Chu State Wuyue Naval Shipyard, their naval shipyard research room. Several shipbuilders gathered to discuss some issues.

"What do you mean by the Chu State Admiralty? Let us build some small boats with tonnage ranging from 900 tons to more than 1,200 tons, and the length is about 100 meters. They are equipped with some rapid-fire guns. The speed cannot be lower than eighteen knots. What does this mean?" a designer asked puzzledly.

This is the order of the Chu State Navy. For this above command. They don't jump clearly. But they know. There must be their reasons for doing this. But what exactly is the reason is not clear to them. In fact, this issue was directly approved by the Admiralty. The pirates of Jeju Island are gathered together. In fact, they have their own industry in Chu, and in Chu, they have legal business. From the perspective of Chu people, as long as they submit a large amount of tax, they are Legal businessmen. As for warships, the Admiralty believes that this is a large military order that can make their Admiralty very profitable. As long as it can bring them profits, they really don’t care about what they do. Therefore, such design requirements are directly placed on them. This makes the navy designers feel a little confused, because in their opinion, the design of such a small Warships are of little use.

In fact, the development of the navies of all countries at this time all took large warships as the first design goal. For small warships, they really looked down on them. The reason was that they did not have much advantage in firepower and protection, while the artillery of large warships. Can directly threaten them. Such small warships have no meaning to exist. All countries have the consciousness of striving for hegemony in sea power. But this has a lot to do with naval weapons.

The relationship is that no small weapon can be big. This causes the weakness of large and large warships. In other words, the advantages of large warships are extremely obvious, while small warships will be in a very unfavorable state. Only Goguryeo and Jeju pirates have such a demand. This is also true. Military equipment that is the main equipment of the third-rate navy.

"No matter what you think about it?" a middle-aged designer stood up and said. He went to the water supply stand behind and poured a cup of tea.

"We have to design a warship like this. Such a warship must have great advantages. However, we should note that we can't design blindly. We should go around and look at other situations, such as us. There must be a standard for reference. What is this standard?" said the middle-aged designer. Several other people looked at each other and nodded, indicating that they agreed with this view, because such a view is constructive. For example, many opinions make them extremely realistic.

"We should pay attention to this standard. This has a great influence on us. What I know is that the people of Qi people seem to have such battleship shooting. They are all positioned at around 900 tons, while we are around 1,000 tons. A warship of tonnage is unlikely to be equipped with too many artillery, and can only be equipped with weapons such as rapid-fire guns to deal with pirates. Therefore, our weapons should also be based on this, and such weapons can be equipped if necessary. At the same time, we can also Equip some torpedoes. This is a new type of weapon. We can increase their value on these warships and make customers feel that what they buy is very useful.” The designer said.

They also feel very passive about the development of naval weapons. Because this is a weapon platform with artillery as the main core weapon, and the artillery technology of the Chu Navy can only stay on the rapid-fire gun, even the rapid-fire gun imitating work is not very good, the 51mm manufactured by Chu Rapid fire cannon. In the semi-automatic firing state, jams often occur. The firing state of the artillery is extremely bad. In order to change this situation, they can only use manual loading to solve this problem, but in terms of rate of fire, they obviously lag behind. The rate of fire of mainstream national rapid-fire guns, on average, can reduce the rate of fire by more than several rounds, and the power is not strong enough. The main reason is that their domestic propellants have some problems. Some shells cannot be fired, and new firing charges have appeared. The problem. This forced the Chu Navy to find another new weapon to make up for this defect.

They thought of torpedoes, which might be the only weapon they could use. Because such a weapon is very lethal, but the range is too close, only 500 meters away, this distance does not guarantee that he can walk in a straight line, if it is missed all of a sudden, everything is very bad.

"This. The problem is that the torpedo is currently very unstable. Will we work with South Korea to improve the torpedo, at least it can be more accurate. And the torpedo still needs to be fixed." At this time, a designer asked worriedly. .

"Well, you can discuss with them, no matter what? This is a major challenge for us. If we do such a thing well, it is a major success." said the middle-aged designer. As for the types of new warships, they did not pay too much attention. After all, this is not their business, they are just responsible for the construction. Or they already have some important suggestions for improvement.

Qin State, Xianyang. Inside the prime minister's house. Shangwen had to deal with some economic affairs, or in other words, important decisions related to the future development of Qin.

"The Admiralty is no longer able to undertake such an expedition project. They have already reached another place, and our financial funds are not enough to support them. For this reason, the Admiralty has transferred a considerable amount of naval technology to various countries, which can solve them. Part of the military profits brought by military sales, but this is not a long-term solution." Meng Yi said worriedly.

"Yeah. That's right. This is the same problem as the Army. We have developed a lot of land, but no one has passed. This problem will become very serious for us." Shangwen nodded. Agree to it.

"My opinion is still the same. We must have new Qin groups to join, such as mountain people, Huns and more races, which may be regarded as hybrids. But it is indeed a new one. The problem to be solved." Shang Wen said seriously. There is a serious national sentiment in Qin that affects Qin’s policy decisions. Shangwen’s idea is correct. Qin must maintain his development attitude, absorb good civilization, and attract elites to join Qin’s political circle. That’s the only way. Qin State had greater vitality to do so, but some people in Qin State opposed it, such as Feng Quji, and even people like Li Si came out to openly oppose Shangwen's policy. He believes that only the old Qin people are the people of the Qin country, and the new Qin people who join from outside are definitely not the people of the Qin country. Qin should reject them. The Qin country can do this without them. This was a speech that split the State of Qin. In this regard, King Qin had warned otherwise they would launch inflammatory offensive remarks in such public occasions. This reluctantly suppressed the situation, but let Shangwen continue to do so, obviously it was not in line with the interests of Qin.

"I don't want you to do something like this. Such a thing is extremely detrimental to us. I think you should understand this. It is not good for your political career and other things. Seriously, I I don't want you to have such thoughts." Meng Yi persuaded Shangwen, and Shangwen has expressed this view more than once. This made Meng Yi feel very worried, and he worried that Shang Wen would definitely do this.

"Okay. But our policy still needs to solve this problem. The plan of the War Department is still relatively good. We can help them implement it. For example, we can develop eastward and build a series of railways there first. In this case, Qin China has a navy outlet to the sea in order to form a consistent cooperation with the navy." Shang Wen said.

"To the west? What to do to the west?" Meng Yi asked Shangwen.

"Building oil pipelines to ensure our safety and allowing oil businessmen to invest, they may consider such a plan." Shang Wen said.

"I think there are difficulties." Meng Yi said, shaking his head. Because a new oil transmission road is under construction, this is the branch line of Dawan Railway No. 2 Railway. They will directly build the railway there. Compared with the two passages, apart from the use of new technologies, the northern passage seems to have nothing to impress the oil merchants of the Qin State to achieve such a project. For example, the cost of the northern oil passage More, because his length is very long, most of it passes through no man's land, so the cost will be very amazing. On the other side, there is a lack of development value, because the infrastructure is extremely weak, and no one wants to do such a thing. As for Dawan, there is a large population of people along the way, and the construction of the railway is of great significance because it can lead to greater trade development. This is what Qin State most hopes to see.

"Yeah. I know. But it can only be done." Shang Wen said helplessly. Financial funds are becoming less and less, and Qin has too many things to do. A few railways can consume most of Qin's funds. This made the Prime Minister's Office unable to come up with a better solution to solve the problem.

The border area of ​​the Yue family of Qin State.

"Stop. If you don't stop, you will shoot." A border patrolman shouted loudly. But the Yue clan didn't mean to stop, he kept running.

"Bang. Bang." The patrol officer shot decisively, very helpless. After all, he wanted to catch alive, but he could only kill the opponent from behind.

"Da da da." A mounted policeman came over on horseback, and he walked around the body of the Yueshi twice and shook his head.

"Dead. The bullet directly hit the opponent's heart and lungs. Your marksmanship is really accurate." The mounted police dismounted and said.

"I can't help it. These guys don't listen to your orders. Sometimes they will shoot at you. They are really a bunch of lunatics." The policeman shook his head and said. The blood of the Yue clan came out, and the mounted police searched the Yue clan for a large bundle of Qin State banknotes. And there is a team of horses in the back, all of them are elegant.

"These elegant film dealers are crazy for money," the policeman said.

"It's better for us to be more careful. In the future, it is best not to keep alive and kill them directly. One of my brothers was killed in this way. Did you see it?" At this time, the mounted police searched out a .45 caliber pistol. , This kind of pistol is very powerful, if it is hit at close range, it is difficult to save life. This is a deadly weapon.

"Damn it. They did such a thing for some pornographic films." The patrolman said. This is a routine border patrol. They found the Yueshi people in the border area. They entered Qin with a large number of Yapians. They could not enter through normal channels because the Qin police strictly investigated and dealt with Yapians. The film was officially registered as a drug, and it was one of the drugs banned by the State of Qin. Qin State's inspections were unprecedented in scale and even the army used it. The military is mobilizing a large number of military dogs into the area. Because the problem with Yapian is very serious here.

Yapian is extremely profitable, which makes the people of Yue family crazy. This is the only product that can make money from Qin. The more people of Qin state object, the more they smuggle crazily and dump a lot of Yapian. The State of Qin, and the State of Qin constantly mobilizes troops to join the ranks of anti-drugs.

In response to this, armed confrontation began to escalate. The Yues were equipped with a large number of weapons, even light artillery and machine guns. This allowed the violent confrontation to escalate continuously.

Inside Wang Ben's headquarters.

"Sir, what do these people do?" his chief of staff said while looking at his officer. Because of drug control, their border soldiers lost more than 57 people, and more than 80 people were injured. Some of them will never be able to return to their posts. This made Wang Ben very annoyed. Because they will not encounter such problems even in combat.

The Yapian trade and Qin’s anti-drug behavior escalated the violence, and his soldiers suffered a lot. This has never been before.

"Damn it. Shoot, no, beheaded, chop off their heads and hang them on the border. I want those **** Yue people to see what price they are going to pay for their actions." Wang Benji Speaking angrily.

"Sir. Calm down. Should we ask for instructions, or should we go deeper to fight in the territory of Yueshi? After all, they have caused a lot of pressure on us. And at this time, they have to make arrangements on a large scale. If necessary, we should also deploy a large number of landmines in the border area to prevent the enemy from entering our area further." The Chief of Staff proposed.

Facing more and more complex, more and more violent. This had to make the Qin military consider another way to resolve such contradictions, which is to use a large number of minefields to block the area, but this requires permission from their orders.

"I have such authority to solve such problems. For those Yueshi people, we must take some decisive and severe measures. Otherwise, they will continue to take measures to suppress us. We can no longer bear it." Wang Ben was extremely annoyed. Speaking of. He can't control himself now. He wished he would cut off the heads of the Yueshi who killed his soldiers on the battlefield himself.

The Chief of Staff reluctantly recorded that all the Yueshi people who were arrested for carrying drugs of Yapian were to be executed. This is the order.

Qin State, Xianyang.

"The people of Yueshi kept protesting against our arrests. They believed that this was an injury to the rights of Yueshi's life and property." A security official said to Wei Liao.

"Haha. A joke. Are they not anymore?" Wei Liao said extremely annoyed.

"They smuggled Yapian, drugs, poisoning us Qin people, and now they have their own reasons, it is the biggest joke." Wei Liao said angrily. The Yue people kept challenging the bottom line of the Qin State. They kept protesting, and such protests would happen every day, as if they were uncomfortable if they did not protest. The most serious thing was that the anti-drug war on the border escalated further. The casualties are high. However, the Qin Army could not enter the territory of the Yueshi. That would cause even greater conflict between the two countries, and Wei Liao tried his best to avoid such a thing.

"Sir, Wang Ben hopes to put a certain mine area at the border to block the roads of the Yueshi smuggling Yapian." A security official said.

"What I am worried about is that this will greatly stimulate the nervous system of the Yueshi people. They may be extremely detrimental to us. Therefore, my thinking is whether we stop this kind of thing." The official said.

"No. Don't stop, let them arrange a large number of minefields. At the same time, I allow small groups of commandos to enter the territory of Yueshi to take military actions." Wei Liao ordered at this time.

"This. Sir, this will cause a large-scale war. We are not ready yet, if the Yueshi people take measures at this time." The security official said worriedly. Because they didn't even recall the ambassador to Yueshi, they launched such a huge military operation all at once. This will make Yueshi people very unhappy.

"Just by doing this, we can suppress the Yueshi people by being tough. Otherwise, they will pose a great threat to us. Therefore, what we have to do is to suppress them as much as possible, and we must not let them. Feel our patience." Wei Liao said solemnly. Then Wei Liao approved such a military operation. This means that the State of Qin will adopt an active defensive strategy against Yue’s smuggling of drugs. This is of great help to the Qin army’s anti-drug operations. However, how much help will this have and how much impact will it have? , No one knows. Because no one knows what kind of results such a thing will lead to, whether the Yue people will compromise, or in other words, face Qin's powerful counterattack. Do they consider choosing to compromise? After all, their behavior has been opposed by the State of Qin, and they do not have the strength to deal with such an attack by the State of Qin.

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