The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 3363: Railway stocks fell collectively

Morning meeting of a group in Qingcheng Naval Arms Research Institute, South Korea.

"This weapon has no development value at all. We might as well study more mines and torpedoes. It's a joke. I think we are wasting time." A young engineer said irritably.

"Trust me, I think this is definitely an extremely powerful weapon. At present, warships in various countries have extremely limited underwater defenses. If we can study such a weapon, the result can be imagined. Quite large." Another young engineer persuaded. They come from the same school, Xinzheng University, but one of the best universities in South Korea, where science students can help South Korea solve many technical problems, especially international students, they can get more technical support from Qin Guoren, and, The work is allocated, because the country needs so many technical talents. Therefore, after they graduate, they will be assigned to some key technical departments, such as the Weapons Research Institute of the Navy Department. They mainly study more naval technical weapons. Torpedo is one of them. This kind of weapon comes from Chu State, and the people of Qin State have not done it well.

"I don't care. I want to apply to leave. I want to go to the artillery research group. This weapon is simply rubbish." The young engineer who was clamoring to leave stood up and walked out of the room. In this way, the torpedo team became five people.

"Okay. We have one less number. I don't know who else has left. If I want, I can open a letter of introduction to them. On the artillery team, I still have people I know. You are young people. There must be a certain amount of courage. I think you will definitely have such results." The team leader is a middle-aged man. He was the first craftsman to participate in the Weapons Research Institute of the Admiralty. He taught himself a lot of theoretical knowledge. The experience is very rich. He looks like the professor in their school.

"No. Team leader, we don't want to leave. Five people are enough." The young man said. The departure of one's own companion. He also felt very unhappy, but there was no way. The research on torpedoes is like this, because torpedoes are not a very important weapon. First of all, his range is very close, the maximum range is only 500 meters, and the direction is uncontrollable. After the fight, who knows if he can hit the target. This makes them feel very headache. Secondly, it is expensive to manufacture, because many places use materials with good sealing properties, especially brass, which is more expensive than a cannon, and its combat performance is poor. The last is his speed, which is terribly low. They tried to solve this problem, but the torpedoes of this period used compressed gas to push the propeller forward. In this case, how could the torpedo travel a long distance. Naturally, the speed can't go up. In this case, the torpedo will face the threat of elimination.

However, the South Korean Admiralty does not seem to have such plans, because the officers of the Navy have always believed that mines are the best way to suppress the technical superiority of the Zhao Navy’s artillery. For example, sea mines can effectively suppress the Zhao Navy’s travel, but the problem is Yes, the laying of mines requires more time, troops, and ships, which makes their weapon organization capabilities somewhat lacking. The Navy Department hopes that a new weapon can replace mines. This is the original intention of torpedo research.

However, the torpedo at this time still has a big problem, because the torpedo is not the more mature steam gas torpedo. At this time the torpedo still needs to rely on compressed gas to propel the propeller forward. This is the characteristic of the early torpedo, and the Koreans seem to be still No possibility of sufficient improvement was found, so the torpedo research project proceeded relatively slowly.

"Okay. Now that everyone is staying, let's discuss how to solve the torpedo problem. The current torpedo problem is accuracy. This is a small problem. Some people suggested that a gyroscope can solve this problem. I think it can be solved. Give it a try, but the key is the range and new speed. We need them to become very fast. Only with speed can the torpedo survive, otherwise the officers of the Admiralty will not take care of us." Young people see the key to the development of torpedoes, and that is speed. They must have a great speed to solve such problems.

"Our only way is to improve the engine of the torpedo. This is the only way." The young engineer stood up and said. Everyone present knows that the key technology of the torpedo lies in the torpedo engine. Without such an engine, it would be difficult for them to undertake related military tasks.

The middle-aged people nodded. They don't know how to use such an engine, but now the engine trend is the internal combustion engine, that is, the heat engine. This has become a trend, and perhaps they should consider the benefits of such engines. The group leader had such a bold idea.

Laizhou, Qi State, within the Ministry of the Navy, the Koguryo Navy, they are currently the newly established navy. The total force is only 300 people, but their size is rapidly expanding. Navy personnel are not a problem. They have a large number of army soldiers. The navy is basically born out of the army. But they have to ensure that their ore is exported. The pirates on the sea continue to launch sea attacks, sometimes killing them on land, which makes them very anxious and annoyed. Therefore, the Goguryeo government decided to establish a navy. Now their navy needs a large number of warships to satisfy their equipment. demand.

"Such small warships are 110 meters to 115 meters long, and the smallest can be about 95 meters long. They can carry more than 70 tons of coal, and the largest can carry 100 tons of fuel. Coal, when advancing at a speed of eleven knots, it can reach a range of 3,500 kilometers, which is quite optimistic.” A technical engineer from the Qi State Navy Department introduced to the Koguryo naval personnel. Their military ranks are generally high. The youngest was a lieutenant colonel, and the oldest turned out to be a navy colonel. But this surprised them very much, because the Koguryo navy was very small. But these are not what they worry about. Mainly they can sell such small frigates.

"I want to know if the weapons they are equipped with are very powerful. You know, if we can't deal with those **** pirates, we won't buy such a warship." A colonel of the Goguryeo Navy said.

"They are equipped with eight 52mm rapid-fire guns. They are powerful enough," the naval engineer introduced.

"If necessary, we can also equip you with the latest mines. We can only give you some of this weapon. After all, the quantity is still relatively small." The naval engineer put forward a tempting condition. The weapon of mines sounds complicated, but its structure and principle are not very complicated. As long as you pay a little attention, it can be imitated by dismantling. In this regard, the Qi State Navy also specially developed this type in cooperation with the Zhao State Navy. Mine, they tried to steal a mine, but failed, but they succeeded in imitating this mine. Because his principle is not very complicated.

"It sounds very good, but what I know is that there is a very powerful artillery, a 75mm artillery, and we hope to be equipped with such an artillery. The 52mm rapid-fire gun is too weak. We are not too powerful. I like things like this." The Koguryo naval officer said.

"This. I think the 52mm rapid-fire gun is enough. You can equip it first, and we can provide the possibility of upgrades." The Qi State navy engineer thought for a while and said with ease. They need this order too much. This can add a lot of input to the Qi navy, which originally did not spend a lot of military expenditure. In fact, the Zhao State Navy can also accept such military orders, but their cost price is very high. They are only 18% lower than the asking price of the Koreans, but it is still high enough. Otherwise, Goguryeo would not choose a small naval country like Qi to order its own warships.

"This." The Koguryo naval personnel were a little embarrassed. Obviously, they wanted to be equipped with such naval artillery. However, the cost of equipping such naval artillery may be higher because of this artillery. The Qi State Navy cannot produce it by itself, and even some key parts of the rapid-fire gun, such as the gun brake, barrel, and sighting equipment, are imported from the State of Zhao. They can only produce some gun mounts at most, but whether the quality of the gun mounts can play its role is not something they can do.

In fact, Zhao Guohai wanted to get such an order, but they were not very interested in designing small warships. This required lowering their production standards. At the same time, they did not have the right boiler to do this kind of thing. Zhao Guoren was conquering the power plant. equipment. Because their warship has reached a bottleneck, and because their artillery is getting bigger and bigger, they can use the more mature navy’s 122mm caliber artillery on warships, but if they do, they need to be solved. Because of the increase in the weight of the artillery and other weight increases, the power plant needs to provide more power. Without such sufficient motivation, it is impossible to do this. The Zhao people must solve this problem by themselves, otherwise, they will let their navy level continue to show. Therefore, in this critical period, they seem to be powerless for such orders.

Goguryeo finally agreed to the idea of ​​the people of Qi. They originally bought a cheap battleship to provide greater and more sufficient power, which is obviously inappropriate. Because it will cost a lot more, the same is true for larger caliber artillery, but fortunately they can choose to upgrade. This is quite good.

"The conditions here are very bad. Drought, little rain, and terribly dry weather. Fortunately, the food here is better. Although we don't speak our language." Lieutenant Commander Qin Guo. Qin Hai wrote in his diary. The fastest expedition ship of the Qin Navy arrived in today's Mexico, where there are Indians. Here, they were supplemented with some adequate food. They had been eating marine fish before, and the supplies had been used up a long time ago. They brought some seeds, but it will take some time to plant them.

The main force of Qin's naval expedition stayed in today's California and the area around San Diego, which is an excellent port. They decided to manage a base there, but they did not give up on expeditions to other areas. Some small expedition fleets arrived here. Here, they met hospitable Indians.

"The food here is good. We call them corn. It tastes sweet. Especially the made corn tortillas are grilled into golden brown on a low fire. You may never know the wonderful taste of this kind of food. We have never been like this before. The food is great. This is the best food I have ever eaten. However, they will give us something else. It is similar to our tea, the leaves are big, and then they are made into small pieces. Later we I just learned that this thing is called tobacco. And we mistakenly regarded them as tea. Or a kind of fruit, because we need vitamin supplements." Qin Hai said.

When the expedition came to the local area, they found that everything that happened here was different from Qin State, and their skins were close to their true colors. But there is a difference. Some scholars in the expedition believed that they were a branch of the ancient Chiyou tribe, or they might be immigrants during the Shang and Zhou dynasties, after all, they said. A group of immigrants have arrived here in history. Qin Hai himself didn't know such a thing. They just said that anyway. He felt that it might or might not make sense, regardless of this. These are not what they can care about.

What they care about is food. Tortillas are delicious. In addition, there are other things, such as peanuts, or tobacco, which interested them. At first, they mistakenly thought that tea was suitable. Some people have been for a long time. I haven't tasted the taste of tea. They lacked tea in their supplies, but they quickly gave up. Because this kind of tobacco is a very bitter thing, they didn't know it later. This local thing is smoked after burning. The strange smell made them unbearable. But they also have some other ways to enjoy it. The people of Qin State chewed tobacco leaves in their mouths, the taste may be strange, but it also made them feel that the situation may be different.

"But the most interesting thing about these is that there is a lot of silver here. We actually discovered that they use silver to make wine glasses, in addition to gold, it seems that they do not lack these things. Apart from our interest in these things, they We are interested in our gunpowder weapons, and at the same time we can see that they are very afraid of this weapon. Because he can make a loud noise. Their life is more primitive, similar to the tribal period, and it is difficult for experts to understand , Why their lives will stay here, our language is not clear, but it does not hinder our communication, because both sides are friendly." Qin Hai said. The situation here cannot be told to their base in time because their wireless communication equipment is broken. The last electrode tube was burned. The spare ship was damaged during the turbulence. Unable to repair, they plunged their communication into a disaster.

The Qin State and Xianyang, the Qin State Government still knows a lot about the expeditions of the Qin State Navy, but they have not yet had the power to further expand the situation there. Financial expenses are relatively tight, and it is difficult for them to make specific measures.

"The Parthians hope to bring in a lot of funds, and they also need a lot of funds to develop oil. After all, this can solve their financial problems." Meng Yi said.

"Well, but the development of this requires a lot of funds, and the amount of funds is also very large. At the same time, transportation also requires the support of Dawan people. I think, such a thing, we still need to make some agreements." Shang Wen worried. Speaking of.

The Shah people successfully occupied the southern area of ​​the Caspian Sea, but the Shah government there is still not very stable. There are still a large number of Persians there. They need to spend a certain amount of military power to solve this problem. The Qin people occupy the entire northern Caspian Sea area, and at the same time, as part of the agreement, the Dawan government will get a Dawan Caspian Sea Corridor directly leading to the Caspian Sea to meet the agreement between Dawan and the Anxi government. After all, the Dawan people are also Soldiers are dispatched.

As for military matters, the people of Qin are not very concerned about it. What they are concerned about is the development and transportation of oil. This is what they care about.

Oil extraction requires capital, and a large amount of capital is needed. Such a thing can only be solved by the bank.

Qin Guo, the stock market. South Korea’s railway stocks have fallen all the way, which has also led to the decline of Qin State Railway’s stocks at an unprecedented rate. The rate fell by more than 20% in a day, and the rate has to be considered large.

"I knew it. Damn Li Wen, he even said that the Qingcheng Railway stock rose by around 1,000 yuan, and he would definitely short our railway stocks. Under such circumstances, our railway stocks would fall tragically." The speculator shook his head and said. He just changed his direction and went short. The violent fall caused him heavy losses. However, he believes that changing direction and shorting will make up for such losses.

The Northern Railway was completely deprived. Because the oil pipeline will bring great convenience. This convenience allows them to solve such difficulties. The Northern Railway does not need to be built. Because if it is built, it has no meaning. In this way, the Northern Railway was completely ruined.

This directly led to the decline of railway stocks, and at the same time, the decline of South Korea's Qingcheng Railway stocks directly led to the mass outbreak of the railway stock crisis. Such an outbreak has caused an unprecedented short wave in the stock market.

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