The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 3326: New power injection

Regarding the artillery doctrine of the Zhao people in China, no one in the northern part of Champu cares about these issues. In their view, no matter how or how the war is fought, they cannot be taken out of this hell.

"The road conditions of the Zhanpu people are really unbearable. The roads here are very difficult to walk. Although the Zhanpu people have reinforced and compacted the roadbed, the roads are still difficult to walk, especially the heavy artillery and the endurance. After the passage of a large number of troops, these roads have become difficult to pass. There are a large number of prisoners of war on both sides of the road, in addition to the corpses of Zhanpu people. The hot weather and the stench of the corpses made it unbearable for everyone. I really don't know how we endure this smell." Fan Wen wrote in his notebook. His conditions began to drop a lot. After all, this is a war zone. First of all, his tea water was cancelled. Because of the suffering of the rear supplies, the Indian soldiers and the Yueshi people have no tea supplies. Candy has become extremely luxurious. These have a lot to do with the poor road conditions of the Zhanpu people, and the logistics of the Indy and Yue people are still far, far away.

"We are advancing too fast. I don't know if it is difficult for the Champus to defend their positions, or their country is really weak. The Yuezhi and the Indian army moved forward very smoothly. The resistance they encountered was very small and large. Their troops were disarmed on the spot. They were arranged on both sides of the road. They acted carelessly. Many Zhanpu soldiers seemed not to care about the war at all. They didn’t care about the success of the Zhanpu people. According to the Yuezhi people’s attitude towards the Zhanpu people The interrogation learned that we knew some things." Fan Wen said.

"War, everything is war. It can be said that the **** war has made these Zhanpu people extremely weak. The Zhanpu people have experienced two large-scale wars. The financial consumption of war is huge, but the Zhanpu people have experienced two large-scale wars. The general people have been relying on external expansion to meet the financial balance, but this balance may not be a long-term balance, because it is easy to lose balance, and the price of weapons is getting more and more expensive. This balance will quickly make the financial balance imbalance. In order to maintain a sense of financial balance during the war, the Zhanpu people had to levy high taxes, which has made it difficult for the Zhanpu people to bear. This made the burden on the Zhanpu people extremely large. They were struggling. Edge, or in other words, they are trying to solve a problem they are difficult to solve, that is, whether they continue this struggle." Fan Wen quickly wrote in his diary.

"This is also the reason why we can move forward quickly, because many militiamen who have been enlisted have no motivation to resist. They are already under a high pressure. Their tax burden is too heavy, and the state and the government take them from them. There are too many things to go. They have no feelings for the country and the government. They think that they don’t owe the country. On the contrary, the country should owe them a lot. Therefore, they have no sense of shame for failure, because it should be so, this country, The government is not what they want, who asked them to take too much from themselves. Therefore, their resistance became powerless. After breaking through the first line of defense, the Indy Moon Alliance marched extremely. Quickly, if it were not for the poor road conditions, they might advance faster, but the fatigue of the soldiers was also increasing. On both sides of the road were droves of Zhan and Prussian soldiers who surrendered. They had no sense of war. Surrender. , Can solve all their problems, anyway, they can't do anything." The model wrote.

As the model essay writes, in Zhanpu, the government has taken too many things from the people. In order to find a financial balance, they have to impose higher taxes on their people. Higher taxes have crushed everything they have. , It makes it difficult for them to bear such pressure. Now they have to let them take up arms to resist the invasion of Indy and Yue’s coalition forces. It is absolutely impossible for them to sell their lives. Except for the first line of defense, there is a certain After the establishment of the standing army, the subsequent series of defense lines were imaginary. Although most of them were later conscripted, they had no fighting will and fighting capacity at all. When the Yueshi Indy Alliance arrived, they surrendered smoothly. For them, the war is over. It has nothing to do with them. Their task is completed. The attitude of this kind of news directly allowed the coalition to march smoothly.

However, the coalition forces still have greater logistical issues to deal with. Their logistical materials need to be transported in from Yueshi and Indy. The supply line is extremely long and weak. The road conditions of the Zhanpu people aggravate this situation, which makes it even more so. They become frightened and uneasy, and they need to solve such problems. But the more they move forward, the more their problems become tense. At the same time, they have to understand more problems. For example, there are a large number of prisoners. They cannot completely restrict their freedom. Many people still need food, and the more soldiers captured. , The greater their logistical burden, in the eyes of the Zhanpu people, their surrender is a way of life, but for the coalition forces, this is the biggest trouble. This makes the logistics supply line of the coalition, which is not very wealthy, extremely fragile.

Fan Wen seems to be aware of this, but there is a big disagreement about how the coalition command handles such things. The Indians think they are part of the Indians, and they will be the Indians in the future. They should give them as much as possible. Provide some food, and on the other hand, the Yue people think they should go further, because at this time the main force of the Zhanpu people is in the south, not here, which means they have more time and opportunities. Solving such a problem is a great fighter for them. Once they lose such a fighter, they will lose more opportunities. The result is unbearable for them, so they need to solve this. Trouble, and the easiest way is to slaughter, kill these prisoners of war they can solve this problem.

The Indians and the Champus are the same kind of people. After all, they have once unified there. They have the feelings of the old country in it. And the Yue people, they don’t care about these Champus. In their view, they have the right to execute a large number of them. Prisoners of war, and their logistics supply situation is getting worse and worse. This makes their situation worse and worse. They need to solve this problem as soon as possible, otherwise, their situation will become extremely difficult, and the Yue people don't want to wait like this anymore. He needs to solve this problem as soon as possible. The two sides had great differences on this. In this way, the issue was shelved, and the situation became worse and worse. They need to move forward, but they need food to move forward. Their logistical supplies can't get here, and along the way, their transportation has become extremely tense, but now they are suddenly in extremely bad condition. Because the prisoners of war consumed some of the only food in their hands, how bad the result was. Everyone feels it. This is an unprecedented situation. This makes everyone's situation very bad.

Rest in peace the democratic government. This is a fashionable combination of words. This is the official name of the Parthian government. They are elected and are the government that best represents the people's opinions. This name shows that they are very different from the previous Parthian kingdom.

"Did Qin State Bank lend us the money?" Libert's current concern is this problem. If this problem is not resolved, think about it, his Parthian regiment must be disbanded.

"Yes, our funds are only two million gold coins, and we must use paper money for delivery. We must use Qin’s paper money for transactions. This is the requirement of the people of Qin, because they can’t provide so much money for the We are fighting." Zhao Xi said helplessly.

"Well, no matter what? We have solved a problem, and solving such a problem is a big problem for us." Liebert said lightly. Regarding the problem of funding, he thinks it is a big problem, but as long as the country still exists, everything can still be done. For them, this is really a big problem that they have never encountered before. They have never encountered such a thing. After all, they are just some low-level military officers. Suddenly accepting state affairs, it still makes them feel a little at a loss, or It means being caught off guard.

"But, sir, what I want to say is that our funds are very inadequate. If we cut some unnecessary expenditures, our government will last at most for half a year. If the expenditures are slightly larger, three months, three months. Within a month, our funds may be exhausted." Zhao Xi has done a series of calculations. He believes that this calculation is relatively accurate. If it is not very accurate, he would not do such a thing. But the current situation has made him reluctant to accept such things. War is a big problem, and they must solve this financial problem in order for them to sustain it.

"In other words. We need to get the oil producing areas in the north within three months at the fastest. If we can't do it, everything will be in vain?" Libert asked Zhao Xi at this time.

"To be precise, such a thing may have to be completed within three months. The General Staff has made many plans, but these are unlikely to end the war in a short time. It seems that this difficulty will be very big. I It's true, sir, if we can't solve this problem well, our situation will become very passive." Zhao Xi helplessly told the other party this news.

"I know this. But to solve this problem, there are some problems, I think you know. We need a lot of troops. The war plan." Liebert himself has no confidence to look at the position they currently occupy within three months. Zi expanded to the northern oil region, because their opponents were not only the Persians, but also their own people. What is their attitude? What they are good at is some time-consuming low-intensity guerrilla operations. In this way, The time they spend has become extremely disadvantageous. Because they have no time to spend, this is definitely not good news for them.

"Sir, I have an idea. I think we can include those who are in peace, or our own people, we can accept them as a new independent combat unit, let them fight, and we provide them with logistical supplies. In this case , Our army can reduce the scale and frequency of dispatch. This can also reduce our consumption." Zhao Xi provided such a suggestion, which is also the best answer given by the Qin State Business Advisory Group, because they are facing The opponent is a group of opponents who never abide by the rules of war. They are good at some irregular operations, sneak attacks, ambushes, guerrillas that never engage in guerrilla warfare, and fight against such opponents. The regular army usually costs money. It takes a longer time and more energy to solve such a problem, which is difficult for the new Shah government to accept, because it takes too long. Too much time means that the situation will change greatly. This is definitely not what everyone wants to see. This is too passive for the rest. Therefore, they need to solve some problems, and how to solve this problem requires them to use some new ways to solve it.

After all, war is a continuation of politics, and politics usually revolves around economic issues. The advisory team believes that this can be an economic issue or a political issue. They can use real means of soothing to give the other side some way out. After all, the situation of the northern partisans’ guerrillas is not very good. They can’t get enough supplies. At the same time, they have to face the annexation of other guerrillas. If they join the democratic government at this time, the democratic government needs to give them a certain amount. Parliament seats, although some members are unwilling, this is the best way. In this case, the democratic government can give the other party some supplies, and the army becomes the best weapon to deter the other party.

"Do you think this is feasible?" Liebert first doubted the feasibility of this approach.

"I think it can. After all, some people in the north are not in a very good condition. They have become extremely passive, because their materials cannot be greatly supplemented. Under such conditions, they have become passive. It’s hard to withstand such an offense. This is an opportunity for us. With such an opportunity, for us, we can solve all the problems. At the same time, by accepting and adapting them, we can learn more about the situation. They will understand the situation of the northern guerrillas better than we do. We have divided them. In this way, our opponent will become a single Persian opponent. For us, it has reduced a great burden." Zhao Speaking of interest.

"You are right, this is indeed of great significance to us, but if you do this, it will take time. What I worry about is time. We will spend a lot of time doing this. This, how do you solve it." Libert Still worried about the issue of time. After all, their financial funds are very limited. The people of Qin seem to be very impatient, and they will never provide them with more funds. In this case, they will have to do some overkill to solve this problem.

"If we can give them some different conditions, or give them some preferential conditions, the first place is many, the second place is very few. The conditions are like this, in this case, in a competitive relationship, they may actively participate in it. "Zhao Xi thought for a while and said. This is the best answer given by Qin Guo’s consultant. They believe that a competitive approach must be adopted to allow them to sign an agreement with them to fight. In this way, all problems will be solved and their problems become. It's extremely simple, because their opponents will fully consider their interests. Accepting the government's proposal is the best way. The first one will get more benefits, and the latest one will get the worst treatment. If they take the risk and find that there will be more benefits, they will become scrambling. This is the result of a psychological factor.

"I understand. Very good, this idea would be good, I think we should try it. Anyway? We will get better results, won't we?" Libert thought for a while and said.

"Yes, sir, our situation is already very bad. Without this amount of funds, we will get nothing, but if we do this, we may get more things. This is for us. In other words, letting go may be the best choice." Zhao Xi said. Li Bo nodded his head, this is the most helpless and helpless choice, but such a choice has already come out. There is nothing to be a pity for them.

Aijigang, the naval strength of the South Korean Navy’s Red Sea Fleet has been weakened a lot. They have some warships overwhelmed. In addition to the previous sneak attacks, their situation has become extremely bad. Their chiefs always complain and complain. , But they can't change the current situation. They only have five poor old warships. More and more sailors became the Marines, and they became more comfortable.

"Toot toot, toot toot." The bugle sounded continuously, and five new-style warships appeared in front of them. They were steam warships that the Western Fleet had strengthened to them, preparing for larger-caliber artillery. Powerful, able to reach a speed they never dared to imagine, a speed of 22 knots.

"Look, the new-style battleship looks really jealous." An old sailor watched the new-style battleship advance slowly. Without a mast, they could advance faster. The three large chimneys billowed thick smoke. I don’t know. Thought it was on fire. But they are indeed warships, representing the most advanced warships in Korea.

"Great. Our strength has finally been strengthened." A naval officer said.

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