The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 3329: Bangla New Army is on the offensive

Donglin. This was originally a warehouse area for Koreans, where the Korean New Army established a whole set of defensive positions. Because of the geographical relationship, Donglin happens to have a not-so-high mound here, which is less than fifty in height, but it is the only commanding height here. The Koreans set up a series of artillery positions there, and they can effectively blockade them. Everything here. If the new Bangladeshi army takes it, they can completely close the retreat of the native soldiers, but if they can't take it, the native Mongolian soldiers will leave here smoothly.

"Our two wings are progressing very smoothly. The Mongolian soldiers are not very efficient in combat. They only understood what we were doing when our people encircled them. But at present we still have one place that we have not occupied. This place is Donglin. If we can win Donglin, all the Mengla soldiers in the encirclement will be wiped out, and they will suffer extremely heavy losses.” The Chief of Staff gave a brief introduction to Zhang Ke.

"Well. Good job. I hope you can solve this problem as soon as possible. We can't wait forever. I think you understand what I mean." Zhang Ke said.

"Yes, sir, we already have two infantry divisions there. They will launch an offensive soon. In this way, we can encircle the Menggla native soldiers in a range of 5 kilometers long and 12 kilometers wide. They are eliminated by fate.” The chief of staff said to his chief easily. Zhang Ke nodded, then picked up the goblet and took a sip of cold wine, which made him very relaxed. If the war can end, this will be a very good result for him.

On the other side, the soldiers of the Mengla 5th Infantry Division are hiding in the trenches, which they dug in the dark last night.

"Swish." The shells continued to whizz and flew.

"Boom." A loud explosion made the mengla recruits who were crowded in the trenches shrank their necks. Such an explosion does not do much harm to them, but for the recruits to do it, the psychological pressure is still great. They looked at the cannonballs in the sky in horror. Some of them were invisible and some could be seen, but they still watched in horror. Looking at the sky, they were afraid that the shell would fall on them all at once. They didn't know what it was like.

"Damn Korean artillery." A sergeant said to Yan Ra. They are the second wave of offensive troops, but they must lie in the trenches and wait for the attack. The South Korean army discarded a large number of weapons. These weapons naturally became the spoils of the riot native soldiers, and these weapons were also very harmful to them. Some rifles were even more advanced than the rifles they were equipped with. The only way to avoid them was In the trenches, they can't line up to attack. That kind of offensive method is slaughter. Suicide is better than this.

"They didn't blow up those **** cannons when they retreated. Now all the shells they discarded fell on our heads." The sergeant complained. When the 32nd Infantry Division of the South Korean New Army retreated, it did not blow up most of their artillery, and many of the artillery shells were kept in their ammunition warehouse intact. They just took care of burning a large number of granaries. , And for these weapons, they are all discarded. As a result, these weapons were given to the native soldiers. They took these advanced weapons and entered the new South Korean army to dig a good defensive position for them. This is why they dared to attack after occupying the warehouse. They believed that the Koreans gave up on their own. Such a good position, if they do not give up their position, they will spend at least 20,000 lives to break into this position. Now this position is in their hands. The most important thing is that they still have many weapons discarded by the Koreans. This is simply the best treatment for them. They are holding Korean weapons and guarding the defense positions built by the Koreans. The Koreans have nothing to do with them. As long as they keep here, everything will be fine. This is where the confidence of the Mengla native soldiers lies. However, they seem to have overlooked one point, that is, their artillery is not very good, many shells have fallen behind the new army of Bangladesh. Most of the shells exploded indiscriminately in the open space, and such an explosion was simply the worst result for them.

"Swish." The shell screamed and exploded far behind.

"Haha. These native soldiers, they are going to blow up our headquarters." Yan La said with a smile instead. The current situation made him nervous instead of nervous. Because those shells made his blood boil, he felt that he couldn't control himself.

"How are our people?" Yan La asked the sergeant.

"They are all okay, but, listening to the shells, many soldiers are very nervous. I found that many people vomit what they ate in the morning. It seems. The situation is still a bit unexpected for them. After all, they still can't bear it. Offensive." The sergeant said helplessly. He inspected the condition of some of his own troops, and the situation was very bad. After all, they are all recruits. Cannonballs make them mad. The open trenches make them feel that cannonballs can come in at any time. This is indeed the case. They saw with their own eyes that the attacking company in front was hit by a cannonball, but it was of a large caliber. The five-inch artillery shells were still grenade shells. When the shells hit the crowd, people died on the spot, and then they exploded. The soldiers of the Bangla New Army in dense formations were bombed everywhere, and they made disturbing screams. And one hand was blown into their team. Many people saw such a scene of vomiting. The sergeant beat the opponent severely. This kind of panic was suppressed. It seemed that the sergeant was better than The shells are still powerful.

"There is no way, this is the battlefield. When the artillery stops, we may launch an attack." Yan La said. When he said that, he picked up his teacup and took a sip of tea, perhaps so as to calm him down. This is war and **** on earth. He doesn't know what will happen in the next second.

"Toot toot. Toot toot." At this moment, a clear bugle sound came.

"Damn it, this is an offensive order." Yan La put down her teacup and cursed. He thought it was very inappropriate to launch an attack at this time. At the very least, he had to wait until the enemy's artillery stopped or his own artillery suppressed them before launching an attack. But they didn’t have artillery troops at all, because their troops were formed hastily, and many of them had a serious lack of training time. The shortest one was less than two days, that is, they were sent to the battlefield just after they were familiar with the weapons in their hands. Artillery is too difficult for them. Infantry divisions, they are an infantry division without artillery. Under such a passive bombing situation, they might as well take the initiative to attack. If this is the case, they can also solve some things. This is what their own chief thinks so, so they launched an attack. But this is for the soldiers who launched the offensive. It's a disaster.

"Hurry up, go up, hurry up." The officers stood under the trenches. They kept urging the soldiers to climb up the trenches to attack. Some soldiers were nervously unable to lift their legs. Their legs cramped, and they kept calling.

"Hurry up, or I will shoot you. Did you see the military police behind? They all have bayonets. If you don't go up, he will kill you mercilessly. You are a deserter, a deserter, understand? "The officer grabbed the opponent's collar fiercely and shouted. The soldier got up in horror. He didn't know how to get up, and the people behind also climbed up the trench one by one. Although they were frightened, they launched an offensive under the urging of the officers. Of course. Not everyone will do this, their heads are blank, and perhaps they are not aware of it.

"Hurry up, **** it. Hurry up," the officer shouted loudly. He saw that the military police had come with a bayonet. He pulled up the opponent, but the opponent squatted on the ground and couldn't walk at all. The wet piece below, from time to time still exudes a fishy smell. Obviously, the nervous situation has made him lose his judgment and other abilities, and the situation will make him extremely out of control.

"Damn it. Get up quickly," the officer scolded. But it doesn't work at all.

"The gendarme is here. I can't help you." The officer looked at the gendarme who came by, and they would mercilessly stab the bayonet in their hands at the opponent, and then came up fiercely.

"Bang." The officer had no choice but to fire a shot at the opponent's head. Instead of being painfully assassinated, it was better to give the opponent a happy one. The second wave of soldiers who were entering the trench watched the officer execute the soldier. , Many people are frightened. They didn't know how to explain or why they did it, but when they saw the military police, they didn't know how to describe their feelings. They simply couldn't do such a thing.

"Chong. Chong." The officer immediately took a pistol in one hand, drew out his saber, and yelled loudly and left the trench. The second wave entered the starting position. Some people turned their heads and waited for the order to attack, but they still unconsciously looked at the body of the soldier who had been shot, and their heads were opened. A hole was opened in the back of the head, and blood kept flowing out. Some soldiers swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and then opened their mouths to spit out the saliva. They felt that the saliva was stained with the other's brains. This made them very uncomfortable, and some soldiers were assassinated by the military police bayonet. The military police seemed to have no obligation to collect their bodies. In their view, these soldiers were deserters, and the officers above thought it was very necessary for them to do so. Because they are all recruits, recruits are easily shaken. Only by killing, making some bad examples, and letting them take warning, can we prevent such things from happening, but this makes the veterans feel disgusted, because they think that such people are also warriors themselves, and it is extremely difficult to be killed by their own people. A dishonorable thing.

"Wow. Boom." The attacking army in front seemed to be very unsuccessful, and I didn't know that it might take a lot of difficulty for curved shooting, of course. It is unlikely that some of the native soldiers will understand trigonometric functions. They can only use their own experience to shoot, but this kind of shooting is not feasible at all. Therefore, to bombard a distant target, the native soldier’s shooting is at best a lot of luck. However, But when there is a large number of new troops from Bangladesh, they can shoot directly and bombard each other with direct fire. You know, this is the same as shooting. They keep shooting, and the shells are hitting the charge. The incoming soldiers of the Bangla New Army came up.

"Ah." Many soldiers screamed before they could be killed by shells.

"Ah. Help, help. Help me." A soldier was hit in the waist by a large-caliber artillery shell. His lower part itself was hit far away. Many soldiers were still advancing, while his upper part itself flowed out. A lot of intestines, blood in his mouth, he kept shouting loudly, struggling, and then slowly dying. The soldiers swarming from behind felt like they were about to collapse. This is not the battlefield they think it is at all. This is terrible. Horrible makes them terrified to the extreme.

"No, no, I shouldn't be here." A soldier discarded his weapon in horror, and then threw away some things that were in the way, kettles, dry food, rucksacks, and other things.

"Come back. Come back soon." The officer stopped him loudly when he saw the opponent flee. This will shake the morale of the military.

"No. No." The soldier said nervously, thinking that he would just go back.

"Damn it. Bang. Bang." The officer shot him helplessly, and he died when he returned. It might as well let their opponent die here, but some soldiers took the opportunity to run away. The officer could not intercept them at all. The cruel military police were waiting for them back.

In the trench, the second wave of soldiers is waiting for the order to attack. Many people are nervous, and some of them keep tapping their teeth, which seems to relieve them of tension.

"Tututu. Tutu." At this moment, there was a sound of heavy machine gun shooting. Many people stretched their heads to look at the situation. What they saw was that some people fled back and were shot and killed by heavy machine guns. It is hard for them to believe that they can save their lives, but they were beaten to death by their own people mercilessly. They felt that this should not be the case.

"Did you see? On the battlefield, you can only advance, advance, and then advance. Backing is absolutely not allowed. Backing is a deserter. To deal with a deserter, there is only one word, death. You will be killed by us. Don't think of luck. There is no such thing. This is the only way to deal with the faint-hearted. Deserters are treated as if they are not paid. You'd better remember it for me." A military police warned loudly. The soldiers trembled, which increased their tension.

"Oh." A soldier couldn't help vomiting acid water. They had nothing to vomit. The tension of the war made their stomachs contract, which made them very uncomfortable.

"The situation ahead is very bad. The defensive position is too difficult to fight. We must prepare more explosives. When we act, let our people move forward as soon as possible, and then hide, take a team of people, and prepare for more Many explosives, follow me. Understand?" Yan Ra said to the sergeant.

"Yes, sir." The sergeant also felt a little nervous. After all, this was a battlefield.

"Dududu. Dududu." At this moment, the second wave of orders to launch an offensive came. They had to launch an attack.

"Hurry up, go up, hurry up." The officer, the non-commissioned officer urged. With the first wave of warnings, the soldiers behind became more docile, but there were still some soldiers who wanted to leave here nervously, but fortunately some non-commissioned officers caught them and dragged them onto the battlefield. The soldiers quickly Moving forward, the shells caused a lot of damage to them, more psychologically, they avoided the bodies of the people in front as much as possible, but there were still some people who accidentally stepped on the shattered bodies that were blown up.

"Shasha." The corpse made a rustling sound, like a "gudong" spring water. It was blood. A soldier accidentally stepped on the stomach of a dead soldier and stomped on the opponent's intestines. The soldier pulled it out disgustingly. He vomited in his boots.

"Bang." Then the soldier was killed. Many people have no time to look at this situation. They can only follow their leaders and run non-stop. People are constantly being killed and hit on the road, and then they can never stand up. The wounded are the most pitiful, they can only scream loudly. No one cares about them, no one gets them down, they can only wait for the end of the war.

"Hidden, hide quickly," the sergeant shouted loudly. They were hidden here. He looked at the situation in front of him. The dense barbed wire fence prevented more people from moving forward. There were many corpses on it, all of them their own. The fighting seemed to be very unfavorable for them.

"Don't look, take your person and follow me. Quickly." Yan La ordered. Then the sergeant waved his arms and more people took refuge. The Mengla soldiers leaned toward them with more shells and bullets. They did not dare to fight back because they might be killed as soon as they appeared. Many people were beaten to death in this way. They finally survived here, and they can only hide here.

"Explosives, fast." Seeing the barbed wire, Yan La ordered. He knew it was difficult to deal with, but explosives were the best thing. He gathered everything in his hands cautiously. Some soldiers went up cautiously. Then they couldn't be killed by the other's bullets. The corpse lay there, another one went up and was also killed. Maybe the native soldiers have noticed here.

"Damn it," Yan La cursed. But at this time he saw that the third wave also launched an offensive. At this time, there were much less bullets pouring on them. Taking advantage of this opportunity, Yan La climbed over carefully, installed the explosives, and then lit the fuse to wait for further explosions.

"Boom." An explosion came.

"Here, attack, hurry up, all holding bayonets, rushing over." Yan La ordered. The smoke of the gunpowder had not dissipated yet, which formed a good cover. The soldiers had to get up and perform tactical actions upon hearing the commander's orders.

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