The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 3336: accidental injury

On the northern border of Bangla, the soldiers of the First Brigade of Bangla’s New Army are advancing quickly. They have been ordered to enter Occupational Territory as soon as possible. The rioting native soldiers have collapsed, and their main force has surrendered. , That is, they chose to become bandits, and their threat to the new army in Bangladesh has become minimal. Now the main task of the new Bangladeshi Army is to move quickly northward to control the situation, because the Indy Moon’s coalition forces are going south. Although there are still many nasty things to be resolved between them, the new Bangladeshi Army will not stop advancing. .

"Look at the sky." The advancing New Army of Mengla stopped at this time. They carried their New Army backpacks, stopped and looked up at the sky.

"This is, this is a god?" Some people have already bowed down. Although the religions of the Central Plains are spreading fast, there are still some people who believe in traditional religions. After all, the change of religion takes a certain amount of time, and these religions cannot eliminate their problems. Influence.

"No, it's an airship. A Korean airship." A Mengla officer stood up and said. Three airships flew over their heads.

"The Koreans are really crazy. They even use airships." A Sergeant Mengla came over and said.

"Indeed, maybe they will help us, or take some unexpected measures, I hope they can be of great help." The officer said. Then they continued to move forward, a battle, more than 30,000 casualties, which shocked everyone, they had to deal with such things carefully, after all, the war was for them. The loss was great, and the First Brigade of the Bangladeshi New Army did not participate in the battle due to rest and reorganization. But they still felt the cruelty of war, and the wounded soldiers on the battlefield made them feel the difference in war. The power of bullets began to become violent, especially after the Mengla people mastered some rapid-fire weapons, the other is the damage of artillery, which far exceeded some people, and they had many recruits and no combat experience, which directly led to war. Great changes have taken place in the situation. Under such a situation, it is already very difficult for them to maintain such a situation.

The airship flew to the north quickly. When they saw a place where Zhanpu people gathered, they would spread a large number of flyers. These flyers were printed in the local language. In order to achieve the publicity effect, after all, they had to consider the local acceptance. Possibility of education. In Bangla, most of the education system uses Chinese characters, and the acceptance of learning and education is 11.2%, which is still relatively high. The situation of the general population may be even lower, only less than 2%. If the Koreans distribute a large number of text leaflets, it may not have a huge effect, which will cause them to waste a lot of time, which is not good for South Korea. Yes, so they adopted another method, graphics and text, using a lot of cartoons, not all newspapers have the technical ability to put photos in newspapers, most of their newspapers are purely textual. Newspapers have a low technical threshold, but their attractiveness is not strong. The early newspapers of Qin State were like this, but later, they used cartoons and used graphics and text to be more attractive, because people thought it was interesting, and then the appearance of photos, as well as some technology People can put photos in newspapers, but the mainstream is still some comics, so the way of using comics is more attractive, and at the same time, people become more eye-catching.

"Wow." A large number of flyers flew down, and the Zhanpu soldiers began to hold the flyers in their hands. The meaning of the flyers was very simple, that is, let them surrender and stop fighting. It is meaningless. Some pictures and texts indicate that they are fighting on the front line, and their wives and daughters are starving and surrendering in the rear. When they come to the Koreans, they will get delicious food and have jobs. The meaning of the leaflet is very simple. But the Zhanpu people still have their own worries. What they worry about is that if they surrender to the past, can they really get these? No one will notice this, and no one has tried it.

The Zhanpu soldiers are very numb, or in other words, their morale is extremely low.

The Champus who surrendered from the north said that the Yue people and the Indians were secretly executing them. Although they gave food, some people would die in confusion. Worse still, a terrible news spread. Come on, the northerners, here specifically refers to the Yueshi and the Indian coalition forces, especially the Indians, they think the Indians are evil people, they come from the devil and hell.

There was bad news from them. The news was that the northerners added something incurable to their food. The food is a kind of drug and they were poisoned. Many people eat such foods and start fever, and then spread one after another, and the death toll will further increase.

Although the Zhanpu people have not yet spread such terrible news, some people have already expressed fear and anxiety. In fact, this is a manifestation of the aftermath of the war. After cruel combat, it will inevitably bring about a serious war plague. If it is not handled properly, it will cause a greater spread of the plague. This is not a legend about the poisoning of northerners. It was a plague, but the Zhanpu people were frightened.

The bombardment of Suez City is still going on. Ai Jiren seems to have become accustomed to such bombardment. They invented a new way to avoid the attack of shells, hiding in the trenches they dug, or in the underground rooms. The defensive measures are quite effective. With the promotion of this trench, fewer and fewer Aijiren were injured by the shells and bombed, becoming useless, but his damage to the ground targets still makes Aijiren feel indignation.

But this time, the situation has changed a bit.

"Can those airships really achieve this effect? ​​I saw them very bad?" A sailor looked at the slowly rising airships. They are the **** formation and need to protect the warships that release the airships. They are Special battleship, this is the death order given to them from above. Such orders will make them extremely unbearable. But they still endure such a situation.

"Yes, I saw their bombs. Aerial bombs are made much larger than artillery shells. The most important thing is that they are thrown from the head. I think they will definitely be more powerful than those artillery shells." A sailor watched. Said the airship flying slowly. Some flying airships have already begun formation.

With the further improvement of bombing technology, the people of Qin and the Koreans invented even more powerful bombs, two hundred and fifty catties bombs, which are relatively large and powerful, and can blow up a building. They are filled with powerful explosives, which are extremely powerful. However, this is not enough to meet the needs of the aviation forces of these countries. They have adopted some new tactics to maintain their own level. They used a brand-new method to solve the problem. This method is a large number of concentrated bombings. If bombing alone, bombing. The effect is not very high, but if you take a dense formation and drop the bombs in a certain area, this situation will become very effective, and they also use some new bombs, white phosphorus bombs, this kind of Bombs are unstable, but they are of great significance. Their main purpose is to guide the target. After the explosion, subsequent bombs will be thrown within this range. In this case, the bombing effect will be very, very good.

"Well, boys, you will see the arrival of a new era." An officer said excitedly with a telescope in his hand. Immediately, the shelling stopped, and then they were about to hand over to the airship flying in the sky.

After spending half an hour to complete the formation, the airship began to fly towards Suez City. In fact, it was not that far, and it didn’t take half an hour. They had a group of three airships, plus Zhao Guoren’s airships, there were five groups in total. The number of bombs they carry is not that many. This is the first time they have bombed a target in such an environment.

A few people in love have a habit. They will run up to observe the situation after the shelling stops, or watch the warships leave, but this time, they found something different, like bread flying in the sky. Things, and they are slowly approaching them. Many people watched the airships in the sky approaching them. They didn't know why those Korean warships went to the sky. In other words, how did they do this? They only have curiosity, but they don't know at all. The danger has come and the bombing is about to begin.

An airship that took the lead dropped the bomb first. Until the bomb exploded, the couple knew what the bread of those airships did. They were warships flying in the sky, and they were crazy killing machines.

"Boom. Boom." The bomb emits white smoke, and the target is not very good, but within a certain area, the airship behind one by one dropped a large number of bombs into this position.

"Boom. Boom." The explosion came continuously, and the sailors on the battleship and the officers watched this scene one after another. The smoke after the bomb exploded suddenly rose up to more than ten meters. Some of them, especially military officers, could see a large number of their loved ones being blown up in the telescope, their limbs, and other flying debris, such as clothing, they fell like falling petals.

"Boom. Boom. Boom." The explosions are getting bigger and denser, and the couple are under tremendous pressure. Bombing and shelling are two different concepts. Although the eleven-inch artillery is very powerful, it is They cannot be as big as an aerial bomb, they are airships. They can easily throw big bombs down, and the accuracy is still relatively high.

The bombing continued. A few people have never enjoyed such treatment.

Toto Department, this is the place of the rest. Several commandos from the Parthian regiment were nervously watching the situation in the Toto department.

"This is an order, don't hesitate. If you don't blow them up, they won't listen to us." A man with the appearance of a rest officer said impatiently.

"Where did the Wenwen Dawan people fly?" the officer asked the transmitter. He carried a radio station on his back and kept sending reports. The radio station was still very large. Some important parts were still in transit. It needs to be disassembled and transported by horses. At this time, the radio station can't make it smaller, because the technology has not reached this point. Although the sealing material has been developed greatly, it will take some time or better. This can be done only when the sealing material appears.

"Sir. What do we do next? How to sneak in here, this is daytime, if we rush directly over, we will definitely be found." A commando member said worriedly. The bombing skills of the Dawan people are not very sophisticated. Their bombing airship formation is a group of two, and eight ships will be dispatched when they are dispatched. But this still cannot avoid some of the air problems they may encounter. After all, this is the air, and their pilots have a good learning enthusiasm. Unfortunately, the airship is a bit aging. This is a second-hand product bought from Qin Guoren.

"Dawan people **** trouble for us." The officer cursed. The Dawan people told them that they could only carry out bombing during the day. The reason was simple, because their technology did not meet the standards of night flight, and night flight was more prone to problems. The Dawan people need to avoid such a problem, but it has caused a lot of trouble for the commando. They need to be close to the opponent to light the signal and guide the target to bomb. The commando believes that those pilots are blind, they Can't see the target.

"Sir, look at the sky." At this moment, a sergeant pointed to the sky nervously, and they saw some white spots appearing in the sky. The airship was definitely not a bird at that time. The officer took a look at the binoculars.

"Sir, they said they will be coming soon. There are five minutes left. They can't see the target." The transmitter said.

"Damn it, tell him I saw them." The officer scolded. They had planned to enter secretly, but time was too late. The airship of the Dawan people has arrived, and they seem to have arrived too early. There is no way, Dawan people are very anxious, they can't control the time at all.

"What to do?" The sergeant looked at the officer.

"Rush over and put the signal target cable over there. Even if there is a fire, it's okay. Send the report." The officer arranged.

"Tell them that the signal changes, let them drop the bomb as soon as possible." The officer said nervously. It happened suddenly. This caught him by surprise.

"Yes, sir, I will do that." The transmitter nodded and said.

"Rush." ​​The officer took the lead and rushed out. They wanted to complete the signal task as soon as possible. The people behind followed suit.

They quickly rushed to the Toto Department. Their weapons were superior, and then a small-scale defensive position was temporarily established here. Some people began to collect firewood and light them. They kept shooting, and the officers looked at the sky from time to time. The airships of the Dawan people in the sky seemed to realize this, and they began to lower their height and appeared in front of everyone. But the Toto department doesn’t seem to care about this. They think that the gadgets in the sky have little effect. After all, many of them have not seen the power of airships. They are crazy to eliminate the army from the democratic government. They think this is challenging them. Beat them, there will be greater benefits.

"Bang. Bang, bang, dash, dash." The fighting was fierce, and the two sides fought very tensely. The democratic government was equipped with submachine guns, and they kept firing, killing many people who tried to rush up, they thought.

"How much time is left, we can't stand it anymore," the sergeant shouted loudly. There are too many people in the Toto Department. They don't have machine guns, and the range of submachine guns is too close.

"Bang bang bang." The officer even used his pistol. But this will not last long.

"Retreat. Quick, retreat." The officer knew that he couldn't stand it. The tactics of the Toto Department were crowded tactics. They would rush up in a swarm, and it would be troublesome if they got caught up. They don't have machine guns, and their submachine guns are less powerful, and they can fight in close quarters, but in that case, it means that the combat distance is not far away.

"Swish." At this time, a whistling sound came. This is the sound of a bomb dropping.

"Oh, damn," the sergeant scolded. He felt that the voice was not right, or in other words, he felt it was not good.

"Boom. Boom." A large number of bombs were dropped immediately.

"Boom." A bomb fell into the assault team, their officers were blown off on the spot, the sergeant was also torn apart, and more people were affected.

"Boom boom. Boom." The sound of bomb explosions kept coming.

"Damn it. Damn it," the reporter scolded. What's this, is it accidentally bombed, or accidentally injured. He telegraphed excitedly. But this will not help at all. The bomb fell madly. There are casualties everywhere, and the price is too great. This makes him unbearable.

Injuries by accident are unavoidable, and this is also a common occurrence in wars, but when this situation is true, the stimulus to the soldiers is very great. But the bomb has been dropped. No one can interfere with such a situation.

Zhao State, Handan, in the workshop of an arsenal. At this time, the workers in the first shift are resting. Most of them are skilled craftsmen. The weapons they produce are pistols and submachine guns. They call it a small-caliber ammunition workshop. Mainly produces weapons such as pistols.

"What are you doing? Are you going to invent some guns?" a middle-aged man said to a young guy.

"Yes. Master, I think I thought of a very good idea, which is to combine pistols and submachine guns. Pistols have a certain degree of accuracy, but submachine guns do not. I think we should combine such weapons, and submachine guns are not suitable for use. Convenient." said the young boy.

"Oh. It's good for you to have such a heart. Continue, I won't disturb. If there is a finished product, I will see." The middle-aged man said. The young man nodded. He is inventing a weapon, crankshaft shooting weapon, which can improve accuracy and shooting speed. This is a new concept that can effectively maintain accuracy and rate of fire. And it's relatively small.

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