The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 2257: Oil pipeline technology

South Korea’s Xinzheng, the stock market is hot, speculators from Qin, Zhao, and South Korea flocked here, because the stock speculation here comes in very fast, and many speculators from Qin and Zhao have rushed. At this point, in their opinion, they finally found a long stock that could rise. Railway stocks.

"The Zhengqing line is getting so busy every day. This railway is a way of making money. Let's take a look. I said that he will definitely break through the amazing position of 700 won today." A Qin country speculator looked excitedly. , He bought a large amount of Qingcheng Railway Company at the position of 500 won. This railway company operates the most important railway transportation line in South Korea, the Jung-Ching Line. The value of this railway lies in exporting a large amount of goods to Qingcheng along the way. After Daliang, Qin’s goods, Korean goods, and Daliang’s industrial products all rely on this railway to transport materials. This is a very busy railway line. It has four parallel railroad tracks. This is a unique railway line. . There are only three railway lines in the western regions of the Qin State, one of which is a high-speed railway line, but it is still not as busy as these four railway lines.

"Why? I want to know what you think?" A young man can only keep trading and go long. Only this one direction can make him a lot of money. But he felt that the price of this stock was too high. Because among all South Korean stocks, the price of Qingcheng Railway stock is the highest, and the second highest stock price is only two hundred won. Driven by this railway stock, it quickly broke through the position of two hundred won. It can be said that doing this kind of stocks is very worrying and worrying. Some people try to go short and get bloody, which makes it difficult for them to continue.

"Because this railway is very busy, I personally surveyed this railway. Do you know what is transported on this railway?" the Qin State speculator said to the young man.

"I don't know. I never know what is being transported. What I know is all kinds of raw materials, commodities, and all kinds of materials. The quantity is extremely large. These are all I know." Shook his head and said. He didn't know what exactly was transported on the railway line.

"Oil, a lot of oil, three of the four railways transport a lot of oil. This is an extremely crazy approach." The Qin State speculator said while looking at the other side.

"What does this mean?" the other party asked puzzledly. He never made such reports. It is also impossible to make such a report, because he really cannot make such a thing. This is the most difficult situation for him to explain, and the most difficult situation to do.

"This means that Qin’s demand is very large. You know that Qin’s motor vehicles, motor vehicles are replacing horse-drawn carriages, and this is a trend. Qin’s people are building more motor vehicle manufacturing plants and more airports. A large number of internal combustion engines will be used. This is the demand. One hundred thousand barrels of crude oil a day is not enough to transport. The people of Qin can't wait to occupy all four railways to transport their oil, and this number will rise. No one knows what Qin people need. How much oil. In short, this situation will increase Qin's oil production to an unprecedented level. This is the demand." The other party said.

"Oh my God. I really don't know that such a thing will happen if you don't say this. Can you keep talking?" the young man asked. The price of railroad stocks is rising. Many people are buying this stock, some are holding it for a long time, and some are trying to go short. More people are buying and then selling after making a profit. They always do this. In their view, this can achieve their goals, and this is the only thing they can do. Buying and selling, the trading volume caused by this is unprecedented, the trading desk is extremely busy, and the response of the market quotation machine is somewhat slow. No one noticed what happened in such a speculative market.

"Yes, let me tell you that the growth rate of Qin people’s motor vehicles is very fast. This is the future trend. Think about it, horse-drawn carriages, we may need a lot of horse-drawn carriages, but horse-drawn carriages are really troublesome, and the problem of clean city roads. It is very serious. The people of Qin people have encountered such troubles. They are also the first to like a very clean city. Horse-drawn carriages obviously do not meet such requirements. Therefore, motor vehicles are a trend and an incomprehensible trend." The other party said so.

"And motor vehicles need fuel. Fuel comes from crude oil. There is also oil in the northern part of Qin. However, the difficulty of extraction and the intensity of extraction have been unable to meet Qin’s development needs. In the Seth area, Koreans have a large supply of fuel. So, on this issue, I think that they may be the best source of supply. Let’s take a look. On the one hand, Qin’s production and social demand will increase tremendously. On the other hand, oil The production speed can also keep up. However, there is a balanced link between this demand and supply. This link is the railway. Only further expansion of the railway can meet such demand and this balance can be maintained. Under the circumstances. I think this stock will continue to rise.” Qin Guo speculator said.

The young man nodded. This was the first time he got an answer through investment. Such an answer made him very sharp, or in other words, such a sharp market made him feel that he finally got rid of such a dilemma. . But no one cares about this. What they care about is whether the stock price continues to rise. If it can continue to rise, they hope to continue. Because it is very useful to them.

The railway is indeed the biggest shortcoming that Qin has encountered so far. Qin's oil demand has become bigger and bigger, and the demand has become bigger and bigger, but the balance between supply and demand is still unable to maintain a balance. The total amount of oil from the oil ships arriving at Qingcheng Port from Seth by sea can definitely meet Qin’s oil demand, but the problem is that the transportation of oil cannot be completely solved. The link between this kind of oil supply and production balance lies in the railway. Whether the railway can play a huge role to solve this problem.

Qin State, Xianyang. Wenyang Investment Bank, this bank holds 35 percent of the Qingcheng Railway shares. The rise in stock prices allows them to sell their shares at a higher price. They are already doing this. But the question is whether the speed of getting rid of is accelerated, and the investment team among them has a big difference.

"Qin's demand will grow further. This situation will never happen further, because Qin needs to reduce oil prices. No one likes high-priced fuel. Therefore, I personally think that this will be solved in other areas. The problem, for example, the Koreans may increase the transportation capacity by building railways. Or there are other ways to solve such problems, such as the Dawan side, and the oil extraction and transportation problems in the Caspian Sea. I think Sooner or later, these problems will be resolved. Although the stock price is rising very sharply now, everyone knows what will happen in the future.” An investor said. His worries are justified, because the stock price cannot continue to rise so high. This stock, at its lowest, was only 50 won. In their opinion, it has always been a very high-priced stock, but then he rose to 150. , And then it broke through two hundred. At that time, no one thought that the price of this stock was still very low, and then it went all the way, three hundred, four hundred, five hundred, and then 700, the speed is getting faster and faster, and it is difficult to control. They think such stock prices are too high. They should sell, let go, not keep holding.

But another part believes that they should hold on, because everyone knows that such a railway company has a good performance and that it can control such a large and important railway stock is a very good thing for them.

Some people think that they should get rid of it as soon as possible, while others think that they should continue to hold it. No one cares about it. This is what they are going to do. The two sides are in a dispute, but fortunately, the Wenyang Investment Bank has been constantly distributing their chips. They still have high profits, because the price they buy is mostly between 30 and 50 won. , This is a very successful investment, no one will say anything, now they are only arguing about making their profits better.

Inside the prime minister's house.

"This problem is difficult to solve. I think we can solve this problem through some techniques." Shang Wen said after reading it. Qin’s military wants to use their aviation forces to fight against Yue’s, but this involves a strategic oil reserve issue. Qin’s strategic fuel reserve has always been in a very low state. If this continues, it will make their situation worse. It became extremely bad. Qin State eagerly hopes to solve such a problem, but this problem has become extremely difficult. They hope to solve such problems through technical means.

"My idea is to solve this problem by building oil pipelines. For example, this is like running water." Shang Wen said.

"Well, this is a very good suggestion. In this case, we can also use a large amount of natural gas for output to solve this problem." Meng Yi said.

"It's true." Shang Wen said.

"But is there a certain degree of difficulty in such a technology, and if so, how can we solve such a problem?" Meng Yi asked.

"I believe that relying on our current technology can indeed solve such a problem. I believe that this technology will definitely have important and far-reaching significance." Shang Wen nodded and said.

Meng Yi looked at Shang Wen, and he didn't know where Shang Wen came from with such great confidence.

A pipeline company in Qin State.

"This kind of thing can be used to transport oil? Are you kidding?" A project director said, shaking his head. Their pipelines are usually water pipes and electrical circuits. Sometimes there are still no such things. Petroleum is the first time I have encountered such a thing.

"I heard that the gadgets are very unstable, and some are good, but I am afraid of transporting extremely viscous things. In that case, the pipeline will be congested. In this case, your house's sewage pipe is the same as your house's toilet. If it is not cleared in time, I think it will be difficult." The other party shook his head and rejected the project. In their opinion, this is an extremely difficult project because it is difficult to do such a thing.

"I understand this, but my pipeline will be pressurized to avoid such troubles. Moreover, if something goes wrong, we can repair these pipelines. We can assume that it is easy to repair. I think it will not cost much. Money." said the engineering and technical personnel. His idea is very simple. Since people can transport tap water, they can also transport oil. Moreover, they can process some oil, roughen it, and remove the heavy magazines from the oil, and solve this problem at the source. In this case, , It is very convenient to transport. His idea was to lighten the oil from the beginning. This is a very advanced idea, because what Qin State transports is the original, not the light crude oil that has undergone preliminary processing. This difference is very big.

"Just kidding, I still don't know how to use such a project, and if I lay the pipeline, how can I solve it if something goes wrong?" The supervisor shook his head, thinking that the other party's idea was too simple. For him, such a project is very risky. Although the oil transportation problem is very acute, in his opinion, this problem still cannot be solved in this way. At most, it is enough to build an additional railway to solve this problem. . Using pipes is too risky.

The engineer felt that he could solve a very difficult problem, but he did not expect that the other party would treat him like this. This made him very annoyed, but he was also very helpless. After all, for him, such a thing, It is normal that when a technology is actually put into production, there is a time course, and this process still needs some time to accumulate to solve such problems.

"This is the case. It seems that I can only go to the venture capital bank to try it." The engineer said helplessly. Now it is difficult to start from the military. The government is very interested in these technologies because fiscal funds can bear certain risks. But it is difficult for private companies to resist greater risks. Therefore, the final choice is still to enter the venture capital bank, because only they will be interested in riskier investment projects. The greater the risk, the greater the return. Perhaps a very inadvertent project can bring them a lot of money. Profit return. They are willing to do such a thing.

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