The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 3347: The indians collapsed

The demand for motor vehicles is an emergency means of transportation in the case of a large number of horse-drawn carriages in the war, but this means of transportation seems to have become a new trend. If the Bangladeshi government financially supports them, they may use trams. After all, steam cars The relative speed is slower, but it has a great advantage in carrying capacity. This is mainly because the supply is relatively small, while the demand in Bangla is relatively large. A large number of Menglais are in a stage of extreme demand, and their needs will become very large. Because a large number of their laborers live on the outskirts of the city, there are cheap houses to rent to them. In addition, there are a large number of slums gathering there, they mainly live by selling their cheap labor.

"These telegrams have to be sent out in a hurry." Model Wen said after filling in some words. The model essay needs to send out his report as soon as possible. The fighting here is very fierce, and the Indians have suffered heavy losses. These days, they have accumulated more than 20,000 losses. If it weren't for some troops from the rear, they might have collapsed long ago. However, their progress was very slow, and they only occupied some outer positions. For the time being, the two sides formed a confrontation.

"Okay. I see." A transmitter nodded and agreed. He expressed his willingness to serve. Usually these people from Qin will give a big tip, which is what they are most willing to do.

The situation is still not good for the Indians. The fighting power of the Indians is simply a scum. They have suffered heavy losses, but there is no result. They have not made any progress, and the Yue people seem to watch the Indians make big jokes and not. Taking action, it is said that some of the Yue people have already broken away from the command of the coalition forces, and they are going to return. This is their order. This model essay also feels helpless.

The Indian army simply cannot cope with the huge offensive situation. They cannot play the situation as they should. In this way, their situation will be in an extremely out of control situation unless they can find a solution that can be completely resolved. Otherwise, they may be more passive, and the current situation cannot be maintained.

In the Western Regions of the Qin State, Wang Ben's office is now mainly responsible for the main defense forces of the Western Regions of the Qin State. The object of defense is Yueshi. Regarding this point, he personally thinks that this Yueshi’s little brother may not be very quiet, he is a problematic little guy, and the people of Qin need to beat each other all at once.

"These Indians are simply scum, they may not even be scum. Twenty thousand people can't do anything." Wang Ben shook his head and said. Then he handed the telegram in his hand to his chief of staff, and the chief of staff shook his head after reading it. They originally thought that the combat effectiveness of the Indian army was still relatively strong, at least better than the old army they had fought with the Yueshi before, after all, they still fought. But now it seems that they are too overestimating the battle of the Indians. They are simply scum, the most useless scum. They are useless.

"Sir, we also feel very helpless about this. The Yue people have adopted the most severe training methods, but these Indians are still incompetent. According to our understanding, their officers are very incompetent, and the soldiers' combat The enthusiasm is not high. And when Yue’s side uses the Indian army, it usually chooses to use one Yue’s soldier in charge of five Indian soldiers to fight. Only in this way can they solve their combat effectiveness problems. If not, If they do, they may collapse, and the facts the Indians have proved this." His Chief of Staff said.

"It's an extremely incompetent and stupid army. Such an army doesn't know how to train it. It's really **** it." Wang Ben shook his head and said.

In fact, the Yue people are very disappointed with the Indian army. They originally thought that the Indian army could provide a great help, but in fact, their combat effectiveness is really scum, and the scum is very cute. Their officers are stupid. , And often self-righteous, the Yueshi people only ask them to do something, but they will do it very excessively. This is what they are going to do. A group of fools gave stupid orders. This further affected the combat effectiveness of the Indian army.

In fact, the main reason for the combat effectiveness of the Indian army is that their country's reform efforts are not very large. Their economy is mainly built on the original economic foundation, slavery economy, and their country only regards national trade as one. It’s just an independent means of increasing fiscal revenue. It’s just an independent means. Therefore, the hierarchy of the Indian army is still very severely divided. Soldiers cannot be promoted to officers, and officers’ children are born as officers. Under such circumstances, The fighting power of the Indian army simply cannot be used, so they will have no fighting power at all. This is an indisputable fact, which will make it difficult for them to solve such problems.

South Korea, Xinzheng.

"The Aiji people cannot pay us compensation. The local representative of Suez City answered us like this. They think we should find the north and wait for the Aiji government to negotiate, but the problem is that we can't find them at all." Han Shu said worriedly. . In this way, the Koreans' desire to end the war was frustrated. However, all countries cannot get enough benefits, so they are naturally unwilling to withdraw their troops. Or, the war will continue, but it will not make much sense. Unless they arrive in the capital where they love a few people.

"My lord, this issue can be put on hold, but the main issue is that we must reopen the Suez Canal to ensure our navigation and the development of trade. We can borrow money from the Suez government and let them do such things. As for compensation, we must reopen the Suez Canal. We can advance in advance." Zhang Liang said.

"No, you can't do this. I know your idea is good. If you do this, our finances and banks will bear a lot of pressure, and why should we do this." Han Shu was very unconvinced. Speaking of. Zhang Liang wants to solve this problem through a more sophisticated diplomatic method. In his opinion, the problem with Aiji lies in whether the traffic can be solved. Only in this way can they completely open up the northern traffic arteries. As long as they get through, all problems will be solved. It can be solved, and the South Korean government can afford it. Of course, it is through some financial diplomacy to achieve the goal of balance. In this way, all problems can be solved. However, Han Shu believes that South Korea should not bear such a responsibility, because it is unreasonable.

"My lord, this allows South Korea to take the initiative in diplomacy, which is of great benefit to us. I think we should do such a thing." Zhang Liang persuaded. Zhang Liang’s goal is to seize control of the Suez Canal. This control is very important to South Korea. South Korea needs to pay some price to control such benefits. Han Sook believes that South Korea should not bear such a responsibility because it will aggravate it. The financial strength of the South Korean government is very detrimental to South Korea.

"But in this way, the coalition forces will have big complaints, and such things are difficult to solve." Zhang Liang said worriedly.

"This." Han Shu shook his head. Obviously he is not good at solving such a thing, because she represents South Korea's interests and South Korea cannot give up its current vested interests. In this case, no one will worsen things back.

In the headquarters of the Bangla Army Corps, Zhang Ke looked at the frontline report. A large number of prisoners of war were captured, and they became cheap labor for the South Korean army. It is mainly to provide the main labor for the construction of railways. This is a very important thing for them. If there is no railway, it will be difficult for them to expand further. This is what they have to do. If there is no railway to support them, their situation will completely collapse, and the entire front will be in an extremely bad state. Because the South Korean Mengla Army relied heavily on the logistics provided by this railway, if there were not so many logistics materials to support them, they would not have more materials for them. No more Zhanpu people will surrender.

"We should understand that the ability of our railways to supply materials is directly related to the land we control. We should make unremitting efforts to add all issues to it." Zhang Ke said to his chief of staff. To.

"Yes, sir, this is of great help to us." The chief of staff undeniable.

"However, our military strength is still not enough to transport. In addition to transporting a large amount of materials, we also need to manage some places. These are some complicated issues. The Zhanpu people surrendered to us, but they mainly fancy Our food. We only have enough food to keep the situation going.” The Chief of Staff said.

"Well, let them continue to work. As long as they have a job, they will have their own remuneration. As for specific management matters, I personally suggest setting up a Zhanpu management committee to solve this problem. After all, we have all seen that if it is not timely If we manage them, who knows what kind of chaos will occur, such chaos is enough to cause us big troubles. We must try our best to avoid such troubles." Zhang Ke said.

"Sir, this is a new telegram. From the intelligence of Qin State." A staff officer hurriedly came in and said.

"Take it over and let me have a look." Zhang Ke said. Then he picked up the telegram and looked like the content on the telegram surprised him.

"Look at this. I think we should speed up the march. What I am worried about is that the Zhanpu people cannot support such a long period of time. Who knows whether they will withstand the fierce attack of the opponent, if they can't. , Our situation will become very bad, which is very unfavorable to us." Zhang Ke realized some dangers and said.

His chief of staff looked at the report.

"Sir, I don't think we need to worry too much. According to the telegram, the Zhanpu people are still in control of the situation. The most important thing is that they still occupy a favorable position and have caused great losses to the Indian offensive. , The Indians suffered heavy losses, they had at least more than 20,000 casualties, and the cost was enough to make them completely collapsed.” The Chief of Staff said. Seeing that the Indians lost more than 20,000 people, he was very happy, because such a price of 20,000 people would cause a great collapse of an army. This collapse is very obvious. This will cause them extremely heavy losses.

"But don’t forget. The Indians are coalition forces, as well as the Yue people. If they launch an offensive at this time, I am worried that the Indians will definitely collapse, and this collapse will have a great impact. The impact will happen further, and in this way, our situation will completely collapse." Zhang Ke said.

Indeed, the telegram did not mention the offensive state of the Yues. Perhaps they were dormant or waiting for a suitable opportunity. Zhang Ke could not rule out this.

"No. Sir, the news from the front line is that there is a big contradiction between the Yue people and the Indians. Before the Yue people slaughtered the Zhanpu people, this is also the Zhanpu people surrendered to us, not to the Indians. The reason is that they might be worried about retaliation from the Indians.” The Chief of Staff said.

"Well. If this is the case, it would be better to solve it. We can launch a large-scale attack, attack them, and give great support to the Zhanpu people." Zhang Ke said.

"However, sir, we should pay attention to the Zhanpu people. They are our greatest enemy. They can only use their own strength to let them play their final value. Otherwise, it will be difficult for us to subdue each other. A very bad situation will happen." The Chief of Staff said.

"Yeah." Zhang Ke nodded. Zhanpu talents are what they care about most. The Korean Mengla Army has avoided a large-scale decisive battle, but this does not mean that this situation will not happen. On the contrary, this situation may continue, in order to avoid such things from happening, they must take some measures to solve such problems, if resolved. The only way is to encourage the Zhampus to continue to defeat the Indians. The situation is complicated, but they are very organized. Pham Wen organizes related reports in his tent. This war still did not attract Qin’s domestic attention. Many people didn’t care about it because they believed that the Indians could not fight a very exciting war. Therefore, the Indian War could not occupy the front page of Qin’s headlines. Qin was just A small-scale explanation of why this war was fought, and how was it fought? The Qin people still have a vague concept, which makes them very vague, because they are very uninterested in this war.

"Run. Reporter Fan, hurry up." An officer hurried in and shouted loudly. His expression was very nervous.

"Quickly go." The officer said that he was about to take the opponent and escape from here.

"Wait, I want to take my things." He took up his notes and ran out with a backpack, and the officer was very panicked. He only wore a shirt and only one boot underneath. He didn't know where a boot was, and he looked very embarrassed.

"What happened?" Fan Wen asked anxiously.

"No, no, it's too late to say. Let's go quickly. There is a carriage over there. Let's talk when we get in the carriage. Get out of here." The other party ran quickly. Qin people are amulets, this is the first concept of the Indians, because no one dares to hurt them, the Yue people don’t dare, the Indians don’t dare, but the Zhanpu people on the opposite side, who knows whether they dare or not, but to avoid In a diplomatic accident, they decided to take the other party and leave here as soon as possible. After all, this is not the place for their reporters. They quickly climbed into a carriage. There were military police on the carriage. The military police held pistols and submachine guns. That was their best weapon. Some soldiers tried to climb up and leave here, but they were all shot and killed by the military police. It seems that these people are looking for death, because the carriage itself is an important resource. Soldiers can only evade and climb up, which is undoubtedly dying.

"What happened?" Fan Wen asked curiously. The military rank of the place is indistinguishable. However, he has some impressions because he is a native of Qin.

"The Zhanpu people have broken through our defense line. Our defense line has completely collapsed. Completely, collapsed." The other party said solemnly.

"What?" Fan Wen asked in surprise. He couldn't believe it, he heard such a catastrophe, because such an answer was too amazing.

"This is true. There is no way. This is the case. You know, we lost a lot. We lost more than 20,000 people on the front line, and we only had a team of 8,000 people defending there. We still need more than two. Ten thousand people can basically defend and live here. This morning, we tried to restore our line of defense, but as a result, our line of defense quickly collapsed. We could not react to such a thing at all. The Zhanpu people took advantage of us to launch an offensive. At that time, we suddenly launched a large-scale counterattack, and our defenses were insufficient. Oh my God, a soldier told me that there were more than 20,000 troops at the time, and they quickly attacked our main positions. In this case, our affairs would be extremely collapsed. , We couldn't defend our position at all, and then we collapsed." The officer explained.

"So, what I see is that there are escaping soldiers everywhere. They leave here madly in order to solve their survival." Fan Wen said. In his opinion, these soldiers should all be shot because they left their posts without authorization.

"Yes. The two infantry divisions were defeated." The other party said.

"Oh my God. You guys." Fan Wen couldn't explain what he was feeling right now.

"Sir, please get out of the car immediately. The road ahead cannot be walked. We need to abandon the carriage to leave here." The military police reported. In desperation, Fan Wen could only jump out of the wagon with his backpack and the officer on his back. Soldiers were everywhere on both sides of the road. Most of them were in a panic and all their weapons were lost. bad. It's really bad.

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