The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 3345: What a big flashlight

Inside the city of Suez, there are ruined walls everywhere, and there are stinking bodies on both sides of the road, and the whole city is as silent as death.

There are black blood everywhere on the wall. Yes, it is black blood. If it has not been cleaned for a long time, it will become black after the hair is dry. It may be brown, but it makes people look very disgusting and terrifying. Seeing such a scene, he I feel that I don't want to do such a thing in my life. He hates such colors. Such colors look very annoying, or, they feel very disgusting.

"Well, is this our Suez City?" Popola asked Zhang Fu next to him, most of the population in the city had been moved out. It is said that there are still 80,000 people living outside the city. There, the coalition forces have established a concentration camp. They are concentrated there. Most of them are elderly people, children, and some men. They are driven as laborers. The city had already been looted, and the fire in the wealthy area was still burning, but it was nearing the end, and the city was extremely beaten and abandoned. But the coalition forces don't care about these, they just know that they robbed a lot of spoils, women, for those men who love a few in the city of Suez, they can choose to kill, or they can choose to make them slaves. In short, it all depends on how they feel. If they are happy, they may do something, and if they are unhappy, they will kill. Anyway, this is what they have to do.

"Yes, this is Suez City. But I think it would be better to rebuild a Suez City." Zhang Fu said with a smile on the side. What the coalition forces did made him helpless, because the army was not under their control at all, and now the war is over. Construction is their business. They are given certain rights by the South Korean government to establish a Suez regime, which must be controlled by the Koreans.

"This. It's too hard for us to accept." Popola said unacceptably. Such a scene may be unacceptable for him in his life.

"Don't be too sad. Destroy a Suez. We will build a better Suez. Suez in the past is already too backward. Therefore, he can only be destroyed." Zhang Fu said with far-reaching significance.

The corners of Popola's eyes twitched, and he didn't know if he should believe the Korean nonsense, or if what the Korean said was true, if not, then he himself didn't know what to do.

Zhang Fu just looked at each other, he felt that he was very talented, and he could even say such nonsense. He felt that he was going to admire himself to death. This is really a genius idea.

Post-war reconstruction is a brand-new subject. It requires a lot of funds and requires resources from all aspects. This is not difficult for businessmen, but the difficulty lies in the funds and the crushed popular support. You must know that the coalition forces are killing too much. too much.

In the coalition barracks, there is a sense of crime everywhere. The women robbed by men are tied together. They vent their inner pleasure. A certain number of women are transported out of the barracks every day, but the soldiers in the barracks do this. Very disdainful.

"Damn, they are all playing inside, but we are standing guard outside." A Chu army soldier scolded.

"Haha, it's okay. You can also enter it, as long as we want, we can do such things." The second-class soldiers turned their bayonet rifles back and forth, and the corpses were transported out of the barracks from time to time. They were already used to it. .

"But I think the current situation is regrettable. We don't have a lot of alcohol. Those **** navy, they really make our black heart money. They use their alcohol to defraud us of the gold that we finally robbed. What a group of robbers. "The soldier went on.

"Yeah. That's right, I think it's true," the private nodded and said. Victory needs to be celebrated. Speaking of it, the Battle of Suez is not a war at all, because it looks like a collective robbery by a group of thugs, but the soldiers still have to celebrate. They returned with a full load, and ordinary soldiers robbed three times. The big box of trophies is worthy of their celebration. The celebration requires alcohol, but only a small part of the army's supplies is alcohol. They blended all the medical alcohol that they had used for their help. In this way, it was not enough for them, so they thought of another way. This way is to exchange with the navy. The navy reserves a certain amount of alcohol. This alcohol is mainly used for drinking water, even though there are more reasonable ones on the battleship. However, this still cannot attract the attention of these soldiers, and they still need a drink that can solve their alcohol addiction. And the navy in the traditional sense has a lot of alcohol to drink.

Therefore, the Navy and the Army began to exchange, one gold coin was exchanged for a small bottle of wine, and as many gold coins were exchanged for as much wine. This made the Army very angry, but now it can't take care of those. They exchanged alcoholic beverages to meet their needs.

"These **** navy, I hate them." The private soldier said dissatisfied. The private just smiled, he thought, such a thing sounded ridiculous. Or in other words. He felt that they should not hate those navies. In this war, the navy played a big role, especially the bombardment of the large-caliber eleven-inch artillery. Many Aiji people were bombarded and lost their will to resist. Their government forces fled after one day of bombardment. . The city of Suez that followed was actually in a state of anarchy until the coalition forces rushed in and they were completely defeated. For the navy, they believe that such an attitude should not be used to treat them.

Zhao Guo. Department of War. They are experimenting with a new weapon, an armored vehicle.

Armored vehicles use cast iron wheels, and the speed is not very fast, and the speed can reach 30 kilometers per hour. Such armored vehicles are mainly deployed in the bicycle unit of the army. They belong to the mobile force.

The armored vehicle looks relatively small and can only carry three people. The thickness of the armor is only three millimeters. The weakest part may only be a thin layer of iron sheet. Such iron sheet does not play a defensive role at all. The armored vehicle uses an 85 horsepower. The internal combustion engine of China provides power. The engine is imported from Qin. Zhao can only produce some parts, such as cylinders. However, they tried to imitate them. The specific results are not known, but it is estimated that it is not an easy task. The armored vehicle is equipped with a water-cooled machine gun, but due to power issues, their ammunition is very small, only two hundred rounds. This doesn't help much at all. They seem to think that it is more appropriate to reduce to two combat personnel.

However, armored vehicles still have certain uses. At least he can provide a certain speed to the infantry.

The Zhao army is not very large. There is only a standing army of 100,000 people. Such an army can defend against many enemies. The relationship between Yan and Zhao in the east has not been very good. Some of the Zhao army is carried along the railway line. Defensively, in this direction, they think the Yan people are useless. Moreover, the equipment of the Yan's army is relatively backward. When all countries are actively replacing bolt-action rifles, they still use fixed-loaded rifles. This type of rifle is troublesome to install one round of ammunition.

In the west, the main opponent of their defense is the Qin Army. The powerful combat power of the Qin Army can easily break through their Taihang Mountain line of defense. If a large number of troops are placed on this line of defense, Zhao Jun will lose their mobile force. It will pose a great threat to the Zhao Jun's main battle. Because Zhao not only defends Qin in the west, but also South Korea in the south, Zhao Jun, who has lost mobility, is unlikely to deal with South Korea in the south. It is important to know that South Korea and Zhao have two different development models. The two sides have naval issues. There have always been contradictions in the above, which makes Zhao Guo always have a very unfriendly attitude towards Koreans. Faced with such a situation. Zhao Jun must expand their army's mobility.

If it is highly mobile, the army will be equipped with a certain number of bicycles in addition to the mules and horses that are in trouble. Bicycles have always been an important equipment for the civilian population. However, in the absence of mobile vehicles in the main infantry divisions, Zhao Jun can’t No such equipment is equipped. In the Zhao Jun combat troops, there is usually a bicycle battalion, which mainly acts as a mobile force to deal with.

But the bicycles are still weak, or they can only play a defensive role, and in the offensive direction, especially when Zhao Jun’s main position is breached. Zhao Jun's bicycle unit can only play a certain blocking role. At most, they are buying some time. They have no offensive ability. In this situation. The Army hopes to have an offensive weapon with a certain degree of mobility. Armored vehicles were invented and used under such circumstances.

"They can play a certain role, have a certain offensive ability, and are equipped with a 0.35 machine gun, which can effectively help us suppress the opponent's firepower." An engineer explained.

"I am worried that their firepower is still very weak. You must know that the role of the bunker is very large. It is unlikely that such firepower will suppress them for too long. I think you should understand this." The Secretary of the Army is worried. Speaking of. For such a weapon, he thinks it is of little use, except that it will increase military expenditures, it does not seem to be of much use.

"Well, I think he's best equipped with an artillery. In this case, their firepower may still play some role." The Secretary of the Army made his own proposal. I have to say that this proposal is very constructive, but the problem is , The power of armored vehicles can only provide such equipment. If they want to equip an artillery, they may have to consider using tracks or improving their engines. In that case, armored vehicles may be upgraded to armored combat vehicles. That is a tank. It seems that Zhao Jun has planned to have such equipment.

Advances in technology have greatly changed the form of warfare, and the quality of war fighters has also been greatly improved. This makes it easier to loosen the tactical formation of soldiers. The scale of the battle may become even larger.

"The Battle of Suez is over. But there is no reference to it. The combat is only one-sided. Shelling and aviation bombing will only make Aiji more passive." Li Mu read the telegram sent from the front line. Speaking of.

"But, sir, I think that the war is undergoing great changes, and we still have not eliminated the threat from the air. This time in South Korea, we also used aviation to bomb the opponent’s city. If one day the Koreans treat us like this, You must know that Xinzheng is not far from Handan. It takes three hours to reach us in an airship and drop a large number of bombs. Handan cannot withstand such a large-scale bombing." Li Zuoche expressed his own opinion. The air threat theory still exists. Because of the appearance of perverted killers such as airships, they can easily cross the land defense front and bomb the homelands of some countries, which are seriously threatened.

"This. We do need air defense, but how to prevent it with air defense technology. We are still not sure about this. We must know that Qin people are also actively looking for ways to crack them." Li Mu said. The people of Qin had realized the importance of air defense, after all, the threat from the air was great.

At night, in Xianyang City, a huge light column was emitted from the ground, and many people from the Qin country looked at this strange light column. This kind of light pole has been around for two days. People are very curious about what kind of light beam this is emitted from. Because of the intensity of illumination, they think it can illuminate the stars in the sky.

"What a big flashlight." A Qin countryman said jokingly.

"Haha, it's true that such a big flashlight shines in the sky and I don't know what to look for." Others nodded in agreement with this person's opinion. They thought the other person's description was very interesting and easy to understand. Such a light pole It is indeed like a huge flashlight, such a flashlight to them. It's too huge.

This is the searchlight unit of the State of Qin, the latest thing developed by the Ministry of National Defense of the State of Qin to discover enemy targets. They believe that the use of aviation during the day can also detect the enemy's activities, but what should be done at night and night? They thought of the huge light source. For example, like a flashlight, if the flashlight is made larger and more flexible, they can find the enemy's target near the main target. This is the idea of ​​the Air Defense Office of the Ministry of Defense, and this is how the searchlight was invented. In fact, this is not just for military use. At first, searchlights were mainly used for light advertising. Qin Guoren discovered that the inert gas would increase the light by several times when illuminated by the light source. At the same time, another illumination technology was invented. However, it consumes a lot of power, consumes amazing electricity, and the temperature is very scary. The other party can't stand it. Such weapons can only be used in aviation.

The Qin people still haven't invented radar technology. They don't seem to have launched relevant technical research. At the same time, they have upgraded their aircraft on a larger scale. They hope that the power of their aircraft can be greatly improved. The air defense mission in the Guanzhong area is very heavy. In addition to solving the problem of the enemy being shot down, they also increase the probability of finding the enemy. In this situation, issuing your enemy’s weapon becomes even more important, because air defense is a more complicated problem, but the investment in national defense research is not much. This will make it difficult for Qin to continue to develop related weapons.

"More and more weapons research institutes and related technical research stopped, turned into civilian technologies, and put them into production. At the same time, they turned to sell to other places. For example, our radio communications research institute switched to Researching on wireless radios, they cooperated with some broadcasting agencies to develop higher-power broadcasting equipment. All of this embarrassed the Ministry of National Defense." An officer of the Ministry of National Defense complained to Wei Liao. Their work has become difficult to carry out. Many projects need to invest a lot of money to develop results, but the Ministry of Finance will not increase funding. On the contrary, more funding will be tilted to the Department of the Navy and the Department of War. These funds mainly encourage them. Carrying out a larger-scale land exploration. In this way, these weapons research institutes have to cooperate with civilian factories for their own survival conditions. They produce technology to occupy a certain share, and at the same time produce some new technology and equipment, and sell them. Such as radio. Automobile engines, as well as petroleum refining technology, etc., Qin people’s technology transfer has reached a new height, which makes officials of the Ministry of Defense worry about Qin’s security situation.

"I am also very worried about this, but the situation is like this. The Ministry of National Defense needs more funds, and the funds cannot meet the funding gap of these institutes. They cannot stop. Once they stop, their research will stop. Therefore, I think that we cannot restrict them from exporting some technologies, and at the same time restrict them from developing technical cooperation with civilian enterprises. We cannot allow them to develop, survive, or restrict their continued research. This is unreasonable and unreasonable. "Wei Liao is very open to this. In his opinion, Qin can only raise Qin's technology to a new level. Since national defense cannot provide funds, it is better to let them go and do it boldly. , Or they can do some new big things, this is the best result they have done.

"This, okay." The defense official nodded helplessly. He thinks that his chief is right. Since he can't give the best situation, it is better to let them go, let them prepare for this, and let them develop further. This is not a problem for them.

Qin's technology is entering the civilian field, which is a great stimulus to the development of private technology. The transformation of technology into new wealth increases the progress of society. Technology is critical.

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