In the Menggla Northern Field Hospital, an amputee corporal sits on the side of the marching bed to his officer, Lieutenant Yan La said. No, it should be a lieutenant. His rank just didn't have time to change. He got a silver medal. His injuries need to be recuperated for a while, and he can still serve this country. Because he took the lead in the assault to enter the Donglin defensive position, therefore, the above will award him a silver medal, which is already an officer's high honor. The highest is the Gold Medal, which can only be obtained at a huge sacrifice and price. Usually only the dead will get such medals.

"How is Donglin?" Yan La asked the corporal.

"It's taken down. Sir. But." The corporal shook his head, he didn't know what to do. However, he has received some good news. It is said that the above plans to arrange him to work in the police station. For this kind of work, he still feels very good, at least it can make things better for the rest of his life.

"But what?" Yan La asked curiously. He wanted to know what happened.

"Sir, our casualties are huge. It is said that more than 17,000 people were killed there, and there were countless injuries." The corporal said, lowering his head.

"Oh my God, a division of troops died in battle." Yan La looked at the corporal sullenly. Although he was ready to accept a larger number, he never thought that there would be such a large cost of casualties, an infantryman. The force of the division was defeated. This is something he never dared to think about.

"Sir. There is no way." The corporal said helplessly. They sacrificed too much for this. Donglin has become their sad place, and many people have not returned. They were all excellent young men before they set off, but after that, no one would care about their lives anymore. No one, in their opinion. They are just cannon fodder.

"I know. We are all recruits. They are not very good at fighting. If something like this happens, they can't help it. This is a great test for us." Yan La said.

"How did we win Donglin in the end?" Yan La asked calmly. He felt that he should have a certain right to know about such things, and at least it would be better to be able to solve such things thoroughly.

"The final casualties were very high. We had more than 2,500 soldiers attacking the final position. And the native soldiers, there were not many. They were frantic, and they lit their ammunition depot, which stored a large number of them. Ammunition, this ammunition is a huge challenge for us. Then," the corporal said. He didn't want to go on.

"Then they ignited the ammunition depot, and more than 2,500 people were killed?" Yan La asked. He did not expect such a result. In front of the huge number of troops, the situation of the Mengla people was very bad. In the end, they had to give up such a position, perhaps because they lost their eyes. At the last moment, the mengla soldiers The ammunition depot was ignited, and the ammunition in it was still relatively large. Although it was consumed from the beginning, the quantity was still relatively large, and the power of the explosion exceeded two tons of high explosives. This is the final estimate of South Korean experts. The power cost of the explosion was that more than 2,500 soldiers were killed in action. It is difficult to survive such a big explosion, and the huge shock wave will tear human internal organs into pieces. People can't survive at all. The casualties are naturally high.

The corporal did not answer. Donglin was too sad for them. They took a huge price to take everything down here. In this way, the Bangla Army finally surrounded the rioting native soldiers. There were at least 50,000 native soldiers in the encircled circle, among them there were quite a few civilians. They just knew that a huge explosion broke out in the north, and there were fierce ones. fighting. As for the others, they don't know anything. When the upper class of the Menggla soldiers heard the news, they decided to surrender. They can't fight anymore. There is a lack of food, morale is low, and there is no way to fight. I heard that the Koreans are transporting large cannons. In that case, they can only be bombarded passively. They decided to surrender. Can't fight anymore. If you fight again, everyone can only surrender.

In Zhang Ke's headquarters, he would not build any command tents. The place was humid and sultry. He was unwilling to bear the discomfort that such an environment would bring to him. Therefore, his headquarters was built on the railway station side. He could see a large amount of supplies and a steady stream of recruits arriving. They are here to supplement the various companies, and the casualty rate of their troops is too high. But it had no effect on him.

"We have added a new combat force of more than 20,000 people, and our combat effectiveness can be recovered at any time, but the question is, next, how do we deal with the rioting soldiers in the encirclement, their combat effectiveness still exists, according to Our estimate is that they still have 50,000 people, and we can’t. We can’t attack any more. Our three infantry divisions have been hit hard, and our strength needs to be restored. At the same time, we have to deal with the next war. It is a lot of pressure, sir." The Chief of Staff said to Zhang Ke.

"Yeah. You are right." Zhang Ke nodded and said.

"You are right. In this case, we are under too much pressure. We must let them surrender. We will arrange for them to do something and let them build the railway. The MPs in Bangla have long wanted to do this even more. We can let them do this." Zhang Ke said.

"Yes, sir, we can indeed do this, but if we do this, will we have some problems? What I worry about is whether we will encounter some trouble. If the Mongolian soldiers do not surrender, they will continue to fight. Going down, in that case, we have nothing to do. Our sacrifice is still great." The Chief of Staff said worriedly.

"Shell, keep shelling, don't launch an attack. Let them take the initiative to talk to us. The conditions should be harsh at the beginning, but then you can relax a little so that they don't get too nervous, as long as they surrender, everything is easy to say." Zhang Ke Speaking of. Later, an officer came in to report. The local soldiers from Mengla sent a local representative, and they wanted to talk about it. After all, they are unwilling to continue fighting. Zhang Ke arranged for his chief of staff to have a talk.

Rest in peace the democratic government.

"The situation of some tribes in the north is still not very good, their attitude is not very good. They are more vague." Zhao Xi said. His worry is right. He was worried before that some of the rest tribes in the north would still not submit, because they were used to their status and their power. It was obviously impossible for them to hand over their power obediently.

"What to do?" Liebert asked puzzledly. He has no choice but to deal with such a thing. Because he was dealing with some congressmen. Those congressmen asked him to do a lot of things. For example, they gave them some land, because it was the foundation of their survival. They didn’t want to lose land. Only when they had land could they support their own people. He doesn't want to return the land to them in this way. He wants the other party to give up some benefits, such as some state-owned land, or let them set up some enterprises and pay taxes. In this way, some financial problems can be solved, otherwise, his country will soon collapse. He must do something for this country. There is no problem in paying taxes, but the proportion of taxes must be low. They cunningly borrowed from Qin's low taxes. They think that taxes higher than 5% are high taxes, which is unreasonable. joke. The lowest taxes in the Shabbat are 20%, but now they have dropped a lot. This makes Libert unbearable. The parliamentarians believe that the country should not maintain more troops, they should disband and rest. This made Libert very annoyed, so he talked with the congressmen every day, which made him unable to take care of many things.

"I think we should fight some wars, and then take the opportunity to get them together. If we don't fight, it will be difficult to get them together." Zhao Xi suggested.

"Yeah. Yes, let's fight. Don't use too much force. We don't have much money. We don't have too much money to deploy an infantry division. Our funds will not last for three months. There are also artillery. Machine guns, submachine guns, every bullet shot. . I will feel bad for a long time." Libert said. At present, the financial situation of the peaceful democratic government is still poor, with large fiscal expenditures and very meagre revenues. Without account entry, their situation will change greatly.

"No, sir, my suggestion is that we send out a regiment of troops enough. We launch some small-scale offensives, reconnaissance, and then provide some coordinates to the Dawan people, let them send air troops to bomb them, those Persians , The Anxi people keep harassing the Dawan people. They have been constantly warning us. We must do something for them. Only in this way can we resolve such disputes." Zhao Xi proposed himself. Of a plan.

"Sounds good." Li Bo nodded his head. Now that he can use fewer soldiers, he is naturally happy. For such a thing, he thinks it is very good. At least it can solve his big problem.

"Yes, sir, we only need some troops. In this case, they can solve some things completely. This is also a very good thing for us. The most important thing is that we have saved a lot of troops. "Zhao Xi said.

"Well. I think you will be the Minister of Defense. Draw up a plan and just do it. We need the support of the Dawan people, at least we have to do better with them." Libert encouraged. Zhao Xi nodded. In this matter, he said that he would definitely do better.

Chu State, Pengcheng. Fan Zeng is discussing something with Xiang Yan, which is related to the interests of Chu State.

"At present, Chu’s naval power is still relatively weak, and Zhao’s development momentum is very rapid. Chu is in the Western Ocean, especially in Seth, Rest in Peace, and Sori. There are not too many officials in the region. Government forces exist in those areas. , It’s just that there are some merchant powers, but they are merchants after all, even though our army has reached the Aiji country. However, the force there is very limited after all, and the influence is very limited.” Fan Zeng said anxiously.

"Look at Zhao Guoren, they are developing very fast. It is said that they have occupied a series of strongholds next to South Korea's Saju. Rest in peace, Seth is the same. Their next goal is Sori, although Zhao Guoren later Development. But their development speed is too fast." Fan Zeng said worriedly.

"I don't feel very worried. Their strength is scattered. And their strength is seriously insufficient." Xiang Yan said, shaking his head. Then it was easy to talk about. The Chu army looks very powerful, but in fact, they are very bloated. In other words, the efficiency is low. After all, Chu’s military reforms are not thorough. They just imitate, but they rarely carry out reforms in the true sense. The military is a mixture of the country, the monarch, the government, and the local nobles and family forces. The source of officers is very complicated, and there are many factions in the army. Xiang Yan’s chief of staff is very difficult to rectify. For example, there are three major factions in the Navy. Their repeated construction is a waste of financial funds. In this way, Chu Chu The development of the Chinese navy is extremely difficult. Xiang Yan knows this very well, but he can't do anything because this contradiction is difficult to carry on.

Fan Zeng was worried.

"The general thinks this worry is unnecessary?" Fan Zeng asked. Xiang Yan nodded, thinking so, but Fan Zeng didn't think so. If it were not for the expansion and transfer of a large number of domestic contradictions, this problem would erupt violently, which would be a huge disaster for them.

"I don't think so. If Chu State stops its expansion, then the situation will be extremely unfavorable to us. We should be very clear about our situation. If we stop the expansion, all contradictions will erupt. In that case, we will It will be difficult to solve such a problem. This will have a great impact on us. The country will enter an extremely unstable state. We should try our best to avoid such a situation from happening." Fan Zeng said.

"It's just that I don't know what the Premier can do to solve this problem. If the navy sends troops, it must increase its military expenditure and start war. This will be a huge burden for us." Xiang Yan Shook his head and said. In the case of no increase in military expenditures, rashly sending troops to expand territory can greatly ease domestic conflicts, but it is not good for the navy, because the navy’s military expenditures have not increased, and they still have a heavy burden to do these things.

"Cooperate. Cooperate with Koreans." Fan Zeng said. Xiang Yan was also a little surprised when he heard this, but after thinking about it, he still thinks it is more feasible. After all, the military cooperation between South Korea and Chu is relatively good. Their cooperation in technology will be further developed. the most important is. South Korea and the Kingdom of Zhao did not deal with it a bit, and although the Kingdom of Chu developed silently, they would eventually encounter some problems, because the two countries actually depended on expanding their colonies to do some things. Once the expansion ceases, or if it is dominated by a later country, then the expansion of the colony of the Zhao Kingdom will squeeze out the share of the Chu Kingdom, for Chu Kingdom here. It is definitely not a good thing. From a security perspective, it seems that the combination of Chu and South Korea is the best way.

"I don't agree with this. If the two countries unite, it seems that the power of Zhao will be further compressed. In that case, it will stimulate Zhao too much. I think this will cause a huge chain reaction. This will It greatly stimulates the nerves of the people of Zhao Guo. I don't agree with this." Xiang Yan shook his head and refused.

"This. It's unlikely." Fan Zeng said, shaking his head. He believes that cooperation between the two countries can bring great benefits, and Xiang Yan's opposition will bring a very bad response to Chu.

"Although large-scale alliances are not possible, I think it is better to develop some military cooperation. This is still of great benefit to the development of our two countries. I think that in this matter, the general should not refuse. "Fan Zeng was very dissatisfied with this. In his opinion, Xiang Yan didn't want to completely solve the mess of Chu State. Because at present, only further expansion of Chu State can completely solve this problem. However, Xiang Yan tried his best to avoid such things.

Xiang Yan shook his head. He felt that Fan Zeng had obviously misunderstood his views. In his view, military cooperation should be treated with caution, because Zhao is also a powerful country. Excessively stimulating the country in the military is an extremely unwise decision. In that case, it may cause even more unsolvable problems. Therefore, Xiang Yan is more energetic than Fan Zeng on this issue.

Just as the head of Chu State was trying to solve the problem, the Chu army and the South Korean navy had already launched a military operation.

"Our mission is to bomb Suez City. Although we don't know the structure of the other side's city and other things, I think we can cause them a lot of trouble." Chen Biao said with confidence. And Zhong Limei didn't know why the other party had such great confidence.

"We have large-caliber artillery. Artillery can pose a great threat to the fortifications of those cities. In this way, they will completely collapse." The other party said with a smile. Zhong Limei nodded, but he was not very interested in such a weapon, he could only visit it at most. What he cares about is his elite troops. He has selected some small units from his troops. They will perform some special tasks, reconnaissance, and other things. They need to detect the situation of a few people they love. At the same time, he has to think of some ways to attack the opponent from another angle. In this case, he is doing relatively well. This is one of his thoughts. The Koreans don't know this yet, all they have to do is to respond to them. This is the first cooperation between Chu and Han.

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