Temporary office of the peaceful democratic government. A resting infantry division was stationed here, and they wanted to protect the security of the new government.

"How is it? Has the Toto Department settled it?" Libert asked anxiously.

"According to the latest telegram, the effect of the bombing was not bad. They were severely damaged. However, the problem is that the Dawan people accidentally injured our people, and the commando was very dissatisfied." Zhao Xi's report was helpless. To. He didn't want to see such a thing happen. But things have already happened. He can't say anything.

"Such a thing is unavoidable. We can't avoid such a thing when fighting in the Army." Liebert said easily instead. When such a thing happened, he seemed to think it should be.

"This. Sir, I just think that some of their sacrifices like this are not worth it." Zhao Xi said, shaking his head.

"Such things are unavoidable. Air operations are inherently complicated. With communication and coordination, etc., we can give them some compensation. We can do nothing about the rest." Liebert said he could do nothing.

"Okay. Next we should pay attention to how we quickly advance to the vicinity of the Caspian Sea. The Qin people have already arrived there. They are going south and we are running out of time. If we can't get there in time, the situation will be right. We are very disadvantaged." Liebert said. This is what he cares most about. If such a thing cannot be done well, the situation will be very, very unfavorable for them. Because their financial income will drop sharply and eventually form bad bank debts, the people of Qin will definitely not be able to spare them.

"Sir, I think we have done this well. As long as our army solves the Toto Department, our forward speed will become even greater. Don't worry about this." Zhao Xi said.

"They will see that those who obey us will get a lot of benefits. If they don't obey us, we will let them disappear. Faced with strong strength, they will make the most correct choice. In addition, we also need to give them a certain amount. The preferential policies and supportive policies offered by the People’s Republic of China cannot allow them to continue to waver like this. This will pose a great threat to us.” The other party said.

"Well. In this way, we should indeed do this. This is a very good thing for us. That's it. Move forward as soon as possible. Only when we reach the northern region can we do such a thing well. Otherwise, we will be very happy. It’s difficult to continue.” Libert specifically pointed to Qin State Bank’s affairs. They borrowed a large amount of funds. If they cannot repay the loan in time, Qin State Bank will not let them go. Everyone knows that the people of Qin are like this. Unless they can bring great benefits, they will not care about you.

South Korea has the Coordination Committee of the Ministry of War and the Navy, and South Korea also has a staff, but their staff seems to be an advisory organization. They only provide security decisions on some strategic institutions, which prevents the General Staff from coordinating some matters of the Army and the Navy. For example, this joint landing operation requires coordination between the General Staff and the Ministry of Defense.

Although South Korea also has two departments, their functions have not been fulfilled. The Ministry of National Defense is equivalent to a department for weapons research and development and material coordination. They have not done what they should think should be done in terms of security. On the contrary, the Army The Ministry of Defense and the Ministry of the Navy have assumed a considerable amount of his functions, which further weakens the functions of the Ministry of Defense. Moreover, these two departments have their own set of operating teams. At the same time, the cabinet also has security advisers. In this way, it should have belonged to the Ministry of National Defense, and some of the rights of the General Staff were divided. This is a shortcoming after the South Korean department can only adjust, but it is such a shortcoming that can still play some role. But the prerequisite is that they themselves can realize the existence of these problems.

"For Aijiren, our Army believes that a ground war should be launched. All wars need to be launched to end a ground war. How to end a war without launching a ground war?” said a representative of the army colonel. The big guys will not work together to solve such problems.

"Initiating a ground war is an extremely complicated matter. At the same time, it also requires our navy to coordinate. You must know that the place where you launched the attack is from the sea. The current navy does not have such a huge transportation capability. At the same time, what do you rely on to land on? Do you want to go over the upper reaches of the sea?" a navy colonel asked. This makes the Army guys feel very annoyed.

"Landing operations are extremely complicated, just like a factory. If the coordination is not good, there will be a lot of chaos." said the navy colonel. This is the focal point of the dispute between the Navy and the Army, that is, who is in charge of this landing operation. The Navy believes that this is an amphibious landing operation and should be commanded by the Navy. However, the Army believes that they should be commanded. The Navy disagrees. Because this requires warships, it would be difficult for the army to solve such a problem without warships to transport it up to the army, but the army believes that the war is a ground war. Will the navy fight it? Obviously it's impossible. They can't do this at all. Therefore, quarrels are inevitable, and the final result can be imagined.

"Your navy can't fight at all. You can still fight in a big sea battle. However, ground warfare is not something that can be solved by your navy's artillery bombardment," said the army colonel.

"Without ships, how did you army get past? You are a group of land ducks, how would you solve this problem." The navy colonel immediately retorted, and the quarrel was endless.

This has a lot to do with the overlapping functions of the Korean departments and the unclear division of labor. If the general staff or the Ministry of National Defense is used to command, such things may be resolved. In fact, the people of Qin also have such problems, but they The division of functions is clearer. Qin Guo once thought about canceling the functions of the Ministry of War and the Ministry of Navy and letting the two departments merge into a subordinate functional department of the Ministry of National Defense. But this involved the two major interest groups of the Navy and the Army, and finally had to give up. In fact, South Korea should have such reforms, but their reforms have become a little unusually difficult.

"What is the issue of the quarrel between the Navy and the War Department?" Han Shu was very annoyed by this issue. In his opinion, the quarrel between the two departments was purely idle and nothing to do.

"But my lord, this military command issue is indeed a big issue. If they are allowed to solve this problem in a balanced manner, this is the key." Zhang Liang knew that there was a great battle for interests between the two services. South Korea was on land and defended. The army is still needed, but the main contribution of South Korea’s economy is at sea. The navy has great strength. In fact, it is the most distressed part of the Koreans. How to solve this problem in a balanced way has become a critical matter, because it is directly It is related to the next development of South Korea.

"This matter is easy to handle. For maritime matters, it is their business to transport the army ashore, and after the army comes ashore, it is their business. Everything is bounded by the sea. That's it." Han Shu said across the board.

"My lord, I think it is better to have a unified command. When the army goes ashore, they will become extremely chaotic. It should be our most vulnerable time. If the navy can provide some fire support, I think , They should be good." Zhang Liang persuaded. He doesn't know how the battle will go on, but he knows that the war will never be so easy and simple, because it is very difficult to solve this matter. Zhang Liang believes that this is not an easy task. But Han Shu decided this way. This made Zhang Liang a little worried, he was worried that there would be a lot of chaos.

"Don't worry, they know what they will do? Let's decide this way." Han Shu said impatiently. In her opinion, this matter has been resolved easily. The Koreans will not encounter too many problems. After a series of shelling and aerial bombing, she is confident enough to believe that the courage of Aijiren has been completely destroyed by shells and bombs. In this way, they can completely solve such problems.

Originally a technical problem, amphibious landing is a complicated command issue, which requires coordinated landing. And the adjustment of troops and firepower. But this is the first time that South Korea has encountered such a problem. The worst part is that they have separated their forces. The cooperation between the two services has become isolated. This will cause a lot of trouble to South Korea's military operations.

But Han Shu thinks this is unlikely to encounter a problem, because Aijiren has been bombed and loses his courage. If it is not easy to land at this time, he does not know what his army will do. So on this issue, Han Shu no longer entangled, instead, she thought that the two departments were fighting for power, so let them separate themselves. The matter is solved so easily. As for the series of consequences, Han Shu didn't think much about it at all.

Qin State, Xianyang stock market, after a round of rapid decline in the market, many people became hesitant and cautious, they had to deal with everything carefully, in their opinion, this kind of thing has been resolved very well.

"I think the north will definitely develop. Because it is related to Qin's territory and the nature of expansion." An investor said.

"We also agree with this view, but the crux of the problem lies in the reason for our expansion like this. We need trade and the development of trade to completely solve this problem. However, trade needs people. The north is sparsely populated. We can all see that unless Qin solves such a population problem, it will be difficult to develop. But where did the north immigrate from?" said a scholar with glasses.

"The population problem is the key, because population can bring the market, but we see that our market is shrinking further, a large number of people are entering the city, and the economies of northern Guanzhong, Taiyuan, Shangdang, and Luoyang are all developing. However, in the north, the possibility of them appearing in towns has become smaller and smaller. If this problem is not solved, it will be difficult to develop. Now the range of weapons is getting larger and larger." The scholar said.

"Before, the war may be concentrated in a single area, and the mobility is greatly restricted. The range of the largest weapon is only 500 steps. This may have reached the limit, but now you look at it. Our fortress artillery can hit it. For a target 20 kilometers away, it is said that the **** Zhao Guoren has developed a target that can hit 30 kilometers. Oh my god, do you imagine what kind of killing effect that kind of weapon will cause?" the scholar said . The people around nodded to show that what the other person said was reasonable.

"Now the weapons are more and more advanced. The most terrifying thing is the airship. The war has become a three-dimensional war. The threat in the air has become bigger and bigger. They can carry explosives larger than artillery shells to ours. He dropped a bomb on his head and killed us. Guanzhong is far away from Handan, but if you take a train, you can get there a day and night. If you use an airship, you can fly back and forth once a day. Therefore, Qin still needs strategic security. In depth. From the perspective of national considerations, Qin will not care about these. He will spend more money to develop the north. This is my view." The scholar said. Therefore, he still believes that the decline in railway stocks is just a retracement.

Although his analysis is correct, this is still not the main reason for the decline in railway stocks. This mainly still believes that this is because the investment cycle is too long. Banks and steel will not care about these. They will only care about how much they can get. They will invest a lot of money in the north. It is better to put a lot of money in Dawan. Rest in such a place, because they can bring a lot of funds for construction. As for the others, they have not been able to obtain greater benefits. This is an important reason for the massive decline in railway stocks.

It can be said that if the government does not provide financial funds for construction, it may not bring such big benefits.

Prime Minister's House.

"The king's point is that the development of the north is closely related to us, and our government must adjust funds to solve this problem. But the problem is that we can't get so much funds at once." Meng Yi said embarrassedly, shaking his head. To. King Qin was also aware of this point of safety. The north was the strategic depth of Qin's country and a reliable guarantee for their development. Qin State absolutely does not allow some countries to get involved in such an area. In their opinion, such an area is absolutely not allowed. However, the Qin State only occupied these areas superficially. As for development, the Qin State simply did not achieve this.

Therefore, King Qin hopes to strengthen such control by building a railway, and the significance of the railway is therefore very important. Shang Wen is also very clear, but the problem is that the finances cannot provide such a large amount of funds to solve such problems, so it will become very difficult.

"I know this situation very well, but the question is, how can we solve such a difficult problem relatively easily? I think you should understand such a situation." Shang Wen said, shaking his head.

"Yes, at the same time this has a lot to do with some land policies and population policies. The Rouran, the Huns, and others have all made some contributions to the Qin State. I think we shouldn’t be like this. Treating them, your idea is right. We should absorb some people and let them stay there. Only in this way can we consolidate and develop there. Now the attractiveness of cities is too great. For the development of fringe areas . But an extremely disadvantageous point." Meng Yi told Shang Wen helplessly.

"I think we should use land bonds to do such things. As long as those tribes buy a certain amount of bonds, they can get a certain amount of land. In this way, land and bonds can be combined. We use land bonds. Ways to revitalize the assets there. The advantage of this is that the Qin government does not need too much funds to solve this problem." Shang Wen said.

"If those banks can realize the crux of the problem, I think they might throw this." Shang Wen had no choice but to come up with a killer. This killer is land. Population. Land is the main thing, but population is still there. Secondly, after all, the population there is not very large, the only thing that can be used is the locals, some tribes in the north, and only they can exert such an effect. This is the only thing Shang Wen can do.

"Yeah. Okay. That's the situation. The only thing we can do is to do this." Meng Yi nodded helplessly.

Zhao Guo, in an arsenal workshop in Handan, people have all gone home from get off work. The young people are still in the factory. He is developing his new weapon, a rapid-fire pistol weapon that combines the progress of a pistol and a submachine gun. His appearance is very peculiar, much larger than a pistol, but smaller than a submachine gun, uses twenty rounds of magazines, and makes this weapon look nondescript. His magazine came up in front of the trigger. Because of the crankshaft shooting, this can solve the problem of part of the muzzle jumping, but the pistol becomes very long as a whole, which is difficult to operate.

"Black Dog, I think it is too long to install the crankshaft on such a weapon. It will be very inconvenient. When shooting, although the problem of muzzle jumping can be solved, the problem remains when shooting continuously. It will be revealed that if the crankshaft is used on the pistol alone, I think it may better bring out the benefits of this weapon." The other party said.

"This, I understand, but the key to the problem is. He is a rapid-fire weapon and needs such high rapid-fire efficiency." Black Dog is the young man. He relies entirely on his own experience to solve such problems. The crankshaft becomes him. His largest invention patent, without such a patent, he would not have designed such a good weapon. This is one of his highlights. But it is also a burden.

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