"They are all modified warships equipped with large-caliber eleven-inch guns. They are powerful." An ensign lowered the telescope in his hand and said. Such warships made them feel very excited. Because the strength of the Red Sea Squadron has finally been strengthened, it means that the above has already paid attention to them. But they still have some small losses. After all, such warships are not in their hands. If they are in their hands, they can definitely do better.

The South Korean Navy is cheering, while the South Korean Navy Department is nervously and busy thinking about some issues. For example, whether they will invest in such a military force, and how to invest in such a military force, the Navy Department has not yet clear ideas.

"If we really bombard with those large-caliber artillery, we want to know the reaction of the people in Suez, sir, such a bombardment will cause a large number of civilian casualties. If we love a few people and don’t care, we will eventually join the ground forces. Combat." A naval officer said to the undersecretary of the navy. The Secretary of the Navy will not consider this issue. His request is to get Suez City as soon as possible. This city is very important to South Korea. It is related to the possibility of future operations. Moreover, the northern war in Bangladesh may start at any time. Under such circumstances, the only thing they have to do is to act as quickly as possible to strive for a favorable situation for the Navy Department.

"If we bombard and win Suez, everything should be worth doing." The Navy Deputy Commander thought for a while and said. He believes that things like killing and wounding Aiji civilians are no longer in their control. Who told them not to surrender, if they surrender, or such things can still be avoided, since they use force, they should do it mercilessly.

"But sir, if we do this, we still have to join the ground forces in the end. Under such circumstances, I am worried that if we do not do well, we will be driven into the sea, and that situation will be extremely passive." The navy officer said worriedly.

"You know? If we hesitate like this, we can't do anything. Time has been given to us too much. We can't waste it like this anymore. Tell the people of Qin, Zhao, and Chu about our situation here. Let them participate. They will come if they are willing to come, and if they don’t want to come, I will not force them. If they don’t do it, we will do it. Just do it.” The Deputy Chief of the Navy finally decided.

"Yes, sir." The navy officer already knew that such a thing could not be avoided. South Korea always hopes to solve such problems cleanly. Although they will face such difficulties, they must solve such problems as quickly as possible. There is also a war department opposite them. The war department guys will not wait patiently.

Within the South Korean War Department.

"The war must end as soon as possible. The Yueshi and the Indians in the north have sent troops. According to the report of Qin Guo reporter." The Secretary of the Army looked at the documents in his hand.

"They have already occupied more than two hundred kilometers of Prussian territory. If it weren't for the people of Zhanpu, the road conditions would be too bad. If possible, they have already occupied half of the territory of Prudence. We must solve this problem as soon as possible. The Menggla native soldiers in front of them then sent their troops northward. Let the Yueshi and the Indians stop. Otherwise, our sphere of influence will be very difficult." The Secretary of the Army looked at the report in his hand and said.

"Sir, what should we do if we capture a large number of prisoners of war?" At this time, a consultant posed a question that was inevitable for everyone. Prisoners of war, it is said that the Yueshi and the Indians in the north have also encountered this problem, which will make it extremely difficult for the two armies to advance.

"Well, I think they are the best labor. It's too cheap to kill them. Let them build the railway. After all, we can't kill too many Mengla people, otherwise, the Mengla people will collectively oppose us. . After all, we rely on the Mengla people to fight against the Mengla people.” The Secretary of the Army reluctantly said of such a thing, in accordance with the Queen’s order. They should be severely executed the native soldiers of these riots because they challenged South Korea’s national dignity. For such a group of thugs, South Korea must severely crack down on them, but the South Korean government is currently encountering problems. Compared with those thugs, The Yueshi and the Indians in the north are even more hateful. They invaded South Korea’s sphere of influence while the South Koreans had no time to visit North Korea. This is something that Koreans absolutely cannot allow. They absolutely punished each other severely. Punishment can completely solve the existence of things that challenge South Korea's national dignity.

"Yes, sir, in this case, our logistics supply problem will be greatly improved." On the issue of prisoners of war, the officers of the War Department appear very rational. They have sufficient supplies, because the Korean army is along the line. As long as there are railways, they will not lack enough food to worry about their logistics supply problems. If this problem persists, they will not consider this way. After all, it will aggravate their problems. burden.

In the territory of Zhanpu, Fan Wen saw that some Yue soldiers left here with a group of Zhanpu prisoners of war. The number of prisoners of war exceeded two hundred. The number was not very large, and it could not cause more excessive reactions from Zhanpu prisoners. In their view Now, the fate of these two hundred people has nothing to do with them. Fan Wen doesn’t like the attitude of the people of Zhanpu. They are always so free and loose, or, inattentive, they become selfish and numb. In fact, for the civilians of any country with high taxes, they will become In this way, their property becomes insecure, and even their lives will become extremely numb. As a result, their condition will become extremely morbid, which is what all Zhanpu people look like. The important reason for the numbness is that they have no freedom to speak of, so naturally they can do so, because they themselves have lost the meaning of living, they just survive, numb survival.

Fan Wen feels that something strange has happened recently. The number of prisoners of war seems to have decreased, but no one cares about these. A large number of prisoners of war surrender every day, and some local civilians will do the same because they cannot survive on their own. There is food here. The Indians are still discussing. Every day they will give some gruel, very thin gruel. Most of a bowl of gruel is water, only the bottom of the bowl has only a few grains of rice, but it’s this kind of food, Zhanpu people I can't guarantee that they can only eat some local plants. Although he cannot be named, the shortage of food has made it impossible for the Zhanpu people to continue fighting.

According to the interrogation of intelligence officers, the Zhanpu army was extremely cruel or took extremely high-handed measures against their people. They took away all the food when they finally retreated. The army had collected most of the food before. That poor food is the last ration that the local people depend on for survival. The only ration. This ration may only keep them alive, and may end up starving to death many people, but now, their last bit of pity The rations are gone. The Champa Country has entered an unprecedented crisis. In the food crisis, many people will be starved to death. In order to survive, they have to move closer to the place where there is food. The coalition seems to be the best direction, because the coalition will Give some gruel, although those gruel is not helpful, but it is better than nothing. A large number of civilians surrendered every day. They came for food. In the local area, some Zhanpu women could sell themselves with only a small piece of food. Indi and Yue soldiers would try their best to satisfy them. Because their food is never in short supply, and the cruelty of war, many soldiers become indulgent. They are so crazy. The sample article just mentions this. Such things are not uncommon. The more chaotic, the more crisis. This happens everywhere.

But what Fan Wen noticed is that there are some subtle changes in the number of prisoners of war. Although a large number of prisoners of war join in every day, some prisoners of war will disappear completely, and they will be taken away by the Yues before they disappear. The people of the Yue family will never release them kindly, unless there is a big reason for them to do so. Or, something else happens again. Fan Wen felt that he must investigate such things clearly. This may be the best way for him to investigate all the incidents.

He quietly followed behind the Yue people. The Yue people escorted the prisoners to some vehicles. Those vehicles were temporarily recruited by logistical guarantees. After being escorted for a certain distance, they entered a relatively remote hilly area. , They walked forward, and Fan Wen followed carefully. He felt that the situation of those Zhanpu people might not be too good. And the Zhanpu prisoners thought that they would do something special, or they would do some work. In this way, they might get more food. They thought so, but the answer will soon be available. Fan Wen heard some gunshots.

"Bang. Bang." There were rifles and pistols, with varying levels of sound, but Li Wen was very surprised. He continued to carefully approach the place where the gunfire came from, and in a far place, he saw the situation.

A big pit, a natural big pit, and then many Zhanpu prisoners of war were driven in, and the Yue people began to shoot randomly. Many prisoners of war were killed, and the corpses in the big pit were densely packed. It seems that they have executed such prisoners for a long time.

And beside the other big pit, an order was being established. Many Zhanpu prisoners of war were covered in sacks, then simply tied up, and two soldiers were escorted to the side of the big pit. Then the opponent was kicked and fell to the ground. He Meng didn't know that his destiny had come to an end.

"Bang." Fan Wen felt a chill in the back of his head. What he saw was that a Yue soldier shot at the opponent's head. Then the corpse fell directly into the big pit. The corpses were full of such corpses. These all explain why a certain number of Zhanpu people disappear every day, but too many Zhanpu people enter. No one will notice this, and the people of the Yue family deal with such matters very coldly. Fan Wen was terrified. It was the first time he felt so scared. Although he had heard from his ancestors about the final settlement of prisoners of war on the Changping battlefield, they were all prisoners of war who were killed. The executions of the Yueshi people were more concealed, or crazy, their efficiency may not be very high, but they were extremely orderly, and existed like a murder factory. Fan Wen doesn't know if he can watch it anymore. He suddenly felt very numb in his heart. He didn't know how to report such a thing, whether it was really written out or not. Fan Wen is chaotic, but he must leave here as soon as possible, after all, this is the Yue family's own secret.

On the issue of prisoners of war, the Yue people and the Indians had such a big difference. The Indians would rather not advance, but also to solve the problem of hunger among the people of Occupy Phu Quoc. This made the Yue people very dissatisfied, because the Yue people used to I clearly told the other party that these prisoners of war will make them lose the time to finally solve the problem of occupying the country. The Yue people hope to solve this problem as soon as possible. After all, their logistical supplies will greatly consume more materials. This is They are the least willing to face a situation, but the Indians do not understand. They think they are regaining lost ground, so they are very concerned about it. The end result was that the two broke up unhappy. The Indians continued to give alms. They used some of the military's supplies on this, which made many of them very dissatisfied. But it's just dissatisfaction, but Yueshi people are different. They think this is the Indians' own business. They put their hatred on the prisoners of war. They decided to execute these prisoners secretly. In their view, they just dealt with some garbage. This makes everyone feel terrible. But they did. Anyway, it was the Indians or the Zhanpus who were killed. In their opinion, there is no difference, no difference at all.

In order to completely resolve the riots on the northern line of South Korea’s Bangla, the South Korean War Department established the first regiment on the basis of the 32 Infantry Division. The First Corps of the Bangla New Army in South Korea has three Bangla reorganization divisions under its jurisdiction. They are all new divisions who have just finished their training. Many of them have never been on the battlefield. Most of them are new divisions. The organization of each division There are about 12,000 personnel. In addition, there are three independent regiments organized in the early days. Of course, there are two additional infantry divisions. In the end, the Bangla regiment will have six infantry divisions, but they All training in the rear. This is their inevitable thing. The South Korean side will send out a maimed 32 infantry division. They have basically been ruled out of the possibility of continuing to play combat. In order to show that they will send troops, the South Korean side temporarily selected a few dissatisfied infantry regiments, and they have insufficient numbers in each regiment. Two thousand people, the weapons and equipment are not too complete, but they can display a certain combat effectiveness. The number after the Meng La Corps has reached more than 58,000. This is a number that has never been seen before, and the follow-up force may continue to increase.

"We need to resolve the affairs of Bangla as soon as possible. The Occupy Prussian nation in the north is no longer able to withstand the attacks of the Yuezhi and the Indian coalition forces." said Zhang Ke, the commander of the Bangla regiment. He is the rank of lieutenant general and he was promoted only recently. The local government needs him to resolve the war in Bangla as soon as possible, and to properly resolve the dispute with Yueshi Indy. For this they must enter the Champa country as soon as possible, otherwise, in In the future negotiations, South Korea will have no advantage at all. This is their current situation. They must resolve such things as quickly as possible. It seems a bit difficult, but it must be resolved.

"Sir, I don't think there is any difficulty in resolving the riots of the Mongolian soldiers. They are gathered here, and they seem to want to occupy the warehouse behind us, and our military strength is also very rich." The chief of staff said on the side. To.

"I think the next plan is that our wings should go forward, surround them from the rear, and then completely eat them. In this way, we can solve a large part of the time problem, which is very beneficial to us. Said the chief of staff.

"We want to solve this problem as quickly as possible. The only way is to fight a war of siege and annihilation. Completely eliminate them." The Chief of Staff said. Hearing this, the representatives of Bangla were a little worried. They have never undergone such training. This will cause many mistakes. The war is most afraid of making mistakes. They don’t know if they do this, it will cause even greater mistakes. Adverse reactions.

Zhang Ke is very interested in this. Because he felt that there was no problem in doing so. Because they have an advantage in strength and are well equipped.

His only consideration now is how to resolve the situation in the north. They must enter the territory of Champu as soon as possible, especially the main force of Champu. I heard that they are in the north. Does this mean that they have to fight with the main force of Champu, if so? In this case, a lot of time may be wasted. He doesn't care about the things in front of him at all. He thinks that the threat of those Mongolian soldiers is not very big.

South Korea’s main target opponent is the Champa in the north. They need to continuously solve the Mengla native soldiers and the main Champa army. If this is the case, he is very worried about whether they will have the ability to continue to fight against each other in the future. Zhang Ke must carefully consider this issue.

"After surrounding the enemy, we must try our best to avoid large-scale decisive battles, especially extreme consumption of troops. This is extremely unfavorable for our future operations. All of us should pay attention to this point and maintain our strength. , Is to maintain our strength." Zhang Ke said. He hopes that his men can save their soldiers as much as possible. Don't have too much loss, in that case, their situation will become extremely vague and unfavorable. Only by conserving strength can we make effective plans in future operations. This is a qualification.

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