The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 3362: Transfer railway project

"Who are those?" A new South Korean ensign asked his men curiously. He is from China and doesn't know the situation here, but his sergeant knows.

"Sir, they are the Shazhou cavalry. Have you seen the camels?" the sergeant asked.

"Yes. I saw it." The other side nodded in understanding.

"They are the camel cavalry in Shazhou, very suitable for fighting here, maybe our superiors think that they can perform many difficult tasks. In short, we don't have to attack too much." The sergeant said.

The second lieutenant nodded to express his understanding. He himself didn't know what the Shazhou cavalry wanted to do, but what he knew was that their mission could be cancelled. Fake as much as possible to pose some threats to the lovers. At the same time for more loot. The coalition forces organized officers and soldiers to ransack the surrounding towns and villages, because Suez City has nothing to ransack. Those soldiers need the spoils of spoils too much. Anything illegal here is legal. But after a period of offensive operations, they began to tire of such a life.

The reason is that the oil and water in the nearby villages and towns of Aijiren are not very large, but they have to spend a long time on marching and transporting their extremely limited and seemingly pitiful loot. This made Amen's cost very huge, so many officers and soldiers said that they should not do it, or should stop such military operations. It's not just such thoughts that stopped. They also oppose other coalition forces to do such a thing, which is mainly aimed at the army of Yan and Wei.

Things like robbery naturally stimulate their nerves. Because robbery can bring huge spoils. They were deeply stimulated by the spoils of coalition forces. One of Wei's company actually participated in it, not to mention that they can only do some logistical things, but when they are robbed, they will explode with astonishing fighting power. This made the coalition forces admire them, but the armies of the two countries opposed such inaction. They thought the robbery was a very interesting thing. But the coalition forces forbid such things.

Zhong Limei's command inside the tent. Some of the middle and high-level generals of the coalition army will enjoy them too. They have moved to the coastal areas of Suez City, or the villas of the wealthy. There are exquisite food, servants, beauties of the locals, and good wine. These will make them lose their morale and be extremely negligent in the management of the army. This is an important responsibility of him. But these coalition forces did everything they shouldn't. Zhong Limei was very annoyed by this.

"Sir. Are our military operations going to stop?" a lieutenant came in and asked worriedly. He felt that he should find something for his army. If they didn't find something for them, they would go crazy. So the officer opposed to such a thing.

"Yes." Zhong Limei said while writing some documents.

"Why? Sir, I think there is no problem with our military operations. Our casualties are zero. We can catch a large number of prisoners of war. In addition, there are more spoils. It seems that soldiers are willing to do such a thing." The lieutenant was puzzled. Asked.

"The reason is very simple. The cost, the time you spent, and the morale of the soldiers are all in constant consumption." Zhong Limei stopped writing, then sorted out and stood up and said.

"We should see such a situation. Only a small number of soldiers in the coalition are willing to fight, and others are unwilling to fight. They want to go back and bring back their spoils, but we cannot go back. If we continue to engage in such boring things If it does, it may make our soldiers extremely restless. We can't let the soldiers be in such a state. We want them to become extremely quiet." Zhong Limei said.

"So, we are recruiting in Shazhou. About a battalion of troops, they will help us do more." Zhong Limei said. The lieutenant looked at Zhong Limei puzzled.

"In fact, we are still infantry, and the infantry's range of operations must not exceed 50 kilometers, because in that case, the soldiers' logistics supplies and other aspects of consumption will become extremely astonishing, and it is difficult for them to bear such a large marching range. "Zhong Limei said. Each unit that went out to fight was given them three days at most, and within three days they had to return. Therefore, the combat area of ​​the coalition forces was classified within a range of 50 kilometers. They could not go too far. If so, the soldiers will have no strength to fight. Replenishment has also become extremely difficult.

And after a period of offense. In fact, Aijiren's population is not too large here, and military offensives have become worthless. Therefore, the coalition forces stopped the military offensive.

"We will use those Shazhou cavalry to perform related tasks. They are cheap, cheap, and easy to consume. At the same time, their combat distance will exceed two hundred kilometers. We need you to build a series of military fortresses along the way to provide them with logistics. Support, in this case, a large amount of military supplies will gather at your place, and the Koreans plan to build a canal there.” Zhong Limei pointed to a map.

"Our goal is there." Zhong Limei said. The military and economic value of this canal is too great. Everyone has seen this, they all hope that they can control it, and Zhong Limei hopes to achieve the value they should have through such things, which is the most important thing for them.

"I see. Sir." After the lieutenant looked at the map, he understood what it meant. The coalition is a large-scale infantry unit. They cannot carry out a large-scale movement like the cavalry. This is their worst point. Now that they have their own cavalry unit, they can solve this problem. As long as a sufficient logistics supply base is established for them, all problems can be solved. This is the situation they most hope for now.

Qin State, Xianyang.

"Is there a problem with the oil pipeline?" Shang Wen asked Meng Yi, who hesitated about the report.

"I am worried. What I am worried about is that the South Korean government will not approve such a thing. In this case, our situation will become extremely unfavorable. This is definitely not good news for us." Meng Yi said worriedly. It is true that the South Korean government may not want to see its own railway company doing nothing. This is an inevitable choice for the government to protect its own enterprises.

"We can give them some profits, such as production-related pipelines. Or promote their further technological upgrades. What I know is that South Korea has always had such a demand." Shang Wen said. Pipeline technology has a lot to do with another technology. The barrel technology of artillery. The Koreans have successfully digested artillery production technology, but there seems to be some way for them to produce larger barrels and produce some civilian products. It can go, and the oil pipeline is not too high despite the technical requirements. But it also emphasizes tightness. This is another application of artillery technology.

If Koreans can promote such things from it. Then their situation will become very favorable.

"Perhaps, yes. In this case, our affairs will become much simpler, and such things can be promoted on a large scale." Meng Yi said.

"The only thing we can do is hope that through some technical cooperation, we can help the Koreans to achieve our goals." Shang Wen said with some helplessness. This is the way of Qin people.

South Korea, Xinzheng.

In Han Shu's office, Zhang Liang is arguing with his economic minister about the quality of the pipeline.

"If oil pipelines are established, our railway companies will face a great economic crisis, and their main business will be reduced a lot. At present, more than 70% rely on these oils. If a large amount of oil is transported through pipelines. Oh my god, I really can’t believe how many locomotives and workers will be laid off in our railway system. This will have too much impact on our South Korean economy.” The Minister of Economy objected.

In the need to protect their own railway company, the Minister of Economy chose to oppose this, because it is clear that the construction of oil pipelines is extremely detrimental to them, which will reduce their business by more than 70%. This is not what everyone wants. As a result, a large number of railway companies will be idled, and their profitability will be extremely limited. This will obviously cause serious trauma to the Korean economy. The Minister of Economy naturally does not want to see such trauma appear. Because this will drag down the development of the entire Korean economy.

"But this kind of thing is inevitable. Qin people need a lot of fuel, and their demand is getting bigger and bigger. Qin people will not pay for such high fuel prices. Therefore, they will inevitably use another new one. Ways to solve such problems, for example, seek channels from other places to open our fuel output channels. For example, Dawan, rest in peace, I heard that the people of Qin people found bigger and more fuel in the Caspian Sea, and these fuels will satisfy them a lot. And the Anxi government is requesting to help them. Under such circumstances, I can hardly imagine that the people of Qin will not solve such a problem. It can be said that South Korea can still get some profits from oil exports. It is better to give up this kind of business. If we wait until we passively give up this business, we will inevitably pay a very high price. This price is definitely an unbearable price for us. Therefore, I think we should give up actively. Giving up is much more profitable than giving up passively." Zhang Liang said.

"But what about the railway?" the Minister of Economy asked worriedly.

"We can ask them to find other exports, such as colonies, or other areas, where railways are also needed, and there are more places that also need so many railways. They can go abroad to build railways, and they can also build railways in China. We can also do the same projects." Zhang Liang said. Zhang Liang has seen it soberly. The scale of railway construction will only become larger and larger, because with the development of the economy, the backwardness of economic infrastructure will limit economic development. How to solve such a problem, the only way is to rely on railways to solve this problem, they can Use more extensive railway construction to solve the problem, this construction is concentrated on the colony, and other problems. In this way, South Korea can solve some of the railway construction problems, which brings great development opportunities to railway companies.

"This." The Minister of Economy is still very worried about their railway conditions.

"This is a trend. We can't change anything with this trend, because we must do this. If we don't do this, it will be difficult for our railway companies to maintain. They must go where there is no development and where there is development demand. For example, Bangla. If Bangla did not have a railway, we would not be able to do this, and Seth, the construction of a railway is extremely important to us, we built the railway to Basra, Baghdad, and more Only in this way can the Korean railway companies have the potential to develop. If we blindly protect them, after the new technology solves all the problems, we will have no resistance." Zhang Liang said so. Han Shu nodded and expressed his support. In fact, Han Shu himself supports this kind of thing. After all, the dilemma of the railway company is actually the dilemma of South Korea itself. South Korea’s infrastructure construction tends to be a city-centric construction. The city center has been established. The railway has basically met South Korea's needs. If it hadn't been for the sudden increase in oil output to increase the transportation of South Koreans, it might not happen in South Korea's economic construction. But one fact cannot be changed, that is, the railway is enough to meet the needs of South Korea's development. What the Koreans want is to transfer the railways to other places for development. Perhaps there are still some opportunities there to satisfy the development of the Korean Railway Company.

"Zhang Liang is right. The space for railway development has become smaller and smaller. We must go abroad to find such opportunities. Only in this way can we maximize the area and scope under our control, and we also have needs in this regard. For example, Seth, the railway construction there has encountered some troubles. We can let them develop abroad instead of at home. The domestic railway demand is already sufficient. This is indeed the case for us." Han Shu said.

"Furthermore, new technologies will always produce great competitiveness. In the face of such competitiveness, what we can do is increase our competitiveness. Otherwise, it will be difficult for us to survive. We should understand the truth. , The reason is very clear." Han Shu said.

The Minister of Economy has nothing to say. Although he has already won great economic benefits for the local railway companies, this trend is the result of hard to change. What they need to do is to change this situation, which requires them Only by changing some situations can they become extremely stable. What they need at present is such a situation.

"As for the specific method, let our railway company do it. They will do it." Han Shu said.

In the stock market, people began to sell the shares of the railway company frantically. Especially the shares of Qingcheng Railway Company. The price has fallen to 700, and the 700 mark was once broken. At the lowest point, it reached six hundred and seven. Many people went bankrupt, but they still couldn't stop them from selling their stocks frantically. Because if you don't sell it, there is nothing left.

"Fortunately, I just said. Li Wen is a god-like existence in the stock market." The speculator who first followed Li Wen's advice said with a smile. He almost sold the stock in his hands at the highest position. This allowed him to make a lot of money and then turned to short positions. Now he is looking at the decline very easily. When the disaster happened, others were frowning, but he benefited very much, because the more he fell, the more he made. many.

"What should we do now?" Many people asked curiously. They made a lot of money with that speculator, and they felt that they should follow, because this is of great benefit.

"Sell short, we sell short when it is high, which is good for us." The man said with a smile. Many people laughed. For them, this is the best result.

The decline of the Qingcheng Railway led to a larger decline. Although it once recovered the 700-point mark in the intraday, many long-sellers breathed a sigh of relief. However, at the end of the trading session, everyone was relieved. They were afraid, because they were so scared. The fear was extreme. Because the closing price was at 699, it almost returned to the 700 mark, which made all long-sellers feel a great shadow.

Qingcheng Railway Board of Directors.

"We must take some measures to solve this problem, otherwise, our stock price will fall to an alarming level, at that time. Our railway company will go bankrupt." The directors said anxiously. They were very happy before, but they didn't expect it. In just three trading days, their stock dropped from nine hundred to six hundred and ninety-nine. Everyone knew what would happen next. It's very simple. This thing will continue because they know this very well. It's just that no one has said such a thing, why, because if they say it, they will not be able to find a buyer. They have quietly sold off part of the stock price, and this price is still very favorable for them. To know their most original stock. It was only more than a dozen won, and it was now six hundred and ninety-nine, and their wealth was still high. Very big. It just formed a gap in the highest position in history. However, they must take some protective measures for their cash cows to keep their wealth in a stable state.

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