The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 3355: Anti-drug determination

Zhao Guo, an airship research institute, this research institute undertook the military technology of Qin people, and they were very interested in their military technology.

"The internal combustion engine drives the generator, and then the electric motor drives the propeller to provide power. Although it sounds complicated, it is more efficient than using a large number of internal combustion engines." An engineer agreed with the plan that Qin Guoren came up with. He also thought about similar ideas, but Zhao Guo's technical level is not up to the level. Now they have introduced such technology. They will understand the technical standards of a system and a system. With such a system, they can I installed such a power unit on my airship.

In this case, Zhao’s airship’s voyage will increase by at least 30%, which means that their airship can stay in the sky of Qin State Xianyang for at least one hour and fifteen minutes, or they can stay in the sky of Xianyang for half an hour. But they can be loaded with some iron armor protection, and their airships are even safer.

"Well, it sounds good, but I still need you to conquer such technology as soon as possible. Those internal combustion engines are the key, and they can't be used because they provide the drive. They are still the key." A responsible supervisor said. He believes that those internal combustion engines are the most important thing. But this still requires them to put in a lot of effort for imitation. Zhao Guo has been working hard to develop their own internal combustion engine, because in their opinion, the internal combustion engine can provide sufficient power. Unfortunately, the first power of their internal combustion engine is not large enough, and the second is not stable enough. The internal combustion engine was put on its own airship, and as a result, it caused a great bad effect. The airship could not fly too far because the parts were very worn out. Unless high-quality gun steel was used, there was no other way. Moreover, even the use of domestically-made internal combustion engines will also cause a big bad factor. This factor is that the weight of their airship has increased a lot, but the power has dropped. Zhao Guo is taking his own domestic road, but it needs to pay some price, otherwise, it is really difficult for them to do this. Because the problem of the engine cannot be solved at once.

Inside Wang Ben's headquarters.

"Sir, if we take assault squad operations, our ability to invest is greatly restricted. Our offensive range can only be limited to the border area. It is too deep and we can't do it at all. And it will cost a lot. Physical strength limits our ammunition," a major staff officer said worriedly.

Fighting deep into the enemy’s territory is not a simple proposition. It is an extremely complicated matter. In the border areas, the areas where they are fighting are all mountainous areas. The mountainous operations are extremely complicated and consume the physical strength of the commando members. Say, it's too difficult. For this reason, they equipped the commando with another combat team member, the mule, which is the only best way to maintain their physical strength. The mule or the donkey can bring them more supplies and ammunition, which can save their physical strength. , While these can maintain their physical strength. After all, their ability to adapt in the mountains is relatively strong, but this still limits the commando’s combat radius. Their maximum combat radius can only exceed one hundred kilometers, otherwise, their degree of danger will be very high.

"Aren't we equipped with mules?" Wang Ben asked.

"But sir, this still cannot solve our problem. It will complicate our problem, because all the ammunition supplies need to be carried by ourselves, and if the depth of the territory exceeds 100 kilometers, we are very dangerous. . And there is a large number of wounded, and the emergence of various conditions will pose a great threat to us." said the major.

"However, sir, I have a bold idea, which requires your support, sir." the major said at this time.

"Tell me, what can I do?" the other party asked. After all, there are things he still can't do.

"My idea is that we can use a large number of airships to provide transportation materials. After all, we still have a radio station or are fixed at a contact point. In this case, they complete their mission and arrive at the assembly area. We are there waiting, or Provide a large amount of supplies. In this way, the combat capability of our commandos will be improved by a great level, which is very beneficial to us." The major put forward such an idea.

In this way, the combat distance of the commando team will suddenly rise to within two hundred kilometers, and their logistical supplies will be guaranteed. Commando fighters are usually composed of one squad or half a squad. Few, well-equipped, and extremely flexible tactics. This is the inspiration from seeing the Parthian assault team. Qin actually had such a combat team for a long time. Now they can reach the enemy two hundred kilometers. After fighting in places, this method of fighting has a great surprise effect, but it is also very dangerous.

Because they have a small number of combatants, and despite their excellent preparations, they will still be in vain once they encounter the enemy's large-scale troops. The only way is to retreat, but retreat is impossible. But after the use of air power, this situation will change greatly. First of all, their transportation problems have been solved. Because they have a small number of people, they don't need to carry out large-scale airdrops and parachutes. For them, this is the best result. This makes them extremely flexible.

On the other hand, they can carry out fixed liaison airdrop supplies, which further improves their continuous combat capability. This is their sense of superiority, which is extremely advantageous to them. The ability to do this is mainly due to the radio communication equipment, which allows them to be able to contact at any time. If it is too far away, their signal station may not be able to spread farther, which is not good for them. However, the radio station at this time still needs a mule as a supplement, because their size cannot be further reduced.

"Well, the idea is very good, but I have a bolder idea." Wang Ben said at this time.

"We can use gliders. I know this kind of thing. If paratroopers put in, a lot of equipment is difficult to carry. Moreover, it is more troublesome to transport back. Using airships to land on the target is prone to accidents because it is a big living target. Who knows? What are the consequences of such a threat? This is extremely bad for us." Wang Ben said.

What Wang Ben did is indeed a reality. In order to solve the problem of pick-up and drop-off, the airship is their only platform. The ground troops need to ensure their safety to do so. This is not a problem in itself, but it is during the delivery. No one can guarantee that the ground is safe, which creates a great difficulty, for whom. They are all unacceptable. The only way is to send some paratroopers in advance to ensure safety. However, in this way, the number of missions, the number of soldiers, and the number of materials to be sent suddenly rises to an unacceptable level. For the people of Qin, it is the most difficult thing to accept, but the situation has changed a lot. Because the entire operation is no longer an assault operation, but a small-scale paratrooper operation, the nature of the operation will become extremely different, and the airship will emerge as an important means of transportation.

But if they switch to using gliders, a new change will occur to their situation. The gliders can more accurately deliver combat personnel to the designated locations. They establish a contact and control the points before sending materials to them. For them, this is the best supplementary method, and at the same time, it does it without knowing it. In the true sense, the effect of a sneak attack was achieved. For Qin, this might be the best way.

"Well, the chief's idea is correct. I also think that gliders can solve problems like ours. They are very important to us." The other party thought about it.

"Well. Very good, just do it, but I think we should order these gliders from some manufacturers, and our troops have not received relevant training." Wang Ben shook his head and said. The idea is good, but their commando team and related glider equipment are not available. They just had such a preliminary idea, this idea can bring them great benefits, this advantage is to make their combat extremely convenient. This is what they are going to do now.

"This is no problem. We can complete the transportation and production work as soon as possible. I think there should be domestic participation. After all, gliders are still a sport, but their load capacity is not very large." The major thought for a while and said. . Wang Ben nodded and let them do it in advance.

In the Qin State, gliders are still of interest to some people. Because they have no power, they are safer, but there are still certain dangers, but the price is relatively cheap, allowing you to experience the feeling of flying a plane. Airplanes have made many young people obsessed, but they are restricted by conditions and cannot be popularized on a large scale. Some farms in Qin have modified some planes for agricultural production, and glider sports is the best way to cultivate pilots’ interest. Many young people learn flying skills through gliders. They can control the gliding flight technology very well. There are dozens of such flying clubs in Qin State that provide such services. It can be said that the scale of this market is not small.


"Wang Ben's idea is right. If we simply let us defend, we would never be able to deploy three infantry divisions there, and we can't do this with simple defense. This is extremely bad for us. One point." Wang Jian said.

"However, if we use commando operations, although the troops are small, they can show great results. They can directly attack the opponent's vital areas and cause a lot of chaos, and this chaos is enough to make them change. There is no time to take care of it. In this way, our border security problem can be solved." Yang Duanhe said.

"Yes, the same is true of my thoughts. If this is the case, it is the best result for us. I myself agree with this plan. You must know that this result is the best plan for us." Wang Jian said.

"However, we can't get some special equipment needed for commando operations on a large scale. If we produce these equipment, it will take a long time." Yang Duanhe said worriedly. He knew that the other party would definitely not wait such a long time, which in itself was a torture to them.

"It's really no problem. We can refit, and urgently use some folk things to refit. I think they can still do this." Wang Jian wanted to say after thinking about it.

"Well, it seems that this is the only way to go." Yang Duanhe nodded in agreement.

In the prime minister's house, Shang Wen looked at the results of the negotiations between Qin and Yue. He shook his head helplessly. Qin State tried to make the Yue people aware of their own mistakes through diplomacy, or in other words, their own actions were wrong, and they themselves brought catastrophic consequences, which were caused by themselves. They hope that the other party can understand such a situation.

But it is a pity that the Yueshi people don't seem to think so. They think that the other side's approach is simply a passive development.

"The people of the Yue family have a very bad attitude. They treat us very hard. They seem to think that our Qin State has taken a bad measure to suppress them." Meng Yi said.

"Well. In this case, we can only use war to deal with such things." Shang Wen said helplessly.

"Furthermore, according to the investigation by our frontier Yapian investigation team, we finally learned that the situation was different. There, there were quite a lot of smuggling transactions for Yapian, and our crackdown, although it played a certain role, Yapian trading has entered the underground, and there is an extremely rampant situation. The price of Yapian has risen fiercely. The Yueshi people still did not stop the output of Yapian. On the contrary, we stimulated them." Meng Yi said.

The effect of Yapian was confirmed. Qin Guo publicly reported such a report. The rats, rabbits, and dogs that were fed all showed symptoms of neurological dependence to varying degrees. Once they stopped, they would be extremely embarrassed, and such a state would be clearly recorded. In this case, it will have extremely serious consequences, that is, they cannot get rid of such a neurological condition, which is the worst thing for them. This intensified Qin's determination to oppose drugs.

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