Qi State, in Lou Jing's prime minister's office.

"Goguryeo wants to order a batch of warships to protect the safety of their merchant ships. After all, some pirates have appeared around them, and the threat of their merchant ships is in great danger." The Minister of the Navy explained to Lou Jing.

Qi State used the fastest speed to build five merchant ships and provided them to Goguryeo. Maybe they felt that the speed was very fast. In fact, otherwise, they just remodeled their own merchant ships, and they remodeled the original cabins. , The use of three large three-dimensional cabins to solve this problem, in this way, the coal can directly enter the cabin, as for unloading, can be used to grab and dig for lifting. Goods can also enter their cargo holds in this way. This is a merchant ship designed by the Qi people. Originally, these merchant ships were handed over to their own people. Some trading companies have already paid a deposit. However, this can bring great foreign exchange. As a party of the transaction, the Goguryeo people will provide more than About 10,000 tons of copper are exchanged. This amount is quite large. After the construction of these merchant ships, there is still a lot of surplus. It can be said that the order is quite good. Under the huge temptation, the people of Qi had to temporarily deliver some commercial ships to the Goguryeo people, because this could increase Qi's financial income.

After this batch of orders, the Goguryeo people plan to build their own navy. The Koreans will not build large warships for them because the Koreans themselves are not enough. Most importantly, they have a bad attitude towards the Goguryeo people. This makes Goguryeo people only choose Qi, and Qi people promote it.

"Why did they order our warship? This is a good thing, but I don't know how you did this." Lou Jing asked the Secretary of the Navy curiously.

"Prime Minister, it's very simple. We told them that our warship has Zhao Guoren's technology, Zhao Guo's warship defeated the Korean warship, and we have heavy artillery bombardment." The Secretary of the Navy explained.

"Well," Lou Jing was very happy when he heard this, and nodded to indicate that they were doing very well. In this way, they would be able to receive large military orders, and such military orders could greatly boost Qi. Economic development and related military industrial enterprises are of vital importance to the country, because without such military orders, it is difficult for Qi country's economy to develop.

However, the Admiralty has some considerations of its own.

"Sir, the navy required by the Goguryeo people is capable of protection, the price of warships should not be too expensive, the quantity is large, the firepower is strong, and the maneuverability is strong. They don't seem to have too high requirements for defense, and they need simple operations. The number of manufactures is very large. It is best to make them localize themselves. Of course, it is localized with our help." A lieutenant colonel engineer shook his head and said. For such a series of abnormal technical requirements, the engineers really wanted to beat the Goguryeo people, and they didn't know why the Admiralty was so used to each other.

"The price can't be too expensive, so it's better to be cheaper. Steel can't be used. That stuff is very expensive. I heard that the people of Zhao are boosting their defense capabilities. Since the opponent doesn't need defense capabilities, it's easy to say that we can use it. The new technology solves this problem, using iron armor, and using some wood in the iron armor, and use wood wherever it can be used.” The Navy Deputy Commander thought about it and said. He is in charge of this project. The Goguryeo people have a lot of requirements, which makes Qi’s technicians a headache. They can only simply design some imitation warships, for example, Zhao Guo, South Korea’s iron armored ships, they will dismantle them after they buy them. The solution, measurement, analysis, and imitation are the same in all countries. Of course, there are some new-style warships that they can't buy. You can only rely on spies to accomplish such things. However, the speed of technology updates is very fast, and the pressure on the technical department is very high.

"This, in this case, the ship's defense capabilities will be greatly reduced." A technician said worriedly. Once this kind of warship that sacrifices its defense power is built, the situation will be very bad. As the caliber of the artillery becomes larger and larger, their warships may not be able to withstand large-scale shelling. In that case, Such a warship has no meaning.

"Well, since they demanded this, naturally they could only do it. They demanded speed and can only do so. Also, the size. Regarding the size of the new battleship, I personally think that it should be reduced and built too large. The burden of the power plant is very heavy, and it simply cannot bear the responsibilities it should have. Therefore, I personally think that such a warship should be reduced in size, at least to. The size of the new warship is half, and the other is thinner, in terms of artillery. , As long as you can deal with pirates." said the navy deputy.

"This." The technicians really don't know how to call such a warship. And is it useful to build battleships like this? They are very worried. In this regard, they are helpless, after all, what else can they do if something like this has happened.

"That, sir, how do we call this new type of warship?" the lieutenant colonel asked the navy deputy.

"Well, it's better to call it, the Navy. How about a frigate in my opinion? Their mission is **** anyway, so let them build it like this. As long as these indicators are down, they can quickly build it. Anyway. They require fast speed and strong maneuverability, and such warships should be able to satisfy them." The Navy Deputy Commander touched his chin and said with a smile.

In this way, the frigate was pushed directly to the front desk. Once such battleships are manufactured, they are dubbed "cheap, victim, and low-level product", but there is no way. The Goguryeo people have never had a navy. If they hadn't had the advantage in mineral resources, they would be unlikely to build a big A large-scale navy, but they have naval needs, and there is an increasing possibility that mineral exports will be attacked.

Some merchant ships of Qi State always take the role of pirates temporarily. They rob a large number of ships that transport coal. Although they all walk along the coastal line, those sea ships always attack from time to time and they will drag a lot of ore. Coal resources, Qi, South Korea, and Chu have a very large coal demand. Although they can dig out a large amount of ore resources from the inland, most of them still need to be imported because the sea is extremely cheap, even if it rises. It is much better than inland, mainly because of the large export of labor.

Under such circumstances, the Goguryeo people had to build their navy, but their navy could not develop very large all at once, so this kind of small, cheap frigate with strong maneuverability came out. It seems that this kind of warship can only deal with armed merchant ships, and it feels obviously difficult for them to deal with huge warships. This is something that everyone knows very well.

Zhao Guo, within the Coal Association, the power industry has brought the second spring to the coal industry. The membership development has been very good, and they have exceeded expectations. They have also returned more and more funds, because more and more places are used for electricity. The bigger they are, they have to lay a road leading to the country of Yan, and the people of Yan country hope to directly lead to Liaodong. In this case, the scope of their control may be wider, and the people of Yan are trying their best to digest the economic development potential from Liaodong. The second point is to lead to Qi. Qi’s economy is developing very fast. Although Qi’s economy is still not enough in terms of total volume, his development is fast. This is something that others can’t keep up with. For them, this is definitely an amazing development ratio. In particular, Qi’s shipbuilding industry has absorbed a large amount of cheap labor, coupled with Zhao’s technical support, and capital investment. This has made Qi’s economic development very fast. Many people are in a high-level development, overnight. Rich state, their factories, shipyards are extremely busy.

"Now that we have some money on hand, we can't let the funds sit idle like this. This will be particularly unfavorable to us, and if we wait like this, the bank will not be able to pay much interest. We have to think of ways to make some investments. That's all right." said a thin member of the State of Zhao. His status is not very high. Even the coal association is divided into three to five or nine. After all, it is not egalitarian that controls the distribution of resources. Their resource advantages will become more concentrated. For example, the coal association has only two hundred members. Multiple people. But the two hundred people control more than 98% of coal resources, while the royal family only occupies less than 1%. It can be seen that their energy is still very large.

"Of course. I personally started an investment bank and went to Qi State to develop and develop. They needed military industry. I contacted one of my distant cousins. He knew the technology and could get orders from Qin State and process bullets there. , Anyway, there are a lot of people in Qi country, it is not a problem to develop." A stout man said indifferently. The reason why they were able to obtain coal mining was largely due to their tyranny and their rogue style. Many people in the association relied on improper methods to acquire them. For example, they cooperated with the nobles to suppress some small locals. Coal mines, then merged and reorganized, and established companies. In this case, their coal resources would be bleached. That's not counting. They also decided to go public and then enter it. In this case, their identities are much more detached. This makes them feel that they have a lot of face.

"Investment banking? We can't do this. Only Qin people can do this. We can't do this at all. This will make our situation extremely crazy. I think we should not do this kind of thing." some After thinking about it, people still feel that this should not be done. They are too aware of the risks of investment banks. This requires professional reports. The only thing that provides professionalism is how they can know this. They have not read many books themselves. Even if they have read it, they will not know these. Most of them are noble and rogue children. It is impossible for them to read. I can't see anything. Investment banks need to understand some of the characteristics of economic development and make rational and objective comments before they can invest in some special ways. This allows them to do it. They simply cannot do this.

"This, it's difficult, we can't fix it, the whole family is gone." Many members shook their heads and said. They felt very scared and horrified about this. These people know very well that wealth comes from hardship, but the financial industry is indeed not what they do. It is very good to make money quickly, but it is also very fast to lose money and bankrupt your family. There have been several financial crises before Zhao Guo, almost every year, and the wealth of many people is transferred to some people in an instant. They become rich, but their wealth is gone in an instant. Finally fell to the streets, there are too many such things. They couldn't keep up with emotion, and they were about to watch some people go bankrupt. There are too many such examples. They absolutely can't do such a thing, so many people don't do such a thing.

"I have a good industry." At this time, a middle-aged man stood up and said.

"Tell me?" The others asked curiously. They want to know what kind of industry they can invest in. After all, they can't let their assets stand still, otherwise, they will lose their enterprising spirit.

"Petroleum. Qi State is embarking on oil companyization. We can do this business. Moreover, the oil business is very easy to do. This is the same as our coal. As long as we seize energy, we can complete such a project." Nianren said. The others nodded, but did not speak, because they felt that their eyes suddenly lit up. Isn't the middle-aged person's words just what they hoped.

They are all members of the Coal Association. What they are good at is mineral resources and energy. They can only do this and let them invest. It will definitely not. They will definitely lose money. They will do other things, such as investing in shipbuilding. In factories and other places, the technical requirements are too high. They can process some military orders, but the profits are too low. In the end, they may be busy working hard, which makes them unable to refresh their energy. They have already made a lot of money. They hope to make more money in a very short period of time so that their lives can become moisturized. They consider this instead of letting them wait passively.

"Oil is also a kind of resource, and there are many places where oil is needed. Look at how many motor vehicles there are now. They are much better than mules and carriages. The most important thing is that in other places, for example, in Qin Guoguan, this kind of demand It will become bigger and bigger, and all airplanes are equipped with this kind of engines. Petroleum can be extracted, gasoline, diesel, kerosene, and more asphalt. These things can be used to pave a large number of roads. For us, it is the best thing." The middle-aged man said with his fingers. The others nodded. What they are really good at is at this point. If they are not allowed to do this kind of business, they really can't find such a good thing.

In fact, Qi's oil industry has fallen into desperation. Local forces are unwilling to give up the mineral resources they have. They keep producing and producing, but their products are of poor quality. They can at most produce some kerosene lamps or other mixed oil products, because internal combustion engines have higher requirements for gasoline and diesel, and the oil products produced by Qiguo are difficult to meet the standards. Zhao Guo’s aircraft used their fuel for a while. As a result, the engine was easily stalled in the air, and then caused a big accident. The internal combustion engine used in other places was also prone to similar things. This directly led to Zhao’s failure. After importing a large amount of oil from Qi, they switched to importing from Qin, because Qin’s oil can guarantee the quality they need. The Koreans are also solving this problem, but whether there is a breakthrough in their technology, this point It is not clear enough, but one thing can be clearly known. That is, the oil industry has attracted the attention of many people, and they are entering such an industry on a large scale. The impact on them is very impressive.

However, Qi's oil industry is very backward, because their organization and production methods and technical inputs are very simple, rough, and backward. It looks very annoying. They can only extract kerosene, pitch, and a mixture of many oil products. This mixture is simply a great waste, because it is a mixture of gasoline and diesel, and this mixture makes their fuel burn very differently. Many precious oils were burned mercilessly.

At present, the demand for kerosene is becoming weaker and weaker, and the market is becoming more awkward. This is because many places have been connected to electric wires, and lighting is more practical than kerosene lamps. And can do better things. But the condition of kerosene is getting worse and worse. Most of them are constantly producing. The more they produce, the more they lose money, and the more they lose money, they think that they produce very little. Ways to compete in this market directly led to a rapid decline in the price of kerosene, falling to an unbearable price. This is the important reason for their losses.

Low-end products are becoming less and less competitive, while high-end products are unable to compete further. Facing such a dilemma, they have nothing to do. If this is the case, Qi’s oil industry is completely in desperation. The decision is enough to make their situation worse. But that's it, they still have to do a lot of things to solve such problems.

In fact, Lou Jing had foreseen this situation a long time ago. His method was the shareholding system reform. He hoped that through the shareholding system reform, the interests of the original locals could be guaranteed, and their products could be further upgraded and become a high-end product. In this case, their profits can bring great profits, but the problem is that after the share reform, technology, capital and other factors are added, this situation will change greatly. The locals Their shares will be severely diluted, and in the end they may completely lose control of the oil producing areas. Lou Jing’s idea is good, but such a method will cause them great troubles, and they don’t want to do this. , And the trouble will be very, very big, which is the most unacceptable thing for them, under such conditions. Lou Jing's shareholding system reform failed. Because the locals rejected such reforms, they would rather fill up a large number of oil wells than to do so, and the locals were extremely violent against foreign businessmen, which made investment impossible.

But the economic situation of the local people is getting more and more numerous. Lou Jing couldn't do anything about it. He hoped to solve such a problem through a reasonable method. But the element of violence cannot be removed at all.

And Zhao Guoren has also noticed the importance of the oil industry. It is really hard to say whether there are great changes between the two.

Qin State, Xianyang, Ministry of National Defense, Wei Liao looked at the report with a headache.

"If we are to use a large number of aviation forces to fight against the Moon, our oil reserves will have to be raised to a very large level. After all, the oil demand in the Guanzhong area is also very large. We can't ignore them. This is what we must Pay attention." An officer in charge of logistics said worriedly. The situation they encountered was very different from the situation they encountered before. Although Qin has increased their oil reserves, the gap is still very large, because Qin’s fuel demand is constantly increasing. They consume more than 100,000 barrels of oil every day, and their supplement is, 110,000 barrels, they The reserves can only be increased slightly, but as more and more internal combustion engines are popularized, especially the large-scale use of gasoline engines, a large number of cars have appeared in the Guanzhong area, and the daily oil consumption will definitely increase. In this way, The State of Qin couldn't take out the excess reserves and consumed their military units. Unless Qin State orders to stop some motor vehicles, is this possible? The people of Qin are already inseparable from motor vehicles.

"Sir, unless we increase the transportation volume, but this is unlikely. In that case, all the freight and passenger transportation to the Qingcheng railway line from Xinzheng, South Korea will be stopped, and the transportation of fuel around the clock can meet our needs. Otherwise, , We simply cannot meet such a reserve, it is too large. We can't do this." The officer said.

"Well. It seems that we must find a way to solve this problem, otherwise, the entire combat plan will become extremely passive, which is definitely not a good result for us. I, we must change this situation "Wei Liao said. But how to solve this problem, the railway transportation volume of Koreans has almost reached saturation. At the same time, they have to undertake greater transportation tasks, which makes the railway situation extremely severe, and this severity is pushing to a new climax, the height is unprecedented. Everyone was surprised.

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