The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 3350: Army rations of the Zhanpu

"This is a kind of drug, a chronic drug. I really don't know that you still take such a thing." Shang Wen said angrily. With his feet, he stomped something similar to a cigarette fiercely under his feet.

"Why is this good thing destroyed?" Yingyu said to Shangwen dissatisfied. Yingyu wanted to know about the situation in South Korea. After all, some intelligence and some special decisions were impossible for them to obtain.

"I can't prove to you that this is a drug, because related medical experiments have just begun, but it must be a bad thing. I suggest you go to the hospital for a checkup. I hope you don't take too much. "If it weren't for Yingyu to subconsciously pull out this kind of thing, Shangwen would never do such a thing. Then he felt that he didn't care enough about Yingyu because he couldn't take care of many things.

"I'm sorry, I can't care about you, but I have to do this now." Shang Wen said that he pushed Yingyu to the hospital for an examination. He didn't know how much this drug or how much Yingyu had taken. King Qin was very afraid of this. , This is a chronic poisoning. Although King Qin did not smoke, he still checked. Otherwise, King Qin will have an outbreak of obsessive-compulsive disorder.

The harm of drugs is still being tested, but the State of Qin has launched an extremely severe crackdown in order to eliminate drugs as much as possible in this budding state, but is this possible?

In Champu, the Bangla army occupied Bala land. They occupied it very easily, because the Champus let them in directly. When the country was in danger, they chose to surrender and end the war. They were stationed here. There were more than 5,000 people, they lined up neatly, their weapons were piled up directly, and their supreme officer warmly greeted the officers of the Bangla Army.

"We killed more than 20,000 Indians here. We are still chasing them. We have chased them over. According to your unit, it is probably more than one hundred kilometers. This is our biggest limit. . That is the royal family’s army. But we don’t plan to follow the royal family. We hope, surrender. End the war.” The Zhanpu general on the opposite side said directly. Sitting on the opposite side were only the lower-level officers of the Bangla Army. Their biggest was a major. Their order was to occupy Bala land as quickly as possible, because this was an important defensive point. It is equivalent to completely opening the door to occupy a large area of ​​northern Prussia. The Bangla Army can drive straight in. Their purpose at the beginning was only to detect. Because none of their senior leaders believed that the Bangla Army could achieve a breakthrough on such a key defensive point, but the fact is that they did achieve a breakthrough. Because Zhanpu people were very warm, they received them.

"We just want to surrender. We don’t want to fight with you. What I know is that many troops have already surrendered to the south. We also want to do the same. We also hope that you can keep our army’s organization, because they are all thugs. The thugs can do anything. If they are not controlled, who knows what will happen to them, and you still need to fight, and the 50,000 Indian troops have been defeated by us. If we continue to fight, yes Neither party makes any sense.” The Zhanpu general on the opposite side said.

"Our military rank is only a major. What we can do is to feed your opinions back to our chief. We will not object to your incorporation into us and the establishment of a new corps, because there is no point in opposing us. But it requires With the approval of the Bangla government, the establishment of a new army will take more time, money, and a lot of consumption." The major said.

"Yeah. Yes, but my soldiers need food. You should satisfy us. Defense, we can give it to you." The general said calmly. In fact, they simply have no ability to defend here, their food supplies have been exhausted. Some soldiers have been hungry for two days. They didn't even have the strength to stand up. The plantain leaves are too much to eat. Such an army has lost the meaning of resistance. The surrounding Zhanpu people starve to death. The climate and the land are very good. The land is fertile, the rainfall is abundant, and the people are dense. According to the truth, they don’t need to be hungry. Stomach, but this is a man-made disaster. The government is asking too much for this country, and the people's last rations have been collected. They simply do not have the ability to deal with such a situation, which is a huge disaster for them. Faced with such a disaster. They couldn't resist it at all. Therefore, surrender is the wisest decision, and everyone agrees, but the generals still have some other thoughts. If they surrender, their military career may end. This is the most difficult for them to carry out. Military career It represents their status, power, and social wealth, all of which are based on their positions. The surrender of the army means that they may lose everything. Therefore, he strongly hopes that the Bangla Army can accept their conditions. In order to arrange them properly, this is the only way they can do things well.

Zhang Ke's carriage had to stop. The road ahead had not been repaired yet, and a large number of troops were passing here. As the Bangla Army moved deeper and deeper into the territory of Prussia, Zhang Ke had to leave his comfortable headquarters and proceed with the troops. If domestic reporters catch such a thing, what will happen? He thought that he would be suspended soon, and then under investigation, his spoils and a series of credits would be taken away. He didn't want to see such a thing, so the only way was to go to the front.

"Da da da." There was a sound of cavalry running. A staff officer quickly received a report, opened it for inspection, and handed it to Zhang Ke's chief of staff. The chief of staff gave a wry smile.

"Sir, take a look at this." The chief of staff reluctantly handed the report to his chief.

"What's the matter?" Zhang Ke asked curiously. He didn't know what happened on the front line. But in general, it is certainly not a good thing.

"One of our convoys transporting logistical supplies was robbed. A large amount of food was taken away by prisoners of war. They said they couldn't get enough to eat and they wanted a good meal." The Chief of Staff said helplessly. Zhang Ke shook his head after listening, he could think of the key to some problems.

Because this kind of thing will definitely happen. Although a large number of prisoners of war surrendered, they just built some roads. These roads are still difficult to walk. They are not asphalt roads. They just flattened their previous roads, but that's it. It was still big, and the prisoners of war had been hungry for a long time, they wanted to eat too much. The problem is not here. The problem is that the entire Zhanpu is in a state of hunger.

Food is not even enough for the Bangla Army. However, their food treatment is still relatively good, but it is not very adequate. There will be a large number of Zhanpu people begging along the way. They know that the army has food. It is said that some Zhanpu women stand on the side of the road to seduce them. In exchange, they just need to give them some cans or a piece of cake. They did not want to be starved to death when the Bangla Army entered the territory of Zhanpu. Hundreds of people in Zhanpu people starve to death every day. This is what people know, and there may be more people who don’t know.

The army lacks food, and the people lack food. Zhanpu’s treatment is not bad, but they still lack food. Food has now turned into gold and has become extremely tight. Everyone knows that they have food to survive.

"Sir, how should we deal with this matter?" the chief of staff asked.

"Food is more important than ammunition. If these Zhanpu people are not full, and the prisoners of war are responsible for not being full, we might as well just slaughter them." Zhang Ke shook his head and said. Obviously, the prisoners of war were also moving stupidly, but they wanted to survive, but fortunately they didn't do anything extraordinary.

"This." The chief of staff didn't know how to answer this question.

"Punish them a little and tell them that the food will be delivered right away. However, they must wait patiently and tell them that Zhanpu is experiencing an unprecedented famine. If you pass this extraordinary period, Zhanpu people are still relatively Okay, let them be patient." Zhang Ke said.

"Yes, sir." The chief of staff recorded. But this does not fundamentally solve this problem. You know, the famine is still going on, and many people can't stand this situation, and quite a few people still die in hunger. But Zhang Ke is only a soldier, and a soldier can't do so many things.

In the Bangla parliament, Zheng Ju, the senior policy adviser of the Bangla government, is discussing something urgently with the parliament chief.

"According to reports from the front lines, the biggest problem with Occupy Prussia is not their military. The war lies in starvation and the constant death of people." Zheng Ju said solemnly.

"I don't know what this means? I want to figure it out a little bit." President Zhang Shi asked curiously. He doesn't understand how these senior consultants think about problems, but they are usually able to solve some substantive problems. The government cannot do without these senior advisers.

"According to my understanding, Zhanpu people originally had a large area of ​​good land. The land there is fertile and very suitable for planting. There is absolutely no problem in producing a large amount of rice. Their climate is also very suitable. These are not. The question, but the question is, why such a thing happened, which makes it difficult for us to understand." Zheng Ju said.

"I think this is because their government requested too much, which caused things to move towards the worst. For them, it is simply the worst thing. For such things, I personally I think this will be the worst thing." Zheng Ju said.

"A series of policy failures and improprieties have caused the Zhanpu people to experience an unprecedented famine. The government and the army are still engaged in war without sufficient food. If the fighting continues, I think the army can only eat human flesh. Solve their logistics supplies." Zheng Ju said.

"This." Hearing this, Zhang Shi was a little at a loss.

"My method is to absorb and adapt the Zhanpu people. We must establish a Zhanpu army. Maybe they are not a real army, but they are a constructive army. The weapons they are equipped with are not weapons of mass killing. It’s hoes, shovels, and axes. We need them to build our railway. And so on. In this case, we don’t have to put them into battle, and at the same time we can maintain their combat effectiveness, and we can use them to build the North Ordinary Road. The most important thing is that we need to stabilize their officer corps, otherwise, they will have a big problem." Zheng Ju said. He knew this situation too well. This situation comes from his understanding of the situation. He knows that under the current circumstances, the interests of some occupying Prussian officers have suffered serious losses, and the Bangladeshi government needs to adjust the compensation plan for a loss of their interests in a timely manner. Officers are the core and skeleton of an army, and they can have a great influence on the army.

Disbanding the army is the most unrealistic approach, because it is impossible to do so. A large number of people lack food. For food, they will do a series of extraordinary things, such as attacking the logistics supply line of the Bangla Army, because there is only Bangladesh. The army will have food. In that case, it is definitely not the situation they want to see. On the other hand, the officers can stabilize them and make them form an extremely advantageous state. Under such conditions, they naturally Better things can be done, this is what they can do well. Therefore, in such a situation, the only thing they can do is to become a brand-new way to solve such problems.

"This is very good, but we are worried that more funds will be invested? And more MPs will oppose such things?" Zhang Shi said worriedly. This plan is very good, but the question is how to get more parliamentarians to support him.

"This plan will bring a big market, and at the same time it can solve a big problem for the North. It will constitute a very good support for us. Therefore, I think we should do such a thing." Zheng Ju persuaded. He hopes that the parliament will pass this plan. Although this plan requires some funds for resettlement, otherwise the government will not let him do such a thing, but this can indeed lead to a stable northern situation.

"Okay. I'll give it a try, and I will try my best to achieve this result." He thought for a while and said. For this plan, he can only do so.

In the north, the collapse of the Indian army is slowly forming a new front.

"The soldiers were extremely frightened. Most of their weapons were lost. The soldiers who arrived later had weapons, but the situation is still very bad. Because on average, only seven or eight soldiers have a gun. This situation is very serious. It’s serious. I really don’t know if this war will be fought." Fan Wen wrote in his notebook. He was recalling what he saw. The situation is very disadvantageous for the Indians, and it can be said that the disadvantage is an unprecedented situation.

More than 50,000 Indian troops were defeated and retreated more than a hundred kilometers. In fact, the Zhanpu Army has reached the limit of their pursuit. They stopped at a distance of a hundred kilometers, and they couldn't make any further progress. Because of their shortage of supplies, many soldiers followed. However, the Indian army retreated more than 130 kilometers in an emergency. In other words, the Zhanpu people were still 30 kilometers away, and they felt that Very terrified. What a spectacular sight. Thought of this. Fan Wen felt that the Indian Army was made up of a group of wastes, and it would be weird to be able to win such waste fights.

In order to stabilize their line of defense, they had to take some economic measures, dig a large number of trenches, and build a considerable number of fortifications. The Indian army showed their ability to dig trenches. They hoped that such a line of defense would make them better. The situation became extremely normal. The soldier has been completely defeated by the opponent. They became very frightened and timid. How could an army with a disintegrated army still have a lot of combat effectiveness?

"But. I am curious how the Zhanpu people solved their logistics supply problem, because I heard that the food of the Zhanpu people is no longer enough to support them in this war." Fan Wen wrote in his notebook. Tao.

However, he quickly learned the truth from a timid soldier who was convicted of treason because he kept spreading words that benefit the Zhanpu people, and a large number of words that are not good for him are here in India. Large-scale spread among the army.

"The Zhanpu people chose a way that is edible, cannibalism. Thinking of it is disgusting." Fan Wen has an urge to vomit, but he still controlled his urge to vomit very well and decided to write it down well. .

"They didn’t have much food. They couldn’t support it to such a distance. The only way was to kill the prisoners of war. A large number of Indian troops were captured, and more corpses fell on both sides of the road. The food has been eaten. The war can no longer go on. But the timid Indian army is still running away. They are as cunning as rabbits, killing prisoners of war, eating them, and becoming their only best choice. "Pan Wen wrote.

"So. A large number of prisoners of war were killed and eaten. They only got here by cannibalism, but this is their greatest limit. If they don't mind, they will eat the opposite seal. The locals continued to move forward. Perhaps the soldier escaped back by fluke, but he still could not avoid death. However, such incidents have caused serious panic. The Indian soldiers described the Zhanpu soldiers as a terrible food. People and demons, they will be tortured to death, and their bodies will be eaten after death. Think about how terrible it is.” The model wrote.

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