Qin State Xianyang, the Ministry of National Defense received a specially encrypted telegram. This encrypted telegram is a commercial telegram. This type of commercial telegram is usually sent by reporters, some commercial managers who are mainly in charge of economic affairs, and commercial representatives, because The content of the telegram involves some secret information, and they usually encrypt this part of the commercial information. Although it is a bit complicated, it still has certain advantages when processed. For example, some telegraph machines that also accept the other party’s information cannot decipher the meaning. . This adds a lot of secrecy to business information.

The Qin government and businesses have already noticed the encryption of telegrams, because they have discovered before that some South Korean intelligence agencies can actually decipher the telegrams between the Qin government, and the Qin telegrams have started to set up some simple telegrams a long time ago. The password was used to communicate. After the code was deciphered, the Qin government immediately strengthened its measures. At the same time, some commercial organizations began to pay attention to this. They suddenly discovered that their opponents seemed to be able to obtain some of their own intentions through telegrams. This was for them. , Is the biggest failure, once this failure is constituted, it will have a great impact. Therefore, encryption has become the choice of all European commercial telegrams. The South Korean intelligence agencies also found that it was becoming more and more difficult for them to decipher Qin's telegrams. Because this involves a lot of mathematics-related knowledge, and Qin has changed new telegram cipher cycles frequently, it seems that it is still difficult for them to decipher such telegrams.

"Sir, I think this telegram should be understood by the Prime Minister's Mansion." A supervisor handed a telegram to Wei Liao, who took it with her glasses. His eyesight began to decline, these are the results of long-term and high-intensity work. After reading it, Wei Liao shook his head helplessly. This telegram is from Fan Wen. He encrypted what he saw and gave it to his newspaper. After the newspaper saw such an article, he felt that he should not publish it unless The reporter came back immediately, otherwise the other party will be in great danger of life, and this matter is extremely sensitive. Qin people have also had massacres before, and the historical archives have detailed records, especially Tu Sui. The participant and executor of the massacre, he always fights desperately. The people of Qin state themselves advertised as disseminators of civilization. This is mainly propagated among various countries. Such things happen and it is extremely detrimental to Qin’s international influence. Considering the possibility of future reunification, Qin began to pay attention to the image of the people of Qin, especially the external image. If you stand with a murderer, your image will certainly not be good. Therefore, Qin’s Ministry of National Defense considers this aspect. He believes that such matters must be handled effectively. Otherwise, it will greatly damage the international image of Qin State. This is definitely a situation that all departments of Qin State are unwilling to see.

"Although I don't want to believe this kind of thing, but the fact is that it did happen. We can't stop this kind of thing from happening, we can only let the other side develop like this." The supervisor continued.

"This kind of thing does have a great impact on Qin State. I think that the Prime Minister's House should be cautious and deal with such a thing." said the supervisor.

"Well, I will tell the prime minister's office about this matter, but it is impossible to deal with it quickly. If necessary, let our reporters come back as soon as possible. If they don't let us, they will cause us a lot of trouble. , Such things must be kept secret, kept secret, you know?" Wei Liao said.

In the prime minister's mansion, this telegram was quickly handed over to Meng Yi. Meng Yi felt very shocked. Yueshi's behavior had greatly exceeded his expectations.

"What do you think?" Shangwen asked Meng Yi after reading the telegram. When Shangwen saw such a telegram, Shangwen was surprised. This is similar to the Katyn tragedy in history, but the difference is that Things between the two allies, and the Yue people obviously did it with confidence. What he didn't know was why the people of the Yue family had such courage to do such a thing. It is difficult for him to understand the logical thinking of Yueshi people.

"This, massacre, I think, I think there is a reason." Meng Yi thought for a while and said.

"Yeah." Shang Wen nodded vaguely. He agreed with this point of view. He was thinking that this matter has already happened. If it were said, Yueshi and Indi might turn their faces on the spot. It is also possible that both parties calmly dealt with such a matter, but this matter must have been brought about by an outbreak of contradictions. For the Indians, the massacre of the Zhanpu people by the Yue people was unacceptable.

"There are usually two cases of massacres erupting. One is riots. They are likely to pose a great danger to themselves, such as Changping and the massacre of Tusui." Meng Yi reluctantly gave an example. To. This is the situation in Changping. Hundreds of thousands of prisoners of the Zhao army would pose a great threat to the Qin army. The Qin army had to do this, and so did Tu Sui. During the escort, the Huns suddenly launched an offensive. It may threaten the safety of Xianyang. In that case, the Qin Empire would collapse. Therefore, it seemed at the time that massacre was an effective way, but now they have to look at such things again. Qin needs a kind of moral help. If there is no morality, it can be done by conquering by force alone. But it is extremely detrimental to Qin's future rule. After all, you are based on a **** foundation rather than a unity of morality and justice. Qin needs morality and justice.

"The other kind is deliberate. They do this in order to achieve some impossible reason. I think this factor may have a lot to do with the first kind, or that they have encountered some difficulties. I had to do this to solve the problem, I checked their logistics supply status." Meng Yi said. The slaughter of the Yue people was not purely political. Political slaughter carries a great sense of hatred. At present, there is no specific kind of slaughter. Sometimes, the Qin State tries to avoid such a kind of slaughter as much as possible. The occurrence of the situation.

"Their logistical situation, although there is a railway supporting their logistical supply line, but their front line still needs ox carts and horse carts for transportation, but they can only maintain some basic logistical supplies, and the ammunition status is also Subject to great restrictions, this is very detrimental to the Yueshi’s next offensive. Moreover, the coalition forces are attacking very fast. They are advancing to the 300-kilometer line. If they do so, their logistical supplies will bear the burden. The pressure is very high." Meng Yi said.

"In addition, a series of prisoners of war appeared along the way. These prisoners of war are actually local civilians. They have no possibility of fighting, but it is such a situation that they have to take measures to kill. It can be said that, This kind of thing happened suddenly. We didn't expect it to be such a result." Meng Yi said helplessly.

"This is really a **** decision." Shang Wen felt that the Yue people had to take such measures for military purposes.

"It is indeed a **** decision, but we can't explain the situation, because the Yue people are importing a large amount of arms from us, and the arms trade at the border has once again risen to a new level." Meng Yi said. If Qin State announces such news, it will inevitably cause great trouble to Qin State's arms trade. Shang Wen felt a headache. Qin needs morality and justice, but in the face of interests, they are still very pragmatic. What they need is interest. Under the balance, Shang Wen could only estimate some benefits, unless Qin State made too much money. They only talk about morality and justice. Qin is different from other countries, that is, Qin people are very pragmatic, and Koreans also have a pragmatic side, but it is usually their helpless choice.

Inside Li You's office.

"The price of copper ore has begun to rise. If this is the case, our bullet production costs will rise. In addition, there are more and more military factories in various countries. They can also produce so many bullets. They constitute a lot of our products. Big threat." A department manager in charge of ammunition production reported to Li You. The Li's Armory is developing very fast. As long as there is a war, their business is developing very well. They have received arms orders from Dawan, mainly for a batch of bombs and incendiary bombs. They can produce such bombs, of course. , They would also strongly recommend the use of some machine guns. This kind of machine guns have a long range and great power, and are the best murder benefits. He thought that the other party would like it, and the Dawan people also fully considered this. The Shaman through the introduction of the bank. The Li's Armory received an order for arms production from the other side. At the same time, the people of the Yue family seemed to be very interested in some artillery of the Qin State. From infantry artillery to some howitzers, even some large-caliber artillery, they wanted to need it. This is the most profitable place in the Li’s arsenal. However, the export of bullets is also the most important link, but bullets require some manpower. Although they improved the production equipment, the bullets still need some manpower to complete. Qin’s labor costs have risen rapidly, which makes Li’s arsenal not. Do not consider buying a batch of bullets from some other countries to solve such production problems.

"What is the solution?" Li You asked.

"Let Zhao Guo's military factory produce, they can also produce related bullets, and, most importantly, their labor costs are very low, which is very beneficial to us." The manager said.

"Well. Good, very good, just do this." Li You thought about it and decided, it seems that this has become the most suitable choice. This is the best choice for Qin's military industrial enterprises. Driven by the rise in coal and oil prices, copper ore has begun to stabilize and has a further upward trend. Market analysts all have this view. In their opinion, such an increase should be expected. Therefore, they decided to buy long, but this would be detrimental to the company. Because the cost of the enterprise will rise, in order to reduce the profit reduction brought about by the cost and a series of cost pressures, Qin has to transfer the production of some low-tech products, such as Zhao Guo or Qi Guo. Because such countries have labor advantages.

State of Zhao, Handan. The first military factory of the State of Zhao, here is a relatively comprehensive military factory, ranging from bullets to rifles and pistols, from pistols to artillery. They all have production. It can be said that this arsenal represents the top level of Zhao's military technology, but some Zhao people also have their own arrangements. For example, they will not blindly accept orders for some low-end products.

"Our production tasks are very heavy, and many places require skilled labor. It is impossible for us to provide such a large amount of labor to produce bullets, which are cheap and unlikely to make money. The most important thing is that in the future, copper The price of ore may continue to rise. In that case, we may not be able to make money on this project, but will lose money.” A supervisor told the factory director.

"Well, this is correct. The artillery of the Admiralty has made us a lot of money. And we have also received orders from other countries. The Qin people's orders are not of great significance to us, unless they are very technical. It is better not to start such cooperation with them." said the director. The people of Qin people had to transfer some outdated technologies due to production cost issues, but these technologies are still fresh to the people of Zhao people, and they have great reference for their future development. Therefore, people of Zhao people still need this. However, one problem has to be put before them, that is, cooperation. Only through cooperation can such problems be solved. However, cooperation also has some problems. For example, the technology of bullets was not able to be produced by Zhao people before, but after the cooperation, they have mastered such technology. Although there is a certain degree of difficulty in production, for them, The difficulty of technology has shifted to other aspects. For example, the airflow shape of the warhead, the material, and the details of the propellant, primer, etc., are no longer a problem in the production process. In this regard, they will make adjustments and improvements themselves. They have mastered the relevant technology, If they are allowed to continue production, their technical level will not reach such a situation.

"However, if we do not cooperate in production, I am worried that the next cooperation will affect our future technical cooperation, which is not a good thing for us." The supervisor said worriedly at this time. A large part of Zhao's technology comes from introduction and digestion. If such introduction is stopped, it is difficult for them to believe that they can do this through some of their own things.

"Well, I understand this. But if we continue to produce, what shall we do?" the factory manager asked worriedly.

"I think we can move to Qi. The situation in Qi is special. They can do this. Moreover, the most important thing is that their production levels are different, their labor force is more, and they have more. The shipping ships in China can import a large amount of copper ore from Goguryeo. In this way, their cost can be cheaper. This is also a very beneficial thing for us. Qin people can do this and we can do the same." The supervisor said.

"Well. Can we do the same?" the factory manager asked.

"Yes." The supervisor nodded and said. The factory director finally approved the plan, and they decided to transfer these low-end production products to Qi, because it is easier to produce there.

Mengla, the Fifth Infantry Division of the Mengla New Army.

All the soldiers are resting. They have to make final preparations for tomorrow's offensive. Many people drank some alcohol. Alcohol can make them have the will to fight.

"Are the soldiers asleep?" Yan La asked his sergeant, who was in charge of specific affairs.

"Sir, everything is ready. We can launch an attack tomorrow, but where do we attack?" the sergeant asked.

"Our task is heavier. We will attack a stronghold held by the native soldiers, and the casualties may be greater. But we will attack later, so don't worry too much." Yan La told the other party. The war mission has been issued. They must comply.

"Tomorrow may encounter some fierce battles. We must learn to protect ourselves and pay attention to some soldiers. They may run away and hold them. If the gendarmerie is caught, the situation will be very bad. Hold them, we It can save their lives. If they can't hold it, the situation may be very bad." Yan La said. He knows very well that his men are all military police, and they are attacking well-defensive strongholds. The battle will be difficult to fight. Such a difficult war is **** for recruits. Normally, there will be a percentage The thirty soldiers chose to retreat, or did not advance, and the gendarmerie behind them would specifically target them, because some of them collapsed first, and after they collapsed, they quickly collapsed, and then a large number of soldiers would oppose them. They shoot at the other party and shoot them directly. In that case, they will be treated as deserters. Yan La doesn't like the military police, and does not want such things to happen to his own people. This is usually not a good thing for him. , He didn't want such a thing to happen, he just hoped that his soldiers could spend the day safely. Killing is too right, for them, it is sin karma.

"Sir, if you can't hold it," the sergeant said worriedly.

"Regardless of the reason, you must watch it, remember, you must watch it. Uncontrollable things must never happen." Strictly warned. The sergeant nodded. The South Korean New Army treats deserters extremely harshly. In such a battle, it is an honor to die in front, and to escape is a deserter. When the body is collected after the war, they will be directly abandoned and buried with the enemy. His welfare benefits are not at all. This is shameful. For his soldiers, this is the most difficult to accept.

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