"I think that for these two investments, South Korea's plan is better. Qin Guobei's investment may not be so good." Xiao Hebi said after getting it right.

"Why? Can you explain it?" Yingyu asked.

"That's right, Chairman, I have checked some information and believe that Qin will expand too fast and the land for expansion will be too large for a period of time in the future, but Qin's financial ability has not been further improved, and the prime minister has Stabilizing the economy will certainly not consume financial funds excessively. It can be said that in order to solve the railway problem in the north, the only way is to take a large amount of land to repay, or to give a certain population increase to solve this problem. "Xiao He said.

"But the problem is that a large amount of land has appeared, and Qin’s current expansion of land is too much. This has become a big problem. The existence of this problem will pose a great threat to us. Therefore, in this way Under the current situation, the Qin State Council has undergone great changes, that is, more and more land will eventually lead to a bad thing. That is, the land will become worthless because there is too much supply. In this case, Qin State Only by solving land investment can the government solve the northern railway and a series of investment problems. In this way, we can solve such problems well." Xiao He said.

"So why should we invest in the Suez Canal? According to my understanding, this canal has a large investment and a very long capital turnover time. If we enter, this may cause a series of financial disadvantages. In such a situation Next, how long can we restore such a long investment quota?" Yingyu asked worriedly.

"This. I'm afraid, we can't solve such a problem." Xiao He said.

"However, I think there is a big difference between the two, and this canal may be an important strategic point." Xiao He said. This really makes them have to admit it. Yingyu nodded. Because this canal can effectively increase the volume of trade, this is undeniable.

"In the north, there are only potentially a lot of resources, but where these resources are specifically distributed, some capital investment is required. In this case, there will be a certain amount of risk investment, and Qin's demand for minerals may be further weakened. In that case, there will be a surplus in the development of a large amount of minerals, which is very difficult for the supply balance." Xiao He said.

"But the canal can solve such a problem. You are right." Yingyu suddenly understood. Xiao He's idea is right. Because the land in the north is difficult to transfer out, because the possibility of attracting investment there is very small, once the bank takes over, it is likely to fall into his hands, which will pose a great threat to him. Banks must try their best to avoid such dangers.

But the Canal is different, because it has great investment value. Even if the people of Qin invest in, they may also transfer their shares to make a profit in the future. This is undeniable, and the economic situation of South Korea is much better than that of Qin. The investment value of Northern China and Qin Northern is not too great. In this way, it is not difficult to make a correct choice.

"But the problem is that South Korea's need for funds is very large. How can this problem be solved? Moreover, there are war issues, politics, diplomacy, etc., any factor will lead to the failure of investment in things. This point. I still There are some worries." Yingyu is somewhat unsure of such a plan. After all, it is still difficult for him to decide. The density of investment funds is too high, and the risks in banks are too great.

"This, we can choose the underwriters to pass on our risks. Many investment banks are doing this. They will package the investment risks in their hands into a financial product, and then sell it to the undertaker. In this case, we only need to Just sell a small part of what we have benefited, and that's it." Xiao He said. This is currently the most popular method in Qin State. This method has been accepted by some wealthy middle-class families and is very popular in Zhao State.

There are a large number of industrial workers in Zhao State, and Qin State is also the same. Their wages and salaries are fixed, and housing prices are not very high. They can afford prices. If they save a lot of money, their funds will become redundant. Moreover, at present Banks continue to reduce interest rates. If they are reduced, their situation will become very passive. Under such circumstances, how much benefit they can get is obvious. They urgently need a kind of investment and wealth management products that they can accept. Funds and packaged funds are extended. Such packaged funds contain bonds and stocks with investment risks. At the same time, there are conservative government bonds and their interest. Slightly higher than the bank, but will not make a lot of money, and there are some riskier stocks and bonds in the fund. Under such an investment environment, stocks will still bring great profits, and there are professionals Come take care of it. In this case, the risks have reached a certain balance. People can accept such products. They actually buy them to get some benefits faster, and the bank can use a faster time to raise funds. The two parties have reached a suitable compromise agreement. In this case, investment is justified. Has become extremely important. This is also the most popular method at present. The advantage of this method is that investment banks package and pass on some high-risk and high-yield investments to more diversified users. In this way, although the bank's benefits are lost, it is huge. This expands the flexibility of investment and reduces risks. People are not aware of this, but the benefits are obvious. People can still accept this way.

"In doing so, we can bring sufficient benefits. It seems that this is still of great benefit to us." Yingyu agreed.

"Yes, Chairman, as long as we diversify our investment risks, we can also open up South Korea and other colonies. The market for Korean colonies is broader than ours." This may be the reason why Xiao He chose South Korea for this project. The reason is simple. South Korea has ample financial markets waiting to be developed. They can pass on more risks, but the North does not. Because the North is sparsely populated, it is destined to have a relatively narrow market and is a priority investment plan. This was chosen naturally.

"In this case, we can bring this project over. I am very optimistic about this project." Yingyu said after taking a bit of Ya film. This made her very energetic.

In the prime minister's house, Meng Yi didn't know why he thought of a medical analysis report. The report itself is not attractive, it may be the only report from the medical system. Therefore, Meng Yi handed it over to Shangwen.

"Ya Pian? What is this?" Shang Wen asked after reading it.

"Narcotic drugs are said to produce a lot of dependence." Meng Yi explained.

"Damn, my goodness, this is drugs." Shang Wen immediately shook his head and said after listening.

"That's right, this is indeed a drug, and the name reported it like this. This drug can produce great side effects, and precisely because of this, the military is considering whether to cancel the narcotic effect of this drug. However, According to certain scientific researches, this situation seems to require a certain dose." Meng Yi said.

"No, this thing is a drug. It is a drug that can destroy Qin's health. He can cause a lot of dependence. I want to know where this thing comes from?" Shang Wen is too aware of the harm of drugs. This kind of drug will completely cause great dependence, which will cause great losses to Qin's economy.

"This, it seems that I didn't mention it. I just said that this is a psychotropic drug, and it is indeed possible for the military to use it." Meng Yi said.

"That's right. The problem lies here. We can't let this kind of thing continue to harm. We must ban it. Of course, a certain amount of drugs can be circulated in medicine. But for these drugs, we must compete. Think about it. Human nature is such that it is difficult for us to control our nature. In other words, our nature will have a lot of chaos. We cannot withstand such temptations. Moreover, it is still a temptation. The need for dependence is very high. Great willpower can accomplish this kind of thing. If we accept it on a large scale, what will the result be? People, once they lose control, they will commit crimes, and you have special needs. Once the other party stops supplying, everything about us will be destroyed by ourselves. This is simply the worst thing for us. We should prohibit such things. Absolutely prohibit them." Shang Wen said harshly.

"This. Okay, I agree." Meng Yi didn't know why Shangwen had such a big reaction, but there is his own reason for doing so. Think about it, a thing that can be consumed compulsively, once the other party gets stuck in his neck That kind of taste is really uncomfortable. This is different from munitions. At present, munitions can be purchased from other places. For example, rifles, which can be equipped with South Korea, as well as Zhao Guo, and Qin Guo rifles, can be produced and sold. Place, but drugs, this psychotropic drug. It's scary to think about it. Once people can't get rid of this need, it will have great consequences. Meng Yi decided to approve of Shangwen's approach and immediately issued martial law.

"We have to check where this kind of things come from and what kind of consequences they will have. We firmly prohibit such things from happening. Absolutely not." Shang Wen said. I know too much about the dangers of drugs. However, Shangwen is annoyed that the source of these drugs must be some places where the benefits of drugs have been discovered. If they want to ban them, Shangwen does not feel too good about it. After all, this situation will take a long time to solve this problem. Shang Wen believes that there is no point in going on like this.

Because once people find that there is a significant benefit in growing drugs, they will continue to plant it because they are unlikely to get rid of this lazy crop. The only thing Qin State does is to severely restrict such things from happening in the law. This situation will cause great losses to Qin's economy.

Soon, the relevant departments of Qin State, especially the national security department, set up a special investigation team to investigate the source of the drugs. They are not sure why the above is done, but it must be a great threat to national security. made.

Shangwen and Meng Yi immediately entered the Xianyang Palace to find King Qin to solve such a problem. He hoped that King Qin would receive great attention in this matter.

"Ya Pian?" King Qin asked Shangwen.

"Yes, although this kind of Yapian medicine can be used as anesthetic to a certain extent, once the intake is too much, it will have a lot of dependence. The longer the time, the greater the problem. We Qin should take note. Such things, otherwise, our predicament will become very troublesome." Shang Wen said anxiously. He has not many reports to corroborate such a situation. King Qin frowned. He didn't know if he could impress King Qin. After all, this had a certain connection with the military.

"Right. The widow remembered it." King Qin stood up as he said, found a medicine and handed it to Shangwen.

"Is this an elegant film?" King Qin asked Shangwen. Shangwen looked at the dark things. Shangwen was not sure that this was an elegant film. Meng Yi knew a little bit, but it was all written in the report, specifically he It's also not clear.

"Wang, this is Yapian." Zhao Gao confirmed again.

"That's right. Let someone try, and the widow almost got poisoned." King Qin threw the Yapian on the ground as he said, like throwing away a hot thing.

"Yes, Lord. The younger one will go." Zhao Gao said nervously. He is now very anxious and worried that King Qin will turn his anger against him. After all, he brought this thing in, and King Qin’s workload has increased. In fact, Shangwen should have a lot of work, but King Qin still can’t give up this country. King Qin is still the head of state of Qin. This is undeniable. Shangwen can only handle some government and military affairs. Most of the state power is still in the hands of King Qin, and the current amount of information has suddenly increased several times.

King Qin read a lot of text every day. Although some telegrams were only a few words, King Qin still spent a lot of time controlling the development of the situation. Gradually, King Qin found that his energy was insufficient. After all, this is normal. Shang Wen also had such a reaction, which was caused by being in a stressful environment for a long time. There are many such results. However, the biggest factor is due to time and overwork. King Qin’s reaction like this naturally hopes to solve the problem. However, he has taken a lot of Chinese medicine and the effect is average. The most important thing is that the effect is very slow. King Qin was very anxious, because he felt that the problem could not be solved, so he hoped to find a special medicine, such as some pills, until the emergence of Yapian, but King Qin did not take it at the beginning, after all, he had already suffered Enough torture of ineffective drugs. Even when something happened this time, King Qin just asked a servant to try the curative effect. If King Qin didn't respond later, perhaps he had forgotten such a thing.

But when Shang Wen found it, King Qin suddenly remembered that this kind of thing had appeared before. This allowed the problem to be solved greatly.

"If this kind of thing has such a big problem, the State of Qin should find out immediately. No matter who it is, it is guilty to poison the people of the State of Qin, and the widows will inevitably retaliate against him. This is a great disrespect to the State of Qin, and this is the biggest provocation." King Qin is fierce. Speaking of. Such a thing immediately angered King Qin. Shang Wen also breathed a sigh of relief. But then King Qin gave the order. Let the people across the country be wary of such things. And the large-scale dissemination of Yapian is prohibited. The military and related drug use must have special certificates before it can be prescribed. Otherwise, this drug must not be circulated on a large scale.

Wei Guoda Liang, the real estate of Daliang began to see a big drop. When the housing price was the highest, it could reach 55,500 yuan per mu of land. The price of land has risen very much. If it is a finished house, the price may be possible. Will be higher. However, as news of the expansion of a large number of territories in the north of the Qin Kingdom and news of the expansion of colonies from various places came, Zhao Guo, South Korea had reports on propaganda of immigration. Greatly contributed to the decline of Wei Guo's large number of housing prices. After all, such high-priced housing prices were unbearable for them. Many investors suffered huge losses. They finally had to endure the price and sold them. They felt that they could never buy such land again.

"Damn it, I knew I would have sold it earlier." Wei Guoren discussed such things every day, because they soon couldn't find the next underwriter. In the end, the house price had to be in their hands.

"Do you think the house price can't go up?" A Wei businessman asked curiously.

"Yes, that's for sure. There is so much land outside here, and there are so few people, there is too much land like this. It's weird that house prices don't fall. And, I've also heard. Banks are urging for money. Yes. Some people borrowed money to buy a house. This guy suddenly has a big problem." A Wei countryman waved his hand and shook his head. He still has a certain amount of profit, so he decided to get rid of it quickly, otherwise, he might fall into his own hands, which is too bad for his situation.

"This. The problem is really big." The businessman from Wei State still decided to let go. In fact, housing prices have many influences, but the most important factor is that Qin State Bank has tightened Wei’s loan funds, and other places need a lot of funds. They believe that Wei’s housing prices cannot rise. There are too many, so they decided to tighten the bank and withdraw the funds as soon as possible. As for this mess, this is not something they can solve.

As a result, there are no more buyers to take over housing prices, and finally housing prices can only fall. This is a manifestation of market laws, and no one can reverse such a thing.

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