The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 3370: The bold actions of the Yueshi people

Chu State, Wu Yue Naval Research Laboratory, the torpedo team got some preliminary information. In a few days, the Korean torpedoes will be transferred, and then they will know how fast the Korean technology is developing.

"Team leader, based on our analysis of the data, it seems that the Koreans have not made great improvements to the torpedo." A young man said with the data.

"They only slightly improved some engines. The performance of the engine has increased a lot, but the range cannot be changed much. At the same time, they added a gyroscope so that the torpedo can keep shooting in a straight line, but because it uses compressed gas. The propeller advances. Therefore, the range of the torpedo is still difficult to hide from its own track," the young man said.

"Korean people’s research is much faster than ours. They have their own methods, and how can they share some key areas of core technology with us. This is absolutely impossible. If you think about it, you will Do you do this? The most critical and core thing, will you share these things?" the group leader asked.

"This. No, definitely not, because this is a core technology that can bring great benefits, and this technology is extremely critical." The young man said.

"That's not right," the group leader said. Countries will protect some core technologies, and they will sell other technologies. For example, if you use gyroscopes, Koreans can use them, and Chu people can also use them. However, if you want to make them, you need to learn. The people of Chu are still lacking in processing it by themselves.

The Koreans themselves know that it is difficult to use this invention with only some superficial techniques. The only way is to develop a more powerful engine. The heat engine is the only first and best choice. Therefore, the Korean Navy decided to study heat engines, which will play a vital role in the development of torpedoes.

On the sea east of the Korean Peninsula, the Koguryo frigate surrounded a pirate ship and kept shooting. The pirate ships had no power to fight back. Their artillery had a large caliber, but they needed to be close to shoot. With its accelerated speed and swift firepower, the frigate suddenly attacked from the merchant fleet and quickly sank a pirate ship. Another pirate ship fired indiscriminately in a hurry. He was severely injured by the opponent.

"Surrender. Quickly surrender." The pirate ship has lost its momentum. Their boiler was punctured. Because the other party uses armor-piercing bullets, which are very expensive, the Goguryeo people actually use armor-piercing bullets against them. The pirate ship that lost its power forced them to surrender.

"Damn. It's really bad luck, I actually encountered a warship. This ship is not big, and it can shoot at us." The surrendered pirate felt very aggrieved, but fortunately they were from the Qi country. Relying on the identity of Qi people can also allow them to maintain some personal safety. No matter it is the criminals of Qi, the pirates, or Goguryeo, they do not have the right to try the other party alone. If Goguryeo does this openly, the consequences will be very serious. This may provoke a war between the two countries.

The Goguryeo Navy had to salvage them one by one. They have already won a naval battle. The most important thing is that this is a very important experience. Many Goguryeo navy faces are very excited.

"This naval battle is of great significance to the Koguryo navy, but it is not good news for the pirates." said a Qi State navy consultant.

In the northern part of Champu, the Champa Army and the Bangla Army arrived here, and they called it the northern cluster. South Korea asked the Indians to withdraw from the occupied northern part of Champu. The Indians refused to answer. This makes the Koreans very annoyed.

"It's digging a trench again. It's really annoying." A Zhanpu veteran said with dissatisfaction naked. They needed to build fortifications, and the Indians finally saw their enemy. Zhanpu people and Mengla people. The first thing they did when they came here was to build their own fortifications, but in the eyes of the Zhanpu veterans, this was purely redundant.

"We can attack directly, those Indians, it is difficult to beat us, we rushed directly, they will not even pull the trigger of the gun." Said the Zhanpu veteran.

"Just blow it up. If the Indians were really good at fighting like this, how could you lose so much land." A Bangla soldier said suspiciously.

"That's because we didn't have enough to eat. We were fought by the flesh of the Indians when we were fighting. Therefore, they are inherently afraid of us." The Zhanpu veteran said dissatisfied. Hearing this, many Zhanpu people stopped their work. Regarding their rations, many Zhanpu veterans were reluctant to talk about it, because this was a topic they thought was extremely disgraceful. They looked at the Ma Meng La people with a strange look. The Mengla and Zhanpu people are mixed together, although the Korean orders are to teach them how to operate some new weapons, as well as tactics, in fact, they also have the role of surveillance. But after all, there is a big difference between the two sides. Once there is a special identification behavior, they will definitely give the other side a moment without mercy.

"Yeah. Speaking of military rations, our food will improve very well. I heard that today there will be canned fish, which tastes delicious. And there are sweets." The soldiers in Mengla saw that the situation was not good. Some strategies were immediately changed.

"Fruit candy?" asked the Zhanpu veteran. Their weapons and equipment are relatively poor. This caused dissatisfaction among the veterans of Zhanpu, mainly due to the serious shortage of numbers. Many soldiers can only fight with shovels or wooden sticks. Bangla soldiers are better equipped. This makes the Zhanpu veterans feel very dissatisfied, but they are just dissatisfied.

"Yes, fruit candy will provide us with more canned fruits. It is sweet and delicious." Mengla said.

"This is pretty much the same, otherwise, we would never fight such a war. This is very unfair to us." Zhanpu said. The reason why the Zhanpu people are effective is that they can fill their stomachs with the Koreans. Their officers have repeatedly expressed this and said that they will never have this kind of experience in the future. This stabilized the Zhanpu soldiers, because the hungry situation made them remember deeply. The Koreans have indeed achieved this.

The advantage of commercial logistics is that as long as the government has enough money, they can adequately guarantee the military's logistics. The Champus desperately repaired the roads, and the Koreans used these roads to ensure the food supply of the two legions, biscuits, crepes, porridge, in addition to a variety of canned fruits, canned meat, and a variety of foods. It makes Zhanpu people feel very satisfied, which also greatly reduces their rebellious heart.

But war is definitely not as simple as doing a good job of logistics. The key is to launch an offensive. This is something that senior commanders have to consider.

"We want to make a breakthrough in this area. A breakthrough in two points. Launch a pincer attack from the two wings on the battlefield. In this way, we can completely solve the Indians on the battlefield. Wait until our attack is launched. At some point, they will find out what kind of state we will create for them." Zhang Ke said.

The Koreans never launch a pincer attack on the two wings or on the battlefield. Because Koreans think this is an adventure. Such an offensive is not as fast as an offensive from the front, but in that case, only a defeat operation can be achieved, not a siege. In fact, the Koreans have never fought a war of siege and annihilation. In their opinion, they are not yet comfortable with this kind of warfare.

But the government of Bangla, and the Queen's order made them have to do this.

"Sir, it may not be appropriate for us to do this." A staff officer opposed this plan, because the Koreans had never fought such a war. But their chief executive approved such a plan.

"There is nothing inappropriate. This is essential to solve the Zhanpu issue as soon as possible and maintain our interests in the region. There is nothing more important than this." The other party said. The staff under his staff were also embarrassed to object. Because Zhang Ke is not like a soldier, he considers the issues very complicated. Half of them are for political purposes and half are for military purposes. But the problem is that every time he gives way to politics because politics comes first.

In this way, the Koreans used a combat plan that they were not very good at. They had never fought before. This would make their combat organization procrastinate, or severely distance themselves from combat.

Opposite the Indians on the ground. The Indians are operating their new weapon, a water-cooled machine gun, and they have imported about fifty such water-cooled machine guns from the Yueshi. As for the reason. Fan Wen himself is not clear.

"I don’t know why the people of the Yue family are so kind, because the people of the Yue family have never provided them with such weapons. Nor have they ever requested such weapons from the Indians. But weapons such as water-cooled machine guns are very helpful to the Indians in defense. In other words, it will play a major role. His impact on the infantry front will have extremely serious consequences." Fan Wen wrote in his diary.

He didn't know why the Yueshi suddenly provided the Indians with so many machine guns, fifty, and the number was still relatively large. In order to prevent the Zhanpu people in the south, the Indians used a large number of machine guns here. But the way of arrangement made Fan Wen feel very annoyed, because they were evenly distributed on the battlefield, in this case, it would greatly reduce their firepower.

But this is good enough. Because they were equipped with machine guns, the Qin people knew better than them how useful the machine guns could be. He can defeat a large-scale attack. This may be their secret weapon.

Qin State, Xianyang.

"Our ambassador to the Yueshi has been ordered to be recalled. No military action has been taken at the border, but some minefields have been set up on a large scale. The Yueshi seriously protested to us, and then there was no further action." Meng Yi Reported to Shangwen.

"There is another thing. It seems that the relationship between the Yueshi and the Indians has eased. The Yueshi exported a batch of water-cooled machine guns to the Indians, although many of these water-cooled machine guns were purchased from us. Machine guns, and some of them have imitated them. The performance of this machine gun is far inferior to the second mobile phone gun we provided to them. However, the way we do this makes us very puzzled." Meng Yi asked suspiciously. He didn't know why the Yueshi people did this.

"Perhaps Yueshi people have some major actions, which is very abnormal." Shang Wen will not explain this problem according to normal thoughts. His thought is that this problem will be very abnormal. Because behind the normal are some conspiracies.

"I think so too. But what is their goal?" Meng Yi asked Shangwen in confusion.

"It may be some of the goals of the Indians. These are places that we don't pay much attention to. Therefore, we should not pay attention to these." Shang Wen said, shaking his head. In fact, he doesn't understand what the Yueshi people really want to do. Will they really take some military actions to solve this problem? Shang Wen asked inexplicably.

Indi, near the Arabian Sea, there is a state here named Maharashtra. In fact, his name is longer, but Koreans habitually abandon the following text translation, because it is extremely cumbersome and confusing. So they only took the first three words, so that they can be translated very well.

Half of this city-state is occupied by the Koreans, while the other half is controlled by the Indians. This is the main port city-state imported by the Indian government for a large amount of trade. There is an island nearby. The local people call it very cumbersome. Koreans can’t remember the name, but they use their own name, Meng Island, because of his pronunciation. Meng who is close to the Central Plains dialect. Therefore, it is called Meng Island.

The area occupied by Koreans is not a very good harbor area. The Koreans wanted to exchange it several times, but because of the prestige of the people of Qin, it was difficult for them to do so. Because they need to take into account the Qin people's control of the Indians. In this regard, they have no alternative, so the only way is to watch the other party do this.

The trade of Mon Island is very developed. A lot of agricultural products are exported from here. Grain, sugar cane, and some minerals must be exported from here to Karachi, and then exchanged for some important materials they need, such as bullets, more explosives and so on. In this regard, the Indians also established a small-scale navy here. They are just offshore defense forces and do not have the capability of ocean warfare. Koreans can conduct business here, but they do not need to pay taxes, which is the privilege of Koreans. There are Indians, Maharans, Yueshi people, and Koreans. The culture here is very chaotic. In short, this is an open and chaotic. In an unordered, extremely chaotic, and dirty place, the local population has exceeded 200,000 due to the arrival of trade. This is a big city, and it may surpass the Korean-controlled Bangla in the future.

The northern border of Maharashtra is separated from the Yuezhi people by a simple border. The Indians just garrisoned a local infantry regiment here. They lack weapons and low combat effectiveness. This is only a symbolic meaning, which shows the trust of the Yue government of the Indian government.

"Get out of the way. Otherwise we'll kill you." The officer shouted loudly. This is a Captain Yue's. He took his company across the border. Although the order was very complicated or unintelligible, he resolutely carried out such an order. Enter Maharashtra. Occupy him. Once there is excessive behavior, you can retreat back. It was very contradictory, but it had to be ordered to act. There were three infantry divisions involved in this military operation. Most of them were from India and were very familiar with the Indians. They want to occupy the entire state of Maharashtra.

"We surrender, we surrender, don't kill us, don't kill us." The soldiers in Maharashtra, who are in charge of the border, felt very nervous when the Yuezhi arrived at their border, but the officer came by and said that you are the most When it was time to surrender, they chose to surrender without hesitation, and then they immediately knelt on the ground with their hands up, and they surrendered. The Yueshi crossed the border without firing a shot.

This is the purpose of the Yueshi people.

Since the Indians don't know what is good or bad, and they don't know where to protect themselves well, then the Yue people can only come by themselves. The Yueshi people must open their own trade gap. They must have their own outlets to the sea, and they want to sell Yapian to more places. This is a very profitable business, but they lack access to the sea. Only with the development of trade can they develop better. This is the last choice of Yueshi people. They withdrew a large number of troops, and then did things according to their own will, they decided to forcefully occupy the Indian state of Maharashtra.

In order to paralyze the Indians, the Yue people also specially drew fifty water-cooled machine guns. You must know that the Indian government used to be very weak in begging the other party to sell these weapons to themselves, but the result is that the Yue people think that the Indians People refuse to operate such weapons.

In order to paralyze the Indians and stated that they had no intention of doing anything against Maharashtra, they sold these expensive machine guns. The Indians really did not doubt, because if the Yue people did not do this, they would take some measures to suppress each other, or in other words, they would definitely not export such swift weapons to them, which would inevitably lead to their safety. A big threat, this is what the Indians think.

But now, everything has changed. The Yueshi blatantly invaded their state of Maharashtra.

In the eyes of the Yueshi people, they are just a group of part-time workers who get back the salary they ask for. That's it, it has no other meaning. Perhaps it means nothing excessive. This is how war is. They only make choices for their own benefit. For others, it is not something they should consider. The people of Yueshi took extremely bold actions. The Indians knew nothing about it.

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