The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 3359: The Crazy Rising Qingcheng Railway

In Zhanpu territory, Zhang Ke kept walking back and forth. This news made him feel very uneasy. He had a top-secret telegram in his hand, but this telegram had been forwarded.

"Sir, do we accept them? Now the patience of Zhanpu people has been tortured to the end." Zhang Ke's Chief of Staff said worriedly. The Bangla Army is still advancing. They are only 50 kilometers away from the last Zhanpu army. There is still no large-scale battle between the two sides. This situation is very strange.

The soldiers of the Bangla Army did not want to fight, especially with the Champus. They knew that the Champus were willing to fight, but they did not want to fight like this. The Champus did not want to fight because they did not want to fight. In combat, both sides are trying their best to avoid various situations. The Champus retreat as much as possible, and the Bangla Army tries not to chase the opponent excessively. They maintain a safe distance of 30 kilometers until the Champus stop retreating and few troops surrender. , The Bangla Army stopped. Then the situation began to stop.

The soldiers of the Bangla Army did not know what had happened. Many of them cannot explain why the Zhanpu people stopped. Until this morning, a group of Occupy-Prussian officers appeared on the forward position under a white flag. They hoped to talk with them and the senior officials of the Bangla Army.

Then came a shocking news. The high-ranking generals of the Champu’s army happened to the military side. They controlled more than 170 people including the Champu royal family. None of the royal family members escaped. In fact, everyone was opposed to the Champu royal family. Being caught in an unprecedented predicament, this is a good thing the royal family has done. They don't have any good feelings for the Zhanpu royal family, and the royal family members can't get out of such a situation at all, because everyone is very disgusted with them. And they didn’t have the ability to run away from such a place. There were starving people everywhere. Without food, they couldn’t walk fifty kilometers at all. They tried to reach a reconciliation with the Indians, but the Indians were expelled further. Locally, without the help of the Yueshi people, they are just a bunch of rubbish, dealing with such an army. Must find a way to solve their own security problems.

The high-ranking generals are under the oppression of the soldiers, in fact, they are no longer willing to give their lives to their royal family members. Everyone is opposing the royal family, the people of the royal family, the royal family’s army, and the royal generals. In the case of extreme lack of food supplies, they have a military rebellion and control all the royal family members, but after the rebellion How to do? This has become a big problem, because they don't know what to do next? The final solution is to take some measures to solve this problem. The problem is very simple, that is, let their troops surrender to the Koreans, because only the Koreans can have a lot of food and they can They survived, and they still have less than 50,000 troops in their hands, and they are still very effective. The Bangla Army does not want to fight with such an army, and it is inevitable for the two sides to reach a compromise.

This is the thought of the senior generals, but their thoughts are somewhat wishful thinking. Whether they can accept the surrender of so many troops depends on the attitude of the Koreans.

"Sir, what should we do? Do you accept their conditional surrender?" the Chief of Staff asked worriedly. Their situation is very bad, the senior generals in Zhanpu obviously lacked enough sense of security, and they did indeed do so. Their sense of security comes from themselves. They need to do this themselves, and if they fail to do this, they will be in an extremely bad state. Senior generals in Zhanpu control the army. As long as they get adequate supplies, this army will still pose a great threat because they are not under their control at all.

But what will happen if you don’t do this? Their Bangla army simply couldn't beat each other. Regardless of the fact that the Meng La Corps fought, their combat capabilities are really not complimenting. They have added too many recruits, and it is not bad to have a defensive position.

"I don't know, I don't know what to do now? It depends on the king's decision." Zhang Ke was also a little nervous. Faced with such a dilemma, he himself didn't know what to do. He pushed this question to the queen, and he hoped that the queen's decision would decide everything. He knew that this was shirking responsibility, and the queen would definitely be very annoyed, but it was really difficult for him to decide on such a thing.

"Well, sir, we should enter a defensive state. At the very least, we should prevent the Zhanpu people from attacking us. If they attack us suddenly, what will happen to our situation?" the other party asked.

"Well, they have nothing to do anyway, just let them do this to prevent accidents. This is correct. It is correct." Zhang Ke was still walking back and forth nervously. He personally didn't want such a thing to happen. More accidents happen, but war is like this. Many times, when they think they don’t need to be prepared, it’s usually the best time for the enemy to launch a sneak attack on them. In order to prevent more accidents, he must put the army into combat readiness. .

Donglin Railway Station, the foundation of the train here is being further strengthened. A new railway was laid here to meet the needs of the Koreans to control the north and expand transportation capacity.

"If you want to eat canned food, you have to do it well, you know?" said a soldier-like man walking around with a group of hands. The railways were built by Zhanpu prisoners of war. Among the prisoners of war, there were some women, old people, and children. They were all Zhanpu people. They could not survive at all, and the army had no food. If they do not leave, or if they arrive here with the army, they will also be starved to death. The entire Zhanpu nation is starving to death many people. Now they finally have a way to survive, so naturally they are unwilling to leave.

The more the population they control, these new Zhanpu nobles are actually soldiers of the military. They are veteran soldiers. They know what the Koreans need and need stability in the army. When the officers lose control of the army, they will replace them. The officer organized these people.

"This is good. I did a good job today, work harder. Here. Give him a can." The soldier said with a smile. He originally wanted to touch each other's face. But seeing the other party's dirty look, he stopped the next move, he felt that his identity was very good. Noble, he never felt that he could do this.

"Head, here comes the Korean." A thin subordinate whispered. The man quickly ran to South Korea with a large number of people, either serving tea, or carefully saying something next to him. The act of being domineering just now suddenly turned into a slave as it should be, and it's uglier to laugh than to cry.

"Bah, something." A Zhanpu officer cursed. His current identity is just an ordinary railroad worker, and he has not eaten his breakfast yet. The reason is that his workmanship is not good, in fact, he knows it. This was done deliberately by the soldiers before, because he was an officer. Before, the officers could execute these soldiers at will, but now, they are the other way around. The Koreans do not want to see large-scale riots, so their control is extremely strict. They do not want to see large-scale harm.

In fact, the Koreans are afraid of trouble, and they all brainstormed the problems to the newly promoted and obedient Champu agents. Those Champus got the food provided by the Koreans, and the food was sufficient, but the Champu agents People still feel that it’s not enough. They monopolize the food and force all the prisoners of war to work. As long as they do something slightly wrong, they will give the other party extremely severe punishment. The punishment is, hungry, no food, everything. Zhanpu people are too hungry. They are so afraid of this happening. So the situation has changed a lot. All people depend on them and build railways strictly in accordance with their requirements to complete corresponding tasks.

As a reward, Zhanpu agents will still give them some food that they can’t get, such as biscuits, canned food, and more rice and fish. These are the best things they can maintain their physical strength. Candies are all. The existence of advanced currencies.

Sometimes things are just so unfair, but the existence of this kind of unfairness can greatly arouse their enthusiasm, but they do have the value of their own existence. Those military officers, nobles, and more civilians still have a certain amount of wealth. The price of food is much higher than that of wealth. In order to obtain these wealth, these people began to sell the food in their hands. In fact, the food was originally Theirs turned out to be a tool for them to make huge profits. Through unequal exchanges, they obtained sufficient wealth, and the Koreans also turned a blind eye to it, because the agents of Zhanpu gave them a certain amount of bribes. Such bribery can ensure that their affairs can go on normally. This is the transaction, and this is a price that everyone must pass.

These Zhanpu people have become a new management class. Although full of all kinds of darkness, they do meet their needs.

South Korea, Xinzheng.

"We can accept their surrender, but the premise is that they must surrender the command of the army, otherwise this matter is not discussed, there is no room for negotiation." Han Shu said after reading the telegram. Such things are easy to deal with, and she doesn't know why the frontline can't even decide on such things. She felt that the commander on the front line should be changed. After all, she appoints a commander to help her solve problems, not create problems.

"The king, the frontline commander's worry is that the Zhanpu people will suddenly go south, or fall into the hands of the Indians. If this is the case, it will be bad for us." Zhang Liang said worriedly.

"Indians? Impossible. They beat the Indians into dogs. The Indians will not accept such a crazy group of military forces. If they really want to do this, we can guarantee their wealth, but if we let them They surrendered to the Indians. Who knows what the Indians would think of them, they would never show such a result." Han Shu said confidently. He was very disdainful of the Indians, because in her opinion, those with Indians could not control these Zhanpus at all.

"Relax? The logistic supply of the Zhanpu people is terrible. It's terrible. They have no food and can't hold on for long in a hurry. If they don't surrender, we will besiege them. Their officers can afford them, but their soldiers. Unable to bear such things, think about it, their soldiers are still hungry. Under such circumstances, how they fight, they can't fight at all. This is a huge disaster for them." Han Shu is very confident. Speaking of. Zhang Liang can only express his concern. Although it has become difficult or impossible to take refuge in the hands of the northern Indians, Zhang Liang believes that such things should still be prevented from happening. Once uncontrollable factors appear, their situation will not become very favorable. At this time their current situation.

"The situation will change. What we need to do is to change the current situation. What we need to do is to solve all the Zhanpus before we can solve the Indians. The formation of the Bangla army is very good. They solved us. If they can continue to maintain the logistics supply problem, this is the best choice." Han Shu said. For victory, he already feels in control of a lot of the situation.

On the Xinzheng stock exchange market, Qingcheng Railway rose again. This time their price suddenly exceeded 850. This price surprised everyone. Some people became crazy, they thought they would go up, they decided to chase in. Only in this way can they make more money. Others have become conservative.

"It's too high. It's definitely not possible to buy at such a price, which will cause problems." Some investors said, shaking their heads.

"Yes, I also feel this situation. Think about it, if this happens very seriously, it will have very serious consequences. I think it is too terrible. This will have a great impact on them, personally. I think it’s better not to do it. After all, such things will affect our stocks.” Some speculators are very scared because this stock has become a star stock and has become the focus of everyone’s attention. They will definitely collapse if they do such a thing, and if they collapse, they will become very crazy.

"This stock is too dangerous. I feel that a lot of bad news will come out at once. In that case, the situation will become very bad for us." Some investors maintained their final rationality, and the crazy rise did not let They become crazy, on the contrary, they feel scared, afraid, because everyone is crazy. They think that this stock will continue to rise and reach a brand new high point. This high point is a place they have never reached before. They think that such a rise is easy to reach. This makes everyone feel scared.

The bad news is coming quietly. Although many people think this is impossible, things are happening like this. Because this is impossible for them, the oil gap of the Qin people will only get bigger and bigger in the future, and will not become smaller and smaller all of a sudden, because there is not enough railway transportation to meet their needs.

Qin State, Xianyang. Ministry of National Defense of Qin State.

"The government is trying to solve this problem through some technology, but this problem is still very difficult to solve. Because it will take at least half a year, if we calculate this, we can completely take over the matter of reserve next year. This For us. It is indeed a very surprising news. But we must face such a situation, we can not change anything." Wei Liao said helplessly, shaking his head.

The Qin military wants to use air military power, but they must first pass the fuel replenishment level. If they cannot pass this level, they will be unable to do anything. This is the dilemma they are currently facing, and perhaps such a dilemma is easier to solve. But when it is really resolved, no one wants to face such a situation.

"Sir, an emergency telegram. From the rest side." At this moment, an officer came in quietly to report to Wei Liao. Usually only the most urgent things are done. Wei Liao nodded to show that he was clear. Then he left here quietly. As for how to solve such a problem, his subordinates will discuss this problem. The airship is equipped with a large number of internal combustion engines instead of a large number of steam engines. In this case, this problem is indeed difficult to solve.

"Is this true?" Wei Liao asked after reading the telegram.

"Yes, sir, we have checked it again and again. The Shabbats did send it in this way. They are doing the final geography survey. I think it won’t be long before they can tell us the coordinates. This is for us. Say. It may be good news." The other party said so.

"Well. It's really good news, but how to solve this problem is really difficult." Wei Liao said. The peace side commanded their independent military establishment to launch an extremely fierce offensive. These offensives made the Persians overwhelmed. They had to retreat to the north or escape to the west. There were more Persians there. The Parthians regained control of a part of the Caspian Sea and maintained it. They can’t wait to send a telegram to tell the Qin people, If all areas are controlled, oil in the Caspian Sea can be transported by Dawan Railway. Although the construction of the railway will take some time, it has greatly eased the oil pressure of the Qin State. A fuel refining center was established there, and he could provide sufficient fuel to the Qin Army’s aviation units. This is very possible.

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