The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 3348: Want to do something but have no money

"It's really a bunch of waste." Shang Wen said when he saw a telegram from India.

"Wang Ben originally estimated that they would only collapse for 50 kilometers, even if it was the most powerful retreat. But he did not expect that they would collapse for a hundred kilometers, and the Zhanpu people would not be able to pursue them at all." Meng Yi said. Shang Wen just shook his head, apparently very disappointed with the Indian army that has become scum, but the kind of extreme disappointment, because they did not exert their fighting power at all, on the contrary, their situation turned out to be bad.

"How are people from Yueshi?" Shangwen no longer wanted to continue this topic. In fact, the Indian Army, which has proved that the opponent is scum, simply cannot afford any combat mission.

"They retreated. And they took the initiative to retreat. Before the Indians collapsed, they began to retreat. However, the Indians collapsed too fast, and some disrupted their retreat rhythm. The rest did not perform. What kind of things come." Meng Yi said.

"Well, it seems that they performed fairly well." Shang Wen said.

"Yes, but these are their voluntary retreats. There is a lot of uncertainty about the relationship between the two. I personally think that the Yue people will definitely make big moves because they are unlikely to retreat like this. The people of the Yue family hope to have an outlet to the sea. I wonder if they will choose another military direction." Meng Yi said worriedly.

"Well. It's possible. But we should pay attention to some of their situations at the moment. Wait for changes before making a decision." Shangwen said. Meng Yi nodded.

Qin State, Western Regions, Qin Army Second Infantry Division Hospital.

"Doctor Wang, I feel that this case is a little different." An intern said while shaking his head holding a blood test sheet. Their hospital is ordered to be stationed here, mainly based on the garrison troops. Under field conditions, they are the field hospitals for the entire army. They will play their role. But now is a time of peace, they will do some basic treatment. Open to the public, this can also increase some of the financial costs of field hospitals.

"Why is it different?" Doctor Wang asked. He is the attending doctor here. He is a surgical expert. He is good at surgery, but he has some understanding of bacteria, mainly due to a series of complications caused by wound infections, which are the biggest cause of death on the battlefield. He had to pay attention to it. Qin still did not have some quick-curing medicines to deal with inflammation caused by wound infections. Although they have been looking for such cases in some war zones, the effect is extremely insignificant.

"The patient feels that his energy is overdrawn and his body is weak. However, after taking a drug of Yapian, he will immediately become energetic. The dose of the drug is slightly less and the recovery is slower. However, if it is free, it will cause cold symptoms. The same, but the difference is that the whole body cramps, saliva, and nasal mucus will flow out. This feels a bit like poisoning, but it's not like it. The pulse given by Chinese medicine is in disorder, and we think that the other party is poisoned. It is not flu." The interns reported.

"Ya Pian?" Doctor Wang asked at this time.

"Yes, Yapian. They said they had taken Yapian." The intern asked curiously. He didn't know why Dr. Wang was interested in this kind of thing. What he should care about is the patient's symptoms, not what kind of drugs he took. These are not things he should be concerned about.

"Damn it. It's used in surgery, they actually used Yapian." Dr. Wang shook his head and said.

"What's the matter?" the intern asked.

"This thing is a very good narcotic. I have used it on the battlefields of Yueshi and Tocharo. However, Qin State did not stipulate that this narcotic should be enforced because they have not yet fully implemented it. Tests. It is said that some large hospitals have done some related tests, and they have found some drawbacks. This kind of thing is that if the injection is overdone or used too much, such complications will occur, but if you continue to smoke , The injection will have no such symptoms. In this way, it will produce dependence, on the human nerves, and this. The damage is great." Dr. Wang said. The people of Qin State are still extremely cautious about narcotic drugs. Although the military needs a quick narcotic drug, the extract of Yapian may be the best thing. However, the side effects, Dr. Qin State, and medical researchers believe that this is itself a problem. They still don’t know where the other party’s toxicity is. If it is rashly promoted on a large scale, they don’t know how to deal with such a situation.

"This." The intern obviously didn't expect his doctor to say so. Although the military does not advocate the use of Yapian extract as an anesthetic, it is still used by the attending doctor in private because it is more stable than fainting, drunk, and using nitrous oxide, and the dosage can be well controlled, but The interns obviously did not expect to encounter such a result.

"I want to know why this guy is taking Yapian. Is he a soldier? What I know is that some people can't stand this kind of pain. They have to use this kind of narcotics, because he can really relieve this kind of pain. After all, some Trauma cannot be completely resolved.” Dr. Wang also knows this. The trauma of bullets, especially some neuralgias, will torture people for a lifetime. Some veterans cannot tolerate such illnesses and may choose to drink heavily, and may choose to commit suicide in the end to escape. Such painful torture. At the same time, this kind of torture will exacerbate the deterioration of social security, and the people of Qin have already had relevant news reports. Maybe Qin people have never noticed this before, but with the emergence of news media, this kind of thing has been magnified. They have to give the patients to use such medicines in private, and they are really too worried about the chaos.

"No, doctor, he is not a soldier. He is just the son of a wealthy businessman. His father also has such symptoms. Moreover, his son also smokes. He just thinks that this thing is fashionable and looks very attractive. . So, that's the situation." The intern said.

"What?" the attending doctor asked in surprise. He couldn't believe his ears. Some people thought it was a fashion. They were just a bunch of lunatics. They would unexpectedly have such a thing.

"Yes. Doctors, they think so. They think this kind of thing looks fashionable. You know, there is border trade at the border, and businessmen always like things that others don’t. It is said that this kind of thing is in the Guanzhong area. , The upper echelons will have such things, they." The intern said.

"Oh my God. This would be a big problem. Every doctor knows the disadvantages of this medicine. No, I have to stop them from such a thing. I want to write a letter, no, I want to send a telegram. Send a telegram to the Prime Minister’s Mansion. This kind of thing is definitely not fashionable. This kind of drug, the symptoms of poisoning have already occurred, **** it, it’s really a group of people who do not live or die.” Dr. Wang hurriedly left here, and the intern followed him. Rear. He still couldn't realize the harm of Yapian, and he didn't know where such a thing came from. These are some questions.

The people of Qin were aware of the danger, but this kind of thing is still spreading on a large scale.

In Karachi, the life of Karachi people became more and more prosperous. They imported goods from Koreans, and then reselled them to Yueshi, slaves, cotton cloth, various small commodities, Yueshi They will sell them to Yueshi people. Some things can also be imported from Qin. However, land transportation does not have a great advantage in transportation cost, and Koreans have the advantage of cheaper sea transportation. Therefore, a large number of goods are still available. It is imported from Karachi. Instead of importing from Qin people, of course, Qin's products have higher technical content.

With the development of trade, the lives of Karachi people became richer. The climate in Karachi did not suggest large-scale food cultivation, but the transportation here was very convenient. This port existed during Alexander's Eastern Expedition. The significance of the port is very important. Karachi people are also very smart to do this.

In Korean teahouses, Karachi people like to drink tea, but their tea is made of sugar. White as snow sugar has become a symbol of Karachi people’s wealth and elegance. It comes from resting carpets, Korean tea, and appreciation of phonographs. The music that came out became a symbol of Karachi’s elegant life. However, the upper class of Karachi people began to develop a kind of elegant film. This kind of thing came from Yue’s and Qi merchants. The Qi merchants’ medicine characteristics are strong, pure, and feel. very good. However, it is expensive, and this is definitely not a drug that ordinary people can afford. The other is Yueshiren's Yapian, which is very suitable for them, and they think this is the drug they need most.

As a result, drugs spread in the upper reaches of Karachi, and with the need for communication. The middle level has also begun to come into contact with this kind of thing, and the speed of spread is very shocking. No one realizes this. In fact, this cannot blame the Karachi people.

In Yueshi and the trade with Karachi. Karachi has always been in a trade surplus, because their products are more competitive, and the Yue people are relatively poor, they can’t produce good things, they can only export some arms, but the Karachi people don’t need arms, they have other A seller provided them. This country is Korean. Although Yueshi’s weapons seem to be more suitable and cheap, their technology is really too poor.

For example, Yueshi people can produce needle rifles that use fixed-load bullets, but this type of rifle can only shoot one round and one round. There is no magazine. There are also some problems with the rear-pull rotating gun. If the processing is not good , There may be a special situation. Soldiers need to use bayonet to jump out the cartridge case. This rifle can only be equipped with the Indian army, because their tactic is to shoot three rounds, and then use bayonet tactics to fight hard, because Indy The army has only 15 rounds of ammunition for soldiers, and the number of ammunition for recruits is astonishingly small.

This kind of rifle has no competitive advantage under the competition of the Koreans' revolving back puller, especially rifles with magazines. At most, they export some specially processed rifle ammunition in order to maintain their pitiful trade volume. In order to reverse this situation, they can only export a large number of elegant films in exchange for trade balance. High-tech products flow from rich areas to poor areas, and poor areas have to adopt such a method in order to exchange trade balance. This may also be a kind of balance. But this has caused great damage to some people's health. This is a result that some people absolutely don't want to see.

In the Iki Korea Chamber of Commerce, business representatives are discussing some issues fiercely, because they don’t know how to manage such a country and how to solve such problems after the establishment of the country. The coalition forces need to retreat, and they also need to build a A very large canal. The cost of this canal is very large. With the financial strength of the merchants, this may not be completed, because the project cost a lot of money.

"I personally think that without the support of government financial funds, we can't do such a thing at all. Not only is the scale of funds large, our people have checked this canal. They can only go through punts, and ours If a ship wants to pass, it needs to be deepened and widened. This is equivalent to the fact that we have reopened a canal. The money spent is the political environment along the way, which requires a lot of money to form an army, and the government The army simply can't do this." said a representative.

The merchants nodded. They actually had a big plan in their minds. It sounded like a huge and exciting plan to widen and deepen the Suez Canal. In this way, their merchant ships can enter the northern waters directly through the Suez Canal. In this case, their trade volume may increase to several hundred percent, and their profits will rapidly increase a lot. However, if the investment is too large, the risk is great, and businessmen are unwilling to take such a large risk. Moreover, there are too many uncontrollable risks. If there is no government to do such a thing, no one would have done such a thing.

"The government does not have such a lot of money. If the government has such a lot of money, they will not stop retreating. Unless we establish a colony and local army, what kind of role can such an army play? We know very well. , This may be another waste like the Bangladeshi army." Zhang Fu said worriedly at this time. Spending a lot of money to build the army makes it difficult for them to accept, and it makes them restless. Therefore, such a situation still needs government support.

"Whatever the waste? We must get the government's support. Maybe they have some solutions. I thought of Qin Guo's bank. They have such a solution to such problems. What I know is that they might do this. For example, in finance, or the introduction of banks, only with the support of a large amount of funds from the banks, can we achieve this completely in our work. This is what we are currently doing." A representative stood up and said. He expressed his opinion, because everyone saw it clearly. Without the support of banks, they would not be able to do this. Everyone knows this.

In the offices of South Korea, Xinzheng and Han Shu, Han Shu is also very distressed about the problem of this canal. South Korea’s Minister of Finance, Zhang Liang, Minister of Economy, and the Ministry of War and the Navy are all trying to solve this problem. Because they have seen the strategic value of the Suez Canal.

"This canal cost too much. We don't have that much money. Even if we concentrate all the money in all Korean banks and vaults, we can't repair it." Han Shu said helplessly, shaking his head. This is a cost price calculated by the project. Through repeated confirmations of telegrams, they finally believe that this is a very huge project. The scale of this project may be no less than the cost of building the Great Wall in the previous states of Qin, Zhao, and Yan. This is the result of the construction of three countries together, and South Korea may not be able to undertake such a huge project in one country, because if it is built, it will overdraft South Korea’s fiscal revenue for more than 30 years. Such a huge expenditure is obviously not the Koreans themselves. Can afford.

"We must think of a way to solve this problem, maybe we can solve this problem through financial means." Just when everyone was unable to solve this problem, Han Shu said. In his opinion, such a thing is difficult.

"If Qin State Bank can solve this problem, I will leave it to them. If they can't, we will let the Korean Bank and Qin State Bank solve this problem together." Han Shu said. This is the first time that Han Shu put forward such a view so clearly, everyone looked at their queen in surprise.

"I need to solve the problem, not make it more complicated. In that case, it would be difficult to solve such a problem." Han Shu said.

In Qin, Xianyang, Yingyu's office, Yingyu smoked something similar to later cigarettes, but the cigarettes are not shredded tobacco, but elegant slices. It is said that this kind of thing can improve. Yingyu tried it and found it good, so she tried I have used it a bit, and now she thinks it works well.

"The Koreans are in big trouble. They need to build a canal, but they don’t have the money, but they want to build it. How do you think this problem can be solved? There is also the Qin government. Our Qin government definitely wants to build a canal in the north. The railway, otherwise, will not issue land bonds. How to solve this problem?" Yingyu said, handing the two reports to the other party. Xiao He quickly read the report. He didn't know how to solve this problem.

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