In the northern part of Bangla, the supplementary soldiers assembled and transported here from Bangla City were arranged in various companies. Many of them look very immature. They are carrying their marching rucksacks. Rifles and other things. Everything here is very curious.

"Da da da." A carriage came over at this time. A dozen supplementary soldiers followed a sergeant. They were curious about everything here, and looked around from time to time, in their opinion. This time it is different from where they usually train.

"Oh." At this moment, a recruit suddenly stopped and vomited because he saw that the carriages were all corpses. Some of the corpses had been devastated by the war. The organs of the human body are black, and the face has become extremely dilapidated. The sergeant turned around and looked at the recruit with disdain. Everyone noticed this, and those who were in bad condition were directly frightened. They began to vomit constantly. It seems that they are doing something that makes everyone feel very nervous. They are terrified.

"It's nothing?" The sergeant said disdainfully. They are cleaning the battlefield. There are many such things on the battlefield, and many bodies cannot be found yet.

"It's best for you to adapt as quickly as possible, because you have to do this when you get to the company." The sergeant said disdainfully. Then turned around and continued walking. Many soldiers shook their heads. They came into contact with the battlefield for the first time. Many people have never killed anyone. Fortunately, they have received some training, but their training time is very short and they are all basic. This makes them still unable to adapt to the battlefield environment. But the sergeant does not care about these.

Soon, these people were assigned to their respective companies. The number of personnel to be supplemented is not very large. However, many companies have dropped from the initial 150 to 200 personnel, and rapidly dropped to 80. The loss of the company is very serious, and the number of personnel to be supplemented is not very large because of some operations. The unit was completely erased. They also need to form some new combat units to replenish them. They lost more than 30,000 people, but only added 20,000 people, and there are more than 10,000 people. This is the most terrible place.

"What's your name?" a second lieutenant officer asked while looking at each other.

"My name is Muba." A soldier looked at his platoon leader nervously. The platoon leader was very sloppy. The battlefield was in such an environment. The other party looked at the recruit who had been added to his platoon.

"Sergeant." The second lieutenant looked at Muba and called to a sergeant who came by.

"Sir, what's the matter?" The sergeant walked over with his rifle and asked.

"Take this recruit, practice courage, deal with the corpse over there, let him go, you watch." The ensign said to the recruit. He doesn't care about the opponent's name. To him, recruits are recruits. Now their troops are resting. If there is a battle, recruits like him may suffer heavy losses at once. The second lieutenant did not have the patience to teach these recruits what they can and cannot do. They don’t have such a long time to train. Everyone has their own business. Moreover, the supplementary personnel are very inadequate. They can only let these recruits without taking care of them. Do something like this.

Then this private soldier named Muba was taken to a battlefield by a sergeant, where extremely tragic battles broke out, but many corpses were mixed together, regardless of whether we are foe or foe. Veterans who have experienced a war are unwilling to do this. They handed these tasks to the recruits because Muba saw that there were several recruits who had come with him were dispatched here. They wanted to clean up these corpses. The corpses were placed for a long time. Some corpses Already rotted, the white maggots kept crawling around, which looked very disgusting, and Muba could not vomit anymore. But the sergeant didn't care about this at all, so he kept throwing the enemy's body aside, his own body was dug up, and the internal organs were all dried. The blood and mud mixed together, giving off a stench, and the recruits had to dig out the bodies of their companions in such an environment. The war was too cruel.

Inside the headquarters of the railway station. Zhang Ke looked at the map. He kept looking at the Zhanpu country in the north instead of the encircling circle in front of him. For him, the war here is over.

"Sir, the other party's request is very simple. It is to ensure their safety in life. Don't execute them arbitrarily." The Chief of Staff reported to Zhang Ke.

"Really? I feel that such conditions don't seem to be very harsh. How could they agree to it so easily?" Zhang Ke asked in a puzzled way. He suddenly felt that something was wrong with this matter.

"This is the case for the chief, and they also think that our initial conditions are too harsh, but we need to solve these problems, so we allow them to do so." The Chief of Staff said.

"Will they promise us to become a labor force? We need to build a railway. It is very difficult to accomplish such a thing without sufficient labor force. You know the situation in Bangla, the war can’t stop spending, and those parliamentarians have already issued to us. Dissatisfaction matters. The casualties are so great, they have been accusing me." Zhang Ke said impatiently.

"Sir, they agreed to use their labor to pay for their war crimes, but this requires the Queen's amnesty. After all, this is not what we need to do." The Chief of Staff said. They reached a certain agreement with the Bangladeshi native soldiers, because the Bangla Army needs to preserve their strength. They cannot consume their strength excessively. They have to go north to solve more war problems. Under such circumstances, they Naturally, some measures were taken for peace talks. As long as the Bangladeshi soldiers lay down their weapons and can use their labor to repay the war crimes, they can still be forgiven. In doing so, casualties can be greatly avoided.

"Well, I will report to the above, I hope they can understand our intentions, if we launch an attack, we can also have a way, but in that case, more people will die." Zhang Ke said helplessly. Recruits are recruits. The Bangla Army was established hastily. The first time they faced such a battle, they paid a lot of sacrifices, but such sacrifices are worth it, because future wars will become extremely useful to them. experience.

Dawan, Xinshidu, Dawan Ministry of National Defense.

"This Toto department is very cunning, sir." A security adviser introduced to the Minister of Defense.

"They are close to Rest, Persia, and our border areas. They often come to us to harass, take a lot of weapons and various materials from us, and attack our border checkpoints. Our situation is very bad. "The security consultant said.

"It can be said, sir, they get supplies from us, and then fight the Persians. At the same time, they are also in touch with the Shah democratic government. They even claim that they are members of the Shah democratic government, but in fact, he just fights. Such slogans continue to expand their own strength. The rest of the democratic government is very dissatisfied with this. They have stated that they must take action against such a tribe and regain them. They hope that we can bomb them with airships." Security The consultant arrived.

"Of course we can bomb them. But we need specific information, parameters and so on. In addition, after we bombed. If the Parthians do not send troops, they will still retaliate against us, and our situation will become extremely different. Wonderful, I think that they are also clear about something like this. I think, what do you think about this kind of thing, do you let our people bear this kind of pressure? Oh, damn, I don’t want to do this. , Our borders can’t be harassed any more. In that case, we will be plunged into a disaster.” The Defense Minister shook his head and said. What he was worried about was that they bombed the border tribe. In fact, they had long been extremely dissatisfied with this Toto department. However, in order to avoid excessively stimulating the opponent, they dared not bomb, because in the ground combat, the Dawan people were not good at them, and more of their troops were disbanded. There is only one infantry division stationed at the border, and they can do nothing. This is their situation. Therefore, the attitude of the Dawan people is that the Anxi government will provide ground troops and they will provide air power. As long as they bomb, the Anxi government must resolve ground battles. If they cannot guarantee, they will not bomb. After all, they will not make it for themselves. trouble. This is the condition for the union of the two governments. The first concern of the Secretary of Defense is whether the opponent will resolve the ground battle.

"Sir, they promise to send an infantry regiment to accept this Toto Department. They need to frighten other tribes so that they can completely solve other problems." The security adviser said.

"I know this, but the question is, is their guarantee effective? What I worry about is that our troops are dispatched. As a result, they did not dispatch troops. In that case, my situation will be very, very bad." The Secretary of Defense said worriedly. Regarding the guarantees of the rest, he felt that he would not believe too much, because he believed that they would have big problems.

"Sir, we can ask them to provide signal standards. In this way, we can carry out the bombing. In this way, we can show that they are participating in the battle." The security adviser believes that such things must be resolved as soon as possible. The Prime Minister's Office has been very concerned about such things. Is dissatisfied. They don't want a lot of Dawan soldiers to do nothing. This is the worst place for everyone.

"Well, maybe you are right, we should do it." After thinking about it, the Minister of Defense agreed. After all, if they don’t do this, they will be under greater pressure. The Prime Minister’s Office will continue to put pressure on them. They did some good results, but now they can't come up with such Zhang Guo, which makes them feel very annoyed. But this problem must be solved in this way.

South Korea, Xinzheng, Han Shu's office.

"Such a matter, let them decide on their own. Our main enemy is not the rioting Mengla people. Moreover, they are all the same kind of people. After all, this belongs to Mengla's own war. It is said that there are people who sympathize with them during the war.” Han Shu said dissatisfiedly.

"What the king meant, we can let them just serve as the labor force for our railway construction, in order to redeem their sins?" Zhang Liang asked confirmingly.

"Yes, just do this. In this way, it can also alleviate the domestic contradictions in Bangla. After all, our main problem is not here. In Zhanpu, I heard that the Zhanpu people can no longer withstand it, and there are still Yue people. The Indians keep advancing, they keep pushing their offensive line. And we can't even enter the territory of Prussia. If this continues, we will not be able to solve this kind of battle at all." Han Shu said worriedly. If at the end of the month, the Indian and Indian forces fully occupy the Occupy Prussian country, South Korea may lose control of the Occupy Prussian country. The worst thing is the right to speak. Without this, it would be difficult for him to further solve such a problem. This is the real predicament Han Shu faces, so South Korea will make huge concessions on the issue of Mongolian soldiers.

"My lord, I think we can achieve our goals through political means. For example, we can solve the problem of economic conflicts in Zhanpu, we can build railways and distribute a large amount of relief supplies. According to intelligence, Zhanpu people lack enough. Their army is fighting frantically, but their supplies are very inadequate. This greatly affects the morale of the Zhanpu people. The most important thing is that in order to replenish the materials, the Zhanpu people have already used the whole country’s food When we collect all the food, the people don’t have a small amount of food. This is an extremely bad thing. If we can provide food and let them build railways, then we can properly solve this problem.” Zhang Liang said .

"But the problem is, if we let them know about this, I think you understand this. If we can't provide them with sufficient food, they won't do it." Han Shu said.

"Propaganda, my lord, we can do a great job of propaganda. We have airships and can distribute more flyers. As long as we do this, they will come back. The problem with Zhanpu lies in economic issues, not a war issue. "Zhang Liang put forward his own solution from a political perspective.

"Yeah. Okay. Just do it and give it a try. If Zhanpu people really have a big economic crisis, that would be great." Han Shu thought for a while and wanted to say. Zhang Liang nodded. In fact, Zhang Liang had noticed this problem a long time ago.

The Champus must fail because their internal conflicts are extremely sharp. The Occupy Prussian country is very aggressive, and their economy is on the verge of collapse. Now, the advent of war has exacerbated this situation. The Occupy Prussian state’s finances have collapsed because they have lost the last point of motivation. They are unable to provide sufficient financial funds and related materials to ensure this war. Sadly, the Occupy Prussian state has also exhausted the last bit of power. . The living conditions of the Zhanpu people suddenly entered a disaster, and the horror of hunger spread. It can be said that who can provide some food, who can save this situation, who can control the Zhanpu country, this is the key.

The Indians may also be aware of this problem, so they will continue to give alms, but their logistical problems are really too bad, they can't do this at all, or it is a full-scale development, plus Yue's hatred Role, the Yue people were one-sided and arrogantly believed that they could win the war alone, so they turned a blind eye to these hungry prisoners of war and the people, and they would raise their bayonets and rifles to slaughter them. The Koreans see this clearly, and they believe that they can solve such problems through political means. Perhaps, in this case, all situations can be resolved.

The border area of ​​the Yue family of the Qin State is a three-regardless area. The laws of the State of Qin are very weakly enforced here because the police force cannot be popularized here. This is because of border trade and not because of the Qin State government. They will still be proud of Qin's strength, because all the prosperity here comes from Qin's trade.

This is a place to spend money on entertainment, because people in the border trade are rich, fine wine, and beautiful women. Places filled with all kinds of desires will come here.

"Well, if this kind of dance comes in Qin Guoguan, it will definitely be captured." A Qin Guoguan reporter came here for the first time. He wanted to go to the border trade to see some information and write some reports. In this way, he will be famous.

"Haha, my friend. There are many things like this. There are a lot of things that Qin country can't see here. The Guanzhong area is too traditional and too depressing. Look at this place, how good the desire is." A Qin businessman said to this reporter. Stopped the introduction. Outside a pub, there is a big stage. There are several Yue women on the stage. They are extremely revealing. The exotic style of Yue women, coupled with their exposed thighs, hot body stimulates the passing merchants. Attention, they continue to provoke people's desires. This kind of thing is impossible in Guanzhong, but there is such a thing here. As long as you pay taxes, no one will care about how you come.

"Oh oh." Some armed men looked at such a yan dance with excitement. They almost took off their clothes in excitement. And the women kept teasing.

"How about? Come or not, here is the place to spend money, tell you, reporters like you will be very popular, because they have not seen it. Hahaha." The businessman said with a smile.

"This. This is too." The reporter said cautiously. He had never been to the border before, and he didn't know the people here were so crazy.

"Okay. Here you are. This thing can excite you for a long time. The three women are not a problem. If you taste it, he will keep you from falling." The businessman said with a smile. Then he gave him a package of things.

"This is?" the reporter asked puzzledly.

"Yuppies, good things, only upper-class people can be useful, but be careful, this thing is easy to get angry." The businessman said carefully.

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