The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 3368: Yueshi people's dynamics are unknown

Xinzheng, South Korea.

"The senior generals of Zhanpu are very crazy. They executed the Zhanpu royal family." Han Shu shook his head and handed a telegram report to Zhang Liang. After all, Han Shu was also the royal family and saw the fate of the Zhanpu royal family. It is easy for her to think of her own situation. If she does the same to her own people, what will happen? Maybe she will meet the same fate.

"The corpses have been found. More than two hundred people, nearly three hundred people, were shot behind the scenes. Some were shot to death indiscriminately. This is what we found based on the description of senior generals in Zhanpu." Han Shu Then talked about.

"My lord, I think what we should pay attention to is the development of the situation in Bangla and the Champa. If we need to effectively control the Champa, we need the support of these generals because they still have a great influence in the army. If we rush to hold them accountable, the situation in Zhanpu will change greatly. After all, the biggest enemy is not the Zhanpu people, and it’s not that the Zhanpu people are our greatest enemy, our enemy. Yes, the Indians, they are our goal." Zhang Liang said. Although the entire territory of Zhanpu has not yet been recovered, the Koreans have stepped into the affairs of Zhanpu. The most important thing at the moment is to restore the old borders of Zhanpu, even if it is understandable to reach a settlement with the Indians, after all, they still have a lot to do. This is what they are doing now.

"I understand this, but the question is, how do we expel those Indians?" Han Shu said. Han Shu doesn’t think highly of the combat effectiveness of Mengla. He generally believes that the combat effectiveness of the soldiers of the Mengla Legion is a little bit higher than that of the Indians, and their logistical supplies are better. This gives them some fighting power to go on.

"My lord, those Champus, those Champu generals, if we can arrange for them some Mengla, the Champu army to launch an offensive, then we can let them fight. As long as we take the Indians Expulsion, all problems are not a problem. In exchange, we will give them a certain number of seats in the parliament. Only those who have military exploits can give them more power to be recognized by the parliament. In this case , Can stimulate more Zhanpu generals to actively participate in the enthusiasm of fighting." Zhang Liang suggested.

"Sounds good, very tempting." Han Shu said with a smile. Only by repelling the occupation of the Indians can they completely occupy Zhanpu and the Zhanpu can become a state or a state of Bangla. This is the prerequisite for Han Shu to establish a series of colonies. The Koreans need to establish More colonies, but these colonies have taboos. Although the Qin people did not control Indy, South Korea could penetrate there.

"In other words, now we have to re-arm the Zhanpu people and re-establish the Zhanpu army?" Han Shu asked Zhang Liang at this time.

"Yes, Lord, only in this way can we completely solve all the problems." Zhang Liang nodded and agreed.

"Well. Yes, we did it. Let them proceed according to our plan. Now we have to officially launch our battle plan, but we have to make them swear allegiance to the Queen of Korea. Only in this way can they understand, I It is their real royal family," Han Shu said firmly. The experience of the Zhanpu royal family made her very jealous, and a royal family was executed casually like that. It was an insult to him, because she was also a member of the royal family, and she absolutely didn't want to see such a thing happen.

In the temporary station of the Champa-Prussian army, the surrendered Champa-Prussian soldiers received a good meal improvement. Regardless, because they were hungry for a long time, they could only eat some small pancakes at first. At the same time, give them some soup or porridge, which is enough to make their stomachs feel more comfortable.

"Go over there to take a bath, shave, and change all these clothes." A South Korean military police sergeant shouted loudly. The surrendered Zhanpu soldiers had a lot of bacteria on their bodies. They were dirty. They didn’t even wash their hands for food. This could easily cause a large-scale spread of the plague. In order to control such a plague, the Korean military police must take some necessary measures. .

"Hurry up, say you." The military police sergeant shouted loudly, waving the stick in his hand. This made the military police very annoyed, because many Zhanpu soldiers didn't know what was going on, and they didn't understand what they were saying, so they seemed very dumb. The patience of the military police is also very limited. Fortunately, some soldiers cleverly pulled them to line up. This made the military police feel better.

Inside the officer's tent.

"Dylan. I'll go crazy staying here." A younger Zhanpu general said worriedly. They executed the royal family secretly, which made him very worried, because the Koreans seemed to take loyalty very seriously, and they killed their allegiance royal family like this. No one would agree to such a thing. In such a situation Down, it is impossible to survive. They are very worried about this. But Dylan, the general who proposed to execute the royal family, was not worried at all.

"It's so good here. There are tea to drink, and sugar is added to it. Our clothes are clean. It's much better than in a battlefield full of feces and sewage. We can still eat very well. There are small pancakes, but also Isn't it bad to have hot soup? Do you want to taste the **** human flesh again?" General Dylan looked at the other side and asked.

"No, I won't do it if I killed him." The young general immediately shook his head. Hearing such things, he felt that his appetite was completely damaged. They killed the prisoners of war and ate their meat, and their cooks tried to eliminate the smell of human flesh. They had to take some extraordinary measures, such as sprinkling a lot of salt, and that's it, they can still feel that it is human flesh, which is unappetizing human flesh. They are extremely annoyed about this, and now they are reluctant to eat meat, because **** meat always emits some special flavor. This makes them hallucinate that this is human flesh, not **** animal flesh.

"That's right. The Koreans will treat us preferentially. They need us to do something. The **** Indians did not leave. This is our opportunity. The Koreans want to occupy the entire Champa country, and they cannot rely on it. The yelling Mengla people outside come to do such things. If our army is full, they can't control us at all. Therefore, we still have the ability to do such things." General Dylan said. This is what he values. He knows that the Koreans are very ambitious. They have always been expanding. If it weren't for the Champus royal family, Champus would have become the second colonial state of Koreans. But now, they must play to their value. Only in this way can they make Koreans believe in them. In order to give them the corresponding social status, they are high-ranking generals and can control the army. They know what the soldiers of the army need, they need wealth, they need status, and they need to change the current situation because they are full.

"What will we do?" the young general asked.

"It's that simple to defeat the Indians, but I think the situation of the Indians is really not very good. They dig their positions like mice. This is the last situation I collected." General Dylan shook his head and said . For the tightly defensive Indian positions, he also felt that there was nothing to break through. They dug too many trenches.

Inside Zhang Ke's headquarters. The staff are nervously marking the Indian defense status based on the Zhanpu’s final reconnaissance report.

"Damn Indians, they have learned a lot from Yueshi people, and these are all learned from Qin people." The chief of staff shook his head and said to a staff officer. They initially established a model, which is a three-dimensional model of the Indian defensive positions. The model is clearly marked, which makes them extremely pessimistic.

The Indians dug three trenches. The trenches were two meters deep. The trenches were connected by traffic trenches. The trenches were jagged. There were a large number of barbed wire formations at important defensive points and offensive points, especially some commanding heights. There are also artillery arrangements. This is the result of Zhanpu's reconnaissance.

"I don't know that these **** Yue people taught them such a defensive position." Zhang Ke looked at the model and shook his head and said. The Yues did not teach the Indians how to attack, because they could not learn such complicated tactics and campaign actions. Their generals were very rigid, and the soldiers had no enthusiasm for combat. They were timid and afraid of death and afraid of taking responsibility. Under the circumstances, it is still difficult for them to exert strong combat effectiveness. Therefore, defensive warfare is in line with the Indians' best way of warfare, because they are too rigid. They hope that in a static war, perhaps the best way to stay in the trenches is their best way. The most important thing is that their organization can stay. Come down. Maintain the best condition, and the offensive task should be given to the Yueshi people, because they are good at running and can give full play to the advantages of huge mobile operations, and the Indians, once they let them run, the soldiers and officers will Seriously out of touch, their organization will be chaotic. For the Indian army, Mieyou is even worse than this.

And attacking such a tightly defensive fortress and defensive positions will cost the offensive troops a considerable price.

"Sir, we need heavy artillery. A lot of heavy artillery. Only in this way can we open the gap and allow the Indians to withdraw from the defensive position. However, in this case, we need to spend more than three months, because the heavy artillery needs rail to be transported. The above may not give them so much time." The chief of staff proposed his own plan. This is the best plan, but it is not the most suitable plan, because the above will not give them so much time, Bangla The government’s war bond sales are not very good. Bonds have begun to decline, and many lawmakers are already very dissatisfied. They need to repay their debts, and this debt problem must be resolved, otherwise, the financial funds of the Bangladeshi government will completely collapse, and they do not want the war to continue to be delayed.

"Time, the time given above is running out. Are there any other plans?" Zhang Ke asked at this time. He was also very dissatisfied with this plan, but it was easy to solve as long as the decision was made.

"This. The rest of the plan is to organize the Zhanpu people in, so that they can form a real Zhanpu army, but there are some actions that let them do cannon fodder, such a move will make us. Extremely. Passive," the chief of staff said.

"In other words, many people died, right?" Zhang Ke turned his head and asked his chief of staff.

"Yes, sir. Many people died. Such a defensive line would cause many deaths in barbed wire fences, like Donglin defensive positions. Although they are Indians, we cannot ignore the improvement of their combat capabilities. This is a huge disaster for us. We." The Chief of Staff said helplessly.

"Oh. I see. I also know our current situation very well. But doing so will cost our soldiers a very heavy price, which may be very unfair to our soldiers." The Chief of Staff is cautious. Speaking of.

"I know. But this is a war. We need to end the war. We have to consider not only military factors, but also political factors. We have a large number of Occupy soldiers, fire them and let them fight. We will get approval. Yes." Zhang Ke said.

"This." The chief of staff reluctantly recorded such an order. This is simply the worst order for them. Because it means that they will spend a lot of their lives to win that piece of meaningless position.

Indy defensive positions.

"Dig, dig. The Indians are digging like mice. They seem to be voles by nature. They dug three trenches, and relying on their familiarity with hoes, they desperately dug three trenches, despite these They saw the shadows of some Zhanpu scouts nervously, but so far, they have not seen a Zhanpu soldier digging a trench in front of them. What happened to the Zhanpu people? We don’t know at all. .Because the **** Indians refuse to organize even one armed reconnaissance. They think that organizing such reconnaissance is a waste of soldiers’ lives. But now they are desperately wasting soldiers’ physical strength. They keep letting soldiers dig and dig. , To dig more trenches, fortunately, the people of Yueshi taught them how to dig better trenches. Otherwise, they would dig out all the land." Fan Wen wrote in his diary.

They did not see an enemy, which is the neurological function of the Indians. The crazy counterattack of the Zhanpu people made them extremely timid. Soldiers refuse to expose themselves to accidental places in the pit, so that they can guarantee their lives to the utmost extent. This is for them. Simply the best thing. They believe that living in a trench is the best and safest place. After being compressed by the Champus, the Indian army and their logistics supply lines shortened a great distance, and they only entered a hundred kilometers in the territory of Champus, and a preliminary railway was 50 kilometers behind them. A large amount of materials can be transported here by ox carts and horse carts. They had no logistical pressure, artillery was also transported up, and their defensive positions were unprecedentedly strengthened, but there was no enemy in front of them. Their officers were also very curious. What are they guarding against? Are they fighting? It seems that the war is not like this. What a strange war.

Western Regions, Wang Ben's headquarters.

"I said, I will definitely agree. We will set up a large number of minefields on the border, and at the same time we will step up the selection of our commandos so that they can adapt to fighting in airships. We must go deep 100 to 150 kilometers behind them. In the position of the drug dealers, we will take extremely severe blows to the drug dealers. If the bombs are dropped very accurately, I will definitely blow them up with a bombing airship." Wang Ben looked at the map excitedly and said. But his staff did not agree with this idea, because doing so would be too risky. After all, using commandos to fight in airships, and then sending them back, the commandos who go deep behind enemy lines are very dangerous. It's the enemy's situation. The border is also closed. It is hard to believe that their soldiers will fight in such a combat environment.

What worries the staff most is intelligence. Their intelligence can't keep up at all, they can only know some general information, but they don't know anything about the 100 to 150 kilometers. The only situation known. Under such circumstances, the war was rushed. The staff is still unwilling to stimulate this matter too much. But what Wang Ben wanted was revenge, a kind of pleasure after revenge. For the rest, it was their business.

Ministry of Defense. Wei Liao's office.

"We should suggest that the Prime Minister's Mansion withdraw our ambassador. Otherwise, there will be security problems." Wei Liao said after carefully reading the telegram.

The actions of the Yueshi people were a little weird. They withdrew all the Yueshi troops from the Indian side. In this case, their military strength will be highly concentrated, and the Qin State is completely unclear about the next move of the Yue people, whether they report to the local people or are disadvantageous to the Qin people. These are all possible, Qin Guo too lacks sufficient intelligence support. Qin State can only conduct high-altitude reconnaissance at most, and knows nothing about other things. This made Wei Liao feel very at a loss. What they have to do now is to ensure their own safety as much as possible. Wei Liao is a little worried that the military actions of the Qin army may excessively stimulate the Yue people. This forced him to temporarily suspend the military operations of the Qin army.

"Sir, do the people of Yue really dare to do this?" a security consultant asked worriedly.

"I don't know. Anyway, they have their own military operations. The only thing we can do is to make them beneficial to the State of Qin. This is what we have to do." Wei Liao said.

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