The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 3365: Pirates thoughts

The Ministry of the Navy of the State of Qin.

"What should we do next?" the Secretary of the Navy asked, looking at the undersecretary of the Navy.

"Sir, at present we should send more expeditions there." The Navy Deputy Commander asked. They have dispatched an expedition, but judging from the latest telegrams, they seem to have seen too many places on the expedition. They still need too much, too many expeditions. In this way, the Admiralty must organize an expedition, but the navy's funding is already seriously insufficient.

"We don't have much sufficient funds. The expedition, we have organized." The Secretary of the Navy said.

"This, sir, we can no longer transfer more naval technology. If there is too much, our situation will become extremely bad." The navy deputy said worriedly. In order to obtain more funds, the Navy Department has transferred a lot of naval technology to South Korea. But judging from the current exploration situation, they seem to have encountered a big problem, because the funds are still very scarce, and the government can no longer support the development of such projects.

"Yeah. That's right, we can't go on like this. If this goes on, our situation will be in a very unfavorable state, which is absolutely bad for us. It will cause us great losses. This is something we should try our best to avoid, but this is not the way to go.” The Secretary of the Navy considered.

"I don't know what the chief will do? We really don't have a good way to solve this kind of problem." The undersecretary of the Navy asked worriedly. All expedition project plans are undertaken by the Ministry of the Navy, which puts a lot of pressure on them. At present, the development of Qin’s navy is extremely slow. They only have expedition ships, while combat ships have become extremely small. Some warships have been sold to Koreans. This is the basis for them to imitate the Qin warship. By dismantling the Qin warship, their technology is entering an unprecedented peak period. However, the Qin State Navy still does not have its own naval base and an important naval fleet. This makes the Admiralty extremely embarrassing, but they must now get rid of the cumbersome project of naval expeditions.

"We have no way. This requires economy and more development to solve this problem, or we can find a prime minister to solve this solution. The Navy Department can't develop like this." The Secretary of the Navy said after thinking about it.

"This. Well, this may be one of our best methods at the moment." The Navy Deputy said helplessly. This is the only thing they can do.

On both sides of the Suez Canal, smuggling punts here will appear from time to time. As soon as they appear, there will be a large group of ships. The Koreans controlled Suez City, but they were unable to retreat. The Aiji government did not negotiate with the coalition forces, which made the coalition forces. I feel very annoyed, but helpless, but the smuggling activities must go on, because the north needs a lot of arms and weapons, as well as a variety of commodities. The smugglers don’t care how much their interests are lost, they care. Yes, how long they can maintain their interests is the nature of businessmen.

Merchant ships from South Korea, Zhao, Qi, and Chu are constantly gathering here, and Suez is slowly recovering, but it will take some time.

"Da da da da." There were waves of horse hooves from both sides of the strait, and from time to time there was the sound of camels. The Shazhou cavalry wielded their imported sabers and shouted loudly and attacked a town where they loved a few people.

"Bang. Bang, bang." Some of the people who rushed in first took their rifles and fired, or revolver shot at the crowd frantically. Many innocent lovers were killed before they could escape.

"Kill." The Shazhou cavalry jumped off their horses and camels frantically, snatching valuable things, and some loved ones who wanted to resist. Soon they were killed.

"Ah. Bang. Ah." Screams, gunshots. And more is the crazy robbery of the Shazhou cavalry, the scene of human crimes is vented wildly at this time, no one can stop them, no one can stop them.

"The Shazhou cavalry are crazy. They looted everything like a group of crazy locusts. They kill when they see people. They **** things when they see it. They don't care about human nature at all. It may be that the Shazhou cavalry are mad. They looted crazy. , Property, women, old people and children were mercilessly killed. Only the young and middle-aged might be able to stay. They will be sent to our military station near the canal. There, they will exchange enough ammunition, money, all of these. It is an important trophy to keep them fighting." Lieutenant Mo Shan, an observer of the Korean New Forces, wrote in his diary.

In order for the coalition forces to achieve their goals, especially the New South Korean Army, they recruited a large number of cavalry from Shazhou. The people there are very poor. Therefore, their desire to fight and their cruelty are very cruel. At every turn, they will learn from the Koreans and see that the heads of the beloved are hung on their camels and horses. This is their credit. And women, these are their trophies. They have all kinds of trophies hanging on their shoulders. The bullet belts are stuffed with gold. Even the armbands that they say they are part of the coalition army will put some trophies on them. Such crazy behavior will inevitably bring serious consequences to them in the end, that is, killing, they mercilessly slaughtered the population of the entire town.

"I really don't know the meaning of this? Our order is for us to kill and kill more people. Fortunately, it is not our army to do such a thing. However, we let the extremely vicious Shazhou The cavalry came to do such a thing, this is the most **** thing." Mo Shan wrote in his diary.

In order to force the other side to surrender, and the South Korean government wants to build and expand the Suez Canal, this canal is very valuable. No one can stop the South Korean government's firm willpower. They desperately want this canal, and they have to use such a trick because they require a lot of labor. There is a considerable labor gap. The South Korean government transported a large number of slaves from various places to here, but this still cannot meet the needs of the South Korean government. The only way is to force the locals to build such a passage. But where the population comes from, they will not reach such a place by themselves. For this, they can only let the brutal Shazhou cavalry continue to attack the towns of love, and capture a large number of people to gather here to dig the canals. This is South Korea. What the government has to do.

Everything is so logical, but extremely cruel. It's unacceptable. But these are facts, and no one can change this situation.

On a small island at the southernmost tip of the Korean peninsula, this island is called Jeju Island. This is an island occupied by the Qi people themselves. It is an important traffic point and an important defense point.

Strangely, this state named after Qi State Jishui did not receive the support of the Qi State government. The reason is that this island is stationed by a large group of Qi State smugglers, as well as pirates and maritime merchants. They are a group of extremely complex groups. . Among them are fishermen, arms smugglers, smugglers, slave traders, and various illegal mixed groups. But there is no group that the government can represent. They call this place Jeju, hoping to become an overseas state of Qi and obtain legal protection, but the government of Qi did not agree to their request.

Because the Qi government believes that negotiating with them, or reaching an agreement, is a shame to the Qi government, and the Qi government refuses to send government officials to govern here. The main reason is that Qi’s naval forces are extremely dispersed, or it is difficult to control here. The Qi government needs to spend more than one million and a half of Qin’s money to keep the army stationed here and completely control it. Such a sum of money, Qi The government cannot afford it, so the only way is not to recognize their status, but not to veto their actions. In this way, Jeju Island has become one of the biggest trade tumors.

"Damn it. I brought these Japanese women again. It's ugly. I think it's okay to just kill them." Near the original port, a crew member came down and said to another garrisoned seaman.

"No, there isn't even a woman on this island. Nothing is more beautiful than ugly. You can cover your face and play, and you don't spend time with him. If you want to look good, go to the south to get it. There are many people over there. These, we can do it casually." The crew said indifferently.

"Damn it. How can you bear it? I can't bear such a stimulus, otherwise, I will be off my appetite." The sailor said helplessly. The conditions here are simple, but this is a free place. Many crew members have violated the law and discipline, and they don't know what the law is. There are a large number of slaves on the island, and all kinds of materials are hoarded here. For example, coal ships transported from Goguryeo will be directly robbed and berthed here, and then they will find a way to resell them to the country of Chu. Silk from the country of Chu, arms from South Korea, and some industrial products from the country of Qi will be transferred to Goguryeo. It can be sold at high prices through smuggling, because Goguryeo lacks everything, and when they return, they will attack Wadao, or Baekje and other tribes in the south, looting a large number of people and becoming slaves, especially women. , Became their favorite thing, because life on the island is extremely bitter, they need women to vent their dissatisfaction too much. Unfortunately, the women in those places are not pretty at all. It is difficult to satisfy their desires, and they have to endure it.

"I heard that the Goguryeo people want to build their own navy. They asked the Laizhou Shipyard in Qi to build a large number of warships. If Goguryeo is equipped with warships, our situation will be bad." Inside a wooden hut, Several captain-like people discussed their future. Outside the hut there are several female slaves from Wadao Island or the Baekje tribe waiting to serve them.

"I'm afraid of them being a bird. What kind of warships they can get, and it's good to be able to buy some old equipment. We are still afraid of them." A very stout man shouted loudly. After speaking, he also drank a sip of wine, wine is a good thing, because it can solve their depression. Most importantly, they still have a lot of people to stimulate them. The most important thing for life at sea is alcohol to stimulate them. They can get part of the spirits from the country, and they can also get sugar and wine from the south. Those wines will make them extremely excited, so they all need such things.

"Anyway? I think we should be more careful. After all, Goguryeo's warships were obtained from our Qi State. If they threaten our business or call us, what shall we do?" The younger captain said cautiously. He looks very different from his age, because young people would never think of being so calm.

"Such weapons are not something that our old artillery can deal with, but those rapid-fire guns are enough for us to deal with. Today's battleships are all iron armor. Our artillery has a low initial velocity, and there are still some for dealing with wooden warships. Stable chances of winning, or more capable of fighting on land. However, there is no chance of winning at all in direct confrontation with warships." The young man continued. The others nodded. This is an indisputable fact, and it is difficult to change this fact.

Most of the current smuggling ships are modified from old warships. They just added some steam engines, or ships that use a mixture of steam engines and sails. Some advanced ones are equipped with some iron armor, but most of the iron armor will not be used. The reason is that This will increase the burden on their ships, and no one would choose such a troublesome way to add trouble to their ships.

It can be said that the warships used by the pirates are mostly obsolete goods from various countries, or they are just in the transitional period of wooden warships and iron-clad warships, sailing warships and steam warships. These warships and warships have one. The common feature is that the equipment time is not very long. The caliber of the artillery is more than five inches, but most of them are old-fashioned front-mounted artillery. They may be capable of dealing with fixed targets and land targets, but they can be used to deal with high-speed moving. The steam armored battleship, they obviously didn't look enough. And it is difficult to be more effective. Pirates and arms smugglers are well aware of these advantages and disadvantages, and they also know that they can't fight an official warship at all. But this can't blame them, their goal is like this, if they are allowed to deal with those heavy goals, it will put them in a very unfavorable state, which will be detrimental to them.

"These are all formal equipment. We just want to have them, but we can't get them. We can't contact the Qi State Navy. We are members of the Qi State, but they are Qi State officers and soldiers, soldiers, and we are bandits. When? This soldier and bandit can do it together." The others were not happy. Because they think this is absolutely impossible, and they all think it's impossible to happen such a thing.

"Qi's failure does not mean that other countries can't. For example, Chu, I heard that Chu also has its own munitions factories, and they also have their own warship shipyards. We can find them. Moreover, Chu's things are also If we have the ability, Chu can’t. We can find Yan. As long as we have money, will they still embarrass us? If we have the money, I think we can directly deal with those coastal cities in Koguryo. Just fight over and occupy their place, what else can they say?" A captain stood up and said.

"Yeah. This is true. I think it makes sense. Thinking about it, the things of the people of Chu are not necessarily worse than the things of our Qi. Maybe it can meet our needs. The people of Chu can be rich. In handling affairs, unlike us, **** it, for the sake of integrity, I don't know what integrity is." Other people said one after another.

Many people agree with this. They decided to talk to the people of Chu. The reason they chose Chu for the first time was that Chu also had its own navy, and their navy was also engaged in the same smuggling activities as them. Most importantly, they The military discipline is very poor. In fact, they are a group of pirates just like them, but they have a legal coat, and they don't, which makes a big difference between them. If it weren't for such a difference, maybe they were all in the same group.

Chu State also has its own military industry enterprises. Moreover, many civilian shipyards can build warships themselves. In order to encourage shipyards to pay more taxes, they generally do not restrict their practices. For example, they build ships similar to warships and provide them to merchants. In Chu, they arm merchant ships and warships. The difference lies in their tonnage. Small merchant ships are all equipped with weapons, and no one will care about them. Because these ships can bring orders, and orders can generate profits, as long as there are profits, there are places for taxation. The government of Chu is concerned about this. As for large warships, only the government can build them. In other words, small and possibly medium warships are all released. Therefore, the pirate thought of Chu State for the first time. Because this is of great benefit to Chu's economic development.

Just when the pirates were happy that they thought they could solve each other's problems. The Goguryeo Navy sent their second batch of naval personnel to Qi to receive naval military training and at the same time receive their naval equipment. This batch of equipment will play a great role in them.

When they completed the training mission, it was when they marked the formation of the combat effectiveness of the Goguryeo Navy. However, they are first equipped with some light frigates, their tonnage is usually around 500 to 900 tons. Most of the artillery are rapid-fire guns. Of course, they can also make special customizations. This will take time. They will be equipped with warships of more than one thousand tons. That is the warship they really need.

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