The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 3334: Railroad stocks fall

This is the first time a reporter has come into contact with something like Yapian. He had never known that there was such a thing in the world before, and he didn't know the meaning of this thing, but he was still very curious to taste it. In the eyes of the people of Qin, Yapian is not only an analgesic tablet, but also a psychotropic drug, and most importantly, a drug that can increase desire. Life here is extremely indulgent and full of material desires everywhere. Therefore, in order to vent as much as possible, people Always dialysis everything about yourself at all costs, and as a result, things happened naturally.

At the border, this drug is extremely popular. Some people may have realized that this drug has certain side effects, but who cares about it? They don’t lack money. What they lack is stimulation. As long as there is stimulation, they will be like this. do. The people of Qin people made a lot of money by relying on their own trade, but they would also cause trouble, because in their opinion, what they lack is such a foundation. They really need a lot of money to seek all kinds of excitement.

In the northern part of Menggla, a large number of Mengla’s new troops were standing in their positions. They watched the Mengla soldiers walking by with their hands raised without saying a word. They raised their weapons high and gathered them together. , Those recruits counted the number and sorted their weapons, and the veterans held the weapons in their hands.

"For these **** guys." A sergeant of the new Mengla army scolded angrily. The rioting soldiers surrendered in this way. They looked relaxed and taken for granted, and the veterans wanted to beat them up, because these people, many of them were not there. It seemed a pity that they were a little disgusted with war. They are now tilting this sentiment on the surrendered Mongolian soldiers.

The native soldiers raised their hands easily and surrendered. They were very relaxed, because they don’t have to go hungry. The Koreans guarantee their lives, but the premise is that they must act as cheap labor. They need to build the railway, even though that It was a very hard job, but many people thought that it was good for them to survive. As for the others, it is not too much they can think about. Such a group of **** guys make them feel very unhappy, but it's just unhappy.

"Okay. The matter has been resolved. Our troops need to rest for a while before they can attack." Zhang Ke looked at the long team of prisoners and said. As for how to deal with these prisoners of war, it is no longer his business. However, the war is not over yet. They also need to continue to move north. The Moon Indians from the north are going south, and they must push the other side down.

"Sir, are we going to fight the Zhanpu people?" the chief of staff asked worriedly. He was very worried about the situation in the Bangla Army. They had just gone through a fierce battle, and the casualties were high. The additional recruits had no combat experience to talk about. With such an army to fight, the situation can be imagined. For them, this is an extremely serious mistake. The Chief of Staff did not want to make such a mistake. The most important thing is that the Northern Indy and Yueshi coalition forces have not been able to completely eliminate this situation.

"No. The above let us try to solve it by political means as much as possible. I don't know how to solve it." Zhang Ke said and handed a telegram in his pocket to his chief of staff.

"The above let us persuade us to surrender as much as possible, accept the Zhanpu people, let them surrender and become our people. In this way, many of our things are much easier to do. This is the meaning of the above, and my opinion is the same. If there is With their help, we can still solve many things." The other party said.

"Sir, how can we let the Zhanpu people surrender? I don't think we can do such a thing." The chief of staff looked at his chief strangely. He felt it was impossible for him to do such a thing, because of such a thing. It's too difficult.

"There is no difficulty, I think the Ministry of National Defense's view is correct." Zhang Ke said at this time.

"Correct?" the chief of staff asked incredulously.

"Yes, correct, this thing is correct, do you know? The Champus can no longer survive. Their army only has the last reserve of combat supplies, which can't resist the Indi Yueshi going south at all. The coalition forces, under such circumstances, their only choice is to cooperate with us. Only in this way can they survive." Zhang Ke said at this time.

"What do you mean by the chief?" the chief of staff asked puzzledly.

"If they can be the same as these captives of the native soldiers, it will be easy to solve. We can provide them with some food. If something happens to the Zhanpu people in the north, they would be best." Zhang Ke said. The chief of staff nodded. His meaning is very obvious. When it is possible to use soldiers, it is best not to use soldiers. In that case, the cost will be very large. This is one of the things that they are trying to avoid. This is his task, as long as it can be avoided. He felt that this was the best thing they could do.

"Yes, sir, I understand." The chief of staff nodded.

The Indy Moon's coalition forces in the north.

"Recently, the situation of prisoners of war is very unstable. A large number of prisoners of war have escaped. In addition, the number of prisoners of war surrendered has begun to decrease rapidly. I can only learn about some things that I can't know through a middle-level officer. According to the account of that officer, The Indian military has discovered the secrets of the Yueshi people. They are secretly executing Zhanpu prisoners, and the number is increasing. When they found out, the number had rapidly risen to more than 8,000. The executions were carried out in secret. , But it was discovered in the end. This made the surrendered Zhanpu people very scared. They thought that the Indians were here to rescue them. They did not expect that they were a group of demons. Only demons would do such a thing. They fear More and more Zhanpu prisoners of war are fleeing. Because they are afraid of being killed, and the Yue people have begun to show impatient emotions, they even shot and killed Zhanpu prisoners in some public places. They were frightened, they tried to escape. Because if they didn’t escape, they would have a dead end. This is their way out.” Fan Wen wrote in his notebook.

It is terrible to think about it. The news of the execution came from a Zhanpu prisoner of war who escaped by chance. Their prisoner of war was very cunning. When the Yue family shot him, he slipped into the pit, because the Yue family hated it. They thought that a shot in the head would have no way to survive, but that guy just escaped. He started to slip a second before the shot was fired, and was empty when the bullet hit him. The people of Yueshi didn't even react. They thought that guy was dead. In this way, he fell in the big pit, there were a lot of corpses, and this guy kept pretending to be dead. The Yueshi had no time to cover up the body, and then he escaped. Then he spread the news, and all the Zhanpu prisoners of war were frightened. They began to be disappointed with Indy and Yue's coalition forces. Many people began to run away after hearing the news. They were afraid of being killed. They were so afraid that something like this would happen, and the Indian side soon knew. They negotiated with the Yueshi, hoping that the Yueshi would not do this and take measures to control such a situation, but the Yueshi seemed to have exhausted their patience and even openly shot and killed Zhanpu prisoners in public. Such crazy behavior aggravated the panic among the Zhanpu people, and more and more Zhanpu prisoners of war fled. They are already terrified.

On the contrary, the Yueshi people thought this was a good thing, because they finally got rid of the prisoner of war's plight, and their supply line was restored. They can go further south.

"I don't know what kind of attitude the Qin government has. If such things continue to happen, the situation will be very bad. A big crack has appeared in the cooperation between the Yue people and the Indians. Going south, one opposes doing this. There are big problems in cooperation between the two sides, and if this goes on, the two countries will inevitably engage in evil." Fan Wen wrote in his diary.

Outside the city of Suez, a group of camouflage made of linen bags was spread on the heads of two Chu soldiers. From a distance, this kind of camouflage could not find them at all, but the hot weather made them lie on such a place. , Still can't stand it. They are elite soldiers selected by Zhong Limei, and their main task is reconnaissance.

"Boom. Boom." The city of Suez in the distance was being bombarded. Many people fleeing from there, because the Koreans only bombarded the city and dealt with some loose urban population targets. They have no interest, some shrewd. Many of the merchants began to transfer their property, and the more Aiji people can only accept such a situation, because they have no ability to leave there, they can only passively accept the reality of bombardment.

"These stupid Koreans, their bombardment is fixed every day, how many people can be killed, and their bombs fell on places where there are no rich people. This simply won't cause them much damage. "A scout shook his head and said. He could see through the telescope very clearly that the Koreans’ large-caliber artillery killed some civilians. They had no money. They only hoped that their small house with rammed earth structure would provide them with shelter, but that is simply impossible. , The Koreans started pouring out their artillery shells continuously, and they seemed to be launching a larger-scale military operation. They poured ammunition frantically. Come back every day, every day, from 10 am, shelling lasted until 5 pm, and then returned, after the base replenishes ammunition, come back the next day, so Suez City suffered more firepower every day, and Suez A few people in the city continue to bear such bombardment, and many people seem to be getting used to this kind of life. But they still felt a little panic, for no other reason, after all, the loud noise from the shell still made their hearts unbearable.

"Suez City is an empty city, and they don't have much defensive power." After a period of observation, the scouts of Chu State came to this conclusion, because they did not see any reinforcements entering the city, nor did they arrive. No fortifications will be set up outside the city, no. There was no army in the city. In their opinion, the defense of Suez City must be weak.

"It's better for us to scout some. After all, we want to occupy such a city. This is because we have to send troops. If we encounter some bad conditions, it may be very disadvantageous to us." Another scout said worriedly. .

"We are blatantly scouting like this, and Ai few people did not react at all. I think there is a problem with this matter. This can only show that Suez is an empty city. Did you not see it? This city has only people going out, and People who have not entered, civilians cannot escape, because they must first get out of this situation to solve the problem." The scout said.

"Anyway? We must be more cautious. If there are more troops in the city, it will definitely not do us any good." The other party said. The scout shrugged helplessly, and they continued to observe. This is for them. This is the most unbelievable thing for them.

Qin State, Xianyang. After a period of consolidation, the railway stocks began to fall rapidly, and the decline reached 20%. This is a situation that no one can explain, because the stocks in the morning have also risen for a long time. Many people are still very happy. They think that the railway can finally win a big opportunity. Many people are very happy and smiled and said. In their view. They can finally make more money.

But in the afternoon, the railway stocks suddenly fell. They don't know what happened. However, railway stocks still fell. Panic in the market rose suddenly. They don't know what happened, and they don't know the situation is the most terrible. They ask for explanations, but no one gives them the correct explanation. They can only blindly seek answers.

"What happened?" Some investors asked blindly at this time. They are not sure why the railway stocks will fall. Driven by the railways, a large amount of steel and bank stocks have also begun to fall. People seem to have seen the moment when the huge stock tsunami came. Panic spread quickly.

"Very good, the decline is very good. Continue" Li Wen's assistant waved his arm to signal his subordinates to buy and sell. And Li Wen quietly looked at the market quotation machine, because the decline was too great. He was a little uneasy, and this uneasy mood made him very unstable.

"We should stop short selling, this sentiment is too uneasy." Li Wen said at this time, his assistant.

"However, it has fallen." The assistant said.

"It's because of the decline. I feel uneasy. You can look at the situation. The strength of the decline is too great. This kind of decline has never happened before. I don't think it is necessary to proceed and make a move. At the price of the price. Act quickly." Li Wen urged. Li Wen's assistant nodded. He didn't know what Li Wen meant, but he knew there must be some reasons. He must have seen some dangerous factors exist, and this kind of danger would pose a great threat.

This is indeed the case. At the end of the trading session, it did take back a little, but everyone was in fear all day long, and they urgently needed some suitable and good reasons to explain what happened today. The subsequent news gave them some peace of mind.

"The Ministry of War’s railway project cannot get more investment from banks and merchants. Because it requires too much capital, people were very optimistic about this project before, because Qin can build its own railway to transport oil, which is near the Caspian Sea. Oil." An investor said in the tavern.

"But the problem is that the investment is huge, and the amount of capital needed is 100 million gold coins at once. There is no such big bank to solve such a thing, and no one can afford such a large investment. You must know that the railway is surrounded by There is no one at all. The cost of this is far beyond our imagination." The investor continued.

"Oh my God, no wonder, no wonder there will be such a big drop today. Once such a project is dismantled, banks, railway companies, and steel will naturally appear to be very weak." Investors said. The people around suddenly realized that they finally understood why the situation fell so big today. They still feel that they have not received a lot of news, otherwise there would be no such thing.

Inside the prime minister's house.

"Once this plan is discontinued, the situation will create a very unfavorable situation for us." Meng Yi said to Shangwen.

"Well, this kind of thing is best not to happen, it is related to the Qin country's territory and the control of the northern area." Shang Wen thinks this matter is very important. Whether Qin can control the northern area depends on the railway, because the railway can transport. More materials and personnel arrive there while transporting local resources. Only with such a railway can control be strengthened. You must know. If there is a railway, it will be very easy to send troops. Therefore, from a strategic point of view, Qin must build a northern railway.

"But the problem is that financial funds are very inadequate. This will cause a great blow to us, and if we don't have such sufficient funds, it will cause a great blow to us." Meng Yi worried to Shangwen Speaking of.

"Well. We can issue more bonds, railway bonds, or involve funds from other countries, as long as we can build such a railway. Any price is fine." Shang Wen said.

"Funds from other countries?" Meng Yi asked.

"Yes, it seems that there is only one way to do it at present. Banks have formed a monopoly, and they will not lower more prices to do such things. We have to do this." Shang Wen said.

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