The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 3358: This is the choice

South Korea, Xinzheng.

"The situation of loving a few people is very bad. Their financial ability is very difficult to maintain such a long canal, which is very difficult for them. In terms of financial funds, we have solved this problem, but, the labor force, this problem It's difficult to solve." Zhang Liang said to Han Shu worriedly.

"Is there a shortage of labor?" Han Shu asked such a question at this time. Now Han Shu has to consider this issue, because this issue is very important, and the emergence of the Suez Canal is of great help in resolving Korean trade.

"Yes, Majesty, it is difficult for this part of the labor force to gather together. The most important thing is that the local residents have been killed a lot by us. This is very bad for us. We need more people to build such a Suez. The canal." Zhang Liang said.

"This problem can be solved by relying on labor input from other regions, such as Sori, or a more southern location. I hope they can find enough places to solve this problem." Han Shu thought for a while and said. She believes that this problem is not difficult because it is easy to solve because they never lack labor. The solution of labor is relatively simple. This is their current situation.

"Well, I understand." Zhang Liang nodded and said that he was very clear, but he still needs to solve another problem at present.

"There is also the issue of the coalition and the retreat of the coalition forces. Now governments of all countries hope to retreat as soon as possible. After all, they don’t have a lot of time to maintain it. If this is the case, they will be in a very bad state. This is the current situation. Their situation is still very unfavorable to us." Zhang Liang said.

"This problem can be set aside for the time being. We can't entangle it. Everyone knows that our situation is not very good. Many places require a lot of funds. For us, we cannot solve such a problem. This problem should be pressured. Give **** love to the government. They don’t do this. If they want to get more, I can let go of Shazhou, where they can hire some cavalry and camel cavalry. On the one hand, they can capture a lot of locals. People are sold to us, we need labor. On the other hand, we can pour a lot of destructive power on the loved ones, forcing the loved ones to surrender, of course. If they are willing to surrender, they can do so." Han Shu Said indifferently. When the war is reached like this, they have no choice but to follow the original plan. Aiji should talk to them about returning to Suez and reach some compromises on trade. However, Aiji does not seem to have the possibility of negotiating with them. Under such circumstances, no one sent representatives to discuss with the South Koreans about retreating. This made it impossible for the coalition forces to negotiate with the other side to resolve some related bargaining chips. The South Koreans are like a punch on cotton. They become very passive. As a last resort, they can only take some other ways to solve the problem.

Shazhou, this is a good place for South Korea to recruit a large number of camel cavalry and cavalry. Their equestrian skills are superb, but their weaponry is poor. They don't have muskets and their knives are not very good. Their machetes need to be imported from Seth. This is a very important weapon for them.

The Koreans easily defeated them. They admire the strong and study earnestly. In their opinion, they should indeed learn this way. After all, the equipment of the musket solves some of the disadvantages of their long-range weapon shooting. Under such circumstances, the combat performance of the Shazhou cavalry has been greatly improved, which is a major breakthrough for them. This makes the Shazhou cavalry an important weapon in the offensive, of course. This is under the control of the Koreans.

"Does the spoils belong to us?" a Shazhou camel cavalry asked his camel. Many local tribes are actively learning the Central Plains civilization, and speaking the Central Plains dialect can bring good luck. No, they saw the opportunity to make a fortune from the announcement of the Koreans. The announcement of the Koreans stated that they would recruit more companies with more than one hundred cavalry companies. The fighting method is very free, but they have their own combat area. The Koreans will provide them with some equipment, muskets, sight glasses, compasses, and more sabers, which are much easier to use than their imported machete. And it can be equipped in large quantities, and there are some spears. They don't seem to be accustomed to using such weapons, but these weapons can exert a lot of power.

"Yes, it belongs to you, but we need to deduct part of the initial cost from your trophies, but don't worry, as long as we deduct our expenses, it's fine. You don't need to worry about this." Said the second lieutenant in charge of the draft.

"Well, is that rifle ours." The Shazhou cavalry asked this question worriedly. For them, owning a musket is more important than their lives. The status of the tribe with a musket will rise a lot. Many of the surrounding tribes are like this. They will compare. Having more muskets means that their strength will rise further.

"Yes. These weapons are given to you. I know what they mean to you. If you get more trophies, you can get more advanced weapons, such as artillery, etc.. These are all related to your results. It's a big relationship," the ensign said.

"Well, it sounds good, but we want to know, where is the war zone? Who are we fighting? If there is no money, we can't fight at all. Also, what about the captured prisoners of war?" Many people Anxiously asked such a question. They mainly produce animal husbandry, and they also have some fishing and planting, but the scale is very small, not very large, and their economy as a whole is in a disadvantageous state. Therefore, the Shazhou people here are not in a very good situation. Their lives have always been poor, but under this situation, Korean talents have this opportunity. Otherwise, it will be difficult for them to get the support of a large number of Shazhou cavalry.

Chu State, Fan Zeng's prime minister's office.

"Our country of Chu has always been a country dominated by agriculture, and our trade is also some unique agricultural products, in addition to some jewelry industries." Fan Zeng looked at Chu's industry report. After more than half a year of investigation, this is Fan Zeng’s idea. He believes that he should have a comprehensive understanding of the state of Chu and see how the state of Chu is developing. Therefore, he spent a part of the financial expenses to investigate the state of Chu. Development.

As a result, he felt a little disappointed, or in other words, it was difficult for him to accept it, because Chu was still an agricultural country developed by agriculture. His population is very large, more than 10 million people, but there are still some hidden populations that have not been investigated, because this includes new populations, slaves, and new Chu people, etc., because Chu has to register and collect personal income tax. Many people chose to evade taxes, and this part of the population was at least about two million. This number was extremely large, because a considerable number of people in Chu State chose to escape. Or they are emigrating to overseas colonies. It is difficult for the Chu government to investigate their true situation, and can only adopt a new estimate for them. In this part of the estimate, there are quite a few new Chu people, including the Vietnamese and aboriginals in the south. They provide a lot of soldiers for the Chu country. These soldiers have stronger governors, which gives the Chu people a further step. Combat capability.

"This is our situation. We are still a backward agricultural country. We can grow sugarcane, squeeze out sugar, and then other things, such as silk, tea, in addition to jade, jade, ivory, pearls, etc. These are all things we can do." Fan Zeng said to Chen Ping in this way. He is the Minister of Economy, and he is responsible for such things.

Fan Zeng was right, most of the businesses that Chu people did were these. They can do a lot of such things. For example, sugarcane. They squeezed out a large amount of sugar and exported it to South Korea. South Korea further processed it into white sugar for export. After the Koreans studied and transferred part of the technology, they obtained the sugar technology. People can only make brown sugar, but this is also one of their specialty products.

For silk, Koreans cannot form effective competition. Chu people have their own advantages. There are a lot of mulberry trees in Wuyue area. They rarely grow rice because a large amount of rice comes from abroad. For example, in Yuezhou, there is more rice. Can be used to make wine. At the same time, it is used to meet the needs of the locals. They export silk in exchange for a large amount of foreign currency, and then buy a large amount of rice to ship back to meet their needs, and send more precious things together. Appreciated by the nobles and wealthy people of the Zhao country, the people of the Qin country will also buy it. This is the only place where the people of the Chu country can make a lot of money. In terms of industry, the situation of Chu people is relatively backward.

"In industry, our situation is not optimistic for you. We can see that we cannot produce boilers. In terms of steel, we can only produce some cheap steel, most of which is iron, although iron can meet our needs. , But steel restricts our industrial development. We need to take pearls, silk, sugar, and tea in exchange for our limited industrial input." Fan Zeng said.

"The development of industry has greatly restricted our development. Our situation is very bad. It is also very bad." Fan Zeng said worriedly.

Industry has a close relationship with the economic development of a country. People in Zhao people need not develop agriculture, of course. They also lack the necessary conditions for the development of agriculture, that is, development is hardly effective. Because the agricultural impact of Qin State was so severe, Zhao State had lost the important prerequisites for developing agriculture. Unless a closed space was adopted, it would be difficult to develop, because their agriculture was greatly affected. The low-priced agricultural products from Chu and Qin have impacted their agriculture. However, Zhao has its own industry. If they hadn't had so many industries, it would be difficult for them to develop. This is the status quo of Zhao Guo.

But Chu is still an agricultural country, which means that his industrial foundation is extremely weak.

"In the case of weapons, all countries are replacing new weapons. Their factories can produce them on a large scale. However, we cannot do this. Even the barrels of rifles need to be imported from abroad. You know that we can also manufacture the boiler of this kind, but, what is the result, our boiler is not up to the standard. The worst thing is that our ships can’t use such a low-power boiler. It will increase our weight all at once. To an unprecedented height, this is a great disaster for us." Fan Zeng said.

Chen Ping nodded in agreement. He personally felt very embarrassed about this kind of thing, because it was indeed the point.

"This situation is still difficult for us to avoid at present, because you know, our industrial base is extremely weak, we may not even be able to manufacture our own rifles, we are still an agricultural country, even though our agricultural development is very High, but this cannot change the extremely backward situation of our industry. Therefore, my idea is that we should find a way to concentrate some efforts to develop our industry and raise our industry to a new level.” Fan Zeng said to Chen Ping Speaking of.

"Premier, from the current point of view, Chu's industrial foundation is indeed very bad." Chen Ping is also very clear that the current situation of Chu is very difficult for them to develop industries. This difficulty directly limits Chu's The level of development. Their current stage is just at a mixed stage of industrial development and agricultural development. That is to say, they are developing from light industry to heavy industry. This will take some time and also require many qualified conditions, such as talents. Technology, capital, mineral resources, etc. If these conditions are not met, Chu's industrial development will indeed be very difficult, and this point cannot be questioned. But Chen Ping opposed Fan Zeng's move too fast. He knew very well that the economy needs to be guided. If he moves too fast, the trouble will become very big. On the contrary, it has a very bad impact on the economy. Therefore, Chen Ping opposes Fan Zeng's industrial plan overemphasizing too quickly.

"However, if we go too fast, there will inevitably be some sacrifices. I personally think that we should properly handle such things. For example, we should introduce some advanced technology, let the government do it, and then cooperate with businessmen to make a profit. After that, we will slowly withdraw to support them. In this case, our situation will be solved.” Chen Ping thought of solving this problem through market guidance, because the industry needs to invest more money, and the farmers It is because they do not have so much interest in doing such things. They may think that the relaxing industry has already met their needs, and it is difficult to proceed with the use of larger and more complicated heavy industries.

"I personally think that such worries are completely redundant. There is no problem. We can give it a try. After all, our industry is too weak. Industry can bring us great profits. This is all of us. It doesn't matter if the result is hoped for." Fan Zeng said. He did not at all regard some dangerous factors as dangerous results. Under such circumstances, Fan Zeng's approach would bring great danger.

"This. Okay. But I still." Chen Ping feels that there is still some worry, because if things go too fast, problems are prone to occur. This problem will lead to further expansion of the matter to the point where it is difficult to solve.

Qin Guo, Union Investment Bank. This is a medium-sized investment bank. They have a relatively high level of risk control, but they will also take some positive measures for some risky projects that they consider to be relatively good.

"What I want to understand is, can this pipeline really solve such a problem? I want to know, the construction period, what I mean. From now on, can it be completed as soon as possible?" An investment manager asked worriedly Tao.

"If all the materials are ready, I personally think that this kind of pipeline laying can be completed in three months or three months. It only takes half a month to complete all the work." The engineer said. .

"Can construction work in winter?" an investment manager asked.

"I think so. But this requires a steel frame, or a stable cement pile, we can erect it in advance. In this way, we can all avoid this situation when winter comes. After all, we took this into consideration at the beginning of the design. This situation happened." The engineer said.

"Well, I think this project is very good." One of them nodded and said. Obviously he is very satisfied with this result. Some of Qin's large investment banks have considered whether to continue to participate in railway investment. However, railway investment is expensive and the cycle is relatively long. Some venture capital banks have decided to stop such things from happening. However, for other things, they chose other things. They hoped to solve such problems through technology, such as the use of oil pipelines. This may be a very good way to solve such a problem. You know, his cost is one-tenth of the railway construction, and the speed is even faster, this is what they most hope to be resolved. Investment banks believe that they can do such a thing.

There is another factor that prompted them to do this. This factor is that Qin's oil demand has become more and more large. According to the speculation of economic experts, Qin’s current daily oil consumption is more than 120,000 barrels, but the supply is only 100,000 barrels. Only by running at full capacity can Qin’s oil supply be barely kept. The contradiction between supply and demand is extremely sharp. This is an irreconcilable contradiction. They must make a harsh choice. This is their choice.

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