The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 3364: Petroleum Industry

"The main reason for the decline in railway stocks this time was Li Wen's vigorous short selling??????? Because according to statistics. A large number of short orders came from Li Wen's short sales. This led to the weight of the railway stocks. Frustrated." It was reported in a newspaper. And Li Wen just shook his head. Obviously, I disagree with this statement.

The decline in railway stocks was due to the saturation of the railway market. They basically met all the demand. At the same time, they expanded more railways. For example, the railway line from Xianyang to Qingcheng reached four railway lines. This demand There may be a market at the beginning. But technology tends to gradually meet people's needs. Under such conditions, how long it will take to meet the needs of others is impossible. This is the achievement of a sense of satisfaction of people's needs. Under such circumstances, the railway will naturally begin to enter an unbalanced state after meeting people's needs, and this state will begin to put the railway company's stock in a state of decline.

Although Li Wen could not explain the principles, or that they could not explain some of them at all, he had a keen market intuition. This intuition made him decide to short all railway stocks. In fact, all railway shareholders already have such plans. They distributed a lot of stock chips to those small retail investors, so they fell like crazy. This is the fundamental reason for the decline in stocks, which must be closely related to the economy.

But because Li Wen has been madly shorting various stocks several times, people always like to put the reason for the decline on the other party, so that they can quickly find the reason. And Li Wen is used to this. Under such circumstances, people can only let him keep falling due to Li Wen's **** short short.

Qin State Staff.

"The technical department of the Army Department of the State of Zhao is very capable of innovation. They actually invented armored vehicles and bicycle mobile units." Wang Jian said while looking at the intelligence in his hands. He received a piece of intelligence from the State of Zhao. They inspected the army establishment of the State of Zhao in detail. After all, the people of the Qin State always regarded the Army of the State of Zhao as their most cruel opponent. Li Mujun’s combat capability is quite high and superb command. , And the threat of weapons brought about by technological progress, all these made Wang Jian very worried, because one of the important tasks of the Qin Army was to break through Zhao’s Taihang Mountain defense line into Handan and annihilate South Korea. This task has never been cancelled.

"In this case, they will have great mobile combat capabilities. However, I don't think we need to worry too much because they lack enough artillery to complete such tasks." Yang Duanhe said without worrying. . Because the weapons they are equipped with are all light weapons, the only fire comes from the machine guns of armored vehicles. As long as there is sufficient artillery. They can't pose a threat at all, and their shortcomings are also very obvious. They lack enough firepower to cover, so such mobile forces don't need to worry too much.

"They can outflank. This is a very classic tactic. Although their strength is not very large, they can still complete a large-scale offensive plan. We should be careful about this. Moreover, the current situation, The scope has been greatly expanded, and it is not enough for more than 200,000 Qin troops to defend such a large area." Wang Jian said helplessly.

When the latest map of the territory controlled by the Qin State came out. Wang Jian gasped. He felt that his heartbeat was about to stop. In response to this, his body began to show some problems. The military doctor conducted a comprehensive examination on him, and the doctor advised him to take a break. After all, he worried too much. This is very detrimental to his health. But Wang Jian could only refuse such a thing.

Qin Guo has too many areas to defend. And his territory is still expanding. In contrast, his troops have not increased significantly. On the contrary, his troops had to be reduced because of many military expenditures. This time the reduction is all military technical units. For example, some reconnaissance, combat, and bombing pilots were cut out. They were not allowed to retire from active troops and become reserve personnel. Fortunately, they created new positions. Flight investigators, responsible for forestry patrols in some areas, because they are pilots, in addition to pilot clubs, they train some new pilots, and more ground crews enter civilian units, in addition to a considerable number of engineering units After entering the mining enterprise, they were responsible for surveying and mapping, the construction of the railway, and the blasting of the mining, etc., all of which caused Qin's technicians to be scattered to various places. However, Qin's military power has entered an unprecedented period of low ebb, and Wang Jian has to be responsible for Qin's security.

If Zhao Jun enters an offensive state, it will be difficult for Qin Jun to resist the opponent's first wave of offense. Then it threatened Qin's Guanzhong. Although Qin’s war mobilization ability is very strong, and the scale of war potential is unprecedented, it is said that the Qin army can have one million well-equipped troops at once, but these are of no use, because it takes time, and the Qin army has a great depth of defense. . But the core area of ​​the Qin Army cannot be lost, Guanzhong. Once the core area is attacked, Qin's combat effectiveness will instantly drop by more than half. Therefore, this is what Wang Jian is most worried about.

"I am afraid that the construction of the Northern Railway will be difficult to complete. Railway stocks have fallen sharply recently. From the perspective of national defense, this will pose a great challenge to the depth of Qin's defense. This is extremely detrimental to us. This one poses a great threat to us.” Yang Duanhe said to Wang Jian.

"I know this very well, but we don't have any way to do this. This kind of thing can only happen like this. But we can't do anything." Wang Jian said helplessly, shaking his head.

"I originally thought that building a railway would allow Qin to control the strategic depth of the north. In this case, we can have a great depth in the future strategic layout. But the prime minister is obviously not in line with our ideas. The economic value of the construction of a railway is not very great. The oil pipeline puts our project in a very unfavorable state. If we want to control the area, we must control those areas." Wang Jian said. This is a problem considered from the perspective of national defense economy. Although Qin has no problems in its current development, it is because there are no problems, because it requires a lot of funds to develop and consolidate the above-occupied area. Provide a huge strategic reserve buffer area for Qin. But this requires a lot of funding for development. In addition, population migration is also very problematic. The process of urbanization has brought about a great impact. More and more rural areas have disappeared. Qin has changed the household registration system three times in a row, and the restriction of household registration on people has become less and less. The urban population is becoming larger and larger. Xianyang has been divided into six major urban areas, and it is still expanding, with the population suddenly expanding to 1.5 million people.

In the areas along the railway, some small cities and towns have also begun to appear one after another, the population has become more and more concentrated, and the urbanization process has become faster and faster. But it is this kind of impact that causes people to bring to the population of those remote areas. With a tremendous draining effect, no one wants to go to such a remote place, because going to such a place will bring great trouble. This kind of trouble will make them lose their best opportunities for development. And because of the lack of economic infrastructure such as railways and highways, the degree of development is extremely unfavorable. This is what they worry about most.

"This is the problem we are currently encountering. We can only write him in the memo." Wang Jian said somewhat aging. In fact, he had such a premonition for a long time, or in other words, the future operations will become extremely complicated. This is something that military generals of their generation have never encountered before. The General Staff is constantly carrying out various tasks. Deduction of war. Among them, they doubled the size of the mobile unit that Zhao had just established, and expanded it into a new cavalry unit. They are an extremely impressive force.

They will follow the railway from Handan to Xinzheng south, and then instantly defeat the South Korean army, because the South Korean army is simply unable to withstand such an offensive operation. The speed is too fast, and then the Zhao army will attack Luoyang, and then Hangu Pass, with heavy artillery. And under heavy bombardment by airships, Hangu Pass has also become precarious. Qin Guo did similar experiments. They developed a new super-heavy mortar with a caliber of 270 millimeters. A single shot cannon can directly destroy the wall of Hangu Pass. However, Qin was unable to relocate their fortresses due to tight military expenditures. The Ministry of National Defense suggested that a large number of fortifications should be placed in the mountains on both sides and large-caliber permanent fortifications should be established. And build a series of machine gun bunkers. However, the people of the Zhao Kingdom can go south quickly along this railway line, and then move westward, posing a severe threat to the Qin State. This is what Wang Jian is most worried about. Although such a thing seems impossible, everything is logical. Because there are railway lines along the way, the worst is. Zhao Jun’s logistics equipment and a series of rail guns can be transported here, which means that their artillery threat exists. The Qin Army’s military equipment capabilities and the size of the army, despite his large number of troops, took time, and Zhao Jun could completely catch the Qin Army by surprise.

"I think we should write a report. Submit it, so it will be beneficial to us. This may allow us to have a larger-scale combat capability." Yang Duanhe said.

"Yeah. It can only be so." Wang Jian nodded and agreed with Yang Duanhe's plan. Technology is changing a lot of things. Breakthroughs that Zhao Jun could not complete before are now possible. Li Mu's army has a large cavalry force, but they lack enough firepower. Facing the fully defensive Hangu Pass fortress, it may be difficult for them to break through, and even the first pass in Luoyang may be difficult to attack and win. But the situation is different. The advancement of technology gave Zhao Jun such an opportunity. The advancement of their artillery technology made Qin feel a great military threat, but the Qin government was not prepared at all, which made it possible for Qin. The highest military commander of the country, Wang Jian, was very worried. The highest commander was King Qin, and Wang Jian was only responsible for making plans. But in the system category, Wang Jian has the highest rank in the army.

Dawan, Yang Lin’s prime minister's office. His cabinet is holding an emergency economic meeting. The content of the meeting is only two words, investment.

"Qin people need oil, and oil can bring great profits. We need to build a railway to transport such oil. At the same time, we have to participate in oil investment, because investing in it, we may be very profitable, this is what we want Things to do." The Minister of Economy said. He saw the prospect of oil investment. The prospects are very good, it can bring great profits to Dawan, and this kind of business is very promising.

"Don't forget that the people of Qin need so much oil. How did we develop in Dawan. The development of the mineral industry is what we should develop. Petroleum is the current new mineral resource. Such resources can give us a lot of strength. This is an extremely important point for us, and it is a very beneficial thing for us." said the emergency minister. He saw the importance of the oil industry, and Qin was the largest demand country, and the trade between Qin and Dawan was very unequal. Qin has always been in a trade surplus, while Dawan is in a trade deficit. Such trade will make it difficult for the Dawan government to maintain the oil industry. For Qin State, a large-scale oil export can satisfy such a situation, which is a very important matter of opinion.

"We are in this situation now. Only with more information can we enter more and more extensive areas." The Minister of Economy said. His strategy for this is to allow the Dawan government to actively participate in it.

"Such investment still has certain risks. We should be aware that there are also some of the people in Anxi, and they will also attract investment, and the people of Qin will invest in them. How can we control such risks?" The Minister of Finance said worriedly. He is in charge of finances, and he also wants to urgently change this situation. Dawan’s economic development is in an extremely exhausted state. Such a state has not boosted the economy of Dawan people very much. Even though the railway construction is driving the economy, However, if the entire Dawan does not develop, this situation will not last long. Free trade puts Dawan in an unfavorable state. Dawan people export a large amount of ore, from coal and iron to chromium-nickel ore, etc. These ores are exchanged for a large amount of foreign exchange reserves. The current price of ore is still at a stable level. In the state, their profits are not very large, and Dawan needs to import all kinds of necessities from Qin, from food, salt, to industrial products, and other luxury goods to meet the needs of the rich. All these make Dawan's trade in a state of inequality. In order to urgently change this situation, the only way is to adopt some new solutions to solve this problem. The oil industry is the solution.

But the question is whether there is any risk after investing in oil. They must be more cautious about this. Anxi is a powerful opponent for the Dawan people. Because they control a part of the Caspian Sea area, where the oil reserves are not bad, they can madly extract oil and export it to Qin State for a large number of transactions.

"We have railway transportation lines, but they don't. If we have sufficient railway transportation lines to solve our oil production or freight issues, our problems can be solved very well." The Minister of Economy said disapprovingly. . In his view, this is the advantage of the Dawan people. This advantage is extremely obvious. The Minister of Finance has obviously not seen such a scene.

"This." The Minister of Finance suddenly realized. This is a good choice. As long as it can increase the fiscal revenue of the Dawan government, it is also a good choice.

"I don't know what the Prime Minister thinks?" The Minister of Finance asked Old Yang Lin at this time, because he is the Prime Minister and he needs to make the final decision.

"Such a thing can be done, I think it's good. He can bring profit." Old Yang Lin nodded and said. He pursues the rule of doing nothing, which is in line with the characteristics of free trade, as long as it is beneficial to the people of Dawan, he supports it. Because inaction is justified, existence naturally has the value and meaning of existence. This is why Old Yang Lin agreed.

"In this case, we agree to invest." The Finance Minister finally decided.

Liberty is walking with Zhao Xi in Anxi. They are going to have a meeting. A military meeting.

"Those **** Persians, they don't want to leave there. They keep attacking our independent army. This poses a great threat to us. Those troops are very dissatisfied. We will increase military expenditure to solve this problem. "Libert said. The expelled Persians did not leave the last piece of land. There is still a small group of Persians near the Caspian Sea. They continue to harass the Sabbath army and pose a great threat to them. This threat is mainly caused by investment. Threat.

"We must eliminate them. Otherwise, our oil industry will face great threats. They must leave here. If they don't leave here, I will let them leave here." Liebert said. In his opinion, the oil industry is his cash cow. Whoever prevents him from making a fortune will make it difficult for the other party. Now the Persians obviously prevent them from making a fortune.

"This, we know this very well, but investment, military spending, these problems are very difficult to solve, without money, we can't do these things." Zhao Xi said embarrassedly. It will take some time for the Qin people to invest. Although there is a large amount of oil extraction, after the purchase, they still need to cooperate with the government to solve local security problems. After all, there is still a war zone, but the government does not have the money to solve such problems. An unsolvable contradiction.

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