With the large-scale and widespread use of fixed-mount guns, muskets have withdrawn from the stage of history, but they will still play some of their roles in local battles. The main reason is that they are cheap. After all, no more countries can consume so much. ammunition.

But with the use of firearms. The battle has begun to have a certain demand for quick-fire weapons, and pistols can meet certain needs. But the price is more expensive. At the same time, the bullet’s rate of fire and the capacity of the bullet are also limited. The main reason is that the power is not large enough. This still limits the popularity of pistols. For machine guns, the price is too expensive and bulky. In some foreign areas, machine guns It was seen as a kind of artillery weapon, and the price was too expensive, so they had to reconsider using a new weapon instead. The submachine gun became their only choice. The price of the submachine gun at this time is equivalent to the price of a five rifle. Although the price is still a bit expensive, especially the ammunition consumption is very large, they can still accept it. After all, such a weapon can bring firepower suppression.

Zhao Guo’s military factory keeps receiving orders from the Qin State Military Factory, and Zhao Guo’s armament factory constantly improves and rationalizes these products when producing these orders, and Zhao Guo’s workers and related technicians continue to respond. It is copied and created.

For example, a workshop in Zhao Guo invented a cheaper submachine gun with free bolt action. This type of submachine gun is to disassemble the old rifle, use the **** part, and then use riveting, punching, drilling and other new types of rifles. The technology achieves the purpose of heat dissipation. Although the weight of the submachine gun is heavier, the progress is higher. There is still a great advantage in sustained firepower. The use of submachine guns marked the beginning of rapid-fire weapons to occupy a certain important position. But the mainstream is still rifles, because rifles can maintain a certain accuracy while saving ammunition. Although submachine guns have certain advantages, there are no large-scale biographies of such weapons in various countries. You must know that the consumption of ammunition is still very expensive. Consumption. No country will do this.

State of Zhao, Handan. Guo Kai's Prime Minister's Mansion.

"That's a new continent, isn't it?" Guo Kai focused on Africa. He believed that Zhao should expand into a new area. In Southeast Asia, the people of Zhao should occupy some islands. There is no large-scale land emergence, and the vegetation on the islands is dense, the climate is humid, and it is not suitable for people to live. There is a problem with the Zhao army stationed there. Therefore, the Zhao people have become less enthusiastic about the development of Nanyang. The South Korean government is looking for new financial support. They hope to solve this problem when Zhao Guoren expands further, so that their affairs will be much easier.

"Yes, Prime Minister, it is a new continent, but there are already Koreans there." The Secretary of the Navy looked at Guo Kai and answered cautiously. He didn't know what Guo Kai wanted to do, but he did. Zhao’s navy must develop as quickly as possible, but the development of the Zhao’s navy is still a question of development strategy. The Zhao’s navy is not clear about what they are going to do. They just keep expanding their colonies, and their colonies are extremely dispersion.

"It is impossible for the Koreans to occupy all areas. Say yes. I think we should be bold, or we should move forward bravely and occupy there. This is very important to us." Guo Kai said. To. The Secretary of the Navy looked at his officer helplessly, nodded, and agreed with this view. After all, this is a new view. Maybe they should.

"However, Prime Minister, I personally think that we should integrate some of our spheres of influence overseas." The Secretary of the Navy raised some of his concerns. After all, after a round of rapid expansion of the Zhao State Navy, their naval power is very scattered. And they cannot be connected. Unlike the Koreans, the Koreans still run their colonies, but Zhao Guo is completely abandoning the same practice, which makes him very uneasy.

"Is there a problem with this?" Guo Kai asked the Secretary of the Navy.

"Yes, Prime Minister, there is a certain problem. Our colonies are too scattered. Moreover, our Marines are scattered and stationed, and our warships have only a few ports where we can berth. If we want to develop, we must Properly resolve these port issues, otherwise, our situation may be very bad." The Secretary of the Navy can only say this cautiously. He hoped that Guo Kai could understand such a situation and what they were doing. These things are a huge disaster for them.

"This. You figure it out by yourself, I'm not very good at it." Guo Kai said.

"The prime minister, I mean, we may need to solve so many problems, I mean." The Secretary of the Navy does not know how to speak, because this requires additional naval funding. On other issues, Guo Kai may be easy to talk about. After all, they are bringing a certain colony to Zhao, but the colony did not bring much benefit to Zhao. This is what Guo Kai is most dissatisfied with at present.

"Is it going to increase naval funding? It's impossible." Guo Kai suddenly realized the problem. Therefore, he refused from the beginning. Zhao Guo’s current effective way to maintain government expenditure is to sell bonds. They are considering whether to mortgage a state-owned railway to maintain the current situation. Zhao Guo cannot collect high taxes due to a low tax period. The only way is Issuing bonds, so that their economy can get better, but as a large number of companies began to move out of Zhao, this situation began to get worse. Therefore, Guo Kai was extremely sensitive in taxation and fiscal expenditures. They have to be sensitive, they lack too much funds to solve the problem.

Zhao's expenditure is very large, and many places need money. For example, the Navy, they are still launching some new warships, and South Korea seems to be taking some new military measures to carry out such construction. They are also actively building new large warships. As a result, there are great contradictions between the two sides, which may cause a new round of arms race. Zhao Guo's expenditure was mainly spent on this.

"Yes, Prime Minister, if we need to safeguard our interests overseas, we must solve some of their logistical supply problems, but at present, the situation in the ports is not very good. What we should note is that those ports cannot anchor us at all. The warships of China and merchant ships do not have the ability to handle. If our port has further development, we may go deeper into deeper areas, and these areas may bring great economic value." The Secretary of the Navy said. To.

"I know this, but the problem is that the Ministry of Finance does not have money. You know how to solve this problem. You still need to solve it yourself. Besides, we can't build so many ports." Guo Kai said impatiently.

"This." The Secretary of the Navy also plans to further persuade Guo Kai to solve this problem, but Guo Kai shook his head, obviously this problem is not without the possibility of solving.

"This problem can be solved. My idea is like this. You can solve these problems with some local people, or use other methods. In short, leave it to your Admiralty to solve it yourself. I believe you will definitely be able to solve it." Guo Kai said with a relaxed look. Then he patted the other person on the shoulder and left. This made the Secretary of the Navy very difficult and difficult to do. He knew that such a thing was difficult to solve, but his prime minister insisted on letting him do such a thing, which made him look very difficult.

In Port Seth, a railway to the north has appeared. The efficiency of Koreans is very high. They occupied an area of ​​12,000 square kilometers, which is enough for them to develop. In this area, they first built a railway, which leads directly to the Seth region. This will increase the trade between the two countries, as well as the exchange of materials and personnel.

And Seth also needs the help of the Koreans, especially the weapons, they are trying to reach an understanding with the Persians. The Seth government has expressed its needs in this regard, and they have asked South Koreans to act as intermediaries to adjust. At the same time, they are also actively carrying out some other material transportation, such as the exploration of oil, coal, and other resources. They found that the Koreans seem to have a great demand for these, and they are actively launching transactions in this area. This is not only such a stimulus, but also another factor, that is, smuggling trade. Lianghe civilization has a great cultural background, but Koreans are seeking these cultural relics through illegal means. They changed hands to become the biggest gainer.

"The speed at which the Seth people build railways is very slow. Their central government can't control places, but many places have their own powers to do such things." The conditions here are very rich in the Korea Merchants Association, and they can provide a lot. The enjoyment of fine wines and beauty-related aspects makes them extremely luxurious. A businessman said this to a member of Parliament.

"How can we succeed in building those railways as soon as possible? Only by controlling the railways can our rights and interests be further expanded. With the Serbian troops formed by the Seth people, their combat effectiveness is very weakened, and they can provide operations on their own. The troops are pretty good," said the congressman.

"This is indeed the case. The above plan is to cooperate with those local power figures. We provide part of the funds. In this way, they will have the ability to expand their power. For those who do not obey us, we will adopt some methods to attack and attack. They, let them fight on their own. In this case, the more they fight, the more we can do." The businessman said slyly.

"It sounds very good, I think, I think we should do this, at least it can bring us more benefits." The member nodded and said.

The situation in the Kingdom of Seth began to become unsatisfactory. Although they have adopted some provincial systems, these systems have also brought great hidden dangers to local separatism. As the war against the Persians has reached a deadlock, the central government has Their control became weaker and weaker because they needed the local government to provide more soldiers, and the tax burden of the local government was quite large, which made them very dissatisfied. Some local governments began to unite with the Koreans. The purpose is to gain their own autonomy, and the Koreans use the evil spirits to contact them, and some local governments have openly confronted the central government. As a result, the construction of the railway becomes very difficult, but it is also easy to operate. Because they can do some great things as long as they get the support of the local government. This is something that is relatively easy to accept for them to live in Alishan. The South Korean government is doing this. A divided country of Seth seems to be very detrimental to South Korea.

In Aiji Port, Zhong Limei was sorting out some of the information in his hands, and their headquarters was finally established. However, their command power was handed over to the Koreans. The people of Chu decided to unite with the Koreans to take some military measures against the Aiji. Other countries did not oppose them. The people of Qin expressed their support. They only had two companies. The people of Wei did not make a statement because they almost lost their combat effectiveness. The Yan people did not express too much. Zhao Guoren didn't want to take care of him, because they only came to a company of eighty-nine people, and one of them had two shifts in a platoon and was transferred away. It can be said that the influence of the Zhao people has been reduced a lot. The Koreans and Chu people are now mainly fighting, and the Chu people’s navy has not arrived here. Therefore, the Koreans are the main fighting force. Although they let Zhao Guoren take command, the actual command power is still in the hands of the Koreans.

"How's the preparation?" Chen Biao came in with a bottle of wine and asked. They are already familiar.

"It's okay, when will we launch military operations?" Zhong Limei asked at this time. He is very concerned about this issue.

"Soon, don't worry, it won't take long before we will do this." Chen Biao said after taking a sip of wine.

"Well, hope, we have done almost. As long as the battle begins. We still need you to provide fire cover." Zhong Limei said. He knew that simply letting the Army conduct landing operations was obviously impossible, because they lacked some artillery and faced such operations for the first time. The possibility of accidents is very high.

"I said, brother, it's better not to mention this kind of thing. I came from the navy command and heard some bad news." Chen Biao said.

"What do you mean?" Zhong Limei knew that a wrong decision above would cause many people to make mistakes.

"Navy, our navy refuses to provide you with fire cover." Chen Biao shrugged and told the other party helplessly.

"What?" Zhong Limei said in surprise. The firepower of the navy is of great help. They can greatly solve some of the difficulties encountered by the army in landing operations. Moreover, these armies have no combat experience, and they have never experienced such a thing. The naval firepower is the best way to cover them, at least it can form a firepower wall, and such a firepower wall can greatly help them encounter some unexpected troubles.

"Our Admiralty and the War Department are at odds, you know, what kind of trouble this will cause. The Navy Department thinks that our navy is just sending you ashore. Just kidding, I feel like we are just crossing you across the river like an old man. "Chen Biao said helplessly.

"I don't think you are joking. How can you do such a thing? These are the Army. They have no experience in landing operations. You let them do this, it's a joke." Zhong Limei said angrily. He believes that the Koreans are experimenting with the lives of their soldiers. Once they encounter some problems, they will encounter big troubles.

"This is indeed the case. We have no way. We can only blame the bureaucrats for these things they do themselves. The land will be returned to the army to solve the problems, while the sea matters are solved by us. This is very unscientific. There will be a big gap between the two in the beach area. If the organization is not good, the situation will change greatly." Chen Biao said.

"Damn it." Zhong Limei was annoyed by this bureaucratic approach, because many people died under this approach, and the division of labor by the Koreans undoubtedly made the two services separate entities. However, landing operations are a complicated one. The problem is that this requires the cooperation of the two services to complete, but the Korean approach is to separate the two, which greatly and seriously affects the occurrence of some of their situations. This is the last thing they should do, but the problem is that the Koreans did just that.

"This will cause a lot of hidden dangers. I think you should know the consequences of doing this." Zhong Limei asked.

"I know. But this is an order. We are soldiers. We must obey the order. The above order is like that." Chen Biao was helpless. Some low-level officers have realized the problem, but they can't do anything. This is an order. They are right. There is no way.

"It's really a **** war." Zhong Li cursed. And outside, their soldiers are making some pre-war preparations. They are beginning to spread some gossip. Many people think this landing operation is easy because they are listening to the sailors to express some unbelievable news, their artillery. How did they blow up the lovers into the sky, and how did the bombing of the airship make them full of confidence? With so many military weapons, their landing operations will become very easy. Such a relaxed approach will make them extremely satisfied, and under such circumstances, they will become extremely easy to land in combat. The soldiers were full of confidence. But who can realize that their commanding class is making a big mistake.

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