Military ranks are for the military to form a hierarchical system, but when necessary, they are the best weapon to reorganize the military. Of course. Sometimes they may not be able to play such a role. After all, this has a lot to do with the ability of an officer. If an officer's ability is strong, the possibility of fighting may be higher. The opposite is not good.

Qin State Xianyang. Prime Minister's House.

"That is, we have gathered all the Huns and mountain people. The population of the north is still not enough. We should have a clear understanding of this." Meng Yi said helplessly to Shangwen. Shangwen's idea is to treat those mountain people and Huns as new Qin people. This is undoubtedly a good way to increase Qin people, but the problem is that there are still some conditions, for example, they must be naturalized to Qin people, no matter what. How, Meng Yi thinks it should be tried. Qin cannot lack these second-class citizens. At the same time, they also need to solve some necessary conditions, such as the introduction of these people in a truly open manner.

"Well. We don’t need to be too anxious. Let’s do it a little bit. First of all, we should give them a certain solution. For example, some of them have a lot of funds before, and we can let them buy a certain amount of land, bonds, Let them form a new force. After all, they are still relatively poor. At the same time, most of their funds are idle and they do not have a good investment project. If we can use our cheap land to attract them, I think this may be a A better way." Shang Wen said to Meng Yi. This is Shangwen’s goal. The advantage of the north lies in their land advantage. The land area there is large but the population is sparse and lacks the necessary conditions for development. The State of Qin first absorbed them and became citizens of the State of Qin, and then gave them a certain amount of land. Of course it is a paid purchase, but the land is absolutely cheap, allowing them to control new land there. In the end, Qin finds ways to attract investment and develop there, because only development can Qin further control it. This is what they are most likely to do. important things.

"Okay, but I think that under the current situation, development may be a little bad. After all, I think you know that it is difficult for banks to get a lot of capital there. They don't seem to have such great enthusiasm to solve such problems. The dilemma, after all, nothing can be solved if the project is not profitable." Meng Yi said.

"Yeah. I understand that such a huge land is still very difficult to solve without a suitable population." Shang Wen said. He knew very well how to solve these problems, and only a sufficient population in the State of Qin could solve such problems. Otherwise, the job is to have a lot of land and cannot solve the problem.

Zhao State Navy Department.

"We simply don't have such a lot of funds to develop these places, you know, the Navy Department has no money now." The Deputy Chief of the Navy said after meeting with the Secretary of the Navy. The Secretary of the Navy canceled many plans for the expansion of the Navy of the State of Zhao, including plans for the construction of a large number of port facilities, which made the Undersecretary of the Navy very anxious. He was very clear about the significance of these ports, but the Secretary of the Navy directly told For the reason of the other party, the Navy Department has no money.

"Unless we can figure out a way to solve such problems, otherwise, we will have no way to solve these problems. I can only abolish such plans." The Secretary of the Navy said helplessly.

"What? Do you have a way?" the Secretary of the Navy asked.

"This, sir." The deputy commander of the Navy could not solve such a dilemma for a while. After all, he was not good at such things. They were soldiers, not businessmen.

"I think you should find some businessmen and talk to them. They may have this ability. All we have to do is talk to them. They will have a way to solve such things." The Secretary of the Navy said To.

"What does the sir mean to let the Navy Department find the money on its own?" asked the Navy Deputy Chief.

"Yes. Qin's army and navy are doing this, have you heard of it?" the chief of the navy said.

"The Ministry of the Navy of the State of Qin and the Ministry of the Navy of South Korea are developing some technical cooperation. These technical cooperation will bring great profits to the Ministry of the Navy of the State of Qin. We can do the same, and what I also know is that the South Korean Navy and the State of Chu The Navy has some secret clauses, and they are doing such a thing." The Secretary of the Navy said.

"Well, sir, shall we do the same?" asked the undersecretary of the navy.

"Yes. It must be done. If we don’t do this, the huge navy cannot be maintained at all. You should know what kind of situation this is. We must do this. Only in this way can we solve our series of problems. , Otherwise, who knows what kind of predicament we will face." The Secretary of the Navy said.

"Okay. But to whom will our technology be sold, and who will take it?" asked the Undersecretary of the Navy.

"Well, there are many, Qi, Goguryeo, and other countries. As long as they are dissatisfied with South Korea and Chu, they will definitely need so many weapons, not just battleships and artillery. We can fight The Department of the War should jointly do such a thing. If this is the case, everything will be resolved. This is what we have to do." The Secretary of the Navy decided to wave his arm. Guo Kai will not give the Navy some funds to solve such a thing. This requires the Navy Department itself to do some arms trade and achieve their goals through military orders. But Zhao Guohai didn't know how they should do this.

Conference room of the Democratic Government of Dawan. Libert is holding a meeting for their ministers.

"At present, we must have an enemy, an enemy that allows us to fight back. This enemy can unite all the Parthians together. This enemy is the Persians. When we fight abroad, they are the Persians. They The internal turmoil caused by themselves caused the collapse of the Parthian Empire. It was the Persians, who destroyed our homes and everything about us, or the Persians. Their hands were stained with a lot of blood on our hands. They are the murderers of the massacre, we Take revenge, take revenge for the disaster they brought us." Liebert said.

After all, the Sabbath Democracy is a newly established country, and everything is not very stable. They have an army, but the army is composed of former prisoners of peace. They have their own will, and the representative of this will is the Sabbath Military Party.

The predicament facing the Parthsian nation is very big. The domestic economy is dying and there is no financial source. Everything is ready to go, but they need to solve their financial problems. Second, their land area has shrunk by more than three-quarters. They only have a quarter of the land area to solve their current crisis. The most terrible thing is that many people do not believe that a democratic government can solve such problems, because democracy will inevitably bring delays and inefficiencies, and after many tribal leaders enter the parliament, They have their own opinions and ideas, and are always dissatisfied with the ideas of others, which makes democratic government even more inefficient. This is a cruel blow to the Shah government.

Under such circumstances, the Anxi government is more and more inclined to a decision. This decision is dictatorship. Democracy comes from the intentions of the Qin people. They seem to think that only democracy can greatly disperse the power of the Anxi government and keep them in a state of internal balance. In this case, the State of Qin could easily control such a government, but they underestimated the Shah people’s views and thoughts on dictatorship.

The crisis of the country has forced the Shah government to adopt some unique ways to solve it. They need an internal enemy to unite all Shah people, and then they unite to solve such problems. Therefore, they need an enemy. This enemy is, Persians, but when internal opinions differ, if there is an enemy, they may give up all prejudices and vent their dissatisfaction and ideas on this enemy, and Liebert has to do this, most The important thing is that the Persian riots robbed most of their wealth, and if they get this wealth, they may solve their crisis.

"For those tribal armed forces who are willing to accept a democratic government, we will give them a great welcome. We will give them temporary establishments, and give them certain materials and weapon support, but the prerequisite is that they must beat the Persians. Expel Persia. People, regain our lost land. Only in this way can our situation become better." Liebert said. The Parthians have been hit hard, and now is the time to solve their current plight.

There were also quite a few representatives of party members in the meeting. They were all elites of the Military Party. The Military Party was closely related to their interests. The Military Party developed rapidly. They broke the restrictions of the tribes because the tribal organization method was backward, and the soldiers The party can not restrict organizations such as tribes. As long as they are soldiers, they will get such supplements. This is their advantage. This advantage allows them to do many, many things like this.

The Sabbath State relies on militias to develop its own armed forces. Almost all men are soldiers. The propaganda policies and other methods of the soldiers are very in line with their appetite. If they get a position in the military party, then the future will be fine. Getting reused is a great temptation for soldiers, because they are soldiers and their understanding of violence is very simple.

The Shabbat’s ideas are crazy. They need to be united and united to the outside world. The Persians are their goal. They need to unite the Shah tribes that have not yet been attached to the north. Bombing the Toto Department is a deterrent. They need to understand that only the Shah government can do such a thing.

State Qin, Ministry of National Defense. Wei Liao looked at the telegram in his hand curiously. He didn't know, what did the Indians mean?

"Are they crazy?" Wei Liao asked an intelligence officer incomprehensibly. He wanted to understand why this happened.

"Sir, we don't know, but, I think, the Indians may have the idea of ​​rejecting the Yue people, but if they do this, their coalition forces will collapse." The intelligence officer also expressed this concern.

"I think so too. I really don't know what the Indians think." Wei Liao shook his head. He thought that Indy's doing this at this time would undoubtedly break his own affairs. In this case, it is an absolutely bad thing for them.

"Sir, should we pay attention to it, or let the Indians and Yueshi people properly solve such problems." The intelligence officer said worriedly.

"No, wait and see, let their affairs develop further. Qin currently does not have the ability to manage such things, and they have not yet affected us. Therefore, such things must be managed to a certain extent." Wei Liao smiled. Speaking of. In his opinion, the political immaturity of the Indians will bring them a very serious disaster, which will cause them to have big cracks. Then it expanded further, and a terrifying opponent was also looking at them, and they were still doing such a thing, Wei Liao knew that as long as the people of Qin State let go, they would not be able to do anything. This is what Qin is going to do at present.

In the southern part of Zhanpu, the situation seemed to be beneficial to the Bangla Army. Their pioneer troops kept advancing, advancing at a speed of 30 kilometers every day, and their follow-up troops could not get there.

"Great. Welcome you very much, welcome you very much." Mongo and Dora excitedly took General Zhanpu's hand and said excitedly. This is a defensive point. The defense force here reached more than 5,000 people occupying the Prussian army, but they surrendered without firing a shot. Because their supplies have been cut off for two days. Morale is low, soldiers are seriously inadequately trained, weapons are not sufficient, and weapons are extremely crude. Such military defense is simply impossible. When Mongo and Dora came to persuade each other to surrender, the defensive generals immediately chose to surrender, because they knew they couldn't resist, and their only way was to surrender. Only in this way could they become more relaxed.

"I want to know when our supplies will arrive. Our people have been hungry for a long time. And this. My soldiers told me that as long as we have this, we can get enough food." General Pu told Mongo and Dora that they believed that the Koreans would be much better than them. The situation of the Zhanpu people against Indy and Yue's coalition forces is not very good. The rumors made the nerves of the Champus extremely sensitive. They heard about the massacre, which made the Champus very annoyed. For the Koreans and the Mengglas, they thought it was a rich country. There is too much food to eat, and the treatment will change a lot. Koreans can get them out of poverty. For them, this is where they need it most. They desperately need to do this.

Therefore, when the South Korean army arrived, they did not hesitate to choose to surrender because their interests can be greatly guaranteed. This is the result of their own thinking.

"This will take some time. After all, the transportation of food is very troublesome, especially your road conditions. This has a great impact on us. If you can build some roads to solve the carriage transportation, I think this problem will be greatly affected. It's solved." Mongo doesn't know how to explain this problem. Could it be that there is no food to solve this problem. This will completely collapse the Zhanpu people. They can only explain this way, hoping that such an explanation can stabilize the Zhanpu people.

"Oh. That's the way it turns out." General Zhanpu easily believed what they said, because they had to believe in such a thing. You know, no one would do it at all, so this is what they have to do.

"But don't worry, the food problem will be resolved soon. We all rest, take a break." Mongo said. The Zhanpu generals dispelled their doubts, after all, they knew their road conditions too well. It is difficult for Koreans to walk in such a place with a carriage, and it is difficult for them to get stuck in it.

Inside Zhang Ke's headquarters.

"Oh my God, they solved the problem like this." Zhang Ke has been worrying about a problem, how do they face the main force of the Zhanpu people, they may encounter a fierce battle, and his chief of staff has formulated a lot of combat plans. , They predict that the number of casualties in combat with the Zhanpu people will exceed 50,000, and their army will be completely maimed. The chief of staff tries to avoid such things as much as possible, but the problem is that they still cannot solve such problems.

But now, things have suddenly taken a turn for the better. The Zhanpu people themselves surrendered.

"According to our understanding, the Zhanpu people would rather let us kick their **** to surrender than surrender to the Indy Moon coalition forces. It is said that they killed prisoners of war. It seems that we should avoid such a problem." Zhang Ke laughed. Speaking of. Being able to properly solve such problems made him very relaxed, and it also made him believe that the flyers they dropped were effective.

"Yes, sir, this is very beneficial to us. I think we can solve this kind of thing, and we can easily solve this war. But we should note that the Zhanpu people surrendered hungry. Only if we give them more food and let them eat, they will completely work for us. If we can't do such a thing, the situation will be very bad." The other party said.

"Yeah. You are right. We should let the supply vehicles go north as soon as possible. Otherwise, big problems will occur." Zhang Ke realized the seriousness of the problem at this time, because those Zhan Prussian troops who surrendered were for food. They surrendered only when they were full. If they can’t eat enough, they will betray in the end. They must deal with it carefully. Otherwise, the consequences will be very serious. Who knows if they will take some radical actions against the Koreans. Measures, this is the result they least want to see. Food is related to the stability of these prisoners of war.

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