The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 3341: Shipbuilding order

"Love a few people, love a few people attacked." The South Korean army soldier in the chaos shouted loudly. The Chu Army soldiers were also a little panicked, because their chief was looking for his chief.

"Damn it. It's some militiamen." Captain Zhang Ding was organizing his men to move closer to him. He gathered more than twelve platoons of troops, they came from different combat units, and their designations were as high as more than twenty. He can only organize a temporary battle group based on his rank.

"Everyone enters a fighting state. As long as they approach us, they will shoot. Hurry up and enter the fighting position. Hurry up." Zhang Ding shouted loudly. And pulled some soldiers into a hidden position to prepare them for battle.

"Fortunately there are such officers, otherwise we would be in great trouble." A sergeant shook his head and said. He pulled the bolt, he changed one in the chaotic state, his gun went into the sand, and a stupid soldier discarded his weapon, very good, he was very grateful to that stupid soldier.

"Be prepared for battle and fire when the enemy gets closer. No shots are allowed without an order." Captain Zhang Ding said as he walked back and forth. He is commanding the forces of three companies. He is only a captain, but he is commanding a combat unit of more than 500 people. These combat units come from various combat units. There are Koreans, Chu people, and even Wei people. They are stupid. He didn't know what to do with his own rifle. When he asked to fight, they even installed bayonets. He really didn't know whether to kick them.

The attacking Aiji people were militias organized by the locals themselves. They had no combat experience. After fierce shelling, they should have entered their own fortifications, but Suez City had already lost control. The city’s administrators We have already abandoned the city and fled. The militia is just a mob organized for revenge.

"Aim, shoot." Captain Zhang Ding will not give up resistance just because the opponent is a militia, and there is no mercy on the battlefield.

"Bang Bang. Suddenly. Suddenly." All kinds of firepower shot together, and when they hit two hundred meters before the coalition position, they were completely killed. Their weapons are simple and simple, they just hope to attack them in this way and kill a few coalition soldiers to avenge their lives. Many of their family members died in shelling. Their weapons are also flintlocks, and many of them are still bare-handed, not even using muskets.

"This is a unilateral massacre." Zhang Ding looked at it and shook his head and said. The fighting stopped quickly, and the panic caused by the Aiji militia eased them as they turned into corpses.

"Go forward. Search for their bodies." Zhang Ding gave such an order to a platoon, but more forces were involved, and they hoped to find some spoils on the bodies. Those who weren't killed were killed directly, and even the Wei people shot. Some of them even used bayonets to assassinate people with courage. Although it seemed to frighten them for a long time, the battle was over after all. They are safe.

It is a pity that the beach is still chaotic, some combat troops still cannot disclose their operations, and supplies are thrown on the beach indiscriminately. Anyway, the navy's mission is complete.

Qin State, Xianyang.

"The relationship between the Yueshi people and the Indians is a bit bad. According to what our ambassador has observed, the two sides have a relationship that has turned against each other." Meng Yi said to Shangwen.

"The reason is that on the issue of prisoners of war, the Yue people went beyond the management of the Indians to directly slaughter the prisoners of war. In this matter, the attitude of the Indian kings is extremely clear. They think this is slaughtering their people. The army apologized and stopped their combat operations." Meng Yi said.

"Just kidding, such a thing may be difficult for the Yue people to solve. They are helping the Indians in battle, but now the Indians are doing this, they will think that the Indians have betrayed them. In that case, the situation will become extremely difficult. It's complicated." Shang Wen said with a smile. Shangwen himself can't say what the relationship between Yueshi and Indi is. The two had been pregnant with ghosts, but now the slaughter of prisoners of war has started. The idea of ​​the Indian government may be to oppress the Yueshi people through this move, because the Yueshi people are indeed not good enough, they are too reckless and reckless. But the people of the Yue family were extremely dissatisfied, because they were helping the Indians to build a turf, and they had their own turf to do more.

"This matter seems very complicated, shall we continue to shelve it?" Meng Yi asked Shangwen.

"Yes, such a thing must be shelved, otherwise, we will not have much benefit. Such a thing, stop." Shang Wen said. Qin State is still unwilling to participate in such an event. After all, it is not good for Qin State. Why does Qin State have to participate in such an event?

"Well, there are other things that we still need to pay attention to. That is, Zhao Guoren is exporting a large amount of technology to Qi, and both naval technology and army technology are available." Meng Yi said about another thing worriedly.

"They adopted a joint venture to transfer these technologies. These technologies can bring a lot of benefits to the State of Zhao. What I am worried about is that the two countries form a huge military group, and they will adopt an alliance against us. Not only that. South Korea and Chu are also doing such a thing. We have noticed that they have recently adopted the same approach in the fight against several countries. In this way, two major military alliances will be formed. . I am worried. They will be very detrimental to Qin." Meng Yi said to Shang Wen in an extremely long-term way.

"Well. I agree with this point. But for the time being, they will not pose a threat. There is still a great demand in the market. The war will not start for the time being. This is just one of their needs." Shang Wen said, shaking his head. Shangwen thinks this way, because the financial capacity of all countries cannot support the existence of a huge army. The Zhao people’s attention is focused on overseas expansion, and the Qi people’s economy has improved to a certain extent. If they rapidly expand their arms and prepare for war If it does, the economy will enter a huge catastrophe in an instant.

The situation of Koreans and Chu people is the same. Koreans have survived difficult morale by relying on the economy of the colony, and the people of Chu are also the same. Regarding the colonial issue, both have the same needs. They passed Shifting economic pressures and obtaining markets and raw materials in a way of attention has made their economy extremely easy.

Qingcheng, Jiaozhou, South Korea. Qingcheng Shipyard received a tender document from a special country, Goguryeo.

"They want to build more than twelve new-style merchant ships that can transport coal to us, and then load other cargoes back to Goguryeo. And the speed cannot be lower than 18 knots. Goguryeo also hopes to build a shipyard in partnership." A business executive said to his manager.

"What kind of mess, how can the coal ship load other goods? It's simply incomprehensible." The manager threw the tender aside very annoyingly and said.

The ships built by Korean shipyards are the best shipbuilding technology today, of course. The main focus is on power. Although Zhao Guoren also has relevant shipbuilding technology, their technology is very strong. When Zhao Guoren has fully used welding technology, Koreans only use half of welding technology and half of riveting technology, but Koreans have Boilers and three-stage ramjet steam engines have given them a great advantage in the speed of merchant ships. Zhao Guoren is actively conquering related technologies and striving to be equal to the Koreans. Therefore, the first choice for some countries to order merchant ships is South Korea, not Zhao.

"But, manager, I personally think that we should seize this market. The twelve merchant ships are all new. These orders can bring us a certain amount of profit and make our technology more mature. The most important thing is , One day we can expand the market to Goguryeo. In that case, the shares and advantages of our technology will be great. It can be said that the twelve merchant ships are small, but they can help us open up the market. This is right. We still have a big advantage." The supervisor said.

"Just kidding, you just saw the market, but you don't know what our production department is going to do? The price of iron ore is rising, and the cost is rising. Our shipbuilding cost may now be a price, but when we take it When the ships were built, the prices were different. Should we bear the loss ourselves? Obviously it’s impossible. These ships are not busy enough for us. Moreover, look at their requirements and those who carry coal will carry them. Cargo, how to design such ships? It is better to design some ships that transport oil. Such ships have high profits, simple design, and high technical requirements for construction. This is in line with our requirements. We will not do such orders. Now." The manager shook his head and refused. The supervisor would like to say a few more words. After all, such an order is still of great benefit to them, but his manager kept shaking his head and thought it was a non-profit order.

Goguryeo has discovered a lot of mineral resources. They have the advantage of mineral resources, mainly in coal mines, copper mines and some other metal minerals. However, the ore they mined cannot be sold. The Koreans and the Chu people have united Goguryeo adopted a blockade, which caused the Goguryeo people to suffer a big loss. They once put their finances in a desperate situation. Fortunately, the rise in coal prices solved their crisis. After all, there are now more places where coal is used. Very, the steam engine needs to be started continuously. It is impossible for the South to have too much coal resources. Now ships also need a lot of coal resources. Therefore, they decided to form their own transport fleet. First of all, they must purchase a large amount of transport fleets. Merchant shipping.

South Koreans have the best construction technology and excellent performance. After publicity, they first ordered a batch of merchant ships from South Korea, hoping to solve their problems. But the demands of Goguryeo people are too much. Not only the transportation of coal, but also the requirements for speed, but also the transportation of various services. The transportation of coal and some other goods cannot be put together. The Koreans have led to the rejection of Goguryeo’s perverted demands, which they think are. The Goguryeo people are embarrassing them.

The Laizhou Shipyard in Qiguo is also busy here. They also received orders from Goguryeo. The difference is that they attach great importance to Koguryo's orders because it can bring great economic benefits.

"If we can win such an order, our shipyard may be busy for a whole year and earn more. Our workers' salary is relatively low." An engineer said after calculating the cost. They still have more than 20% of profits to make, which is still good, and most importantly, they have taken the order.

"What I worry about is your technology. Can your technical department solve such problems?" the manager asked worriedly.

"This should be no problem. We have great technical guarantees. Zhao Guoren will provide relevant technologies for us to further develop. Otherwise, their technology shares will not occupy 20%." The other party said. .

"Well. Okay, let's do it like this. Goguryeo is a coastal country. They may form a navy. If we can satisfy them, our situation may change a lot." The manager nodded in agreement. Despite the high demands of the Goguryeo people, they still think it can be done. If they don't, the situation will immediately become bad for them.

The economic situation of Qi is not as good as South Korea. Qi does not have a vast overseas colony to provide economic support. Therefore, Koreans do not need such orders, but Qi people have to need such orders. Zhao people provide technology shares and they do not accept orders. If they do, they will lose money. Although the profit is not high, they can continue to do so. The Koreans are different. They have higher labor costs. Once the labor costs continue to rise, the situation will pose a great threat to them. Therefore, the people of Qi will choose to accept such orders.

The northern part of Shah is where the Shahs and Persians gather. Both sides are guerrilla warfare areas. Captain Li Keli was sent here to serve as a military adviser. At the same time, some local Shahs were incorporated as their military force. They will take extreme offensive measures against the Persians to solve this problem.

"As long as we launch an offensive against the Persians, can such a thing be resolved?" Chief Hill asked this question curiously. The experience of the Toto Department gave the Parthians a great shock, and the Parthian regiment could mobilize large-scale The army put pressure on them, and the Dawan people would unite with them to deal with them. The worst thing is that the North is still a Persian region, if they are not careful, they will fall into such a disaster. They must make reasonable considerations for the safety of their tribe and others.

"Yes, the peaceful democratic government has been decided. If you can accept the adaptation, you will have a place to enter the parliament and serve as members. In this way, you can nominate a list of some government officials. You can enter the government department, which is right for you The tribe has great benefits. The government will properly resolve all your problems. What you have to do is to attack the Persians. The spoils of the Persians are yours." Captain Li Keli said.

"I know what you mean, and we are willing to do this, but the problem is that the Persians are not very easy to solve. You know this very well. They are all guerrillas and a group of cunning wolves. Solving them is not easy. Relying on weapons like ours." Hill said embarrassingly.

"This is not very difficult, because the Parthian Army will also send troops. At the same time, they will provide you with some weapons to improve your weapons and equipment. You only need to accept the reorganization. Depending on the size of the reorganized force, you will be appointed as many officers. And the number of government members." Li Keli said. It is difficult for a single tribe to provoke an organized government because they simply cannot do it.

"Well, we accept your adaptation. But it will take some time, and I need to do some of my subordinates' ideas." Hill already has such a willingness, and the strength of the democratic government has forced them to accept some Compromise, and they alone cannot face increasing threats. The Persians are always their enemies. Perhaps relying on the power of the government, they can properly resolve such things. This is good news for them. , This is a good thing they should do.

The Anxi government is making up for their military deficiencies through diplomacy and political means, using financial power that the army will quickly consume, but through deterrence and other methods, it can solve such problems more effectively. They can solve such problems in this way. The problem is that this will help them to further expand their careers in the north. You must know that the Qin people's expedition is heading south, leaving them not much time.

In Qin State, in the Xianyang Stock Exchange, the railway stocks stopped falling, and the decline was more than 30%. Such a large rate would take a long time to repair. People are not very optimistic about railways and steel stocks.

"I am optimistic about the power stocks. Qin Power plans to increase funds to invest in Zhaoguo Handan Power, because more and more places are using power, which is extremely beneficial to us." An investor said while looking at the newspaper. He feels that he has a very good vision and can effectively solve such a problem.

"This is a good idea, but I still think that the price of such a stock is very low, and it is better to buy it. Look at the price of Zhao Guo's Handan stock, it is too high. We simply cannot enter it to buy. , And there is no company's purchase intention, which is not good for us." Other investors said worriedly.

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