The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 3354: Use heavy bombing airships

On the west coast of the African continent, today is a coastal anchorage in the Democratic Republic of Congo. There is a sailing ship not far away. It is an old-fashioned slave ship. There is also a steam ship not far away, but the smoke from the steam ship is very big. It looked like it was on fire, and sparks appeared from time to time. What the steamboat burns is not coal, but wood, and some wood is still moist. This makes their captain a headache, because in that case, their boiler will soon have a problem, and once there is a problem, the trouble can be very big.

"There seem to be a lot of slaves here." The name of the steamship was called Asuka, which was supposed to be called Asuka, but after the transfer, it was changed to Asuka, because his speed is so fast that it can reach an astonishing 21. Knots, they are a special kind of fast merchant ships, but now, his speed has dropped rapidly to fifteen knots, and maybe twelve knots can't be reached sometimes. Their speed is as fast as a sailboat. This is where the captain was depressed, and a set of boilers was scrapped. They can't repair it, they can only watch abandoned, which makes their power output insufficient, and now their situation is not as good as the situation of sailing boats.

"Yes, Captain, no one has ever been here. It is said that some expedition ships discovered this place and they did it." A chief officer put down his telescope and said.

The slave trade is still thriving because there are so many areas in need of such many slaves. The plantation economy in various places has developed rapidly. Not only the plantation, but also another place, the demand for prospecting has also become extremely urgent. For example, the people of Chu and the Koreans are actively involved in this area of ​​black people. The mainland is actively looking for coal resources. Otherwise, more merchant ships will turn into wood-burning ships after crossing the Cape of Good Hope. This will cause their ship's engine to completely collapse.

"Well, let these hurry up on the ship, we have to leave here as soon as possible." The captain said impatiently.

"Puff through." A sound of falling into the water came into the sea, and the captain went back to his captain's room to eat and sleep. The sailing life is very boring, but watching those black slaves is even more boring. The first officer had to supervise.

There have never been Koreans here, and none of the Chu people have been here. There are so many blacks here, which makes the Koreans very happy. They get excited, and then take all kinds of cheap things to ask for slaves. Here, sometimes, ten iron nails can be exchanged for a black slave. The living conditions here are good, but the population is constantly increasing. The blacks are usually not prepared to keep those prisoners of war, and some tribes still maintain The tradition of cannibalism. The Koreans did not dare to venture deep into it. They only observed this situation through some subtle details, because they found that there were always some prisoners of war mysteriously taken away and missing. They speculated that the other party must have found one. The prisoners of war were dealt with in a special way.

However, now these black tribes have their own ideas. They can get more benefits. As long as they exchange prisoners of war with Koreans, they can get enough food and other industrial products. If they have more than one hundred and fifty slaves, they can get a musket. Black people They are very interested in this kind of weapon that can eject sparks, and they regard it as a god. This is also the most traded commodity.

Here, the hoarding of slaves over a thousand people, all of them were stuffed into merchant ships, but the hoarding of black slaves took too long. The climate here is rainy and humid, and illness is inevitable because they come from different tribes, but most of them are prisoners of war. The tribes often go to war, and all they need to do now is to check a large number of blacks. Black people who are ill, feverish, and have all kinds of uncomfortable symptoms must be singled out and resolved. The solution is simple, throw it directly into the sea, and there are a large number of sharks cruising around the merchant ship. They ferociously ate these gifted snacks, and the blood water stained the entire sea. It makes people look very scary.

"Puff through. Puff through. Puff through." Three consecutive slaves were pushed into the sea. They would infect the entire ship, and it was the responsibility of the entire ship to solve them.

"Wow!" Then the sea boiled, and everyone was afraid to watch what was happening in the sea. They could only swallow a mouthful of water at most, because they really couldn't do so many things. The **** slave trade was originally black.

"Be careful. Once there is a problem, we will all have trouble. We would rather throw a few more instead of having problems, understand?" a seaman shouted loudly. The crew carefully checked. As long as they think suspicious, they will push the other side into the sea without mercy. This is a crazy action, but the crew is extremely determined, and to them, their lives are insignificant. Before long, a large number of slaves will gather on the coast.

Through trade and encouraging war, Koreans are not only making money on a large scale, but they are also absorbing a large amount of wealth on a large scale. This wealth will make them extremely rich. This is their most important thing. The place.

In the city of Suez, some Suez people finally returned to their destroyed homes. They will continue to live, but the population in the city has decreased a lot. At least 80% of the people have been taken away, killed, or disappeared. Most of the streets are elderly people, women, and children are relatively few, because they are all hiding. There are also some South Korean and Chu garrisons in the city. They will patrol from time to time. Seeing the patrol coming over, the couple must kneel to show their obedience.

"Bang." There was a clear gunfire. A child was killed. A few people do not even dare to lift their heads. The patrol's leather boots sounded again.

"Wow." The sound of neat leather boots gradually left here. Several old people in Aiji shook their heads helplessly, they walked towards the corpse, and they converged the corpse. This is their life, the child knows nothing. He doesn't even know what is dangerous, which is why many family members hide their children, because only by doing so can they become safe, but children are inherently fun and it is too depressing to hide them. Some children can't bear loneliness, and as a result, they sneak out. The disaster just broke out.

During the coalition occupation, they put forward extremely demanding requirements on Aiji people. The interests of the army are paramount. Even Aiji government personnel are responsible for the basic operations of Suez City. They need to provide a large amount of labor to solve some basic life of the army. Washing clothes, cooking, and dumping their feces and disposing of them are all things they do when they love a few people. The coalition forces simply look down on them.

Government personnel must carry extremely obvious certificates. They do not need to kneel, but they must respectfully salute and stand in place. The civilians can only kneel down. Let the opponent pass by, which filled the coalition soldiers with a sense of pride.

The young and middle-aged labor force in Suez City was collectively captured. They will build roads and then clear the Suez Canal. The Koreans can't wait to do such a thing. They are very anxious and become very crazy. In the city, only the old, the weak, the sick and the disabled survived. This is not conducive to the development of Suez City.

"I don't want to be this **** government anymore." Popola said to the people around him. He saw this scene. He saw a child shot to death by coalition officers, and then indifferent people gathered up the body. This is not the Suez City he wants, what he wants is a prosperous Suez City.

"Head, we have to do things for our own benefit. After the coalition forces withdraw, our situation will be very good, and our private trade will start quickly." A person next to him kindly reminded. Seeing such a situation, many passionate lovers will choose to resist, but they are smuggling businessmen, and businessmen must consider their own interests. Not for **** patriotism, they don't have such a thing, in their opinion, such a thing is simply a joke. They will not lose a lot of money for the country. The reason they want to form such a temporary government is actually for their own convenience. No one cares what they lose or get.

"This. Damn." Popola cursed. The coalition stipulates that all Aiji people must use the Central Plains dialect. Using the local Aiji local language will be considered illegal. They can speak in private, but they guarantee the use of such a language in public. Central Plains dialect is defined as the official language. People dare to resist this happening.

Suez City has become the largest colony, and the Koreans control everything about them, which makes Suez City people very helpless. But they can't do anything. The coalition forces cannot retreat, they have been provoking troubles, and this is the situation they have to face.

"When will this wait?" Popola said angrily. He didn't want to wait for this kind of life. It's too uncomfortable. Uncomfortable makes it difficult for him to accept such a life.

In South Korea, Xinzheng. The bank meeting is being held, and a large number of banks are discussing the Suez Canal. The Bank of Korea initially reached an agreement. They will jointly contribute capital. The time for capital contribution will be three years. The amount of their capital contribution will exceed, and a capital quota worth 50 million gold coins will be given to the government. The Qin State Bank will also provide such a large amount of funds. In this case, more than 100 million gold coins will be invested in the construction of the Suez Canal. This is a very large number, which is equivalent to the construction of multiple railways. The South Korean government only owns 20% of the shares, that is to say, South Koreans occupy 60% of the shares in total. The government used the state-run Suez Canal as a mortgage, and their army also mortgaged it. All of these rules were formulated by Chu people outside the country.

This plan is only a draft, but it is also a rough draft. However, Koreans and Qin people are picking up on some labor costs. Qin asks for 10% of the shares as labor costs because they need to pay a lot of money. The shares are packaged and sold as a fund. The objects they sell are Zhao, Qi, Yan, Chu, and more international markets, and may even be bought by Goguryeo people.

However, Koreans can only give each other 5% of the shares as labor services. You must know that this plate is very large, and 5% is quite a lot. However, Qin State Bank believes that this is extremely unfair to them. They know very well what the Koreans will get. They put forward an additional condition, which is to control the canal for 20 years. Right to make compensation. This is even more unacceptable for Koreans. However, Qin Guoren is the only banking institution that can do this and provide a large amount of funds. The Bank of Korea cannot do this. In fact, more Korean banks need to rely on Qin Guoren's banking operations to help them raise more funds and cash out their shares, because they themselves do not have such capabilities.

"Eight percent, this is our last red line. If the Qin people can't accept it. We will completely end this kind of thing. We will not repair this canal." Han Shu said helplessly after reading the report.

"And tell Qin people, don't go too far. Twenty years, too long. The South Korean government can't hold on for more than 20 years, up to three years. This is the biggest concession of the South Korean government." Han Shu took a step back, because If they want to build this canal successfully, they must rely on the help of Qin State Bank. Without them, they really can't do so many things.

"Yes, Lord." The bank minister recorded. He thinks Qin State Bank is really too much, but they have nothing to do, because Qin State Bank controls a large number of markets, in various financial markets, Qin State Bank plays a pivotal and important role, and Qin State Capital controls The market scope of Qin people is extremely wide, and Qin people occupy the commanding heights of finance. This is an advantage they have never had before. Although Koreans study hard and imitate, they still may not be able to achieve what Qin people tell. This is why Qin people can The Koreans who have been pressing are dead to death, but the Koreans are helpless and no one can do anything about it.

Qin State, Xianyang. The General Staff is carefully considering the disciplinary military action against the Yueshi people.

"Our understanding of the Yueshi people is not very good. We have to conduct aerial reconnaissance. The worst thing is that the Yueshi people also have their own airship force. They have their own air force. Although they are small, they have such an aerial view. The troops will cause great interference to our reconnaissance." Yang Duanhe said worriedly.

The Ministry of National Defense finally chose to use a large number of air units for combat. The General Staff also initially agreed to this plan. Wang Ben is formulating relevant ground combat plans. None of these combat plans have been reported to the General Staff. They simply defended, actively defended, and invested in combat, which made their combat methods extremely weird. But no one cares about this issue now. What they care about is how to bomb and control the Yue people, because they suddenly discovered that they don’t know much about the Yue people. They can only solve this problem through the description of some businessmen. Difficult problem.

However, these are not very attractive to the people of Qin. Qin's staff felt that they should conduct a high-altitude reconnaissance before the war, or take a full-scale photo of the ground. Especially the core areas within the main areas. These core area reports, government locations, railway stations, warehouses, military camps, hospitals, and a large number of factories and workshop areas are the main targets recommended by the Ministry of National Defense for bombing. Bombs thrown into the wilderness to burn those **** elegant pieces of plants will make their efficiency extremely slow. This is an extremely unfavorable thing for them. What they have to do is to solve such a thing and make it beneficial.

"Well, did we bomb their air forces before, so that we can make our aerial reconnaissance extremely effective?" Wang Jian asked Yang Duanhe.

"Well. It's okay to do this, but it will expose our goals and combat plans, which may be very detrimental to us." Yang Duanhe said worriedly.

"Don't worry about this kind of problem, this is not something we should worry about, we will do this kind of thing well." Wang Jian said with a smile. He believes that the opponent's aerial targets should be destroyed as soon as possible, while reconnaissance and bombing should be carried out together.

Because of the concept of timeliness, the air reconnaissance result and the actual situation of the bombing target are usually put forward by the consultants of the space army. The greater the time difference, the greater the possibility of change. This comes from Dawan's bombing experience. The air reconnaissance of the Dawan people usually ends within three days of the bombing, but the reconnaissance activity lasts for more than seven days. This time difference is very large. When they bomb, they will find that the bombing target has long been lost. Existed. Moreover, their bombing targets are Persians, they are already flexible and good at change, which makes their bombing effects not very obvious, unless they attack those fixed targets.

The situation of the Yue people is different from the Persians targeted by the Dawan people. Their targets have become stable. The Yue people have a lot of infrastructure, their agricultural infrastructure, facilities, and related factories, and most of the population clusters. It was launched along the railway line of communication. This gave the people of Qin a good target for bombing.

But before they had to conduct aerial reconnaissance to further determine the accuracy of their bombing targets, this was very important to them.

"These goals are not terrible to us. The terrible thing is that for our bombing airships, we must activate the last strategic bombing reserve. You know, we eliminated a large number of bombing airships." Wang Jian said worriedly. . At present, Qin has only two heavy bombing airships. Originally, their heavy bombing airships had seven, but Qin suddenly cut five of them because their military expenditures could no longer support them to maintain such a large military expenditure. Up. Northern expeditions allowed the Department of War and the Department of Navy to sell more technology in exchange for sufficient funds and shares to solve their expedition cost problems. The heavy bombing airship is among them.

The length of the central bombing airship exceeds 250 meters. This is an amazing technical achievement, because special steel is needed to maintain the overall rigidity of the airship. Moreover, some aluminum skins are used on the surface. On some heavy airships, Qin Guoren It has also been upgraded. They disassembled a large number of internal combustion engines and replaced them with safe motors. The internal combustion engine generates power to drive the motor to rotate. This is a very suitable and safe solution. This has become a necessary path for the airship to become famous. The people of Qin State transferred such technology to the State of Zhao.

The people of Zhao Guo are very obsessed with this kind of technology. In this way, they can ensure that their airship can have enough range and space to bomb the mainland of Qin. Qin State originally did not want to make such a technology transfer, but the technology trend is like this. Qin State people will not do it, Zhao Guoren will develop it by themselves. They have already noticed the possibility of electric motors, if it is not that they do not have adequate generator sets and internal combustion engines to provide sufficient If they are the source of power, they might have invented such a power device themselves.

"One of our brigade's heavy airships is undergoing upgrades. I am very worried about whether they can take on such a large task. As for the air force, they are developing new bombers to solve this problem. Their range may not be enough. In terms of safety performance, the final test has not been carried out, so to speak. The final results are unknown." Yang Duanhe said worriedly.

"I know all of these, but we must do this. Although they will cause great difficulties in security issues, they are of great significance and we must go all out. Otherwise, our results will become extremely unfavorable. Brilliantly, I don’t want this to happen. Put in them.” Wang Jian finally had to put in their final strategic power, heavy bombing airships. They were able to pour about ten tons of explosives on the enemy’s head. This is Qin The only thing that the country can take out at present is here.

Yang Duanhe nodded. He didn't want to say okay, it seemed that they were a little weak. However, they must pass the Qin King. Qin must first consider Qin’s security needs, and secondly, whether there are new technologies that can replace them, and a series of related terms of use. Only in this way can their situation change. It is extremely advantageous.

The order was quickly issued, and King Qin also believed that Qin's presence in the Yueshi area had declined, which would have bad consequences for Qin's regional influence, and King Qin needed to make up for such a result. At the same time, the State of Qin needs to deter local unhealthy signs. They are challenging the authority of the State of Qin.

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