The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 3344: Can't get around the problem

Qin State, north, the Huns gathering area.

"As long as you buy these bonds, you can be eligible to farm and settle there. There is a lot of land, right?" A Huns in dirty clothes asked a Huns official, he looked very impatient , But there was an official from the State of Qin looking at him. This is the bank’s task. If they fail to do this, their position will be lost. The salary for this position is not bad. Most importantly, the Huns Unlike others, they don’t know the harshness of Qin’s laws. Most of them have a low level of education, roughly equivalent to the third grade of elementary school. This gives them a lot of room for manipulation. Normally, The Huns were unwilling to deal with these officials. In their opinion, they were all people who drank human blood. However, there are still some special policies that have spread here.

There is a radio here, which broadcasts some news from the loudspeaker every day. The Huns got some news from here. These news made him very surprised, because these people are herdsmen, they long to have their own land, and He heard that the people of Qin people in the northern region have their own pastures on their pastures. Their living conditions are very good. They also long for such a life. A stable life gives them a certain economic foundation, but they They still don't have their own land or their own pasture, which makes them very much hope to get a piece of their own pasture. In that case, they can show that they are free.

"This." The Hun officials could not explain anything. Sometimes, he himself didn't know how to explain it. He didn't understand the policies of the people of Qin, and he didn't understand. Using the Huns as local officials, their quality was low and it was difficult to do more. More jobs, which makes their situation worse.

"This is the situation. As long as you subscribe for such bonds, you will have the opportunity to go to the Western District. The Qin government will build there. The land is part of your assets. As long as you cultivate or graze for more than three years, that piece of land belongs to you. Personal assets. Qin Guoguo builds more banks, small towns, and railways there. You can live well there as well." A bank manager walked over and introduced.

The attractiveness of this bond in the Guanzhong area is very small. Qin’s capital consortium in Guanzhong, as well as personal investment, would rather invest a large amount of money in the six countries of the Guandong, shipyards, some high-tech electrical departments, and more places where money comes quickly, such as the power of Zhao Guo For development, all countries need a lot of electricity. I heard that Qi also hopes to introduce more electricity to develop their electricity. They hope to develop some cooperation, such as the establishment of a large number of power plants in the local area. These projects are in the future. They are all profitable projects. It is said that a large amount of bauxite was found in Qi, and smelting aluminum has become a new industry, and people are full of confidence in these new industries. Therefore, in terms of investment, the investment attraction of the North is still not enough. Although the War Department has transferred a large amount of land, the land itself lacks development value and investment prospects.

Think about it, the north lacks everything. Its economic environment is not as good as the Guanzhong area. There are a large number of technology companies in the Guanzhong area that can provide technical support. At the same time, the infrastructure there is also the best, and many developments can be solved quickly. In the north, there are relatively few technology companies. Most of them are low-end mineral resource mining companies. Such companies themselves have little difficulty to do. The worst thing is that they still need to solve many problems that cannot be solved. For example, the prospect of investment, although the price of minerals continues to rise, but this itself does not have much value, which means that the prospect of investment is not good.

The banks that underwrite bonds also know this. They set their sights on the next-level underwriting market, which is the northern locals. After a period of stable development, the Huns have their own foundation. On the one hand, they export a large number of soldiers. The combative character allowed a large number of soldiers to enter the Qin army. They became the best mercenaries. One of their important professions was soldiers. Maybe they did this. The Xiongnu was an important source of Qin's professional soldiers. In addition to these , That is, a large number of minerals, blasters, all kinds of mineral laborers have come here, and they sell their own land, explore, in short, under the economic mobilization of the Qin people, the Huns actively participated in the economic construction of the Qin people, and they have With a certain economic foundation, this foundation gave the Qin State Commercial Bank an opportunity. They decided to dump these bonds to them all. They knew the Huns too well. They are eager to get land, eager to get more land, their minds are all on the land, with land, they can do many, many things, this is their common idea.

"Great. How much do you need? One hundred and fifty half two, how many acres of land can you sell?" a Huns asked excitedly.

"Well, about 300 mu, the price of the land is still good, you can get more land, of course. There is also a part of the forest farm." The bank manager explained politely. The Xiongnu official on the side shook his head. Obviously he was a little jealous. He believed that buying such land was a waste of money.

"I have one thousand and a half taels. I can put out nine hundred and a half taels. I think I can buy so much land." The other party thought about it and decided.

"Very good, this is a very good investment, I think it is very wise." The bank manager encouraged. They don't care about it. They just need to sell these bonds. For others, this is not something they should consider.

In Qin, Xianyang, in the stock market, people are discussing the status of northern railway construction. The Qin government seems to be focusing on the north. This is news from the stock market. This news may be a great good news. It may be a huge negative because people in the industry know that there are too many and too many necessary factors for the construction of a northern railway. Railways and steel are closely related. If steel cannot be exported on a large scale, their situation will be very bad.

"You have seen it too. Steel stocks will not fall. He is stuck here, motionless, which is really anxious." A drunk investor shook his head and said. The market is very stale. He is looking for his own way forward. Once they move in the right direction, they will rise or fall on a larger scale, but the premise is that you must stand in a good team.

"At this time, there are still some risks in doing long." Some investors said. If a railway is built correctly, the steel and financial demand for Qin will become very large. However, steel stocks have begun to show some loosening, but some people have not observed it. They found that steel stocks always suddenly fell during some special time periods. The trading volume was very large and the time was very short. Then, it was like a bowstring pulled back all at once. This in itself is an extremely abnormal signal. This signal made the experienced alcoholic make a bold choice, short sell, and then let it go after making a sudden profit. This is his choice.

But not everyone will think that his choice is correct. They recognize that it is better to be cautious and conservative at this time. After all, they are doing transactions. Once they lose, their funds will suffer severely. loss.

Inside the Xianyang Palace. King Qin convened a meeting in front of the palace. This meeting mainly discussed the territory. There were two territories, one for the West and the other for the East. Because according to the content of the latest telegrams received, Qin's territory has expanded too much. Qin State suddenly had no ability to stabilize this situation. This made King Qin very happy, but very worried. What is happy is that Qin's territory has expanded to an unprecedented scale. What is worried is that Qin does not have such a large population to operate and consolidate. If this is not done well, then Qin will eventually lose so much land.

"My lord, what Qin should do most at the moment is to mark these lands and try to make these lands where Qin needs them the most." Wang Jian said to King Qin. The territorial expansion in the West or the East made Wang Jian very happy and worried. He thought the same as King Qin, but it was very difficult to operate. Looking at Qin’s financial funds, they would understand why Qin was so Did this.

"This is something that must be done naturally, but we don't know at all about who will do it and what extent it will do it." King Qin said. Expansion is not a trivial matter. This is a big deal. Sometimes there is too much land. It's not a good thing either.

Feng Quji did not speak, the military only expressed such concerns, but how to operate is still a matter of civilian officials. Feng Quji knows this very well. The military is thinking of ways to sell some technology in order to quickly supplement theirs. For military expenses, the Ministry of Finance will not give them some extra money. This is also the case.

"My lord, large-scale territorial expansion is bound to bring benefits, but the massive supply of land has caused the rapid depreciation of land assets. This is extremely detrimental to land expansion." Shang Wen said at this time. Feng Quji looked at Shang Wen and didn’t say anything. Qin State had two different political teams, but Shang Wen’s Prime Minister’s Mansion played a major role. They actively promoted reforms, and Qin State had undergone earth-shaking changes, but these Changes will also bring some problems. Feng Quji pointedly expressed dissatisfaction with some of the problems exposed by Shangwen reform. For example, Qin’s taxation has always been in a low state, the status of businessmen has risen, and many people pay attention to etiquette. All kinds of high-level crimes have emerged, and these have made Qin's laws accept challenges from all aspects. Feng Quji needs to modify these laws in more aspects.

"Talk about it?" King Qin said.

"We have a lot of territory, and the speed of expansion is very fast. However, the population of Qin has not increased, and the demand for land has not increased. Even if it is stimulated by minerals, it is very limited. Because there is too much land, it has expanded extremely. Therefore, it is difficult to stimulate people to migrate. In addition, the economic development status of various regions is very large. As a result, Qin's reaction to territorial expansion is relatively cold." Shangwen said.

"Well. You analyzed it from an economic point of view, but economists have also had this view." King Qin also thought of this. After all, a large amount of land supply is bound to impact the price of land, because there are more and more unowned land. Although the country’s land assets are large, the population has not increased much, mainly the adult population, which is related to the value of development.

"But the question is, how to solve such a problem?" Qin Wang asked.

"The king, the minister's idea is to absorb the Huns, mountain people, and other ethnic groups from the north to join the Qin State and become the new Qin people in the Qin State." Shang Wen put forward this view.

Meng Yi glanced at Shang Wen nervously, he was not good at this, and this was for Shang Wen. It's a very risky thing, it will ruin him. This is a view of Meng Yi. In this regard, he did not catch a cold at all.

"Absorb the Huns from the north, mountain people?" King Qin asked angrily. Obviously, King Qin also had some national characteristics, or to say, xenophobia. With the development of the people of the Central Plains, especially the rapid development of the economy of Qin, the people of Qin possessed a unique national superiority, and the King of Qin more or less had this. It’s impossible to prevent him from being affected like this. Therefore, when Shang Wen proposed such a plan, King Qin felt a little disgusted.

"They are not Qin people after all, how could they develop together with Qin people? This. No." Qin Wang shook his head and said.

Feng Quji nodded. He also has a countermeasure to this point, which is to increase the demand for land, but increasing the demand for land is bound to increase the population. This is a mutual linkage relationship. Feng Quji also thought of Shangwen's same approach, but Feng Quji The domestic situation must be taken into consideration. Because many Guanzhong groups opposed the inclusion of these Huns and mountain people in the construction of the Qin State, because they were regarded as barbaric, backward peoples, and their national characteristics made the Qin State closed the possibility of opening up, thus becoming a nation. A kind of suppression to absorb the pressure of foreign culture.

Under such pressure, Feng Quji chose another method, which was to drag it over for ten or eight years. In that case, Qin will have the power of the first batch of population migration, and then we have to say to solve this problem at that time. Feng Quji's method is also very good, but this method is too safe. Qin's development speed is very fast. Who can wait eight to ten years for Qin's economic development, and during this period of time, the development of various countries is very dangerous. Who knows if they will Catch up with the State of Qin.

"My lord, Qin needs these places, so naturally it needs to absorb these people as new Qin people. Qin needs new Qin people to supplement its demographic advantage, and at the same time, allow them to display their intelligence and related abilities. These are of great benefits to us." Shang Wen said patiently.

"No, this will cause a lot of trouble to Qin, and the help they provide is very limited. If they become a new hidden danger, the north of Qin will be given to the other party in vain. We would rather If you don't give them this way of living, you can't give away the land in the north, let alone the land in the West and the East." King Qin said.

The meeting fell into a deadlock under the resolute opposition of King Qin. Because of the control of the above-mentioned areas, Qin could not draw more population. Guanzhong was impossible, and the population of Qin could almost be transferred in a western region. In the West, it's difficult. The conditions there are not as good as those in the Western Regions. It can't be so, Shang Wen really doesn't know where to deploy more manpower to solve such a problem.

"I think today's situation is very unfavorable to you." Meng Yi said to Shangwen on the way back.

"Oh. Why?" Shang Wen asked Meng Yi, looking out the window.

"This is a serious ethnic issue. At present, nationalism is more important to Qin's bank, especially Wang Shang. I don't know where he followed this opinion. If it is not handled properly, what will happen?" Meng Yi said To.

"Furthermore, the Huns themselves have a great influence, and no one knows what will happen. In such an event, I can do very little help." Meng Yi knew that Shangwen was doing this for the good of Qin. But some things still pay attention to methods. If this is not done well, it will have a great impact on the Qin State.

"Do you have any way to solve this problem?" Shang Wen asked.

"There are some, if they can help us and give full play to their value, Qin can't do without them, or Qin has some bigger crises, I think the problem can be solved." Meng Yi said.

"Oh. The idea is good, but currently, there is no such possibility." Shang Wen shook his head and said. Qin's economic development momentum is very good, and it has not encountered such a problem. At least the demand from various countries is still very strong. It is impossible for the strong demand to stop the development of Qin, which itself has some influence on Qin.

Think about it, what happened in Qin itself is very good, why let those Huns and mountain people come in? Qin doesn't need them, so naturally it is very exclusive to them.

Perhaps Qin really needs a huge crisis to face such a situation. Only in this way can Qin solve such problems. But what is the timing? Can Shangwen solve this problem, or think of a way to alleviate some of this contradiction. Shang Wen had no solution in his mind. He felt helpless and anxious, because the solution could only be solved in this way. But there is no way.

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