The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 3330: Yapian Arms Trade

"Boom." After an explosion, they needed to clear some native soldiers in the trenches so that the soldiers of the new army could move forward. Yan La knows this very well.

"Go up." As soon as the explosion occurred, the sergeant rushed forward with his own people, and Yan La rushed over without any response. He didn't know why the sergeant was so anxious.

"Damn it, wait," Yan Ra shouted loudly. But it was too late. The sergeant led the first team through the barbed wire.

"Kill," the sergeant yelled loudly, and the next one was holding up his bayonet rifle and preparing to jump into the trench.

"Bang." A gunshot sounded. The sergeant was hit. The sergeant was pushed directly into the trench by the people behind, and the soldiers shouted loudly. In desperation, Yan La could only hold his pistol, a rifle, and followed the people behind to rush into the trench. When he jumped into the trench, what he saw was that the sergeant was hit in the heart with a shot. A hole. His chest was stained red with blood. He felt very disappointed, or felt. Nothing is worth it. In front of him, there were a few corpses. They were Mongolian soldiers. Many of them were killed by the bombing. Another corpse's head was smashed and the brains flew out. It looks disgusting, but that's it, the trenches are still unsafe.

"Go forward, go along the trench, fast." Yan La was too late to be sad. They must resolve the enemy in the trench as soon as possible and allow more people from the follow-up troops to enter the position, otherwise, their casualties will be very, very large.

"Bang. Bang." The trench quickly launched a gun battle, and the battle entered a white-hot state. The rioting soldiers wielded bayonet-mounted rifles and charged from the trenches. They tried to drive the new army of Bangladesh. Going out, only in this way can their position become stable.

"Bang. Bang." After Yanla killed two people, the people behind shot quickly, but more and more Mengla soldiers rushed over. Soon hand-to-hand combat began. There were soldiers fighting against each other everywhere in the trenches, but it was obvious that the new Bangladeshi Army suffered a bit, because most of them were recruits, and it was difficult for them to maintain a high morale for such operations.

"Come on." Just when everyone was almost unable to hold on, some soldiers had fled, but were killed by the Mengla native soldiers. Hand-to-hand combat most tests the courage of soldiers. Without the courage, they simply can't do this. For them, this is the most terrible point.

The follow-up troops of the New Bangladesh Army rushed up quickly. They shouted loudly and jumped into the trenches. The New Army of Bangladesh, which was about to collapse, was rescued, and the native soldiers had to retreat into their trenches. The battle continued, they only occupied a small part of the Donglin position, which opened a very important channel for the follow-up troops to advance.

"Go on, sir." A sergeant said to the injured Lieutenant Yanla. He was broken by two ribs, repulsed and hit a bullet. If it weren't for his pistol to help deal with the enemy, he might have died here.

"My, my people, how many people are there?" Yan La asked Sergeant Dao. He wanted to know how many people he could fight in this attack.

"This, sir, I am not sure, but there are not many people on the ground. I think there are only five people, and they are all injured." The sergeant replied embarrassedly.

"Damn it," Lieutenant Yan La scolded. This was the result he was most unwilling to accept. When attacking, his platoon had more than 50 people. This was a strengthened platoon, but in the end, only a few people survived and everyone was injured. The cruelty of the battle made him feel helpless. Soon, the sergeant arranged for someone to send him down. He is a fighting hero, and Donglin's battle must go on.

Then the Mengla soldiers poured artillery shells madly towards this place, the two sides fought together, and the soldiers of the two sides continued to engage in hand-to-hand combat. The Bangladeshi new army obviously cannot win, but fortunately they have the advantage in numbers. Every time they kill a Bangla native soldier, they must pay the price of three people, and the Mongolian native soldier knows what it means to lose here. , They fought desperately. The two sides fell into a **** battle.

"The fighting was very cruel. Today, we invested in a combat battalion of more than 500 people. After just two hours, there were only more than 100 people left in this battalion. The rest were killed in hand-to-hand combat. The wounds were so traumatized that they were lost before treatment. Many people died of excessive blood loss, and the battlefield rescue situation was very bad." A major military doctor in the field wrote in his records.

In the hospital behind his treatment, he learned about what happened on the front line. Most of the soldiers sent were wounded with wounds. The wounds were very bad and the internal organs were ruptured. When they were treated, they were already dead. Many people died of excessive blood loss. The Bangladeshi new army was hurriedly established. Many of their systems and logistics units are very imperfect, such as field hospitals. They cannot do this.

For example, battlefield rescue. Originally, the new Bangladeshi Army should have a part of the battlefield ambulance. However, there is no such medical soldier in the New Bangladeshi Army. Most of them are used as members of the combat force. Only when the battle is over. Later, some soldiers will be deployed temporarily, and they are also very unprofessional. They just search for dead ones, and then move them to the rear hospital at will. The field hospitals are short of manpower, and there are only a few doctors, most of them are. They are doctors who have nothing to do with surgery. They can only do some dressing and sewing at most. Few doctors who can do surgery. There is no way that some of them are temporarily recruited. What makes people feel very helpless. Yes, there was a dentist among them. The major really didn't know how to describe this place. On the battlefield, many soldiers lost their lives because of the delay. This also caused the soldier's casualty rate to rise to a very high level, and the major was helpless.

"What are you kidding?" Zhang Ke asked his chief of staff with the casualty report of the first day.

"Sir, this matter is true. We just sent two combat regiments to fight. They have more than 7,000 people." The chief of staff looked at his chief.

"But on the first day there were 2,500 people killed in the Fifth Infantry Division. Many others were injured. If there is no time to help, one of our regiments will be completely scrapped." Zhang Ke asked his staff in surprise. long.

"This is just an Donglin. If another Donglin appears, what should I do? Shall I send more soldiers to fight?" Zhang Ke asked anxiously.

"Sir, there is nothing we can do. We lack large-caliber artillery, so we can only let the soldiers fight, and that is, their combat experience and morale are still lacking. That's why this kind of thing happened, but The situation has been greatly improved and we have entered the East Forest. As long as we close the gate of the encirclement, the situation in Bangla will be completely resolved." The Chief of Staff persuaded. The only way at the moment can only be this. If they are stopped, everything will stop. In the Chief of Staff's view, they only lose some recruits, most of which are Menglais, which does not matter to them. Zhang Ke just shook his head. He doesn't like to make his army suffer too much. Because they still have a lot of wars to fight, if they lose too much force, it will be bad for them.

In the Bangladeshi War Department, the Minister of War looked at the casualty reports sent from the front.

"Oh my God. There were so many people killed in action in one day. Adding 10,000 people from all fronts, it wouldn't be strange." The Secretary of War looked at the report and said, shaking his head.

"Sir, we still need to add more personnel." At this time, the assistant handed over a new recruitment report to the Secretary of War. Meng La retrained more than 15,000 new recruits in the rear. They Will be transported to front-line combat troops, some combat troops no longer exist. For example, the second battalion and the third battalion of the 11th regiment were completely destroyed. The casualty rate of officers in the third battalion exceeded 80%. More soldiers were killed in the battle, with more than 700 people in the battalion, and in the end there were fewer than 50 people. For these combat units can only be re-established.

"Okay. Add it to them. Let them retreat and rest. They need to get through this difficult time." The Secretary of War shook his head. Then I signed it. This means that more Bangladeshi people will enter the new Bangladeshi army as cannon fodder. This is a war, and this demand will become greater and greater, and the Minister of War will have no way at all.

South Korea, Xinzheng. Inside Han Shu's office.

"They need to solve this problem as soon as possible. We don't have much time for them. The Yueshi and the Indians in the north are advancing quickly southward. If the local road conditions were not very bad, they might have advanced to 300. Kilometers, in that case, two-thirds of Zhanpu's country will be occupied by them. We must be fast." Han Shu said anxiously. According to the information provided by the Qin people, the Indy and Yue coalition forces are progressing very smoothly. If the road conditions were not bad, they might have advanced farther. But their condition is not very good either. More and more prisoners make them wonder how to deal with these things. The only way is to let them complete the construction work on the railway. This is the method proposed by the Indian side, but it requires more food and there is not enough food. In this case, the logistics of Indy will be in a very bad state. The Indian government needs to spend a larger sum of money to solve this problem. In this way, the war problem will return to the financial problem. The only thing is The solution was to borrow money to solve this problem. The Indians tried to get the Yue people to contact the Qin people to solve this problem, but the Yue people believed that the Indians were looking for trouble. As long as they didn’t care about the prisoners of war, they could defeat the entire Champa-Prussian coalition. , The strength of the Occupy-Prussian army has been reduced to less than 100,000. If it were not for a standing army stationed, their situation might have become even worse. In the eyes of the Yue people, they can easily solve the battle. As long as they continue to fight, the war will not end so easily. This is the process of the war.

Qin State, Xianyang.

"The people of the Yue family take the issue of war too simple. They think that war is a military issue, not a political issue, and that political issues have nothing to do with economics. They just look at such issues purely. If this is the case, they will suffer. Lost." Shang Wen said, shaking his head. The Indian government hopes to solve the problem of war funding through borrowing, but the Qin bankers rejected them on the grounds of the establishment of the Anthani government, because in their opinion, they are not optimistic about the Indian war, and they are also very optimistic. Not optimistic. To know. They are useless, and the war always develops in their unfavorable situation. There are too many uncertain factors in this war. Bankers don't want to put their funds at great risk. That would be a big bad debt. No one wants to do such a thing.

"Yes. Otherwise, the people of the Yue family would not have committed such a massacre. However, their arms trade is still growing, and their trade is becoming more and more frequent, but I am worried about them. What are you holding to trade with us?" Meng Yi asked Shangwen at this time. And Shang Wen shook his head, he didn't know this, but the Yueshi people seemed to have good credit. According to reason. With a large number of arms and weapons entering the Yueshi, Yueshi's finances and funds will become more and more strained. After a wave of small peak transactions, this situation will at least stop. But the situation is that this kind of arms trade actually has further growth, which makes Meng Yi very puzzled. Shangwen didn't understand this, and he hadn't realized it yet.

At the border, the arms trade is still in full swing. The submachine guns and pistols manufactured by the Qin people are very popular with the Yue people. In addition, there are machine guns and artillery. Explosive weapons such as grenades are expensive and costly, but they have never used such things in their transactions, but are trading in another kind of things.

"I'm all good elegant movies, which makes people feel refreshed. The most important thing is that the demand is great. I think you should give me more shells or bullets." A Yue's arms dealer told Qin. The arms dealers on the national side said.

"We also have to make some money. What you don't know is that railway transportation is not good now. There are all kinds of trucks everywhere on the railway, whether it is ore or ore. It is very difficult to transport, and it is also difficult for us. It is not easy for us to get some train skins to transport over." Qin's arms dealer shook his head helplessly and said.

"That's it. But give us a box. If there are good ones, we will also provide you with some excellent pornographic films." Yue's arms dealer said with a smile.

"Okay. I will give you a box, but I will keep all those goods." Qin State arms dealer said.

They are trading arms, and arms and another kind of goods are exchanging, Yap, yes, Yap. The Qin war broke out less, and the anesthetic effect of Yapian did not spread on a large scale. Qin Jun also bought some Yapian, but they were only used as an anesthetic for the army.

But Yapian got involved in another way, smuggling, arms smuggling and entering Qin. People in Qin like fashion, or they always want something unique. Yapian, a very attractive drug, stimulated the people of Qin, and the price of Yapian was relatively expensive. The people of Qin were not short of money. What they lacked was stimulation. Therefore, Yapian soon became an attractive thing in the upper class. Exist, and more and more people in Yueshi are planting Yapian.

Because Yapian is the only thing that can make money in the trade with Qin, the people of Qin seem to need Yapian very much. In fact, it is because Yapian has a serious dependence. Once it is over-contaminated, it is very easy to get rid of it. It seems that the people of Qin have not done enough research on this drug. They are not aware of this. They still think it is a good thing. Therefore, they never refuse Yapian.

The demand of Qin State greatly stimulated the enthusiasm of the people of Yue's for planting, and Yapian is very good for planting. They can grow up on their own without too much fertilizer or too much care. Most importantly, Yapian Movies can bring great profits, and Yueshi people have tried many times. They need a product that can make money and exchange it with the people of Qin. The people of Qin exchange a lot of things, such as arms, their industrial products, and their various commodities. These things can bring great profits. This kind of profit far exceeds their imagination.

However, the Yueshi people did not have suitable things to exchange, and the Yueshi had been in a trade deficit for a long time, which would make the Yueshi people's financial situation extremely bad. Now, Yapian is the only important product that can reverse this situation. This is for the Yueshi people's economy and their development. is crucial.

This is also the reason why the arms trade between the Qin and the Yues went so smoothly, because the **** Yues sold the Yapian to the Qin, and it was the Qin himself that further stimulated his own arms production. It is a pity that the Qin government does not know about such a situation. If Shang Wen knew that Yapian was poisoning the people of Qin himself, he would be very crazy, but no one knows the existence of this kind of thing, and the arms trade is going on in this way. Going down, the arms are exchanged for Yapian, Yapian is for munitions, and the Qin State and the Yueshi people are engaged in such a kind of arms production and trade. This makes this situation extremely unoptimistic. However, the Yue people continue to maintain the development of this situation. It is impossible for the Qin State to be in a trade surplus for a long time. If this is the case, the economy of many regions will be greatly imbalanced, and the imbalance will produce a great deal. The problem exists.

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