowering bombs, they believe that it is not of great significance. This is the view of the South Korean War Department, the significance of artillery in tactics will further play a greater role, and the Zhao Kingdom Army holds the same view.

Li Mu's staff used some special methods, such as reporters. There are also reports from a large number of observers. In fact, Zhao Guoren's businessmen are also doing business in Bangla. Through these merchants, Zhao Guoren has obtained first-hand information about Koreans fighting in Bangla. After all, many times, they still hope to use this situation.

"Rapid fire weapons have once again been proven to be very effective defensive weapons, but for offenses, their combat capabilities are still seriously inadequate." Li Zuoche said after reading a report. At this time, the machine guns are generally water-cooled heavy machine guns. He needs at least five people to fight. In addition, there are more ammunition operators to provide ammunition supplements, because his rate of fire is very fast, as long as he keeps shooting, this situation It is difficult to change, this is a defect that has to be faced.

And such weapons, in offensive operations, it is difficult for him to exert such a powerful role, and can only provide limited firepower in the rear. Therefore, the offensive role of machine guns still did not attract Zhao Jun’s attention. They were just considered to be A defensive weapon is at best a fixed small artillery. Perhaps once the machine gun is made simpler or lighter, it can attract their attention. Or only at this time can it have a great impact on infantry tactics.

The machine guns of this period were still not made lighter and lighter. The Qin Army took the opportunity to try to do so, because they found that the rifle in their hands was still very weak when the infantry was fighting, especially the bolt-action rifle, despite their accuracy. However, in emergencies, random strafing is more useful than accurate shooting. Under such circumstances, it is difficult for you to predict whether your mental condition will cause you to fire more bullets. Accurate, this requires more brutal training to do this, not all soldiers can do this. Therefore, this kind of thing still needs to be done by the soldiers themselves. Their requirements for the rate of fire have become higher, and the significance of the submachine gun has become prominent. This made Qin Jun ignored the development of light machine guns. They had developed such products. , But they are all immature products. These products are either jammed or too heavy. Moreover, some products have a large recoil, the muzzle keeps jumping up, and the number of bullets is not very large. Satisfied, in this way, Qin stopped the development of light machine guns because they didn't need such weapons for war. The Qin army stopped fighting on a large scale, and such weapons naturally stagnated.

South Korea has moved to artillery. Zhao lacks the information and needs in this regard. They also have battles, but most of them are battles between rifles and small artillery. The intensity is not enough for Zhao to trigger. The idea of ​​developing a light machine gun.

"But what if a larger war breaks out in the future?" Li Mu asked Li Zuoche at this time.

"If we are facing the Qin army launching an offensive, we build a machine gun bunker, but the range of the machine gun bunker is limited after all. Although we are very advantageous in the mountains and have geographical advantages, this still cannot avoid the bombardment of heavy artillery. Our defense line is still becoming very weak, especially after the infantry skirmish tactics appear, this situation will become very serious." Li Mu predicted, so we need to change this situation. Li Mu said.

"What do you mean by the chief?" Li Zuoche asked puzzledly.

"I think the Koreans are correct. Artillery still has a great effect. From my perspective, the Koreans used the naval rapid-fire guns to stop this kind of attack like tide. The continuous strength of is very scared. If it is unstoppable at the beginning, it will be easy to break through. This will be a very terrible result for them. Therefore, what we need to do is to adjust the situation. Artillery is the only solution that can be solved. With this method of weapons, they can effectively organize a fire wall that can block fire. Relying on fast shooting methods, they can play a blocking and blocking role, but our machine guns and rifles are difficult to perform. As a result, under such circumstances, the significance of the artillery is quite significant. The most important thing is that the artillery can also provide more powerful firepower support during the offensive." Li Zuoche said. Zhao's industrial level gave Li Mu great confidence in weapons. He believed that with such weapons, Zhao Jun did not lack such weapons.

"The range of artillery is very large. At long distances, it can form a large-scale artillery suppression to block the enemy’s second and third line forces. After our artillery bombardment destroys the enemy’s defense line, it extends to the second defense line. And possibly more third lines of defense, this situation will change greatly, and the role of artillery in the offensive will have a greater effect." In Li Mu's view, artillery can be more than just defense. It has a great effect, and it can also play a huge effect in offensive operations. His idea is to use the extensibility of artillery to destroy the target after shooting and extend it to the next line of defense. In this way, you can Prevent the enemy from sending reinforcements to support, and the offensive resistance will become very small. This may be the earliest idea of ​​barrage shooting, and this idea comes from Li Mu.

Li Mu believes that by doing so, the power of the artillery can be greatly exerted. You must know that the artillery at this time is very powerful, and the range is also increased by a long distance. It is the artillery that has such characteristics that make Li Mu have this. Bold ideas, he believes that such ideas can be effectively used to solve such a difficulty, in this case, Zhao Jun's offensive will become very advantageous. Although barrage shooting will cost more shells, the tactical effects achieved are indeed different.

"Yeah." Li Zuoche nodded. He still doesn't know the intention of the barrage shooting and what the purpose is, but he can give him an idea. If a fire wall appears on the enemy's position, this firepower The wall will temporarily cut the battlefield into two closed situations. This situation is the problem they can solve. With this kind of sealing effect, they can solve very big problems.

As a result, the Zhao army’s infantry offensive relies more on artillery. If the bombardment of artillery and barrage shooting are lost, the infantry’s offensive ability will suffer a great loss. Under such circumstances, it is definitely against Zhao. An extremely unfavorable situation for the army, but this is a huge innovation in the tactics of the Zhao State Army. You must know that this kind of innovation will bring great convenience to the Zhao army. This kind of convenience has never been done.

With the development of technology, the importance of infantry weapons began to weaken, and a new powerful weapon came to the fore again. This is artillery. The importance of artillery overwhelmed the machine gun again, even though the machine gun was very important among the infantry. Large, but for artillery, the role of the machine gun does not seem to be worth mentioning. The attention of artillery in the army has received great attention.

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