The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 3340: Negotiations with a few smugglers

"This is a terrible landing operation, and I strongly oppose it." Zhong Limei met Chen Biao on a battleship and expressed his strong indignation because his troops were completely broken up. He can't control his army at all.

"There is no way, all army officers are opposed to such a thing, but it is of no use." Chen Biao reluctantly told the other party this news. He also expressed helplessness in this regard, because the navy and the army had a great contradiction, and he caused this to happen.

"Army officers are all opposed, unless it is the Marine Corps, I am afraid that everyone will not be too satisfied." Chen Biao helplessly told the other party such news.

"The only thing we can do right now is to hope that God will let those damned lovers not attack, they will surrender straightforwardly. This is the best way." Chen Biao said helplessly. Zhong Limei was very annoyed by this, but could do nothing.

"Boom. Boom. Boom." The large-caliber artillery began to exert great power. They bombard suspicious targets on the shore and provide firepower preparation. This may be the greatest firepower support the Navy can do. At the time when the South Korean Navy provided the largest fire support, South Korean businessmen were discussing important matters with the smuggling Irish businessmen.

Inside the Korea Merchants Association in Aiji Port. On behalf of Iji, Popola looked at all the Korean merchant members. They looked very serious and hostile, but Popola was not worried at all, because the other party is a merchant, and the merchants pay attention to their interests, not their enemies. How much hatred of myself. This is what he has to do now.

Popola is a smuggler who loves a few. He was a large-scale smuggler. Before the Koreans arrived, he was in ivory and slave business. Later, the Koreans came. His previous business was not good. However, he also began to contact the Koreans. Silk, cotton, arms, and other commodities have brought him greater profits. However, they have always been in a monopoly on smuggling, and the Koreans just earned less than the smuggling business. Twelve percent, and the rest was divided between him and some bureaucrats in Aiji. With the development of the situation, the Koreans have understood this situation and they are very dissatisfied with it. They believe that Aijiren challenged the authority of Korean businessmen or the core of their interests. Therefore, the current war will appear. , Korean businessmen hope to obtain greater benefits in order to solve their current situation.

"We are all businessmen. You can sit down and talk about what you have. We are very disagree with the current war." A studious businessman, he learns whatever business makes money. For example, he does business with the Jews in the north. His words are pretty good, and the Jewish businessman likes his products more. Especially with regard to arms, this can bring greater benefits. After all, there are wars and there is no peace.

But for now, he feels very worried that his situation is a little bad, because Koreans have never been so serious. The actions of the Koreans have seriously affected the interests of the Aiji smugglers, which is why they have taken some measures to retaliate against the Koreans before. They believe that as long as they retaliate against the Koreans, the Koreans will retreat. But the situation Something different from what they expected, the Koreans increased their military strength, an unprecedented increase in their military strength. The strength of thousands of people, coupled with a variety of new weapons, made the Aiji smugglers feel very panic. Until now, They realized that the power of the Koreans could not be stopped at all, and they decided to have a good talk with each other.

"We don’t know what to talk about. Would you agree to give your Suez City directly to us? But what I’m saying now is that we don’t need such a thing. I think I should understand that Suez City has faded away. His clothes, he has been naked in front of us." South Korean businessman Zhang Fu said, shaking his head. Obviously they have decided the victory or defeat of this war.

Hearing this analogy, Popola was very angry, but he knew that in the face of absolute strength, Aiji couldn't resist, because their destiny had already been absolute. They couldn't resist the fierce attack of the Koreans at all.

"Our army is outside. They have gathered. They are going to land and launch a final blow to you. We will occupy it at the last time. Suez City is already ours." Zhang Fu said lightly.

"It’s not that simple. You don’t love a few people, gentlemen, I think you should understand this, love a few people will resist, as long as we continue to resist, your people will bleed. I don’t know how far South Korea is from here. , But I know that it’s very far, very far, your people need a long time to get here, and your weapons, and our people, if they don’t get fair treatment, they will continue to resist. Continue to resist, you will not be able to resist such an attack at all. You will lose a lot. This is very detrimental to you." Popola threatened very cleverly. He knows that the Koreans are powerful and their strength is very powerful, but the problem is that their strength will not last for a long time. Although the Koreans have established their own colonies in some areas, the colonial authorities only use Koreans. However, the local people still play a role in ruling and directly managing, and they need a lot of power to depend on the Koreans, which they know too well.

Occupation is very simple. As long as the troops are pushed directly past, this problem can be solved. However, if the long-term occupation has redistributed rights and interests, this is the most critical problem after the occupation. Politicians solve such problems, and businessmen What they care about is the situation after their benefits are distributed,

"Yeah. There is some truth in what you said." A Korean businessman nodded and agreed to the practice. The businessman is the businessman. They care about the interests, not some other things. Only the interests that are actually obtained are the interests. The most critical thing.

"The situation is such a situation, we can guarantee your interests, and at the same time, you need businessmen like us to do some stability measures." Popola said. No rule is established all at once. They need local people to solve such problems. Otherwise, they will not solve such problems. They need the support of local people. Korean businessmen know this too well.

"Tell me what you can do?" Zhang Fu compromised. They really need their help. Korean businessmen need to expand their trade and share some new interests. They need to re-open a channel to the north. Without the support of locals, it is difficult for them to do this. They are too Know the importance of this. Therefore, they still need the help of the locals, and this is what they have to do.

And Aiji people, especially Aiji smugglers, think that it is a good choice for them to change the object of their refuge, such as Popola. He believes that those who love the bureaucracy are ugly. Among the remaining profits, They have eaten more than half, but they are still not satisfied. They are greedy. They think it is reasonable to eat so much profit. This has greatly harmed the interests of smugglers, even though they are Aiji businessmen, but the interests of Aiji businessmen are not because their country renounces resistance. Any unfair treatment will be severely resisted. This is the interests of smugglers represented by Popola.

"We can stabilize the situation in Suez City after you occupy Suez City. You can govern him and become the new owner of Suez City. However, we still need to do some specific things. We will help you thoroughly." Bobo Pull said to. Business people still agree on this point. After all, they are still not very familiar with some situations. They need local people to do something to help them.

"In addition, I also know that you need to dredge the Suez Canal. This canal is already congested. You can't transport your goods at all, and our profit is loved by the nobles and the officials. Where we are extremely dissatisfied, we need you to make some changes to improve our current situation. This is what we have to do." Popola expressed his loyalty.

"Well, very good. What we need is such loyalty. You can do many, many things. This is very beneficial to us. We are very grateful for this." The businessmen said.

"But we hope you don't play some tricks, otherwise, we can't help you thoroughly." Zhang Fu warned. They are regarded as rapists. They are traitors who love several countries, but they have preserved their interests. Although they will cause great losses from the state, they have preserved their own interests. This is what everyone needs most.

In the waters outside Suez City, a large number of merchant ships are parked here, and the boats have been filled with a large number of soldiers. The shelling has stopped, and the entire Suez City has been plunged into a sea of ​​flames and thick smoke.

"The second row, come down quickly," a second lieutenant officer shouted, standing on the boat. Landing operations require close coordination, but the South Korean navy pushed these armies to the surface like dumping garbage. Soldiers were randomly arranged by the crew and sailors to land. Didn’t they know that they need cover troops before they go ashore, and they need first-hand reconnaissance and follow-up? The troops in front of them need to go ashore quickly after the ships in front have left, and there are more supplies. They are now loading the ships in one mind, and there are not many ships.

"Sir, we are two squads in three platoons. One of your squads has been placed on another boat. I saw them go there, and they seem to be going to land." A sergeant reported to the ensign. .

"Damn it, **** it." The second lieutenant was annoyed, and his platoon was squeezed out at the beginning. His troops were seriously inadequate. When he boarded the ship, he managed to keep his platoon from being dismantled, but now his platoon is still dismantled. One of his classes was lost. He really wanted to shoot the sailors in the head with his weapon.

"You can't board the ship, these ships are used to transport supplies." At this moment, the chief mate on the ship is bound to signal the soldiers not to board the ship.

"Why? We have to go ashore to fight, but you have to transport supplies. How do we get there?" the soldiers scolded in confusion. They were very dissatisfied with this, but only expressed some dissatisfaction, because this greatly affected some of their situations.

"I don't know. This is an order from the Admiralty. I can only do this. Tell the navy officers." The chief officer expressed a kind of helplessness, which made them feel very anxious because of their This is indeed the case. This made the Army soldiers extremely annoyed, but there was no fire. The war is like this, and many people express helplessness.

Ships transporting crews, materials ships, and more supplies ships were grouped in chaos, and then rushed ashore. Worst of all, some ships were released in a single brain, regardless of what happened.


"Damn it." Li Ding cursed. His platoon disembarked three ships and landed on the shore. Before they reached the shore, they were ordered to land. They waded and landed. Their boots and pants were all wet. The weapon has also been flooded. Some soldiers are taking the time to disassemble their weapons and repair them, otherwise the weapons will lose their function. When the firearms engineers fired their guns, they did not consider the harsh environment of the battlefield. They designed the weapons extremely tightly. The adaptability of weapons has dropped greatly. A little bit of water or sand will make the guns unable to operate, which makes them very annoyed. But this is the weapon they provided. They can only accept it. Now the weapon has become a fire stick. Not as good as a bayonet.

"Sir, we can't find them." A sergeant reported. Li Ding looked around and found that the situation was very chaotic. Their supply ships barely landed, but then they all dumped on the beach. There were ammunition in the supplies. They were thrown on the beach and were soaked in sea water. The ghost knows if the ammunition will work. What's bad is that the combat troops that came ashore were very chaotic. The South Korean army, the Chu army, and the useless Wei people were all sent ashore. They are logistics units, and they were transported here as combat troops.

There were loud shouts everywhere on the shore. The officer looked for his soldiers because their command ship was arranged to land in an area, but his soldiers might still be on the ship or in other places. The higher-ranking officers are not on the shore at all, and the lower-ranking officers have no idea what to do? Are they looking for their own soldiers or establishing a defensive position. These all make them anxious.

"Sir, the situation is very bad now. Look, sir, many soldiers have been placed here indiscriminately. Some of them are a squad or a platoon. The officer can't find the soldier, and the soldier can't find the officer. If you love a few people at this time If we launch an attack, we will be killed here, and we must take some military actions." The sergeant said anxiously. He is very worried about this situation.

"Damn it. Don't care about it. Let everyone follow me, as long as those under my rank listen to me." Li Ding saw this situation, he decided to change this combat state, he immediately took action, first of all He wants to gather all the soldiers, and the soldiers he can command are fighting.

"But, sir, what if they don't follow the order?" The sergeant asked Li Ding worriedly.

"Then shoot them, or use your rifle butts to teach them. Everyone, come with me, hurry up." Li Ding shouted loudly. They need to quickly establish a beachfront defensive position so that the follow-up troops can reach here safely, otherwise, they will be in big trouble.

"You follow me, hurry up." The sergeant ran to a corporal and shouted loudly. The corporal looked at the sergeant in confusion.

"Sir, we are looking for our own chief. He, he is not." The corporal shook his head and refused.

"Damn it, this is an order, now obey the rank, understand?" The sergeant looked at each other fiercely.

"Yes, our mission is." The corporal also doesn't know what his mission is, but now he doesn't want to obey the other's orders. Damn, the army has its own small team. Who knows if the other party will kill him all at once. I'm dead. This is a battlefield, but it is not a good place.

"Bang." The sergeant gave the opponent a **** directly.

"Follow me. Hurry up, or I will shoot you." The sergeant ordered. The people behind him had already pointed their bayonet rifles at them, and they knew the situation too well.

"Okay." The corporal had no choice but to let his people follow the ensign to move forward and consolidate the position. The beach was still chaotic, and Zhong Lixuan was anxious because of the chaos.

"Quickly arrange a boat, I want to go ashore. The scene is too chaotic." Zhong Limei said anxiously. At this time they were at their weakest. The soldiers landing on the beach did not follow the original plan. They should not pay too much attention to their own organization. They should quickly establish beachfront defenses, consolidate them, and let the people behind quickly go ashore. Only in this way can they fight. But the situation is that they can't do this at all, and the officers can't control the soldiers.

In the binoculars, Zhong Limei was very anxious to see these, everyone was waiting foolishly for orders, the ghost knew what they were doing, Zhong Limei felt that he should not wait any longer. He felt that he should go to the battlefield, and only in this way could such a situation be avoided.

"Sir, there is a boat here." The sergeant shouted loudly. Zhong Limei took his weapon and went on the boat.

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