The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 3335: Race, demographic issues

"The issue of western development has a lot to do with the population issue. We just got the land. In the western region, in the future, we may accept a huge area, such as the newly discovered continent by the Admiralty." Shang Wen said. To. Meng Yi nodded and recorded. He wants to know how Shang Wen views such problems.

"The new continent will bring more land and resources, but a problem lies in front of us, population. Our population is growing very fast, but the number of people that can be deployed there is very scarce. In this case, It will inevitably affect our national economy and the development of the market." Shang Wen said. In fact, Qin has been dealing with a problem, that is, land, population, capital, Qin land expansion can bring great dividends, this is the development of national assets, which is a good thing for Qin. , Because this shows that your country’s assets are very large. This is why South Korea’s Chu country actively develops abroad, even Zhao country is not reconciled to the lonely external development, they continue to expand abroad, in fact, they are constantly expanding a country asset. In this case, their country is in a positive and positive posture.

But another issue needs more urgent attention. That is population. Funds can be solved by issuing banknotes, but the population is more difficult to solve. The population growth rate of Qin people is very good, because industrialization has brought about a blowout growth of the population, but this is mainly concentrated in the birth rate. Qin wants to enjoy the population belt. It takes at least 16 years for the benefits to come. The people of Qin may not be able to wait for such a long time. This is extremely disadvantageous for Qin. Although land can bring assets, only population can further expand the market. What Qin needs to solve is such a problem.

"In the north, or in the newly discovered continent, we all have a big problem, that is, the population. The above-mentioned areas are sparsely populated and extremely desolate. Immigrants may not be able to stimulate the migration of our population in Guanzhong. We too. It is impossible to move more people, because it is extremely unrealistic. Various regions are rapidly urbanizing, and cities and towns are developing. The population will only be concentrated in economically developed regions, and it is unlikely to be further dispersed to other regions." Shang Wen said so.

"This, what should we do? Don't we just do nothing like this? This has a great impact on us." Meng Yi said to Shangwen worriedly.

"Yes, this is what I am worried about. The impact on us is really too great." Shang Wen said.

"So, the only way is to increase the population of Qin, but this situation takes time, and we don't have time." Shang Wen said.

"So, we." Shangwen stopped speaking, as if he was talking about another major decision, in fact he was doing it. And Meng Yi was a little uneasy. He seemed to realize that, this was a national issue.

With the development of science and technology and medical technology, the concept of nation was brought up, but it was not Qin State who raised this issue first, but South Korea and the people of Zhao State, who first put forward the concept of nation, and these two countries are big There is a tendency to classify ethnic groups. In fact, they have already done so.

The rapid expansion brought about by the Industrial Revolution gave all developed countries a national character, either a sphere of influence, or a pleasure brought about by the superiority of expansion. They began to divide various nationalities. For example, in South Korea, they regard the Menglais as second-class citizens, and the blacks in Sori as lowly slaves. They are not entitled to reproductive rights. They are born slaves. For Seth, Rest in Peace, Karachi and others, From the perspective of South Korea, they are only slightly better second-class citizens, and their right to vote is greatly restricted. Only local talents who pay a lot of taxation are equipped with this right. Most people do not have the right to vote. It is some small tribes and small states on the western continent. They are directly regarded as a third-class country, and they don't even have the right to speak.

In fact, Qin can't get better there. In Yuezhi, Dawan, Tochar, and Anxi, the people of Qin enjoy very high rights. People who can’t stay in Guanzhong will immediately become one if they go to these countries. Waiting for citizens, they do things extremely rampantly, but no one cares about them.

Even the Huns, Shandi and others who followed the people of the Qin country, they openly violated laws and disciplines in these countries, but these countries simply cannot manage them, and can only bear them silently. Although the Qin government and military officers repeatedly restrained them, they had no scruples at all. In the mountains, people like the Huns have become very good helpers of the Qin State. They are regarded as first-class citizens, and you can imagine how crazy the situation is. Shangwen is very dissatisfied with this, but after the order is issued, this situation will only intensify. This makes Shang Wen very worried.

Because doing so will greatly stimulate the national nerves of the locals, which has actually been proved. Because of the Qin people’s violation of laws and disciplines, there have been anti-organizations specifically targeting the Qin people in the above-mentioned areas. Although they are weak, if the Qin continues to do so, it is bound to become more and more encouraging. They have the ability to do this, and there are ways to do it. Because they will continue to harass the State of Qin, this is a new kind of terrorism.

"My idea is to absorb and absorb those members, such as Shandi, the Huns, or Dawan, Tochar, and others, and become citizens of Qin Guoxin. They have the right to vote and be elected, and they can get more support. etc. Wait." Shang Wen calmly said to Meng Yi. This is a trend. Shangwen hopes that this move will digest the adverse effects of nationalism, because a simple nation cannot go too far. It is the right path to absorb foreign culture and actively develop and develop. Shangwen is convinced of this.

"This. I am afraid it will be difficult to do. Especially in the Guanzhong area. This move is bound to have a great impact." Meng Yi said, shaking his head. He knew that this was a huge problem. The Guanzhong Group of Qin State, they are a huge commercial group, they control 70% of Qin State's wealth. This is an extremely large group. The shaper of this group is Shangwen, but he will also destroy everything about Shangwen. Meng Yi does not want to do this. He had this premonition before. The ethnic issue is an extremely sensitive issue.

"I know. This is an extremely sensitive issue, but the Qin State must solve, avoid, and evade cannot solve such a problem, so we must do such a thing." Shang Wen said.

"I don't recommend you to do this, it's too dangerous. Really." Meng Yi said worriedly. He was very worried that Shangwen would do some extremely irrational things, because such things would indeed happen, and the development of the Guanzhong Group made a huge contribution to the Qin State. It can be said that the development of Qin State is inseparable from the support of China Group.

They have been very helpful to Qin State in banking, steel, railways, etc. Under such circumstances, they are bound to develop rapidly. This is the positive role of the Guanzhong Group. Because they made the Guanzhong area the most developed area, science and technology, education, medical and health, etc. have made Qin a great sense of existence beyond other areas. They brought great satisfaction to Qin's expansion. However, their political influence on Qin is very large. For example, they are doing many specific things.

With the further acceleration of the development process, the Guanzhong Group has monopolized many industries. From this point of view, the monopoly has brought some positive factors. The expansion of land and the further expansion of Qin's influence are undeniable, but the problem is Yes, some bad factors are also playing out, for example, the shortcomings of monopoly. They began to become conservative, or closed, they were content with the status quo, or the motivation for expansion or becoming insufficient, all of which slowed the development of the Qin State. Tradition and conservativeness began to affect Qin’s policy decisions.

"We don't want this development to continue. We need to make some changes. We must absorb the development of some other external factors." Shang Wen said firmly. Qin must be open.

"Okay, but I think this is really risky, too risky. You know, nationalism is on the rise now. They will resolutely oppose the implementation of such a policy in the future. I know your ideas and you want to absorb these. People, become the new citizens of Qin, let them develop our new and expanded areas. In this way, Qin can solve the market problem and the problem of Qin's control of land." Shang Wen said.

"Yes. Only in this way can we completely solve this problem. Now this problem has been highlighted. We must solve it. Although the difficulty is great, I believe that we can definitely solve this problem." Shang Wen shook his head and said To. He is very determined. He thinks that such a thing must be done. In the Qin Kingdom, there were still some slaves in the north and some remote areas. They existed either in farms or in small-scale processing factories.

In the Western Regions, there are some processing and assembly factories in Qin State. The workers there are formerly from the Western Regions. Most of them have been regarded as members of the Qin State, but they lack formal documents. With the development of the economy, especially the rapid development of foreign trade Qin must liberate them. They will become new labor and a new market. This is what Shang Wen has to do. However, Meng Yi is very worried about this, and his worry is justified.

Because the Guanzhong Group will oppose this, they do not want the rights in their hands to be divided up. Although they can bring greater profits, the development of the industry is bound to do so, but they hope to maintain the status quo and allow their The interests continue to be maintained.

"The current situation has undergone some changes. There is too much land in Qin State. This has greatly affected the population of Qin State. However, population can change the situation of the market. If we do this conservatively, it will definitely happen. Bringing a lot of trouble. I hope to be able to solve such a problem. If this problem is not solved for a long time, the result will be great dissatisfaction. In that case, Qin will have war problems." Shangwen said . In Shang Wen's view, ethnic issues and population issues have reached the point where they must be resolved. If such problems cannot be resolved, everything will be in a state of out of control.

South Korea, Xinzheng.

"They can really top it." Han Shu said, looking at the report in his hand.

"My lord, such shelling cannot go on. The final battle still requires ground warfare," said the Secretary of War. The Admiralty’s suggestion is to rely on large-caliber artillery for continuous bombardment. In this way, the other party can sit down and talk, and they naturally take it for granted.

But the problem is that the bombardment did not have a greater effect, because Suez City did not intend to surrender, which annoyed Han Shu, because the Admiralty assured that as long as the bombardment, Suez City would definitely sit down and talk. , They think what they think is very correct, but the problem is that Suez City has no idea to talk about it at all, which makes them difficult to ride a tiger. What they have to do is to solve such a thing.

"My lord, we can also send out naval aviation and bomb them. In this case, they will surrender and we can avoid a lot of casualties. Putting into ground combat troops, if the enemy resists tenaciously, our casualties will be further expanded. This will be a very, very unfavorable thing for us, so I think we cannot do this." Zhang Liang said.

"Yeah. You are right." Han Shu nodded in agreement. In fact, she personally is not willing to put ground forces into combat, because the situation in Bangla told him that the casualties may be greater, and the casualties of the Bangla regiment. Over 30,000, three infantry divisions were maimed. If there were not a large number of supplementary soldiers, they might not be able to regain their combat effectiveness. This was only in a small-scale battle. If the city of Suez was encircled and annihilated, the ghost would know those. How determined is the love of a few people to resist? Although artillery can cause great casualties, it can effectively prevent such things from happening. This is Han Shu's best choice at the moment.

"Bombing, bombing them with an airship, in this case, we can solve their problems." Han Shu can only put this situation into combat, and the huge shadow of casualties makes Han Shu have to choose such a method. , Because she did not want to see any large-scale casualties in the army sent.

Mengla, Parliament.

"Such a large casualty war has brought us a lot of trouble. Moreover, the cost of the war is still very high." A local MP in Bangla expressed his objection, but when the huge casualties came, many Bangladeshi There is a panic in pulling people. These young boys are the backbone of their family members. Although they have been prepared for a long time, they still find it difficult to accept when things come. There were more than 30,000 casualties and a large number of disabled people were retired. The Bangla government awarded them a large number of medals and solved some employment problems. However, the number of deaths is still very large. This makes many people in Mengla feel very worried, the impact is very large, labor, and logistics solutions, as well as social changes and so on. The post-war problem handling is the most critical point, and no one rejects this.

"We hope that the war will end as soon as possible. I heard that our general will continue to attack the Champa country to the north. I don't know why we did this. The Champus have nothing to do with our Mengla people." The councillor shook his head and said.

"Damn it, you said it doesn't matter. That's our market. The Occupation and Commonwealth Congress has brought great benefits to Bangla, you mean person." A South Korean congressman shouted angrily. They are the active masters of the war being fought. In their view, the war in the Northern Occupy Prussia is related to their vital interests. This is a symbol of South Korean interests in the region. Controlling and fighting war is what they must do. However, the local Bangla parliamentarians did not think so. They thought it was bleeding the blood of the Bangla people and made Koreans happy.

For the sake of their own interests, the Koreans made the Mengla people spend money and let the Mengla people shed blood. These are not worth it. Looking at the war cost of more than 30,000 casualties and the mess after the war, the Mengla people are very unhappy. , They decided to fight against the Koreans.

"Don't worry, don't worry. We see the benefits of war." A middle-aged Korean stood up and said. He knew that now they still need these lowly Mengla people because they can do many, many things. Because the situation has changed a lot.

The war has brought many opportunities to make a fortune, and everyone has seen this. A lot of infrastructure needs to be built, such as roads and railways, because the army needs it. In this case, it has led to the emergence of a large number of factories and construction projects, which provided a lot of jobs. No one objected to deny this.

"We have created a lot of jobs, but we still have a lot of people involved in army building. In this case, there will be a big gap in the population of some jobs. At the same time, to build the economy, we still need a lot of markets. There has been a great improvement in the life of pulling people, and no one will object to this.” said the congressman. Many people agree.

"So, under such a situation, I think that we have a reason to expand, because the northern Zhanpu will bring us a lot of demand. Think about it, when the war is over, these things produced Who do we sell to, do you need it yourself?" The middle-aged congressman asked Mr. Meng La. They looked at each other and they didn’t know how to answer. Obviously, their minds determined that they were not thinking about the long-term.

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