Nine hundred and ninety-nine, this is the position with the highest price of the Qingcheng Railway Company’s stock. This stock should have been able to break through the 1,000 mark, but the traders on the floor were warned by Li Wen in advance. They were very superstitious. Li Wen's thoughts. Because he is like a stock god. It is precisely because of this warning. Many people were anxious to take out their stock lists, and the huge number of stock lists suddenly suppressed the rise of Qingcheng Railway. This made such a mysterious stock unable to continue to rise, but its price did not fall. Going there, the intraday dropped to about 900 won, and then quickly recovered to around 950 won, and finally stopped the fluctuations. The final closing price was 920 yuan, and many people have realized that the situation is not good. They decided to take a shot and let a large number of stocks in their hands begin to sell, so that their situation could be greatly improved.

"Why fell? I really want to know." The guy who threatened to teach Li Wen became the laughing stock of everyone, but people will not laugh at them for the time being, because their situation is not very good. Many people think that they should sell their stocks tomorrow regardless of the price. Such stocks are already very difficult to hold. This is a very hot thing, which makes them extremely crazy.

Yes, many people don’t know why it fell, but Li Wen thinks that the market will explain all of this, but these are all issues of time, and when a problem comes, people should be concerned about how to solve it. Such a problem, rather than making the problem more complicated, is what he should be concerned about.

Zhao Guo. Handan. Li Mu's staff.

"The war has ended, but the problem is that the issue of retiring soldiers cannot be resolved. The Koreans are trying to get in touch with Aijiren. However, this connection still cannot reach a further understanding. The Koreans can't find Aijiren, and Love a few people seem to avoid such things very much, they just keep saying that they are unwilling to contact us. In this case, if we do not meet the conditions for retreat, it will be difficult for us to retreat. This will cause us to procrastinate. Can't stand it." Li Zuoche said worriedly.

"Well. We can be stationed there. Our military strength is not very large, and we can afford such things. But the problem is that our army cannot simply stay there. We can establish some colonies nearby. If they retreat back, it will be very troublesome, of course. We will choose some soldiers to garrison there." Li Mu said.

With regard to the issue of retreat, the coalition forces have entered a very embarrassing situation. The advance plan, which was originally thought to be no more than half a year, suddenly stopped. Although the soldiers had gained a lot, it was still not comparable. Let them go home immediately. Allure. But their senior management has no way.

Love a few people don't talk to them at all, and don't even give them such an opportunity, which makes them very passive, and it is very passive, so they are in a very passive state. Because they want to retreat but can't find a suitable target, they want to go home but can't go back, because they still need to maintain such a military threat.

"But. Sir, we still have some things to do, that is, our logistical supplies, and more colonial occupation issues, our soldiers need to add." Li Zuoche asked such a question. For such a thing, it is unlikely that Zhao will give more support in the country, because the financial force will cut a part of military expenditure, which is mainly used for technology introduction projects. For the development of Zhao's technology, Li Mu can still understand and support such things. However, there are still some problems to be solved for this kind of thing, that is, how their soldiers can solve it. The local soldiers fight one less, which makes them extremely uncomfortable. And logistical supplies are extremely difficult. Once something happens, it is obviously difficult to control a large colony with such a small number of troops.

"The only way is to recruit the locals, or some servant troops will appear." Li Mu said.

"I saw that the Koreans did this. They recruited a large number of Shazhou cavalry in Shazhou, and those Shazhou cavalry will do things from other directions. As for the specific goal? We don't know, but we This can be done. The Koreans have their own army of servants, and we should have them too. In this way, our situation can play a very good role." Li Mu said.

"It can only be so." Li Zuoche nodded and agreed. They can only agree to proceed with such a thing, and this is the only thing that must be done.

At present, every country has its own army of servants. For example, the Qin army has formed the Anthion Army, and the Anthion government is very inclined to the Qin State. In their opinion, they can get everything as long as they rely on the people of the Qin State. Therefore, the Anxi people willingly became the servants of the Qin State, as did the Dawan people. They believed that only the people of the Qin State could maintain their current situation. The Koreans have a very large number of servant troops. Each colony has its colonial militia, colonial police, and army. In Bangla, they have two legions, one Bangla legion and the Occupy Prussian legion, although otherwise they are equipped with a lot of labor. Tools, but they will still play a pivotal role. There are also people from the Chu Kingdom. They have a Vietnamese army, and Yan has a mixed army, and an army composed of Goguryeo and mountain people. Their fighting will is quite good.

And Zhao Guo. However, there was no such army in the State of Zhao. The troops of the State of Zhao relied on the local army to expand. Even the people of Qi State quietly established a Japanese army. They were mainly engaged in piracy affairs, and they mainly robbed the vicinity of Wadao Island. Some of the Japanese tribes. Sometimes it will quietly attack the coastal areas of the Goguryeo people, which is one of the important factors that contributed to the establishment of the Goguryeo navy.

However, the people of Zhao Kingdom have never had such an army. The emergence of such an army has great advantages. The advantage is that Zhao can organize a large number of troops at an extremely cheap price. In this way, their scale will expand and their combat effectiveness will be increased. It has expanded a bit, but their expenses have not increased accordingly. For them, this is the best way.

However, what Li Mu thinks more is to imitate the Qin people's model. It is best to establish some colonial authorities and let them buy weapons by themselves. In this case, it is a very good idea to maintain Zhao Jun’s military expenditure by exporting weapons. , But there are still many difficulties to implement.

The temporary residence of the Anxi government, this is a dilapidated small town. The residents of the town have long been killed by Persians and the Anxi people. During the riots, the Persians rushed in. They killed men and insulted women. Old people and children were executed Up. The Parthians later regained it, and the Persians were killed. But the town was gradually abandoned. Because many people are gone.

Now the Sabbath government is here. This has become a place for them to work temporarily. The government has brought in quite a few people. They need to work, live, eat, drink, and entertain. The town has begun to have some vitality.

"We should thank the independent army in the north. They should award the Medal of Independence in Peace." Liebert said excitedly to the people around him. Then he raised his glass and took a sip. This is the spirit of the Qin State. All soldiers or office workers who have been retired from the army are present, but they are still soldiers in essence. In fact, the entire Parthian government is composed of soldiers, and 97% of the positions are controlled by the Parthian Military Party. As long as you enter the Sabbath Army, your future will be better. This is the current state of peace in the political situation. If you enter the party, you can enter the circle of power.

"We should really thank the soldiers in the north. Should we let go of the restrictions on military party membership." An old soldier, Dang Yuan, whispered to Libert. Because the military party is expanding too quickly, problems are prone to occur if they cannot be controlled in time. But in this way, they can be very useful for controlling rest. The tribal system is already very backward. Those tribal elders cannot control the people of their own tribes to join the military party. The Military Party became the largest party in peace. The tribal system was disintegrated by 80%.

"Yes, let them join the military party, we can guarantee their interests, if they can't join, then I can only say, it is a pity. There is no way, the thing is like this." Libert said. Because the military party is expanding too fast, the military party once stopped recruiting more party members, but now that a new group joins in, it is necessary to balance their interests. Therefore, the Military Party decided to recruit them specifically. In this way, the inherent objections can be effectively dispelled. This has great benefits for government control. Libert himself supports such things.

"However, sir. Our affairs are still not well resolved. Finance, the current finances are what we worry about most. Only by solving this problem can we further solve all the problems." Zhao Xi walked over at this time. Speaking to his officer.

"I understand this, but I don't think it is a problem. We have already occupied some areas of the Caspian Sea. We only need to extract oil. Qin people know this. We can take the land and get what we need." Li Burt said of course.

"We naturally understand this, but the problem is that we still need to solve the current situation. The funding gap is still large, especially for oil exploration, which requires capital investment, manpower, and material resources. Without the support of the people of Qin, we would only have empty land and nothing to do." Zhao Xi said worriedly.

"This. Well, you are right." Liebert is relatively slow on economic issues. He is a soldier himself. He is very good at spending money, but he is capable of making money. For other matters, he knew that such matters could only be handled by people like Zhao Xi.

"What do you want to do?" Libert could only do this.

"My idea is to attract Qin people to invest. Only when a large amount of capital is invested can we operate. The equipment, mining, and where the oil is located, as well as transportation issues, etc., are all troublesome, and we don’t know. , And do not occupy an advantage. My idea is that if we talk to the people of Qin on the basis of land, maybe the people of Qin can give us such support. With such support, we can do anything. That’s right. For us, it is the best choice." Zhao Xi said.

"Is this your personal opinion?" Libert asked. He doesn't know how much money the oil industry can make, but he feels that as long as it can make money, all problems will not be a problem.

"I think, yes, we can get sufficient funds, because the people of Qin need such things very much. Only such things can bring huge profits. Qin businessmen are also businessmen. As long as they are businessmen, they can control quite a lot of profits. . They can bring us benefits, taxes, and other benefits." The other party said.

"Yeah. You are right. I think your idea is very clear. Come on like this and find a way to attract them. The North will be solved well." Li Bozheng nodded. As long as they can make money, other things can be ignored. This is his advantage. He mainly considers how to draw in the rest of the North. They are the targets they should pay attention to. They can solve many, many problems.

Qingcheng, Jiaozhou, South Korea.

"The price of stocks is no longer likely to rise. Although we have withstood a wave of acquisitions by Qin State Bank before, from the perspective of future trends, railway stocks are bound to fall. Because a new technology has emerged. This is Qin Guoren's newspaper." A middle-aged man with long eyebrows on the board said solemnly.

The high profits of Qingcheng Railway Company made Qin State Bank very interested, and they proposed an acquisition. They hope to control such an important transportation hub. In response, the Koreans immediately fought back, and the Qin people’s purchase prices would push the Koreans higher. This will increase the price cost of Qin people. But unknowingly. Their chips are very concentrated. The situation seems to be to their disadvantages, but the stock price does not know when it will start to fall. This caught them off guard, because most of their funds were concentrated in stocks. And Qin State Bank seems to keep releasing its shares. As for why they did this, they didn't understand. Qin people might have their own ideas, but they sold the stocks blatantly. Did they stop the acquisition? Until the newspaper appeared. They just understood. The Qin people's intention is that they invest in another new business. For them, the railway seems to be very backward.

"We should prevent this from happening. If we don't prevent it, our situation will be completely finished." A director said anxiously. Because stock prices fall, their assets will shrink further. Such a thing has already happened, and they must do something to stop it.

"Impossible, most of the funds in our hands have bought stocks. We have no funds at all." Another director said helplessly.

"Without funds, there is no funds to help us solve such things. I think you should understand such things." Another director said.

All the directors stopped talking. The decline has become a trend, and they do not have the funds to prevent such things from happening. The railway seems to be very profitable, but most of their funds will become fixed assets, and their assets have increased. However, the money did not make much. This is the hardest thing to do for them.

"We can borrow, from Qin State Bank." A director proposed. But many people were silent. Such a thing is not impossible. But will Qin State Bank lend them money? They seem to have seen the advantage of pipeline output, rather than the real investment. For them, this is their advantage. What the Qin people need is to solve their oil import problem. As long as such a problem is solved, they will do it. In contrast, the railway investment is really too large. Once a large amount of oil transportation is removed, the demand for railways will become extremely saturated, and the crisis will break out completely. Everyone is very worried about this, and they can think of such things with a little brain. Do it for them. This is the hardest thing.

"This. How to solve such a problem?" Some wise directors had to ask such a question.

"The only way may be to attract foreign capital to join our company, but in doing so, our shares will be diluted. The worst thing is that we lose control of the company. This is extremely detrimental to us. Yes." Some directors objected to it. This is the reason for their opposition.

This is because if attractive funds are added, the shares will inevitably be diluted, and the results of the dilution of the shares are conceivable. Therefore, they all expressed opposition to this matter. However, it would be difficult for them to do this without diluting the shares. Thing, because they are too aware of what will happen to such a thing.

"This, we have nothing to do." The middle-aged director said helplessly, shaking his head. He has no choice about this. This is the only situation he has to face. The railway has reached saturation in the area. After the four railway lines are removed, everyone knows what will happen. If they don't have more goods to transport, it will only make them lose more.

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