"Indemnity, there are still such conditions?" Popola is busy forming the Suez Provisional Government. Suddenly Zhang Fu saw him, and even mentioned a claim for compensation, because the Koreans and Chu people are good, they don't want to fight anymore. Because there is no point in continuing to fight. But in order to end the war, there must be benefits, that is, they must have something to get, otherwise, they will continue to fight, and compensation is one of their conditions.

"It's impossible. We don't have money, we don't have a lot of funds, and we can't do anything." Popola said to Zhang Fu. Now the Suez government is in the most difficult time. They have nothing. The war has destroyed everything they have. This leaves them with nothing and compensation, which is impossible.

"I think you should find the government of Love. They have lost a Suez. They should be compensated for this condition." Popola said.

"This is impossible." Zhang Fu said, shaking his head. He thinks this is an impossible matter. He is too aware of the current situation of the coalition forces. The situation of the coalition forces is that they are unable to find the main force of the Irish country to fight, and they cannot defeat the other side. Moreover, in this battle, the Irish country has already abandoned such a place, which forms a huge consumption battle for you. This is the most unfavorable situation for the coalition forces.

"The situation is such a situation, and there is nothing we can do. The only way is to find the government of Aiji and make them pay compensation. We can only exist as an intermediary." Popola said helplessly. He is just a speculative businessman and a smuggling businessman. Such a thing would never make them such a preparation. The requirements of the coalition forces are too harsh. They can't do it.

Zhang Fu looked at the other party. This matter is difficult to solve. If the compensation issue is not resolved, the war will continue, and it will exceed their expectations. This is a situation that no one wants to see, but what the coalition forces do In order to not be able to threaten the main force of Aiji and the seat of the government, they are too marginal.

In the northern part of Champu State, from the Indian border, it occupies 280 kilometers in depth. It is less than 60 kilometers away from the forward of the Bangla Army of Korea. This is the last defensive place of Champu State. According to the translated name, this place is called Baladi. This is a low hill, but this hill is an important defensive point. He guards two important passages leading to the south. If the Indy Moon coalition wants to seize the south, they must attack here. The ordinary people want to defend this place completely, they must stick to it completely, and the two sides must conduct resolute defensive operations on this point.

"The Zhanpu army defending here is about 15,000 people. This is the number reported by the Indian scouts. Yue's side did not disclose the results of their reconnaissance. It is only this battle. Yue's side does not plan to send troops to fight. The Indian Army independently undertakes such offensive tasks. They plan to send more than 20,000 people and 72 artillery to participate in the battle. The Champus on the opposite side dug too many trenches as their defensive positions, and they also created many obstacles. Wu, I don’t know where this news came from. The Zhanpu people believe that they should surrender to the Bangla army in the south instead of surrendering to the Indians, because the Yue people will kill them., I personally think The fighting will of the Zhanpu people still exists, at least they will become extremely tough. This is something no one can resist." Fan Wen wrote in his notebook. He recorded a large number of situations on the battlefield, and he described the war in the first person as much as possible, as well as more second-person oral narratives.

"The rumble of artillery came early in the morning. Twenty thousand Indians will attack independently. I am not very optimistic about their attack, because they have never had a separate combat country. Although they are a new army, they I still rely on the Yue people to fight again. This has never changed. No Yue people participated in the battle this time. I am really worried about whether these people can withstand such a large war pressure. I saw that the Indian soldiers were very Nervous, they don’t seem to adapt to the coming of war. The recruits are nervous to eat and have no appetite. Although the food is still delicious, they specially make small scones, which are the favorite food of Indian soldiers. They also boiled broth. Soldiers with a good appetite can usually eat more than 20 small scones, but now, they can’t eat less than five. I don’t know the exact height of the small highland opposite, about a dozen meters. The high little highland, who would have thought that there were more than 15,000 Occupy Prussian troops defending there. The Indians did not have the advantage in terms of strength, and their artillery might not have the advantage. The worst thing is , Zhanpu people often fight, and their fighting quality is higher than the Indian soldiers. This is definitely not good news for the Indians.” Fan Wen said.

"The Indian soldiers are still very nervous. Their officers organized the soldiers as much as possible, and the rumble of artillery provided them with the greatest fire support. Suddenly, there was a violent explosion from the artillery position in the rear. Soldiers Looking at the explosion in the rear in a panic, they didn't know what happened behind, or what made them so nervous." Fan Wen wrote.

"Later, we learned that the rear artillery positions did not empty the barrels due to irregular operations, and at the same time they loaded too many propellant packs. Too many lives, the result was a serious artillery bombing. Two of the guns were also destroyed. A large number of gunners were killed. This situation is really bad. It's terrible." Fan Wen wrote in his notes.

"Many Indian soldiers are standing in the trenches. The unknown explosions on the artillery positions made them very nervous and uncomfortable. Some soldiers still vomited. Maybe the officer could stop them from attacking. But this is impossible. All Soldiers must go to the battlefield, and there are a large number of gendarmerie, bayonets, and rapid-fire submachine guns at them in the rear. If they dare to turn around and run back, they are absolutely unceremonious to give them a shot." Fan Wen stood in the trench. Said inside looking at the faces of the soldiers. The people of the Qin nation didn't care much about this war. In their opinion, the battles in these fringe countries were nothing short of family life. This is ridiculous.

"Beep toot. Toot." The military horn and whistle kept coming, and the officer shouted loudly. The Indian soldiers rushed out with their bayonet rifles. They most wanted to run some people. They were in the skirmish formation. They were the scouts and vanguards of the entire queue. Only the most elite soldiers can serve. Of course, there are some exceptions. Some extremely timid soldiers will be forcibly pushed onto the battlefield, and they stumbled onto the battlefield, so as to prevent the officers from shooting them.

"Bang. Bang." There were two consecutive gunshots in the trench, and two soldiers were killed in the trench. In order to let the soldiers go to the battlefield as much as possible, this was the first time the Indian Army fought independently. The Indian Army implemented the harshest military laws, and no one was allowed to retreat. There is no mercy for those who retreat.

The two soldiers wandered around. They didn't want to go to the battlefield. The inspecting lieutenant colonel immediately drew a pistol and aimed a shot at the two people's heads. The two died just like that. But more soldiers were shocked, and they finally understood. Officers really can shoot. If they don't do these things well, what awaits them is the shooting of bullets. The feeling after the head penetrated made them very unhappy, but the unhappy thing was that they had to go forward with the bayonet.

"The stupid Indians are very rigid. They are marching in a line. A platoon emphasizes the offensive formation. The officer keeps shouting tunes. It's an amazing phenomenon. You can think of them. Will there be any consequences after such a tactic?” Fan Wen stood better than witnessing this surprising war with his own eyes. The Indians were still using outdated tactics to attack, which would cost them extremely heavy At the price, they will soon understand that such tactics really cannot play a big role.

"Beep toot." The bugle keeps playing rhythmic attack points. Such attack points will make them relaxed, which can effectively alleviate their military tension. In this way, they can Deal with the next war.

"Boom. Boom. Boom. Whoosh." The sound of shelling, the roar of artillery shells continued to fly, and came. This is a signal for the Zhanpu people to launch a counterattack. The Zhanpu people have a small-caliber artillery, which is their own. Cast. The caliber is small, only two inches, but it is very flexible. Two soldiers can move and fire. This kind of artillery is a nightmare for infantry.

"Ah." The scream finally suppressed the attacking voice of the Indians, which was very crazy. Because the shells hit the person in two directly. The soldier who lost his head is better to say, because he died all of a sudden. The people who were interrupted by the waist can only wailed in pain. They shouted with painful feet, hoping to get rid of such pain. Intestines and internal organs flowed all over the floor, and the footsteps of many Indian soldiers passing by became unnatural. When they got up, they no longer looked at the Zhanpu positions ahead, but at the wounded and dead soldiers. They were frightened. More people are vomiting, their officers can only continue to pull and kick their ass. If they have a military stick, this may work better, but now, everything will not play such a role.

"Come on." The **** officer finally gave an offensive order. The Indian soldiers were finally free. They launched an offensive and charged with a bayonet rifle. The soldiers shot the bullets in the rifle frantically. Perhaps this would make them more natural. This may be their best result.

"Bang. Bang." The Zhanpu people on the opposite side will also cause them more trouble. There are obstacles everywhere on the way forward. These obstacles have caused them a lot of losses. They are directly exposed to the opponent's shooting. As a result, a large number of soldiers were killed in a concentrated manner, and the war became extremely cruel.

"The soldiers in front were hit and fell. The soldiers in the back had to step on the opponent's body and were probably just injured. But they had to attack like this. Many injured Indian soldiers were trampled to death or delayed rescue time. And being consumed alive, they are facing the most ferocious enemy, they simply cannot make the right choice. They can only keep attacking, the soldiers yelling loudly, so that they can get rid of their fear, while the officer is waving Arm, let their soldiers charge, charge, charge again, and then they died together under each other's muzzle." Fan Wen shook his head and wrote. The huge casualties really made him tired. He himself didn't like to write these cruel pictures because he felt that his language was lacking.

The entire high ground is extremely narrow, and there is not much force to deploy. The Indians have too many troops to participate in the attack. They are all concentrated in one piece. As long as they shoot at will, the Champus can kill a string of Indians. Bullets often penetrate one soldier and then another soldier’s head. It may strike the body of the last soldier before he can die sadly. The war is so cruel, the bodies piled up on the attacking road behind. The soldiers stepped on the corpses of the soldiers in front, blood was everywhere, and then they died in the passage, and then the people behind stepped on their corpses again.

At noon, they reluctantly occupied a front line defensive position. They had not had time to consolidate because there were too many dead and wounded soldiers. Too much, and as a result, they had no time to clean up, and the people behind could not keep up. They were driven down by the Zhanpu people. The Zhanpus were very sophisticated in seeing the weak timing of the opponent's attack, and then launched an absolute counterattack, and immediately knocked down the Indians' attack. They finally lost the position that they had taken a lot of soldiers' blood. , This is for them. It was a huge disaster. The war ended in this way.

"The situation is very bad for the Indians. This is a **** war. By the evening, everything was back to the original point. The Champus defended their positions and the Indians retreated. The difference is that The Indians have paid more than 8,000 casualties. The terrible thing is that the number of deaths will continue to rise, because there are still many soldiers who are injured and cannot be rescued, and their lives are running out a little bit.” Fan Wen in the notebook Which wrote.

Qin State, Xianyang, on the stock market, technology stocks have brought substantial gains. Investors were ecstatic. They are crazy to buy stocks such as technology.

"I just said that technology is also a share. Many technology companies in Qin State are cooperating with other countries, and they can get more shares." A successful investor said excitedly.

"This is my experience, our technology, here, may only get less than 10% of the shares, after all, the cost of the technology will not be too high. But in various countries, it is different. They can control the percentage. Thirty, maybe more. What I know is an automobile company. They produce engines. They just transfer part of the engine technology to produce in Zhao Guo. Zhao Guoren produces engine parts. They transfer some technology every year, and they will provide Quite a lot of technology shares, the conditions are very good, it is such conditions, let our company make a lot of money. "The investor said.

"They can sell wildly on stocks. This is a lot of money. Zhao Guo's stock market likes such stocks very much. Do you know why?" said the investor.

"The situation is because they need so much technology. Many technology products are inseparable from technology. I think they will rise a lot in the future, because the export status of technology products is very good, which can bring great profits and performance. It’s also very good. With such a good performance, I don’t think there is any reason not to buy it. This is a very good thing. That’s it." Investors passed their own experience to others, and others nodded, thinking that the other party said That makes sense.

There are so many people in the stock market every day. They introduce some stock knowledge more or less in it. They mix their own experience and some successful examples together. There are also a lot of books on stocks. Qin has published more than 100,000 types, which is a huge number, because there are only more than 80,000 books published in the military category, and people are obviously paying attention to this category.

In Mengla, a new means of transportation is being used.

"Woo." A bus line was filled with all kinds of people. People were clawing outside the windows. This is a bus that uses a steam engine to burn coal. It is mainly used for public transportation between cities and suburbs. People work in the city center, but they live in remote suburbs because of the low cost of living there. Being able to live effectively is the best result for them.

"Come up one more. Hurry up. Come up one." The driver shouted loudly. With the development of cities, people have a great demand for public transportation. Especially in cities like Bangla, horse-drawn carriages can no longer meet their needs. They need a new means of transportation to meet their travel requirements. This is the steam engine. They are able to meet the needs of the people in Bangla. With a large number of horse-drawn carriages on the front line, motor vehicles have to be put into use. This is an important convenient means to meet people’s urban rail transit. The people in Bangla have become accustomed to this. The transportation is cheap. It takes only five cents to get to the terminal. However, there are too many people and a lot of things. There are people in the carriage. There are more than six people in the seats of two people. It’s stuffed in like a can, and there are people on it. What’s more, there are people outside the window. If possible, there are people under the car. It’s really a kind of crazy bus. The Mengla people regard him as an almighty god. exist.

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