In the northern part of Shah, many Shah tribes have accepted the adaptation of the Shah government. Most of them have been adapted into independent camps or regiments. In fact, most of their numbers are around 1,500. Fighting ability is also very worthy of people's doubts.

"Sir, the operation of these weapons is not difficult. As long as you study carefully, you can master the shooting essentials of these weapons." Li Keli said. He became the military advisor and liaison officer of the Hill Independence Corps. He had a special communications squad and a gendarmerie. A platoon of troops was stationed here. Their task was to urge these independent establishments to take military action northward. expansion. Take extremely fierce war measures against the Parthians. This is their mission and the special mission of these tribes. After completing this mission, they will enter the national parliament and serve as some important positions of parliamentarians. This is an important way for them to share the convenience brought by the state power. Therefore, These independent Sabbath troops must exert their amazing combat effectiveness. In order to ensure that their interests are further expanded.

Hill looked at the weapon in his hand and operated excitedly. The Shah government army provided a batch of bolt-action rifles and hand cannons, which are actually a kind of mortar. The simple operation made them like it very much, which can increase them. The weapon, which is much better than flintlock. In addition, there are some pistols and submachine guns. This rapid-fire weapon is their favorite. Unfortunately, the ammunition is too expensive. This is the most difficult place for them to accept. Normally, where there are such weapons and there is no ammunition supplement, the only way to get such many weapons is to kill more enemies. This is the only way they can solve the problem. .

"I am not worried about weapons. What I am worried about is that those Persians will run away. If they run away, I can't stop them at all. You know this." Hill said to his military adviser. They are too good at guerrilla warfare, and they know too well about the Persian tactics. In fact, they are a group of mobs. Basically, their tactics are based on sneak attacks, ambushes, and attacks. None of them are normal methods. They plan to use sneak attacks to attack each other, but their strength is limited and they cannot be eaten all at once. Lost a lot of people from the other side. This is what they worry about the most.

"What do you mean by the sir?" Li Keli asked while looking at the other person.

"We hope that you can send out cavalry to help us, at least launch an attack from the flanks and surround them. In this way, we can prevent them from escaping. I heard that the people of Qin launched an attack like this. We can attack them sneakily, but we can't kill them all. Kill them. Therefore, I still hope that the government can show that, at least it can let us see the confidence of victory." Hill said. To make these tribes completely stable, the necessary measure is to send some troops to participate in the battle, otherwise they will be anxious, because they are excessively worried, what should they do if they are disadvantaged? Can they do such a thing? Obviously this is not a question they should be able to consider.

"Yeah. I understand. The government will have the army involved." Li Keli thinks that these people are some cunning people, and they will not stand with them to solve the problem of rest. They are very cunning.

In the southern part of Champu’s interior, Champus prisoners of war are repairing their roads in droves.

The road needs to be leveled and compacted. In some necessary places, they will build bridges to shorten the road trip. The soldiers of the Bangla Army pass here quickly. They are very friendly to prisoners of war. This is an order issued by their chief, not to allow them to behave badly, and to look at the prisoners of war with a discriminatory look.

"Hi, hello. Can you provide us with some hot water?" a corporal came over with a kettle and asked. It was a group of Zhanpu prisoners of war. Their complexion looked good, at least they weren’t too thin. The Bangla Army provided them with some food. Although they were not very full, the total amount of food was not very large. Let them solve the problem of food and clothing. In order to settle these prisoners of war, the Bangla Army also provided some special food, tea and sweets. If they are senior prisoners of war, they will also provide sugar. The Bangla Army’s idea is to let them stop, take a break, drink tea, or do some other things.

"Yes, do you want tea?" a middle-aged Zhanpu prisoner of war stood up and said.

"Yes, you can speak the Central Plains dialect?" the corporal asked curiously.

"Yes, I was a businessman before, and the country recruited us. We had to fight as soldiers, but we are now prisoners of war." The middle-aged man explained.

"It doesn't matter, we are getting along very well now, and we can provide you some tea." The corporal Shihao said. Tea can relieve the soldiers' nervousness. The Bangla Army consumes more than two tons of tea bags every day. Although these tea bags are not very good tea, they are still liked by the soldiers of Bangla. They like this kind of drink. Because they were able to drink some steaming tea in the battlefield situation, it was a good way for them to relieve the tense environment on the battlefield.

"Yeah. Thank you." The middle-aged man said. They also have some tea bags, but the tea bags have been brewed several times. The last thing I drank was tasteless.

"There are some candies here. I hope you can have good luck." The corporal said and gave them some candies, and they hoped that the other party could bring great kindness to themselves.

"Thank you so much. Thank you, thank you very much." The other party said with a smile.

"Haha. You're welcome." The corporal nodded and said. Then he waved his arm and asked a second-class soldier to come over and hand over some hot water to the other party. Their officers and non-commissioned officers were willing to drink such tea water, which would bring them good impressions, and they sent them a lot of canned food. , Especially canned fish, there are a large number of whaling ships in the coastal areas of Qi, and whale meat is the best meat in cans. This kind of meat is the same as beef, but it can avoid some troublesome problems, such as religion. Therefore, such cans add a lot of starch and oil, which makes it difficult for people to swallow. Tea leaves can encourage them to eat some food.

"How are you doing here?" The corporal asked the middle-aged man curiously.

"It's very good. Although the food is not a lot, we will not go hungry, and the people nearby are also the same. Zhanpu is over. We don't want to fight, but the **** king let us fight." The middle-aged man said. The corporal nodded. He wants to know more things, these are the things that can be known in chat.

"We have no food, and my family may not have food. The worst thing is that all the food in the entire Champa country is concentrated in the army, and our king, prince, and others are trying to fight, but We did not want to fight, so we surrendered. This is what we all want to see." The other party said.

"Well, it sounds great, you guys did a very good job." The other party said so.

"Well, we work here and we can do anything. As long as we build roads, we can have food. People nearby come here to work. They do it for a meal, but for them. It is a life-saving thing. . This is very important to us." The middle-aged man introduced. The Champus is not just a prisoner of war problem, there are more people’s problems. Most of them are civilians who lack food. Many people are on the verge of starving to death. The economy of the Champus has collapsed and the society is in a state of turmoil. Among the trends, this is a great stimulus and disaster for society, and what they have to do is to avoid such disasters.

The senior officials of the Korean New Army and the Bangla congressmen have realized this. They believe that this situation can only be effectively avoided if they are provided with appropriate social jobs. Therefore, the construction of railways and highways has become an attraction for them to carry out construction. The best way, and they invest very little, only part of the food, which is insignificant to them, as long as there are enough railway wagons, this problem can be solved. Therefore, occupying prisoners of war and the people can get out of trouble in time.

The rescued Champus were full of vicious curses on their government, or verbal abuse, because their government prevented them from surviving, which made it easy for the Champus to fall on the Korean side.

The conversation continued. They talked about a lot of topics, such as the treatment of the Bangla Army. They not only only have food, but they can eat a lot. This makes Zhanpu prisoners of war very envious. They don’t know if they can join their Army. among. If you can, that's the best. In addition, there are some hometown topics, such as their jobs. They can enter the city to find a good job and live a very good life. This makes Zhanpu people unbelievable. They don’t know that hundreds of thousands of people gather in the city. How to survive in the city, hundreds of thousands of people, certainly a lot of food, this is a huge problem. However, Koreans can solve such problems relatively easily. This is where they are most interested.

Bangla Parliament,

"The Champus in the north is not just a war issue for the Champus. I think it is more an economic problem. The Champus kings never entertained their own people properly. There are already a lot of information in this area to prove this. The living conditions of the northern Zhanpu people are very bad. Their taxation is as high as 80% or even 112%. I don’t know how the hundred and two are calculated. However, I do. The thing is, such a high tax is impossible to live on." A South Korean congressman said. The attitude of the Koreans is to occupy, expand the territory, and turn Champu into a state of Bangla, so that they can go deep into more places.

"If we reduce their taxes, in this way, we can let them join us and reduce their burden. At the same time, they will provide a larger market consumption and labor supply. We can build our own factories here. We need them. . This is the responsibility that Meng La has to shoulder at the moment." South Korean lawmaker said.

The idea of ​​South Korea is to completely control Zhanpu, rather than the previous, seemingly divorced state, which makes Koreans very disgusted. So they hope to solve this problem thoroughly. That's why they have sent troops to the north. However, sending troops only solved the military problem, and occupation is a political problem.

"We think that if we do this, the burden will be a little bigger. We are going to merge into a state, and at the same time, those who occupy our jobs will encroach on our jobs, they will bring a series of problems, and the taxes they will give are also Very limited." A Meng La member stood up worriedly and said. Senator Bangla believes that they are developing very well. At least development is not a big problem, but the Koreans want them to expand a state. The problems caused by expansion of a state are not very simple. There are many behind this. Other problems need to be solved, such as population, and a series of other problems. How to solve these problems, he really doesn't know how to explain the benefits of such things. Therefore, on this issue, they are extremely sensitive, and their sensitivity makes them a little nervous.

"We are very clear that the government's fiscal expenditure may become very large, but don't forget. Our economy is improving and can develop quickly. This is the best result for us. Everyone. Everyone should have confidence. Expanding the population of a state and taxation means that we have expanded a lot of taxation." A South Korean congressman stood up and said.

"Don’t forget that we still have a lot of factories. These factories will produce more goods every day. They need to sell them. If we own the market of Zhanpu, owning this market must make Zhanpu people more capable. How to get rich, let them work, let them work. Otherwise, their situation will sooner or later become the root of our riots, not only for ourselves, but also for our Mengla." South Korean congressman said. The Bangla congressmen are not easy to refute, because the South Korean congressmen are right. Many of them have factories. These factories are mainly for the army to provide a large amount of supplies. But what will happen if the army does not need it? The factory will stop, and a series of troubles will occur after it stops. This is for them. It was the worst result.

"Well, we agree to continue to help the Zhanpu people, and hope that the Zhanpu people can join in and make them a state of Bangla." The Bangla members thought about it.

In the north of Menggla, the South Railway Station of Donglin Town is actually the location of Zhang Ke’s original headquarters. His headquarters did not advance with his army. On the contrary, he stayed here all the time, because here, because the conditions here are better than the front-line headquarters, and the communications are more developed, so he decided to stay here and continue to command his huge army.

"The situation on the battlefield is better than expected, sir, the number of surrenders of Zhanpu people is increasing, and the number of their troops is decreasing. They have a great affection for us. If this continues, we can avoid A large-scale war." The chief of staff reported to Zhang Ke.

"If their forces can be concentrated here, it would be great." Zhang Ke said.

"Next, we have to clarify the offensive against Indy and Yue's coalition forces. Although the intelligence department said that there is a large gap between the two countries, this will not allow us to give up the increase in force. Currently we only have 70,000 to 80,000 Together with the extension of our logistics supply line, only 50,000 people can fight on the front line." Zhang Ke said while looking at the sand table. His army is continuously advancing in three directions. The speed of progress is very fast. They can advance more than 30 kilometers a day, and they have penetrated into the territory of the territory for more than 120 kilometers. This number will reach a peak in a few days. But this is not something to be happy about. What he worries about is that their military strength is seriously insufficient. As they deepen, their strength will only decrease. He hopes that he can solve such problems.

"What do you mean by the sir?" his chief of staff asked.

"We need to form a new corps, or more infantry divisions. I think those prisoners of war who occupy Prussia can be used. Think about their strength. They are soldiers in the first place. It’s just because of some of the prisoners in Prussian territory. The problem has led to this situation. If we don’t use these people, it would be a pity. With such sufficient forces, we can start a big confrontation against Yueshi and the Indians, which is very beneficial to us. A result." Zhang Ke said.

"But sir, what I am worried about is the parliament. If the parliament disagrees with our further enlistment, we will not be able to maintain such a large number of corps. These are the strength of the two corps, which may be close in size, or more than 200,000. It is difficult for the Bangladeshi government to bear such a large number of troops." The Chief of Staff raised his own objections.

"But the war needs to do this. Wouldn't they do it?" the other party asked.

"This." The chief of staff thinks that his commander should properly solve such a matter, otherwise it will cause a lot of trouble. This trouble is the best situation they should avoid, but his chief doesn't seem to care about it. What he cares about is how to solve his problem at hand. If they want to defeat the Indy Moon coalition on the opposite side, they must increase their strength. He is worried that his strength is seriously insufficient.

Zhang Ke does not care how much burden they have. He believes that only by increasing the strength of the troops can we effectively contain the coalition forces from going south. It is difficult to solve the problem perfectly by relying only on the Mengla people with insufficient combat effectiveness. He must Let the Bangladeshi government allocate funds to establish another army, and the Occupy-Prussian army can solve this problem.

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