In the Bangla parliament, the members are resting, but they always gather in twos and threes to discuss some things, for example, they are going to discuss the war in the north.

"Banks have already eaten up a lot of bonds. Bonds can no longer be sold. The people of Bangla hope to cash out their bonds. This is my personal opinion, but it is a fact," said a South Korean congressman. Relying on the economic pull of war. The economic development of Bangladesh is quite good. For example, a large number of military uniforms, combat cups, various weapons and ammunition, transportation, etc., have strongly stimulated the economic development of Bangladesh, but such development still has. There is a certain problem, that is, this is fully driven by government fiscal expenditures. This will not last long. Because the government is already burdened with too much bond pressure. If the economy continues to develop like this, it will eventually have a great impact on the economy.

"I know, therefore, we must try our best to turn the economy into a benign economic track, for example, trade with the northern Indians, or trade with other regions. We have a railway, and our products can be Sell ​​directly to India, Yueshi and other places. This will have great development potential for us. And we can open up more markets." Another South Korean lawmaker said.

"The question is, can war solve this kind of problem? Also, can we make a smooth transition in this way, do we hope to go in such a situation?" asked the opposite South Korean congressman. The congressman just shook his head. He felt that their South Korea should be able to reach such a situation. After all, they are responsible for Bangla's economy, and what they have to do is such a thing.

north. The garrison of the Champa Army, those who surrendered, were reorganized, and then they were reorganized according to the organization of the Korean Army. The Occupy Prussian Army is formally organized. The Bangla Army is still the Bangla Army, and Zhang Ke becomes the supreme commander. He will have two legions in his hands. His combat group is called the northern combat group. Because he has two legions in his hand, with more than 150,000 troops. The Occupy Prussian army has more than 100,000 people, but their weapons and equipment are still lacking.

"You two, five bullets, look at those who lack rifles. After they lose their combat effectiveness, you just want to get their rifles and continue fighting, understand?" a South Korean military police shouted loudly. The Zhanpu soldiers lined up to receive their weapons, but they were very disappointed. Every three people had a rifle and a bayonet. Fifteen rounds of bullets, no one can bullet, their clothes are brand new, in addition to these, there are iron tableware, spoons. They are not used to chopsticks, and chopsticks are very unsuitable for them. If the fight is officially opened, they will also get two pieces of candy. That is something they like very much, but it will never let them get it easily.

"Oops. General Dylan." The young officer was awarded the rank of colonel. He has three thousand men, but the whole regiment has only one thousand rifles, maybe less than one thousand rifles.

"It's already pretty good." General Dylan took a mouthful of Yapian. This kind of thing is illegal in Qin. It is an illegal drug. But here, it is a very good psychotropic drug. General Dylan likes this thing very much, he has his ingenuity, but he is just a major general. The highest in the Occupy Prussian Army is a lieutenant general. He is only one of twelve major generals.

"Very good?" the colonel asked dissatisfiedly.

"Yes, very good. One of my regiments is also equipped with shovels. They are all engineering units. I myself doubt whether they can exert their combat effectiveness. But the Koreans obviously want us to do some big things. The infantry division has moved to the front line. We are going to act. Don't complain. After the success of this battle, our position will be preserved." Major General Dylan said. The Koreans were successful in their reorganization, which allowed them to clarify their combat forces and combat missions. Many middle- and lower-level officers have been clearly appointed, such as some brave soldiers and some experienced veterans. They are all appointed as middle- and lower-level officers. Although some are still sergeants, their status is obviously different. But these are things that General Dylan can't control. He believes that the Koreans did not equip them with complete weapons and might consume them like artillery fire. But this is not something he wants to avoid. On the contrary, he has to do it actively because it can consolidate their position. There is no benefit to rebellion anymore. Neither Indians nor Koreans will accept a person who rebels twice. This is their destiny, and he has accepted such an arrangement. But how many people will die in this war is no longer their concern.

On the edge of the Suez Canal. A large number of young and middle-aged labors in Aiji have been invested here. There are already more than 10,000 people here, and there is a steady stream of labor that is constantly investing in them.

"Bah." The sound of whips, sticks, and screams of beatings continued to come, but they still couldn't cover up the busy sound of the construction site.

"If it is built like this, the canal will not be able to be dug in a hundred years." An engineer shook his head and said. For those who love a few, they have tried their best. First of all, there is not enough labor here. Engineers have calculated that they need a labor force of at least one million people, and only then can the palace be within three or five years. Because they want to widen the canal completely, that kind of flat-bottomed boat can no longer adapt to the strategic value of this canal. They must be able to pass South Korea’s large ships of 1,000 tons. Or a larger ship. In this case, the engineering volume is extremely huge.

Secondly, the amount of work continues to increase because they overestimated the condition of the previous Suez Canal. Many places have been blocked, and some have been completely rebuilt. In this case, the amount of work continues to increase.

Finally, the progress of the project is very unsatisfactory. More than 10,000 people love a few people, and they are constantly being beaten harshly. Many lovers continue to run away. The result can be imagined.

"We have no choice. The above has done our best to give us more people. But these people are still running away. Or they are killed. Two to five hundred people are burned every day. This is difficult. It is difficult. Go on." His assistant said, shaking his head.

The Koreans squeeze the labor force of those who love them as much as possible, in order to prevent them from escaping. I love a few people who work more than 16 hours a day, and sometimes they will be forced to work more than 20 hours. Many people are exhausted by the workers on the construction site. Some will be fortunately dragged out, and some It is directly filled up. High working pressure. High-intensity work makes many lovers unbearable. In this case, it will affect the progress of the project.

"The population is too small. The degree of engineering is too great. Such a thing can't be done at all." The engineer shook his head and said. The Koreans want to develop the Suez Canal, which is very difficult for them.

Qin State, Xianyang.

Inside the prime minister's house. Shang Wen nodded in agreement after reading Wei Liao's report.

"The safety of our people is very important. We can make them retreat. If necessary, we can make them retreat as soon as possible." Shang Wen said.

"We have done this. But the problem is that we have not understood the dynamics of the Yue people. According to the records of our embassy, ​​after the Yue people and the Indians jointly sent troops to disagree, the Yue people began to withdraw. Their forces have been regrouped until recently. It’s just that we don’t know where their specific forces are deployed, because most of their forces cannot be detected. Our embassy also doesn’t know about them. What direction did you go?" Meng Yi reported.

"Our speculation is that if they gather a large number of troops on the northern border, based on our current strength, we can only reluctantly defend." Meng Yi said to Shangwen nervously. Shang Wen frowned when he heard this. It's not that the people of Yueshi dare not do it, but they dare too much. In fact, Yueshi could fight a war with the people of Qin even by mobilizing all the national power. The current state of Qin State is really not suitable for such a battle. The reason is that they have weakened their army too much. At the same time, the financial expenditure is seriously insufficient in the military expenditure. They have also inclined a large amount of expenditure on the expedition. In this way, the Qin army may only be able to reluctantly conduct defensive operations.

"This, we should expand the scope of the minefields in order to strengthen the control over them as much as possible. At the same time, we should unite with other countries. Or the Tocharian side should participate in this military operation. After all, they may also lose. Other countries’ interests.” Shang Wen thought for a while and said. Shangwen felt that they should try their best not to stimulate the nerves of the Yue people before the war, because no one knew what they would do.

"If we do this, does it mean that we have compromised and retreated to them?" Meng Yi asked Shangwen.

"No. I think it's a strategy. It's just a strategy." Shang Wen said, shaking his head. Meng Yi nodded and said immediately.

The Ministry of the Navy of the State of Qin.

"According to our latest telegram, there will be a large territory and a lot of land, but from the north to the location where they established their base, most of them are virgin forests, the climate is relatively cold, and it is not suitable for human habitation. And where we are, the climate is better, but it is a mountainous area. We need to have a water purification device. To the south, there are people living there and the locals are very hospitable. But the civilization is backward. If we develop it. I think We still lack a lot of time. Money. It seems difficult to attract investment.” The Navy Deputy said worriedly.

Said the Secretary of the Navy. In order to get rid of such land, they must find a suitable developer to do such a thing. But they are the military department and don't know how to do such a thing at all.

"The attraction is very low. If you know that it is far away from our place, I can hardly imagine that more people are willing to leave everything here and go there. There is nothing there. The difficulty of development is quite large." The Secretary of the Navy shook his head and said.

"Yes, sir, we must figure out a way to solve such a problem. Otherwise, our affairs will be difficult to solve." said the navy deputy.

"Solution. How to solve it? No one is willing to accept such a thing, there needs to be population. But the salary level in the Guanzhong area of ​​Qin State is quite high, and there is no need for them to immigrate at all. This is a difficult thing for us. , We are going to fight, but the expedition has given us a lot of trouble." The Secretary of the Navy said helplessly.

"Leave it to the Prime Minister's Mansion to solve such problems. After all, we are only a military department." The Secretary of the Navy referred all the problems to the Prime Minister's Mansion. This was originally their business.

Chu State Wuyue Naval Research Institute. The final battleship was directly finalized.

"This kind of warship should have a new category, which is different from the name of Qi's small warship." An engineer said seriously. After a series of efforts, the battleship designers of Chu State squeezed their brain cells to the extreme, and they finally came up with some good things.

"Destroy. How about destroyers? We can destroy those frigates, and they can guard the vicinity of large warships, we can destroy small targets, and we are equipped with torpedoes. I think this is a very lethal weapon. This will be of great significance to us." A young man put forward this idea and said.

"Destroyer?" an elderly engineer asked everyone. Everyone did not speak, they thought that a more mighty name should be given, or mighty ship. But such a name is better for the naming of a warship, and it may not be too good to be classified as a class of warships.

"Okay. It's the destroyer. In this case, we can create a new series of battleships." The old engineer nodded and agreed. The others breathed a sigh of relief. They are really not interested in naming destroyers. They are interested in building warships so that they can come up with a good plan. They can do this. The name is not theirs. Good things.

"It's just. The construction or transformation process of this kind of warship is still quite troublesome. We only need to master some key technologies to solve the problem. But for construction, I think we should give it to some civilian factories to build it. After all, There are still a lot of orders in the military factory. Especially for merchant ships." The young man continued.

The others nodded. In contrast, the profitability of building warships is not very high. Especially this kind of small warships, because the customers who buy small warships are generally unique groups, such as small countries, or pirate groups, and they strictly suppress funding. They always think that those shipyards have made a lot of their expenses.

In some countries, the research laboratories only make plans. After taking part of the research fees, they no longer participate in specific projects. Because they won't make much money for the next construction. This also explains why South Koreans are not interested in Koguryo's military orders and commercial orders. The reason is that they can't pay much, and the shipyard can only get some hard money. Low profits will only make them hope for such orders.

"This is a good idea. We only need to sell some weapons for the expense. Others are not something we can consider." A navy officer agreed. The building of destroyers should be handed over to civilian factories. They are large in scale. If all countries can see that there is a corresponding profit, they will do such a thing.

The eastern sea area of ​​the Korean peninsula can directly lead to the northern area, where there is a coal export port. The demand for goods there is relatively high. They are passing there.

The Changbaishan frigate, they circled around the merchant ship, and the speed of the frigate was higher than the speed of the merchant ship. After all, the merchant ship had a large amount of cargo, and their speed could not go away. Such a merchant ship still needed to be escorted. In the past, merchant fleets like them would definitely be intercepted by pirates.

"Captain, at six o'clock. Two unknown ships are approaching us." In the command cabin of the captain. A naval officer reported nervously.

The captain immediately picked up the telescope in his hand and looked over. Two unknown ships are approaching quickly.

"No need to look. It must be a pirate ship. Merchant ships will not do this, and they do not have such a fast speed. If it is a merchant ship seeking protection, their speed will definitely not be so fast. When you look at it, you know that they are. What kind of ship?" The Qi State Naval Advisor on the side shook his head and said.

The pirates obviously did not see the warship, perhaps they did not see the warship in their eyes. They even rushed over directly, which disappointed the naval advisers, because it was better for them to take some necessary cover-up tactics, but they obviously did not do so.

"Enter the fighting state, hurry up." The captain immediately issued a battle order. The alarm was overwhelming for a time. All navy personnel quickly entered combat positions.

"I advise you to hide and wait until they get close. Give them a fatal blow. In this case, you are in an extremely advantageous state, and the pirates are obviously not aware of this." Suggested.

"What do you mean?" Captain Goguryeo asked curiously.

"My idea is this. They have their own advantages. Even if they are equipped with old artillery, they can still pose a great threat to us because of their large caliber. But the rate of fire is not as good as ours, and we Their artillery must use armor-piercing shells to pose a great threat to them. In terms of range, we are not as good as each other. Therefore, we are close. Let them relax, give them a hard shot, let them know that we are powerful Now," said the navy adviser.

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