"Suez, where I love a few people, has no fortifications." A sergeant said dissatisfied. Li Ding didn’t think so. He believed that a couple of people would still resist. They should be more careful. Despite a period of rectification of the team, they finally came to Suez. The whole city was extremely quiet, but it was quiet. It was the restless heart of the coalition soldiers. After a chaotic landing, many people could not wait to enter the city. They are as anxious as a man sees a woman, for example, a sergeant.

"In this way, we must also be careful. Aiji will still resist. Those who have been killed by Aiji illustrate this point." Li Ding said dissatisfied. He is an officer, and he would never allow his subordinates to have such doubts, but he obviously felt the soldiers' restless heart. The reason why they came here to fight is actually a group of robbers and bandits. Before the attack, they thought, They should have robbed wildly, the coalition command also said the same, as long as they occupy here, they will not care about it. In other words, the command headquarters has indulged and acquiesced in their behavior, and now just let them enter here.

"Sir, there is no need for this. Now we can do a lot of things as long as we attack in." The sergeant said.

"Damn it, if you want to go, just go. I won't stop you." Li Ding thought the other party must be crazy. The other soldiers showed the excitement of the original imagination. In their opinion, Suez City is already an undressed woman. As long as they have some normal reactions, they should rush in immediately instead of waiting, waiting, this It will only make them feel more uncomfortable.

"Brothers, follow me." As the sergeant said, he led this class into the gap. The bombardment of artillery and aviation blew the walls of Suez city into pieces, and there were gaps everywhere. The couple just wanted to fix things that couldn’t be done. In their opinion, this was simply the worst thing for a group of them. It is a group of thugs, thugs thoroughly.

"Attack, hurry up." As the sergeant said, he rushed in with a group of people. They were supposed to start an offensive formation, but unfortunately, no one cares about these at all, no one cares whether their formation is not. complete.

"Sir, can I go with them?" At this moment, a second-class soldier asked his officer anxiously, and he also entered, because it was very annoying to be a soldier. The only way for them to relieve their boredom was to talk about women, second-class soldiers. He hasn't tried the taste of a woman yet, he wants to go in and try.

"Haha." Many soldiers laughed. They all knew what the reason was. Li Ding looked at the others, and they stopped laughing immediately.

"Okay. Pay attention to safety." Li Ding said.

"Yes, sir." The second-class soldiers rushed in immediately. Actually. Li Ding is indeed a little conservative. His friendly neighbors did not stop to survey the situation at all, but directly issued an offensive order. The soldiers rushed in impatiently.

"Bang. Bang. Kill." Not far away came the sound of gunfire, shouting to kill, and it seemed that the bayonet was pierced into the flesh. But there was no fierce resistance. It seems that Aijiren has stopped resisting. After all, they simply couldn't resist a well-equipped coalition attack.

"Rush in." Li Ding gave an offensive order. The soldiers could not wait to rush in. They knew that they should be the first to rush in, and now the benefits must have been taken by them. Soon they rushed in.

Zhong Limei is still very nervous now. He needs to observe the reactions of the people he loves. After all, he loved several people before and resisted. This shows that there is resistance to the people who love him.

"Sir, I see that there is nothing more. Our soldiers have already rushed in." A second lieutenant officer reported. He saw in the telescope that many troops entered it smoothly. They did not even resist. Some soldiers were still waving flags and arms from high places. This was a sign of victory. The second lieutenant thought it was all right.

"No, it's better for us to wait." Zhong Limei said cautiously. Any negligence will cause serious consequences. He is a military general and must not be so reckless. If that is the case, many soldiers will suffer heavy losses.

"Oh. Oh." Cheers of victory came from the city of Suez not far away. The flags of Chu, South Korea, Wei, and Zhao began to fly, and victory had arrived.

"Okay. Let's go in to see the situation, we can't go on like this. We want to know what happened in the city?" Zhong Limei said anxiously. He is really worried about those **** loves who rely on the city to carry out urban street fighting. You know, street fighting is the most difficult to fight. He has studied the recent large-scale battles in Dawan. Once he enters street fighting, that kind of The intricate battlefield environment will soon destroy the soldiers, the organizational system is easy to disrupt, and the combat effectiveness is difficult to handle.

On the sea, the navy personnel are all anxious. They are not anxious for the army, they are anxious for their own money, they feel that the army’s offensive has become very easy now, it can be said that they can enter the city of Suez without any effort, and the issue of command is at sea. It's the navy's business, and on the land, it's the army's business. The army is now snatching the spoils, but the naval personnel can only watch and can't do anything. This makes them very anxious, and the officers are also very anxious, but they are also helpless, who made their orders like this.

"Damn it, the grandsons of the Army. They are very happy now. They are very annoyed." A naval officer said annoyedly. They can only be anxious about the Army picking peaches.

The situation in Suez City has completely changed. As soon as Zhong Limei entered the city, he saw that there were corpses everywhere. The people of Aiji were corpses. Those who did not kill Aiji would also kneel on the side of the road holding their heads. The soldiers were extremely crazy now. They gathered in twos and threes, robbed and loved a few people, valuable things would be stuffed into their baggage, and everyone was full.

"Kang Dang." A broken voice came, and the soldiers smashed the things they couldn't take directly, and the violent factor broke out completely on them. Inside the house, some women cry from time to time. Obviously, the soldiers are doing something frantically.

"Really a bunch of crazy gangsters." Zhong Limei was very tired of such things. Because a strong army is very disciplined, but now, the coalition forces have thoroughly exposed such and other problems. Many soldiers do not care what the military discipline is, they rush into it in a swarm, as long as they can destroy what they can destroy, as long as they can They do everything that makes them very easy. They are not soldiers, but bandits. Just as all the soldiers enjoyed the pleasure of occupation, news of the coalition's victory quickly spread to the country.

Chu, Wei, Qi, and the people of Yan who came late were very happy. This was a huge victory.

South Korea, Xinzheng. Han Shu did not feel relieved by the coalition's occupation of Suez, on the contrary, many things still need her to deal with.

"The situation of the war has made us very chaotic. It is complicated and the occupation of Suez City is one aspect. However, we must also see that it is difficult to say whether we can gain a foothold after the occupation." Han Shu said to Zhang Liang. .

"Yes, my lord, I will resist. They will do some extreme things. These extreme things will make us extremely difficult. If they don’t cooperate, how do we open the canal and how to maintain it? The situation on both sides of the canal will become difficult. This is not just a problem of excessive investment, but more that we need to stabilize the situation." Zhang Liang also said.

"Well. This telegram was sent by the Korean Business Association. They agreed that we should do such a thing well. Think about it. If we get the support of the locals, many of our things will become extremely easy, such as In this matter, we have the support of businessmen who represent our interests. Although they all seem to be smuggling businessmen, the businessmen’s situation is special, and they have no favor with their own government. On the contrary, they only Concerned about our own interests, if we use merchants to stabilize the local situation, I think this is still acceptable." Han Shu said. The Korean Merchants Association and the Aiji smugglers reached a preliminary agreement. They plan to establish a new government in Suez, of course. The coalition forces will completely control this government. They will let the Aiji government cede the entire city of Suez. After all, they cannot swallow most of the Aiji country in one go. What they have to do is such a thing. Now they have done it.

Part of the agreement is that the South Korean government recognizes the interests of smuggling businessmen in Aiji, that is, protecting their profits and the safety of their private property. This is what they should get in return. The Koreans will also give each other a certain parliamentary seat. This is an important expression to win them over, and this expression means that they can do more.

First of all, they must maintain the stability and security of Suez City. Second, they will give play to their characteristics of smuggling merchants and promote the growth of trade. This is what Koreans need most. The advantage of Koreans is that they have a thorough grasp of tariffs. , Without paying a penny of tax. Finally, the Suez Canal problem. With the help of the Aiji smugglers, the Koreans believe that they will soon repair the existence of such a canal, and its value will be completely in the hands of the Koreans. This is for them. There are great benefits.

"As long as we have the support of the locals, everything will become extremely simple. We can recruit more locals to build such a canal. The existence of this canal is extremely important to us. Meaningful. This is a very important thing for us." Zhang Liang said.

"Well, at the same time, we can also recruit local troops. As long as we need to, we can continue to attack. The war must be carried out step by step, within the scope of our endurance. We cannot do too much. The current task is to stabilize the situation in Suez. , To stabilize our situation, and then. To resolve the war, the war cannot go on." Han Shu said. The situation in northern Bangla made her a little anxious, but fortunately, the situation is developing towards the best situation, but she must also deal with it carefully to prevent situations that shouldn't happen. Such a situation makes it difficult for him to deal with it.

"Yes, Majesty, but Majesty, we still need to pay attention to some things, such as the distribution of benefits among countries. We must pay attention to this point. All countries are involved." Zhang Liang raised one of their most difficult issues. , That is, this is a coalition operation, even though it is during this operation. All countries have troops to participate, but their role is not very large. Except for the Chu Army, all countries have very limited military strength.

This naturally leads to the difference in the distribution of benefits. They need to solve such problems thoroughly, but fortunately they have relevant experience before.

"It's very simple. To open a trade port, we need a lot of goods to flood the northern market. This will generate a lot of demand. At the same time, we also need greater interests, the Suez Canal. In addition, we can let the other party oppress those who love A few people, let them pay compensation. If we don't pay compensation, we can continue to fight. But the key is the Suez Canal. This is the key." Han Shu grasped the main contradiction, this canal is for South Korea. Too important. Once lost, South Korea’s strategic value will be greatly discounted.

"Yeah." Zhang Liang recorded. But there is still one problem that has not been resolved, and that is how to properly handle the relationship between South Korea and the State of Chu. Although the two countries have military cooperation, they are not military ally or political ally, even if they are fraternal countries. When it comes to the calculation of specific benefits, they will turn against each other. Zhang Liang feels that South Korea should properly resolve this issue, otherwise, they will completely encounter great difficulties.

Qin State, Xianyang.

"The coalition forces, in fact, the Koreans and Chu people occupied the entire Suez city. Regarding how to manage this city, if it is resolved, this is their business, but I think the two countries will never give up such an opportunity. For them, it is too difficult to give up such an opportunity." Shangwen said when receiving this telegram. He is very concerned about the development of these two countries, because once the two countries form a military alliance, the situation will become very bad. Qi Guo and Zhao Guo walked too close. This is what Shangwen worries most. Once a war alliance is formed, the meaning of war will quickly rise to the point where it is difficult to resolve.

"If the war is still like this, the situation will be more difficult to resolve. If the two countries can break out some contradictions, the threat of war can be avoided." Shang Wen said.

"It's not to avoid it. There will definitely be problems in these two countries." Meng Yi said, shaking his head.

"The Koreans have a lot to do with the Suez Canal and their strategic policy. They are very concerned about whether they can occupy some special strategic points. If they can't, they will definitely fight for it, and the Chu people finally get such a point. Everywhere, if they do not have enough benefits, they will never let it out, and it may be very difficult for the Koreans to lose part of their benefits. Therefore, I personally think that for the military operations of these two countries. Not very good." Meng Yi said.

"Yeah." Shangwen agreed little by little, after all, such a thing does exist for them such a danger.

"I hope they can properly solve this problem. Don't let the two Central Plains countries fight, after all, they are expanding abroad." Shang Wen said.

Island of madagascar. This island was discovered by the Koreans before, but they did not leave some clear evidence of their existence, because they only regarded it as a temporary stop for fresh water supply.

Speaking of it, the discovery of this island was very accidental. A Korean merchant ship was accidentally blown here by the sea breeze. The Koreans were very interested in black slaves. They were not interested in the virgin forest at all because they were on this island Some black slaves were found on the site, and their main target was more black slaves in the South. Not here, so they did not conduct a large-scale investigation or occupation of this island. At the same time, establish the existence of some marked things. It means they have been here.

The "Black Pearl" Chu State Merchant Ship went south to find black slaves. They were not only looking for black slaves. They hoped to find more valuable things, such as ivory, gold, and various minerals, which were better than black slaves. a lot of. Chu people can get more cheap labor from the western continent. So, on this issue, they will become very active.

"This island has nothing. There are forests everywhere. It seems that the rain is abundant here, and it will cause great difficulties for our exploration." The first officer looked at the environment nervously.

"It's true." The captain nodded and put down the telescope in his hand, but he would never give up such a place. He felt that this island could be named by himself.

"Captain, do we just mark it and go south quickly? I heard that the situation there is very good. There are also many black slaves, and some mineral resources can be found. We can go south, there is no need to waste too much on this island. At that time, he is just an island." The first officer suggested.

"No. It makes sense to occupy here, I, I think, he is more like Queen's Island. Think about it, how meaningful it would be." The captain said.

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